How to decorate the windows for the new 2022-2023: ideas, drawings, photos. New Year's drawings on the windows: stencils for cutting. How to make New Year's drawings on the windows with gouache, paints, toothpaste, paper?

How to decorate the windows for the new 2022-2023: ideas, drawings, photos. New Year's drawings on the windows: stencils for cutting. How to make New Year's drawings on the windows with gouache, paints, toothpaste, paper?

The article gives advice on how to draw a New Year's drawing.

What are the preparations necessary for the New Year atmosphere to reign in the house? First of all, you need to decorate the apartment and draw a real winter fairy tale in each window.

A window with rabbits
A window with rabbits
New Year's rabbits
New Year's rabbits

Peretynans and stencils new Year's rabbits watch this link.

Window decoration for the New Year
Window decoration for the New Year

Window decoration for New 2023
Window decoration for New 2023

The joint identification of creative abilities on window glasses can become a real family tradition or prelude to the main winter holiday, which children will necessarily observe. After all, they can draw on the glass on their own if parents blame them to simple stencils.

From the article you can draw ideas to create your own unique winter pictures on glass.

New Year's drawings from paper on the windows: ideas, photo

From paper on the windows you can cut out figures or whole stories and create a New Year atmosphere with their help. Such cut out paper drawings are called "gibberries."

The silhouettes of New Year's heroes, snowmen and gnomes, Christmas trees and New Year's balls cut out for windows. You can cut out forest animals, Santa Claus with Snow Maiden, bells, running deer or scattering of stars.

  • The templates that you choose to decorate the window must be printed, cut out. (templates in the article in the pictures just below and at the end of the article).
  • The window should first be wiped dry, otherwise the paper pattern will not hold.
  • After that, one side of the picture must be greased with a soap solution and glued to the window glass.
How to decorate the window for the New Year with your own hands
How to decorate the window for the New Year with your own hands

Here are the drawings and how to distribute them on the window:

And you will find even more stencils at the end of the article.

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows?

Today, you can paint windows of windows with the help of special washing colors, and to make the pattern even and beautiful, you use templates. Thanks to such devices, the drawing on the window by the New Year can be drawn rather unusual.

If you did not have time to purchase washing off for drawing on the windows, then do not be upset. You have several more ways in reserve that have proven themselves when applying a window glass.

You can draw on the windows:

  • children's stained glass paints (provided that the drawing is not on the window, but on the glass)
  • toothpaste
  • gouache
  • special means for New Year's paintings on glass
  • Or use a rather exotic composition for the drawing: apply PVA glue to the surface of the window using a stencil, and then stick sparkles and tinsel. The drawing will turn out to be much more interesting: it will look a little fluffy. The paintings on the glass can be created using:
    • finger paints
    • artificial snow
    • ordinary piece of toilet soap (example below in the penultimate figure)
Drawings on windows with colored colors
Drawings on windows with colored colors
Drawings on windows with colored colors
Drawings on windows with colored colors
Drawings on the windows toothpaste
Drawings on the windows toothpaste
Drawings on the windows toilet soap
Drawings on the windows toilet soap

Video: How I do this: New Year's decoration of the windows

What should you refuse when decorating windows to the New Year?

If you do not want the spirit of the New Year's celebration, as well as funny faces and New Year's drawings, stayed with you for the whole next year, then do not use the following compositions and paints:

  • watercolor paints - they are washed away much harder than gouache
  • stained glass paints used by professional artists - they are not washed off at all

You can also draw using artificial snow.

Drawings are made using artificial snow
Drawings are made using artificial snow
The drawing is made using artificial snow
The drawing is made using artificial snow

Video: New Year's drawing on the window

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows of gouache, paints: tips, description of the process

Want to turn into a wizard and create a unique winter ornament on the window? Then arm yourself with colors and go: create a warm and joyful mood for Christmas and New Year's holidays!

