How to celebrate the New Year and the old year correctly: ideas, tips, color, recipes of drinks and dishes, New Year's script with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for children, fortune telling

How to celebrate the New Year and the old year correctly: ideas, tips, color, recipes of drinks and dishes, New Year's script with Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for children, fortune telling

This article has everything you need to know about the celebration of the New Year.

How to celebrate the New Year? What dishes are prepared for the holiday so that troubles in the new year bypassed? How to make the owner of the year share with you his energy and luck? Read this article.

How to meet new correctly: tips

Invite all your friends and relatives to the holiday. Let there be a lot of people at the New Year's table, the symbol of the year loves communication.

Choose useful and practical gifts.

  • For example, for lovers to be late for work, a snack in a car is suitable.
  • And those who hates unraveling the headphone cord, buy a case for a smartphone with a special headphone compartment.

Preparations for the New Year make people more businesslike, purposeful and enthusiastic. Therefore, remember that together with a joyful revival, the owner of the year can bring new ideas, new undertakings, new success to your house.

Ideas for the celebration of the New Year

  1. Travel abroad
    This way to celebrate the New Year has many advantages. However, it requires additional preparation. It is necessary to issue a visa and other documents for all participants in the trip. Do not forget that the air ticket on the eve of the holiday will cost 20 % more. But when it will be over, you will open a bright world of entertainment and pleasure. The traffic will help relieve fatigue accumulated over the year, recharge with positive energy and relax. In addition, you will not have to take care of cooking and cleaning after feasts.
  2.   Holiday in the country
    New Year can also be celebrated in a country house, along with your friends or family. To do this, you need to come up with contests and surprises in advance, think over the menu. Agree which of you will bring the ingredients for salad, and who will buy cakes and sweets. Try to think through everything to the smallest detail so that the holiday does not overshadow thoughts about the forgotten house of the toothbrush.
    If one of your friends knows how to play the guitar, arrange a musical evening with sincere songs. Also capture a tape recorder with musical discs or download your favorite tracks on your phone. Just make sure that the musical tastes of all guests coincide.
    3. Evening evening
    Turn the New Year into a romantic evening. To do this, decorate the table with lighted candles, prepare several light salads. Create a romantic atmosphere using a selection of delicate music. Find the symbol of the New Year in advance. For the holiday, buy one bottle of expensive wine. And if your second half agrees, look at a romantic comedy or drama.
    Do not forget that everyone has their own love. Therefore, if you both adore heavy rock, do not change your interests. Better go together to a concert of your favorite group.


In what colors is better to celebrate the New Year: the value of colors

So that in the new year, luck accompanies you, select the color of the New Year's dress correctly.

The best colors for the celebration of the New Year: red, terracotta, pink, black, blue, brown, yellow, green, blue, white.

The color of the dress will affect the fact that it will wait for you in the new year. Therefore, before choosing a dress, read a list of colors.

  • Red - Love, fertility, power, passion
  • Blue-green - a family
  • Yellow / gold - Health, wealth
  • Violet - wealth
  • Black blue - Career, success in work
  • Terracotta / orange - New knowledge and their successful development
  • White / silver - changes in life
    Also, colors can be combined. For example, your goal in the new year is the birth of a child. Then a white dress with a red accessory will suit you: a bag, scarf, large beads.

New Year's script for Santa Claus and Snow Maiden for children - " In search of Santa Claus "

It is very important that the holiday is liked not only by adults, but also by children. To do this, please little fidgets with a small performance with the participation of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

It is not necessary to invite animators. Sew costumes or buy them in stores. The requisite for the holiday also do it yourself.
Use the scenario of a cheerful performance below or write it yourself. The main thing is that the New Year performance brings joy to both you and children.
And at the end of the performance, treat your little spectators with sweets.

In search of Santa Claus

Acting heroes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, children.

  • rope and 2 cardboards (the size of the foot);
  • a bag of Santa Claus with snowballs (cotton balls in gauze - 10 pieces);
  • a white sheet of paper on which is written in advance with milk: “Call me! DM ";
  • lighter or candle (you can just a lamp);
  • large paper snowflake;
  • decorative glass 6+6 pcs.
  • a large container - a bucket, a basin, a pan.

Duration: 30 minutes.

Location - An ordinary apartment.

Doorbell. The Snow Maiden appears. One. (Santa Claus at this time is outside the door, in the corridor.)

Snow Maiden: Hello, kids! You recognized me? That's right, I'm a Snow Maiden. Do you know what kind of holiday we all celebrate? That's right, New Year. On this day it is necessary to have fun, dance, play and give gifts. Do you know who leads gifts on this day?

