Original toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 for corporate

Original toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 for corporate

A selection of toasts for the New Year 2022-2023, which you can use to congratulate your colleagues on a corporate party.

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 Short: Speech Text

I wish you on the New Year
Happy life without worries,
Light work without barriers,
Huge bonuses and salaries!

So that Monday does not scare,
The boss did not scold much,
And to work, as for a holiday,
So that everyone is happy to run!

The rabbit knocks on the door to us -
Believe it to joy!
This beast brings us all
Good and happy year!
Let life be brighter,
Better, brighter, more fun,
So as not to know all year of worries,
All dreams to make !!!

In the year of the rabbit
In the year of the rabbit
Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 short

Let this New Year is rabbit
The friendly will be affectionate for you and affection!
Does not seem to have his grin of the bestial,
It will be happy like a fairy tale!

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 short

Let him fulfill all the ideas
This rabbit in the New Year!
Pour a glass of glasses
And live without hardships!

Happy New Year Rabbit!
Happy New Year Rabbit!

Let the rabbit (cat) - the owner will come
And can reward you all
And it will be this New Year
Help you and love you!

Let all the ideas to one
He will help to realize
And this year there will be a rabbit
It’s easy for you to live in the world!

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023, for a corporate party, should not be long and pathos. Not all people like long tirades, and therefore you can do with the shortest congratulation of colleagues, especially if the team is united, and everyone treats each other as relatives.

Forces to you and perseverance in the year of the rabbit!

New Year toasts
New Year toasts

The rabbit rushes with a quiet roar,
The tiger drives from the yard!
We sit down at the table set
At midnight with shouts "Hurray" !!!

We wish everyone today
Light life without worries.
Let the stream not run out
Bucks and rubles flows!

Live in health and
We sincerely wish you.
Let the road be smooth
The heart hears miracles!

Happy New Year 2023 !!!!!!!!!

We escort the old year
Soon the new will come to us!
And all the glasses will raise
And with champagne, and with wine!
To knock happiness
On this holiday to every house !!!

The year of the rabbit is knocking
And soon everything will happen!
We open the doors
And believing in miracles!
We congratulate everyone!
And happiness and success
Let it come to every house!
Hard and sadness
Let them go forever!
Let the rabbit in addition
Will bring good luck
Joy and fun,
A dashing mood!

For the fact that this New Year,
Together they gathered us together,
Let's raise it, dear people,
Champagne glass !!!

Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!

Let only good luck and good
In the year the rabbit is accompanied
And only gold-serebly
Your pockets fill.

Let the force pour over the edge,
Walk with luck,
Let the heart be paradise,
Forget you is sad, anxiety !!!

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 Short:

  • Happy New Year 2023, dear colleagues. All you are blessings!
  • Good luck, peace and goodness in the approaching New Year!
  • Be happy, healthy, loved! Dear colleagues with the winter holiday!
  • Just happiness, just smiles, just fun!
  • Let the new year bring our friendly team a lot of success in business!
  • Hardness to us and faith in our strength! Happy New Year 2023!
  • With a frosty, but very warm and sincere winter holiday friends!
  • Happiness and health to you and your families!
  • Happy new year friends! Let this holiday open new horizons before us!
  • Colleagues, let us already adults, let's still ask Grandfather Frost to delight us with extremely pleasant surprises in the new year!

Toasts for the New Year of the rabbit are cool, funny: the text of speech

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 cool
Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 cool, funny

Toasts for the New Year 2023 cool, funny:

  • Happy New Year, my hardworking bees! I wish you not to waste your assertiveness in the coming year, and then achieve your goals with seven -mini steps! And let's try to love a higher authorities a little more!
  • Dear colleagues, I wish that in the coming year health does not fail you - You have to go to work without absenteeism. Take an example from Grandfather Frost, always remain peppy, cheerful, and cheerful. Maybe thanks to this, you will have your own unlucking Snow Maiden.
  • Happy holiday colleagues! Fun from the heart, but remember that the New Year is a real time machine that, if you use it, can not deliver you home, but to more interesting places!
  • There were many wishes at today's festive table, it seems that you can’t add anything. But still I want to make another note of positive into this celebration. I wish you all worthy, and most importantly, a lot of wages. But remember, today we must be spying so that the authorities remain enough for us.
  • Tomorrow there will be a new day, and let it be kind to us! I wish everyone to wake up without a headache, and that is important, to clearly remember how our holiday ended. Happy New Year 2023!

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 Beautiful, original: Speech text

Toasts for the New Year 2023 Beautiful, original
Toasts for the New Year 2023 Beautiful, original
Toasts for the New Year 2023 Beautiful, original

New Year toast
New Year toast


Rabbit year is such a joy!
He will drive away the tiger at once!
I just have to congratulate
And tell you a couple of phrases.

All health and love with wealth.
They are the basis for everything!
Let the year pass easily and smoothly,
May happiness be great!

The rabbit took the reins of government,
So everything will be okay!
Let the striped bring
A lot of bright glorious days!

Let him throw off his claws
Negative ballast!
Symbol of courage and strength,
Let the excerpts give you!