The process of applying a multi -colored picture on the window:

  • To make the images even and symmetrical, use stencils to apply them to glass. If you have not stocked up in advance, then select from the presented in this article.
  • After we decided what and where it will be drawn, we put stencils to the window glass to see how the pattern will be located and how much space it will take on the window.
  • If one drawing is not enough, we will select one more in a similar topic.
  • We apply the stencil to the glass, fix it with tape, and fill the empty sections inside the stencil with a paint with a brush with a paint or toothpaste.
  • After all empty areas on the stencil are filled with paint, you need to wait until the picture dries.
  • Add the details and wipe all the lines and strokes with a stick that spoil the picture.
  • We take a thin brush and finish small details.
  • For the spray effect, we need a toothbrush. We take a little paint with water on the brush and spray on the surface of the glass.
Painting using a stencil
Painting using a stencil
After drying the paint, you can add parts with a stick
After drying the paint, you can add parts with a stick

How to draw New Year's drawings on the windows toothpaste?

The frosty pattern on the windows with a toothpaste is drawn with cotton sticks as follows:

  • a toothpaste is bought (the cheapest will be snow -white, or with a bluish tint)
  • stencils are prepared (bought or cut out of cardboard)
  • small pieces of tape are cut to fix stencils on glass
  • it is previously washed the window (after you draw a New Year's picture on the glass, you will have to wash it again after the holidays)
  • a toothbrush or a thick brush for drawing is prepared (if the stencils are large enough, then the voids in them can be filled with paint with fingers)
  • frosty patterns are drawn with a cotton swab, as shown in the figure below
Here's what frosty pattern can be drawn on the window with a toothpaste and a cotton wool
Here's what frosty pattern can be drawn on the window with a toothpaste and a cotton wool

Before starting work, we cut out a stencil. Find any interesting drawing that suits the subject and transfer it to cardboard or thick paper.

  • Choose snowflakes? Then cut out large snowflakes with manicure scissors (after all, there will be a lot of small details) and for small, use a figured hole hole.
  • After the figures are cut out, divide the stencil into separate elements and well fix it with transparent tape on the glass.
  • We collect toothpaste on a brush or on a finger, or on a toothbrush (which you will no longer use) and put holes cut into the stencil.
  • We’ll wait a bit while the toothpaste “grabs” and remove the stencil, trying not to smear the edges.
  • Again we seek a place for the picture and repeat the entire procedure again.
  • The stencil is necessary for those who are difficult to apply the lines on the glass the first time.
  • You can use a pattern template printed or redrawn on a sheet of whatman, which is attached with tape on the outer side of the window. You can draw along the finished contour.
  • Another way to apply a drawing to the window is the use of a stencil. The drawing must be printed and cut along the inner contour with scissors.

Before applying the picture, a paper or cardboard stencil is moistened with water so that it stops “driving” the glass.

Even a small child can fill the empty sections of the stencil
Even a small child can fill the empty sections of the stencil

Ways to apply paint, artificial snow or toothpaste:

  • blow out gaps with artificial snow
  • spread holes with dental paste (the toothbrush must be soaked first)
  • dip the sponge into the paint and fill the holes in the figure

Below in the figure, see how the application process occurs.

How to make a snowy window with snowflakes toothpaste?

Here's how in the pictures below you can make a snowy window with a toothpaste and cut snowflakes:

  • Dilute toothpaste with water.
Dilute toothpaste with water
Dilute toothpaste with water
  • We lower snowflakes into a plate of water.
We lower snowflakes into a plate of water
We lower snowflakes into a plate of water
  • We spray the window with water a little, dip the sponge in the diluted toothpaste diluted with water and apply a sealing method to the glass.
We spray the window slightly with water, dip the sponge in the diluted toothpaste diluted with water and apply a sealing method to the glass
We spray the window slightly with water, dip the sponge in the diluted toothpaste diluted with water and apply a sealing method to the glass

Now you need to make a snowy window by spraying a toothpaste.