He is kind, not at all strict, a beard all overgrown,
He is in a hurry to us now for the holiday. Who is this? (Father Frost)
Who made the rinks for us, brought the streets with snow,
Did you build ice bridges from ice? Who is this? (Father Frost)

That's right, this is Santa Claus! But why is it not? Santa Claus comes only to obedient children. Guys, are there any pranksters among you? (Not!) And the uglys? (Not!) And the mischief? (Not!) And the huts? (Not!) And good kids? (Yes!) Are you obedient children? And do you help parents? (Do you do lessons, study well?). (Yes!) Then Santa Claus must come to you! But where is he, children? Grandfather Moroz probably left us a message in which it is written how we find him. Let's look for him. O! And here is a letter! (The Snow Maiden “finds” a white pure leaf.) But then nothing is visible (demonstrates to the children)! So, you can’t do without a miracle! I have a magic candle. With its help, we will be able to read this letter. (Takes out a candle-salary.)
A candle is fun
Show the letters of the grandfather!

(The Snow Maiden lights a candle with a candle and drives it under a sheet on which it is written in advance “Call me! DM.” The letters appear.)

Who is this mysterious dm? And children, you are not aware? Correctly! This is Grandfather Frost. He writes that we need to call him. Let's shout loudly: "Grandfather Frost!"

(Children are called several times. A knock on the door. Santa Claus appears. Children meet him.)

Father Frost: Hello guys, well, finally, I got to you! Excuse me, the kids that I was late - I got into the forest. Children, do you go to the forest? And when do you go to the forest? - That's right, in the summer (autumn). Truth? (If you have never walked, then “then you have to teach you how in the forest the forest.”) Then show me with the Snow Maiden, as you overcome obstacles in the forest.

Snow Maiden: And here is the first obstacle, this is a stream. (He lays a rope on the floor in the form of a stream of the desired width.) How to overcome a stream? That's right, jump over. (Children jump.) You walk through the forest, and the forest is thicker, and here in the way your fallen tree (pulls a rope with the help of a grandfather slightly below the height of the child). What will you do? That's right, we must bend down and climb under it! Well done! Are you dexterous? (Yes!) Are you strong? (Yes!) Are you brave? (Yes!) Well then, let's go further. Oh, you have a difficult obstacle now! Fairytale swamp! (Lays a rope on the floor around. Santa Claus gives out to children 2 cardboard-following.)

Father Frost: These are my magical traces that will help you overcome it!

Snow Maiden: See how to cross this swamp. (Shows, laying cardboard in turn and in turn becoming a foot on them; children “cross the swamp.”) Well done, children, you know how to overcome obstacles! If you were with Santa Claus, he would definitely not have been lost!

Father Frost: What are you dexterous children, skillful! Surely like to play! Snegurochka, teach the children to play my favorite game "Snowballs"! (The game needs cotton balls-“snowballs” with which the children will rush, and a large container where the children will throw snowballs.)

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus, how will we play snowballs without snow?

Father Frost: I'm a wizard, I’ll plan such a mountain of snow now!

Snow Maiden: No, grandfather! The kids will freeze! Can you make snowballs warm?

Father Frost: Well, warm, so warm. Look! (He takes out a bag with cotton snow, throws them up.) One-two-three, it turned out that, look! (They start playing. Snowballs throw in a bucket. If there are several children, then they compete with each other. If the child is alone, he competes with the Snow Maiden.)

Snow Maiden: (riddles, at the end about snowflakes)
They fall from the sky in the winter
And circle over the ground
Light fluffs,
White ... (Snowflakes.)

Or: tell me the baby, and what do we make snowballs from when we play on the street? (From snow!) And the snow consists of what? (From snowflakes!) Do you know, kids, that all Snowflakes of Grandfather Frost are different? When you go for a walk - be sure to check!

Father Frost: What are you, children, funny, what good ones! You really please me! I want me to open my secret. About snowflakes. (He takes out a large snowflake and shows the children.) Here is one of my snowflakes. Kids, count how many rays she has. (Children believe.) That's right, six. Here he is, my secret. All my snowflakes have exactly six rays! (When the child is quite adult, does not like outdoor games, etc.)

Father Frost: Snow Maiden, but let's check if Vasya knows what I can do! Vasya, here are not melting ice floes. (He takes out decorative glass.) Come on, collect the icicle / snowball from them! (For older children: a snowdrift, a snowman, a Christmas tree, fruits: an apple, a pear, a banana, the letters of the named after Santa Claus, the constellation - a big bear, Cassiopeia. The child and Santa Claus collect figures. Then they guess the figures of each other. Who guessed - the candy. )

Father Frost: Oh, how fun! UV ... (wipes sweat from the forehead.)

