Scenario of the new 2022-2023 rabbit for high school students, youth: contests, jokes, games, quizzes, lottery, entertainment, New Year's fairy tale, mini-scenes, wall newspaper

Scenario of the new 2022-2023 rabbit for high school students, youth: contests, jokes, games, quizzes, lottery, entertainment, New Year's fairy tale, mini-scenes, wall newspaper

Several options for the celebration of the new 2023 for high school students. Mini-scenes and contests, as well as a New Year's fairy tale, are offered.

New Year is an extraordinary holiday that not only children, but also adults await. It is necessary to pay special attention to the celebration of the New Year among adolescents. It is worth noting that the scenario of the holiday should be humorous and make the audience laugh.

New Year contests for high school students

It is not necessary to tie the scenario of the New Year holiday to the symbol of 2023 - Rabbit. But at the same time, you should not use tedious tales and well -known competitions. Teenagers adore musical cuts that make up a humorous scene.

Competition - mummy or New Year's gift

In this competition, couples from guys and girls are faster. The girls need to put on a hat of the Snow Maiden. At the same time, a roll of toilet paper needs to put into the hands of each participant. The girl should wrap her “gift” in the role of which the guy acts in 2 minutes. Who best cope with the task, he won.

Contest "dance"?

Musical contests are very popular among young people. It is necessary to divide the entire class or company into two teams. In arbitrary order, turn on the musical tracks on the disk. Each of the participants should take turns showing his dance movement. At the same time, the team on the contrary should reproduce the dance element. The team whose participant could not come up with a new movement lost.

Competition "Napshot"

2 napkins are placed on the floor, they need to be laid out. Now each participant must walk on them. Gradually, the number of napkins increases, accordingly, one who has the best stretching will win.

Crocodile in a new way

A fun contest for high school students. Two teams take part in the competition. The host must provide a musical video for each team. Participants in 5 minutes must prepare a performance. It is necessary to show and reproduce what is sung in the song.

New Year's lottery

To conduct the competition, you need to prepare a hat with pieces of paper in advance. On a piece of paper, write a riddle. Do not use children's riddles. It is best to make young people something funny.

For example: What can a bald man do without? The guess is a comb. It is this subject that will be a gift for the participant.

Fruit lottery

You can use another version of the win -win lottery 2023. To do this, prepare a dish with pieces of various products in advance. It can be fruits, cheese, lemons and even spices. Participants are divided into pairs. I blindfold one of the team members. The second participant must feed his partner with a plate. A high school student with blindfolded eyes must guess what he eats. Those who will have the most coincidences will win the main prize - a package of onions. All losers receive bananas and tangerines.

Lottery "Gifts in the ball"

For this lottery, you need to take several opaque balls and put some trifle inside. It can be a whistle, keychain or chewing gum. The balls are inflated and tied to the feet of the participants. To the music, high school students should try to crush and burst the ball of their opponent. The one who survived the ball receives the main prize - a needle.

Games and entertainment to celebrate the New Year 2023

Games for high school students should be fascinating and funny. It is impossible to allow students to become bored, so it is best to come up with games that allow you to use the whole class.

The game "Funny alphabet"

The presenter announces the ISU and offers to check the knowledge of the alphabet. It is necessary with each letter in the alphabet in order to begin the phrase, which concerns the New Year. For example: Happy New Year the shark congratulates everyone, or Bom-bom, the clock is knocking, Happy New Year to congratulate. And so to the end of the alphabet, the most interesting will begin when the participants reach the letters x, s and b.

Game "Santa Claus"

Several participants choose this game. It is necessary to put each guy at the table and put on him a hat of Santa Claus. A paper snowflake is placed at the edge of the table. It needs to be blown away so that it flies from the other end of the table. But not the one who will blow out the snowflake, but the very last of the participants, will win. The host explains that the real Santa Claus is the one who froze the snowflake and she stuck to the table.

New Year's joke "Cash Egg"

It is necessary to put any monetary bill on the table. At the same time, two participants are sitting opposite each other. Whoever puts his hand on the bill faster, he won. The banknote is given to the winner. Now the participants are blindfolded. After that, the presenter instead of the bill puts an egg on the table, who will smash it, he won.