How to spray the toothpaste with a brush on the stencil to create a snow -capped window and the contours of the picture?

The process of spraying the toothpaste with a toothpaste on the glass, see the pictures below.

  • Wet a toothbrush in water with dissolved toothpaste.
  • Spray on the glass, as shown in the drawings below.
How to spray paint with a toothbrush
How to spray paint with a toothbrush

  • We are waiting for a few minutes until the pasta dries and peel off paper snowflakes.
We are waiting for a few minutes until the pasta dries and peel off paper snowflakes
We are waiting for a few minutes until the pasta dries and peel off paper snowflakes

If you want the drawing to dry faster, you can turn on the hair dryer in the low mode with a cold air flow and dry the paint or toothpaste.

Children will gladly help you decorate the house and paint the windows. And adults are always more joyful.

Tell the child about the intricacies of applying the figure on the windows and show by example. Such a lesson contributes to the development of real taste and arouses artistic talent.

Having painted with the child a New Year's drawing, you will be surprised next time what the baby really has a rich fantasy and how much he can be inventive.

During joint drawing on the windows, it will not be superfluous to tell his young assistant and about safety rules:

  • there is no paint
  • the window can be painted only from the inside without opening it
  • you can’t rely on the glass

New Year's drawings on the windows: ideas, photos

What can be drawn on the window?
What can be drawn on the window?

The tradition of decorating windows with unpretentious pictures arose in the deepest past.

  • U keltov It was customary to decorate the shutters and window sills. For this purpose, spruce branches were used. The Celts believed that in this way evil spirits were driven away from the house.
  • U chinese It was customary to hang bells in front of the windows that made various sounds. The purpose of such jewelry is to scare away evil demons with their pleasant sound.
  • In Russia The glasses began to decorate from the time of Peter I. In one of his decrees, it was ordered for the holiday to decorate not only the forest coniferous beauty, but also the whole dwelling.
  • In the Soviet period They decorated apartments with paper snowflakes, compositions made of fabric, and also applied simple patterns with a toothpaste.
What can be drawn on the window?
What can be drawn on the window?

Even if you were not born a talented artist, then using original templates and paint, you can easily create a real “window” masterpiece that you will not want to wipe after the holidays.

“Funned” painting on the windows help create an indescribable feeling of a warm family festival.
Which of the New Year's plots can most often see on the windows:

  • frosty patterns, snowflakes
  • Santa Claus and Santa Claus with constant gift bags
  • christmas trees and snowmen
  • santa Claus rushing in a sleigh in a sleigh with delayed deer
  • large New Year's balls and garlands
  • plots from fairy tales about winter

New Year's theme is not the only option for applying the picture on the window. Complete the traditional plot and such a drawing:

  • merry face, gnomes and bunnies, snow slides
  • cubs and snowy Christmas trees
  • houses on the background of winter landscapes

Christmas stories look spectacular on the windows:

  • angels
  • candles
  • Biblical scenes

The main thing is to remember that any picture on the window should meet the following requirements: to be easy and air. You can not overload the drawing with additional elements and draw all the details.

And here is what Grandfather Frost draws on the windows
And here is what Grandfather Frost draws on the windows

How to decorate the window for the New Year with your own hands: ideas of drawings

In this section, you can see a photo selection of options for decorating windows with drawings applied to them

Drawings made by children's stained glass paints
Drawings made by children's stained glass paints


New Year's drawings on windows: stencils for cutting

In this section, you can choose different stencils for the New Year's window painting. Choose those that you can easily cut and use for its intended purpose.

After all, cutting out a complex stencil will take a lot of time from you, and the failed area will ruin your festive mood for a long time.

The bird stencil
The bird stencil
Simple stencil New Year's toys
Simple stencil "New Year's toys"

Santa Claus stencil
Santa Claus stencil
Santa Claus and Snegurochka stencil
Santa Claus and Snegurochka stencil



Angel on the moon
Angel on the moon

Video: I draw on the window

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