Toasts for the New Year 2023 Beautiful, original:

  • Dear colleagues, New Year - This is always a new page of our life. Therefore, I wish you all the next 365 days to write a story about happiness, fun and kindness. Happy New Year!
  • New Year - Fairy TimeAnd during this period, even adults begin to believe in miracles. And therefore, let's make a desire together under the fight of chimes, and we will do everything so that Grandfather Frost helps us bring it to life.
  • Friends, always remember that only good and sparking deeds Make the world around them better. Therefore, let's the next 2023 year, we will exude kindness and peacefulness. Thanks to this, the good in the world will multiply, and we will definitely become happier.
  • Congratulations to our friendly team Happy New Year! Friends, let's leave all dissatisfaction in the past year, and we will meet the new one with the most positive thoughts and mood. Be more positive, and the world around you will sparkle with bright colors!
  • Friends, you are like another family for me, Which will always listen, support and give practical advice. I wish you and in the coming year not to lose your responsiveness, and to remain the best colleagues in the world. With a winter fabulous holiday of us all!

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 Interesting, cool: Speech text

Toasts for the New Year 2023 interesting, cool
Toasts for the New Year 2023 interesting, cool

Toasts for the New Year 2022-2023 interesting, cool:

  • Dear colleagues, on this winter holiday I would like to wish you only pleasant and warm moments the whole next year. Let your ingenious heads ripen a huge number of grandiose plans, and most importantly, let them come true in 2023.
  • Friends, today we are resting and having fun, But still I want to mention our work with you. I would like to wish us all that it becomes so loved by us that we are in great joy in our native office on Mondays, and missed the robot on vacation.
  • We all know that from how we will spend the New Year It will depend on how it will be all. Therefore, we do not be sad, we have fun, dance, we exuded positive. Happy New Year!
  • My favorite colleagues, maybe you won’t believe it, but you are very dear to me. I congratulate you on a Happy New Year and want to spend every day in 2023 in a good, raised mood. Be infinitely happy!
  • Happy New Year to everyone gathered! I would like to wish you prosperity, good wages and financial independence. Let your income allows you to realize all your ideas and dreams!

Toasts for the New Year 2023 Unusual, comic: the text of speech

Prophened! The year is leaving!
Well, the tiger is stubborn with him!
The rabbit (cat) comes to replace,
We will talk to him!

With his generous abundant
He will give us happiness.
The rabbit (cat) of violence will not tolerate,
All enemies will drive away!

I wish you a year of rabbit:
Great luck without trouble,
Success, joy, dreams
In this wonderful New Year!

So let's raise the glasses,
Let's go for the New Year!
We will forget all the scandals,
We drink today to icot!

So let's drink for
So as not to steam for trifles,
Spite the enemies do not grow old
Let the hardships be forgotten ....
And all the desires will come true!

Toasts for the New Year 2023 are unusual, comic:

  • New Year is a cheerful holiday, so let's leave all the troubles In the past year and 2023 we will meet with faith in all the best. And therefore, if in the future someone sends you somewhere, rejoice. You are given freedom of choice - only you decide whether to go there or not. So let's drink for us to always be free from prejudices, and always know in which direction it is better to move.
  • Friends, let's sip champagne for our friendly and close -knit team. I would like to believe that in the coming year, we will with understanding of the awkward situations arising from nowhere, we will be patient to those who have passed the nerves, and to the one who ruined the mood in the morning. For a favorable climate in our workplaces!
  • We all periodically want a miracle, but, unfortunately, good fairies no longer come to us, and no one learned to make magic sticks. Therefore, pour the glasses to the edges, drink to the bottom, and go to weird ourselves. Happy New Year!
  • New Year is a holiday that everyone loves without exception. But, unfortunately, we can only have fun and positively we can only once a year. Therefore, let's make a little effort and make it so that every day of 2023 is festive. Happy holiday to you, dear friends!
  • Frost and cold outside, and we are sitting in warmth, in a beautiful place, at a rich table. I want to wish everyone the gathered at this festive table, all the best that is in the world. Let joy and happiness do not leave you for a second the next year!

Toasts for the New Year 2023 Modern: Speech Text

Toasts for the New Year 2023 Modern
Toasts for the New Year 2023 Modern
Toasts for the New Year 2023 Modern

New Year toast
New Year toast

Happy New Year to congratulations,
We wish you happiness and love!
Let the hardships go away,
And the night will be fun!

They beat the clock 12 times,
We are in a hurry to congratulate you
Our rabbit (cat) enters the door,
And from heaven, the good goes out!

New Year toast
New Year toast

Toasts for the New Year 2023 Modern:

  • Colleagues, the long -awaited winter holiday has already come, and this means that we must have fun so that the next year we have strength for our favorite work. After all, only having rested our souls and body, we will be able to generate new ideas no worse than modern gadgets.
  • On the holiday of you colleagues, happiness to you and spiritual peace of mind. Let the lord of 2023 be as favorable as possible and give you a whole bag of pleasant moments. Let's strive to ensure that in a year our friendly company gathered at the festive table again.
  • Meeting 2023, we forget that some part of our lives leaves for this. But do not look back, let's raise our heads high and we will confidently move forward so that the coming year becomes much better than the past. Happy New Year!
  • Human life is a kind of puzzle, the brightness of which depends solely on actionsthat we do. Let's drink to ensure that the puzzle of our lives is as bright and colorful as possible, and there is never black and gray colors on it.
  • Happy New Year, dear colleagues! I wish that in 2023 everyone received what he dreams of. And let one dream after fulfilling one dream, you immediately have another, and of course, it is as quickly as possible to life! Happiness all gathered at this festive table!

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