New Year's joke "Merry Tournament"

To do this, you need to attach several balls to the fishing line. You should get a skirt. Such skirts tie girls on the hips. Music is turned on, dancing partners should dance so much and cling to the participants so that all the balls burst.

New Year's joke "Emotion Fountain"

For the competition you need to purchase raincoats. Balls filled with confetti, feathers and water are suspended above the ceiling. The participant in the hands is given sticks with attached needles. They must burst the balls. Viewers will like to observe the suffering of the participants.

Funny quiz about the New Year

This is a quiz in the form of questions and answers. The presenter asks the question, and the participants answer

  • Who entertained the Christmas tree in the forest and sang songs to her (blizzard)
  • New Year's drink of cheerful guests (champagne)
  • Sculpture from frozen water (snowman)
  • The phenomenon that causes tremor in the legs and "paradity" (ice)
  • Ball for the New Year. Created for guests who love secrecy (masquerade)

Geographical quiz

  • In which country is the New Year "Feast of Water"? In this country, all passers -by are watered from the balcony of water (Myanmar. New Year is the hottest time in this corner of the planet)
  • In which country do animals and birds feed on the New Year (in Norway. Children outside the window hang feeders and put bowls with dog food)
  • In what corner of the planet rejoice in the fragments of dishes at the door (in Sweden it is customary to beat a jug in front of the door, this is a sign of well-being. Usually the owners of the house treat these guests with sweets. This is something similar to our crops)
  • In which country on December 30 dolls appear on the streets, and on New Year's Eve they explode (in Mexico a doll is a symbol of the old year, which they get rid of)

New Year's wall newspaper

New Year's posters and wall newspapers will give the mood to children and make the approach of the New Year the desired. It is desirable that the wall newspaper be boring and banal, and thematic. Teenagers love computer games minecraft and tanks. You can use these drawings in the compilation of a wall newspaper. This year the next part of the Star Wars will come out, you can make the Snegurochka from Princess Leah.

Mini-scene for the New Year holiday "Teremok"

Typically, scenes are previously rehearsed, but we offer to make an element of surprise.

The scene is based on the tale of the same name. For the play, the host chooses 10 participants. Now distributes roles. Someone will be a tower, fox, mouse, hare and wolf. The remaining participants are trees.

"Governmented in the midst of the forest, beautiful and big." The participant must portray what the host says. "The mouse ran and said that she would live here." The mouse pronounces these words and concerns the tower. “The gray wolf runs, evil and hungry. Salunes flow, tremble from the cold. " The wolf participant shows what the director says. “I will live here,” says the wolf and concerns the tower. “There is a clubfoot bear, they ate hobbing. He will also see the house and settled in it. ” This participant also concerns the tower. "Here the light turns on and all the inhabitants run away when they see each other." All participants diverge on the sides. The trees wave their hands all the time, depicting the wind.

Scene for the celebration of the New Year "Komarik"

This is a scene based on the Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotuha”. It is written for young children, but all the participants whom the presenter choose from the audience give out costumes of spider from garbage packets and a sexy fly. It is advisable for the role of a fly to choose the most beautiful girl. This fairy tale has a new interpretation:

A fly was walking along the country
And in the dust I found a nickle.
The fly went to the zucchini,
Take a walk on the patch.

Musicians come up to her,
Moscow talents near Moscow,
Their guitarist has a cricket
And the drummer, like bugs:

Bald, gloomy
And a drunk man.

“Let's drink, fly, cognac?
Will we spread the sadness of the licking? "

“For me, a tavern is a joy,
I am always glad to eat in it!
Open Yegor Window,
Bring Foma accordion - -

I will sing, and dance,
Five cents burn!
And a mosquito-soldier
He will not look for a long time. "

New Year's fairy tale for youth

It is best to take an old fairy tale and remake it in a new way. For example, a fairy tale about grandfather and a woman.