Snow Maiden: You are tired, grandfather, sit, rest, and the guys will read poetry, dance or sing a song. (Children make prepared numbers.)

Father Frost: And now I invite you to the New Year's Dance. Do you know my favorite song? Let's sing. (If not - “Let us teach you”; “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”)

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,
She grew up in the forest
In winter and summer, slender, green was.
A blizzard sang a song to her:
"Sleep, Christmas tree, Bai-Bai!"
Frost wrapped with a snowball: "Look, do not freeze!"
The coward of the bunny is gray
I jumped under the Christmas tree.
Sometimes a wolf, an angry wolf, ran through a trot.
And here it is, elegant,
I came to us for the holiday,
And many, many joy brought the kids.

Father Frost: Well, well, the Snow Maiden, we listened to the kids, we sang my beloved song, we still forgot to do something? Of course, my head is gray! - Give gifts!

(Give gifts, photographed, read a congratulatory poem.)

Snow Maiden: Happy New Year, we congratulate and wish that in it,
Good luck awaited you in a small and big business!
So that the children were obedient (so that your Vasya is obedient),
So that everyone is healthy!

Father Frost: In general, happiness, prosperity and success to the whole family!

Together: Happy New Year!

What to cook for the New Year?

We all love delicious dishes from natural ingredients. Therefore, it will be quite easy to eat and place guests and master this year delicious. And if you succeed, large quarrels and conflicts will go around your house.

Just give preference to unpretentious dishes. There must be vegetables on the table. Treat the guests with pickles. You can add finely chopped meat to canapes or sandwords. Many people like baking of any varieties, so add grain bread or buns to the menu. Do not forget to put a round cup with the most delicious dish in the center of the table. This will become a treat for the owner of this year. In gratitude, he will give you good luck and joy.

Invite English cocktails on your holiday: Iron Lady, Tom Collins, Mojito.

Recipes of New Year's cocktails Iron lady, mochito

Below are recipes for several light cocktails.

The Iron Lady. Ingredients:

  • 15 ml of Malibu liquor
  • 15 ml "Cream de Kakao"
  • 20 ml of strawberry liquor
  • 45 ml of cream
  • 1 spoon of ice cream

Add all the ingredients to the blender and mix until smooth. Pour into a boiler glass.

Mojito. You will need:

  • -ham (lemon) -1 piece
  • -White rum -30 ml
  • -Sodovaya (sprite) -60 ml
  • -Sahar (preferably reed) -1 tablespoon
  • -water mint-5-6 leaves
  • -ice cubes -100 grams

RECIPE: Cooking process

  1. Cut lime in half.
  2. Squeeze your hands into a glass of juice from one half.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. Finely chop the mint and put it in a glass with lime juice.
  5. Grinded leaves sink with a wooden block or ordinary spoon.
  6. For beauty, add a few whole mint leaves.
  7. Fill the glass to the top with ice cubes.
  8. Add 30 ml of rum.
  9. All that remained in the glass, fill with soda (sprite).
  10. Put a tube in a glass.

For cooking non -alcoholic Mojito, just do not add rum to the cocktail. Then you can even treat children with a drink.

More recipes for drinks see here.

Video: Mohito Cocktail Recipe

Interesting dish on the New Year's table: a recipe for shrimp meat for sauce

Let's get back to our New Year's table. Cook meat dishes: pork, beef, chicken.
It is good to prepare the meat of shrimp for sauce or fish in sour cream as the main dish.

RECIPE: Shrimp meat for sauce


  • -crees -800 grams
  • -clitting oil -500 grams
  • -chuchnok -2 cloves
  • -S Wrack -250 ml
  • -Petrushka -to taste
  • -salt
  1. Put the softened oil, chopped garlic and cream on a heated pan
    Bring the mixture to a boil
  2. Peel the shrimp, mix with sauce
  3. Line for about 10 minutes
  4. Wash the greens
  5. Chop it
  6. Pour the greens into a pan
  7. Mix shrimp
  8. Put down a few more minutes, put on a dish
  9. Leave the sauce thicken over low heat
  10. Add shrimp to thickened sauce
  11. Pill out a couple more minutes
  12. Serve with warm form

Interesting dish on the New Year's table: fish recipe in sour cream

RECIPE: Fish in sour cream

Take it:

  • fILL FILL: - 800 g
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • butter - 1 tbsp.
  • lemon juice 1/2 pcs
  • salt to taste
  • pepper white, ground
  • sour cream 250 ml
  • flour 1 tbsp.
  • dill 1/2 bundle
  1. Small the onion finely and put it on the bottom of the form
  2. Mix sour cream, flour, salt and spices until a homogeneous mass is formed
  3. Pour the fish sauce
  4. Put in the refrigerator for six to twelve hours
  5. Heat the stove to 190 degrees
  6. Bake fish in the oven under the sauce until rosy color 30 minutes
  7. Cut the fish fillet with portioned pieces
  8. Salt and sprinkle lemon juice
  9. Serve with rice or potatoes
  10. Sprinkle with herbs

But it’s better to read about New Year's dishes and the design of dishes in the New Year in the article:

Video: How to cook New Year? Real food

How to celebrate the old New Year: a recipe for soil or kuti

The old New Year occurs on the night of January 13 to January 14. Let's figure out how to celebrate this amazing day.
Let's start with dishes that are usually cooked on the old New Year. Our ancestors celebrated this holiday with the preparation of a hare and a pig. The hare meant success and rapid achievement of goals, pigs - wealth. Usually, poultry meat was also cooked for a feast.

Prepare delicious juicy or kutu. In it, each ingredient is of particular importance. Grain means the beginning of a new life, poppy - well -being and prosperity in the house, honey - wealth and health.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of zoines of wheat
  • 100 g of poppy
  • 100 g of walnuts
  • 1-3 tablespoons of honey
  • sugar to taste
  • wooden mortar
  • group for simple lean porridge


  1. Explain the grain of wheat in a wooden mortar. From time to time, add a little warm boiled water there.
  2. Separate the core from the husk. To do this, sereth and rinse wheat.
  3. Boil lean porridge on the water. At the same time, rub the poppy in a mortar until milk is obtained.
  4. Add honey to the poppy milk and mix the resulting mixture. Add it to wheat.
  5. Add chopped nuts of nuts to the mixture.
  6. Season Sochi porridge. Ready!
Design of the Christmas Kuti
Design of the Christmas Kuti

Prepare pies, bake pancakes, buy or prepare dumplings with cottage cheese. If you know how to cook some delicious dish, prepare it.

After all, January 13 is Vasiliev evening. On this day, the hostess treats the guests with the most delicious food and drinks that are in the house.

In addition to dishes, the atmosphere itself, in which the holiday takes place, is also important. Spend the evening from 13th to February 14 with family and closest friends.

Fortune -telling for Christmas and the old New Year on bulbs, on the names of passers -by, on the book

Another tradition of Vasilyev’s evening - fortune -telling. Our ancestors believed that everything predicted on this day would certainly come true.

Try and you find out what awaits you in the new year. But do not take the results of fortune -telling to heart. Especially if you do not like them.

Fortune -telling on bulbs (only for unmarried women or girls)
From 2 to 10 women can participate in the fortune -telling. Give each on the bulb. Let everyone put their onion with a spine in the water. Watch whose onion is the first to be covered with green sprouts. That woman will be the first to get married.

Fortune telling on the names of passers -by (for the most daring)
Come out of the house. Call the first man he met. Ask what his name is. This will be the name of your future husband.

Fortune -telling on the book (for all)
Take the book. It is best to take classical literature, best Tolstoy or Pushkin. Ask such a question that you can give a detailed answer to it. Then name the page number and line.

Fortune -telling for the old New Year
Fortune -telling for the old New Year

How do you celebrate the New Year in China?

The Chinese New Year or the holiday of spring lasts 15 days. This holiday is one of the longest holidays of China.

When the Chinese new 2020 comes, 2021: Chinese calendar. Dates of the Council of the Chinese New Year (from 1930 to 2030): Table

On this day, a full lunar cycle took place after the winter solstice will be completed.

At the time of the celebration, the Chinese family is gathering together. Even those who study or live in other cities should come to reunion dinner. There they will be treated to pork and sweets.
Before that, the owners of the house remove their housing. In China, it is believed that cleaning frees a place for happiness and relieves failures.
On the first night of the holiday, fireworks are launched. These bright lights should attract happiness in the family and scared away evil spirits.

New Year tips

New Year is a decisive and purposeful movement towards the new.

  • Therefore, forget about such habits that prevent you from developing and going to the goal.
  • Start getting rid of them from the very beginning of the year.
  • Success in the New Year will depend on your actions during this period. Get ready for a serious struggle.
  • Stars will take such a position that a clash with your complexes and bad habits will become inevitable.

New Year is an excellent time to change work, mastering a new profession or promoting a career ladder.

Therefore, it is necessary to carefully treat money. And you should not conclude risky transactions, to make rash risk. Better immediately soberly evaluate your capabilities.

Learn to listen to yourself and your heart. Then luck and happiness will become your companions.

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