Home New Year for adults and children 2022-2023: games, contests, script. How to celebrate the New Year 2022-2023 in the family circle at home: ideas, tips, contests, games, room decoration

Home New Year for adults and children 2022-2023: games, contests, script. How to celebrate the New Year 2022-2023 in the family circle at home: ideas, tips, contests, games, room decoration

An article on how you can in an originally meet new 2022-2023 year in a home environment. It tells about the creation of a kind of festive atmosphere and describes the script of a small New Year's game.

In New Year's days, we strive even in the most ordinary matters to see some special meaning, try to invest in them a certain symbolism.
We, as it were, play with ourselves and others, indulge in dreams a little and guess, looking for hints and signs in everything.

And what is amazing and mysterious: the world around us responds to our innermost desires and appeals. Especially at this time, the Christmas trees are responsive.

Next year, naturalness and frankness are in fashion. This also applies to the New Year's interior, so let's come up with something original, but not too pretentious.

New Year tree in a new way

The Christmas tree is in a new way
The Christmas tree is in a new way

Let’s try, for example, this year to abandon the big queen-Yelki, imperiously collecting all gifts around him, all households and guests.
We introduce the Christmas tree “democracy”: let us allow a small independent Christmas trees to be in all living rooms, as well as in the hallway, in the kitchen, in the lobby - wherever a cozy place is found.
Let's not use the usual stand-up stands or containers disguised as “snow”.
And take and find the most ordinary household containers in the house - beautiful linen baskets, free flower pots, mushroom bikes, paving stones, all kinds of buckets, pots and other household items. That's all this and we will plant pine trees and Christmas trees!
No glamorous pretentiousness, long live simplicity and naturalness!

Ideas for presenting New Year's gifts

Packaging, placement and presentation of New Year's gifts - all this has long been part of a special home ritual.

In addition to the surprises in Russia, under pillows, in cabinets and under forest beauties, we often resort to European customs to hide gifts in socks and stockings.
But let's change the usual way a little: we will try to update already familiar socks and stockings, replacing them with mittens, boots and boots.

Ideas for decorating a room for the New Year 2022-2023

Small Christmas trees, combining with the innocence of mittens hung around the house, create a single style.

But this year there should be no uniformity.

Therefore, it's time to scatter a handful of funny shiny details around the house - they will emphasize the soft sound of natural decoration with their ringing silver voices. Now we are arranging a small cheerful commotion.

Let the brilliant outfit of Christmas trees (balls, garlands, beads, a gimmer, rain and all other tinsel) will switch to transparent glass vases and glasses, take a place in the cubs and salad bowls, magically transforming the usual things.
Let the sparkling signs of the holiday meet you throughout the house - on tables, window sills, shelves and even armrests of seats.

Now, in the splendor of silver and gold, the house is truly ready for the holiday!

Home New Year Scenario

In the house with magical decoration should be remarkably perceived by the “mystical” scenario of the New Year. It is he who will complement the novelty of your decoration, bringing his highlight to a grandiose triumph.

  • Atmosphere: relaxed.
  • Company: a large family or a group of long -known people.
  • The number of participants: from five to twelve people.
  • Scene: flat.
  • Training: nothing is required of guests except a good mood.

Guests go into the house, undress and take places at the set table.
In the center of the table are a magic sand clock, a magic arrow and no less magical casket.
The owners who have taken on the role of the leading explain the rules of the rite that has to be made:

follow the arrow, follow the instructions of the casket, follow the time.

New Year's game at the home meeting of the New Year

  • As soon as everything is relaxed, the arrow will begin to rotate (to install it, use a children's roulette or a top).
  • The guest to whom she indicates should think about something good, lower his hand into the casket, pull out one note and read it out loud.
  • It encrypted the place where the magical sign thing is stored. Now we all go in search of her. Soon there is a plate with three pies.
  • The presenter explains that the guest that the arrow shown, one pie necessarily takes himself, and distributes the remaining.

Inside one of the pies, small cookies made of salt dough are hidden, on which “luck” is written.

So, someone got luck. So that she does not leave the participants of the holiday for a whole year, it is necessary to utter a spell.

The magic sand clock is turning over, and while the sand is poured, there is time to tell everyone the story about good luck. This story is a spell.

If you finish the story, until the time comes out, luck will not stop next year.

The game continues. The arrow is spinning, pointing to the next participant.

  • He lowers his hand into a magical casket and pulls out a piece of paper with the inscription "Look under the plate."
  • Under the plate, a note with the formulation "Joy" is found.
  • Now the turn of the new participant to tell the story - time has gone.

  • The next guest takes a piece of paper from a magic chest with the call “Take a flower” and gets from the leading chamomile.
  • She is allowed in a circle for the famous game "loves - does not love."
  • The latter who tear the petal with “loves” will fall out love.

Congratulations! Now it remains only to keep her history.

Once again the arrow starts.

  • The selected person receives an instruction to look for the following definition under the seat of his own chair.
  • Looking there, the guest discovers the inscription "Support".
  • Surely, in addition to the chair, there is some support in life that you can talk about while the sand timer counts time.

And again on the arrow.

Important: the number of notes in the casket should accurately correspond to the number of those sitting at the table.

Game "Magic New Year's Pie"

When all the guests went through the rite of New Year's spells, a magic fruit-berry pie appears on the table.

  • Try to make apples, cranberries, grapes, tangerines and other gifts of nature to be distinguished.
  • Cut everyone into a piece. After that, the last instruction gets out of the magic casket.

This is a detailed description with what fruits and berries in the cake of what correspond to.

Thus, if you got a piece with an apple is creativity.

What if with raisins - pleasant surprises.

In pieces of a magic pie, you can exchange and share.

Examples of wishes can be taken from this article.

Predictions for cookies: texts of wishes for all occasions, more than 400 examples

As you can see, nothing complicated and requiring some supernatural efforts, additional costs or unusual skills.

But everything is completely new, everything is unusual, fun and with a highlight!

Please yourself and your loved ones on this most fabulous night of the year, and they will definitely answer you with sincerity, sincerity and love!

Toasts can be taken from the article Original toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 for corporate

Video: Entertainment for the whole family for the New Year

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