An approximate script of a fairy tale

  • Grandfather and Baba lived, but they are not poor, but modern. Everything in the house was both a vacuum cleaner Samsung and a multicooker Redmond.
  • Says Grandfather Baba: “Bake my pies in the house, otherwise the mud. Why did you buy a vacuum cleaner? ”
  • Baba replies: "So the last time you repaired him so much that he stopped vacuuming, but began to speak."
  • Grandfather: "Well, I’ll go make a housekeeper to make it."
  • Grandfather brings the Snow Maiden, takes out the microcircuit and attaches to her head. He says: “The latest housekeeper model. He bakes everything, removes and dance in the house. ”
  • Snegurochka: "Head hurts, Panadol from pain."
  • The woman is in shock and says: "Go cute juice to me."
  • Snegurochka: "Do you not burst your baby?"
  • Baba opened her mouth.
  • He says to Grandfather: “What are you doing old grunt, will she do homework at all?”
  • Grandfather rummaged and scratches the back of the head: "I put her an advertising block from the TV, so she now says as in advertising."
  • The Snow Maiden went to take out the garbage and returns with the woman: "My name is Maria, I am an agent of a modeling studio, I invite your Snow Maiden to a beauty contest."
  • The Snow Maiden left and took first place, met the steep oligarch and married him.
  • But tired of her advertising after time.
  • The oligarch decided to imitate her abduction, but without ransom, to get lost forever.
  • But his grandfather found out about the abduction and hired Vanya fellow.
  • He came to the bandits, and they say to him: “Save us from the Snow Maiden, otherwise I got sick with my advertisement. We will give you money. ”
  • Vanya took it and brought it home.
  • Grandfather sits and thinks what to do with her. The girl is prominent, beautiful, but complete fool.
  • Vanya says: "Give her to school."
  • The Snow Maiden has learned for a year, and the pedagogical council gathered to decide what to do with it. After all, they could not teach her the mind of mind.
  • The head teacher says: "Maybe we will show it to our school psychologist, let him figure it out."
  • A man comes out in a white robe, looked, talked with the beauty and says: “A difficult case, I need to treat, now I’ll put my work suit.”
  • He leaves and returns in a suit of Santa Claus. He puts the Snowball on the table, covers the sheets and pretends to be digging in his head. He throws up the detail and says: "That's it, I repaired your beauty."
  • Everyone is clapping, Vanya is satisfied, grandfather with a woman too.
  • Santa Claus says: “You have nothing to engage in grandfather with Baba nonsense, make the technique.
  • Grow a turnip and do not hurt. That's the end of the fairy tale. " Santa Claus gives out gifts to everyone.

Scenario for the New Year 2023 for the host

It is advisable to create a thematic evening, while it does not have to concern the New Year. You can recall that the symbol of 2023 is a rabbit, so it is worth beating everything like in a village. To do this, in the center of the hall there is a hedge of branches or reeds. Hang on the fence of jugs. The host can also wear a rabbit costume.

The approximate script of the host:

“Hello, my puppies, I suggest you listen to a fairy tale about grandfather and a woman who loved to indulge in technology and made the Snow Maiden.”

  • Actors from the previous fairy tale are invited to the stage.
  • Further, the presenter invites the ducklings to the stage so that they danced their branded dance.
  • The host from the hall must choose several people.
  • Participants to the music "on dancing ducklings" dance.
  • The host invites the next group of youth and says: "We are in the village, and these are your favorite cats that will dance a cat dance to you."
  • All cats should be girls. The well -known music is turned on, from the film "Moonlight".
  • Under her, the heroine of the film was dancing striptease. Girls are confused and dance to the music.

The host gives out gifts and invites all animals from the yard. It can be goats, cows and piglets. Everyone is dancing and having fun. After that, you can spend a quiz.

As you can see, it is not necessary to purchase expensive gifts for the New Year holiday. Use these New Year's tips to compile an entertainment program for high school students. It is worth forgetting about banal and tedious competitions. Young people will appreciate a non -standard approach and humor. The evening can be completed with DJ with DJ.

Scenario for the host
Scenario for the host

Video: New Year's script for high school students

Video: Script for the New Year's Corporate

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