What diseases there are coughing: types of cough, list

What diseases there are coughing: types of cough, list

If you are concerned about the cough, then read the article to know what diseases this symptom happens.

A cough is a congenital reflex of the body, which is a specific response to the effects of many stimuli. Some of them are completely harmless, so treatment in this case is not carried out. However, the appearance of a cough may well be associated with serious diseases of different organs. And it is not only about the respiratory system.

Read on our website an article about chest pain when coughing. You will learn about what is a symptom of what diseases and how to treat.

Why does a cough appear, and what types of it exist? It is important for everyone to know about this, since this symptom, especially if it does not pass for quite some time, should become a significant reason for contacting a specialist. Read more below.

What can a cough mean?
What can a cough mean?

What are the types and types of coughing: List

The cough has its own classification, first of all, by the presence of sputum. According to this criterion, he is divided into:

  1. Productive - wet. Such a cough is accompanied by the release and accumulation of bronchial mucus. From this, when coughing, gurgling sounds may occur.
  2. Unproductive - dry. With this type of cough, sputum is not produced, so curling is impossible.
Types of cough
Types of cough

What other types and types of cough are there? Below you will find a list. The cough is divided into such types:

  • Strong
  • Painful
  • Hoarse
  • Barking
  • Growing
  • Part -shaped
  • Convulsive
  • Rude
  • Jerky

It is important to be able to distinguish these types of symptom, because treatment with each of them is slightly different. You can independently recognize a dry and wet cough, but it is not always possible to accurately determine its cause without a medical examination. Therefore, you should not take any measures until a detailed examination is carried out.

For what diseases there is a cough: dry, wet with sputum

Many patients mistakenly believe that only the lesions of the respiratory system are accompanied by coughing. In fact, this symptom can occur with many other pathologies, including oncological ones. What diseases do there are coughing - dry, wet with sputum? Let's take a closer look at which pathologies can be accompanied by a cough reflex.

The causes of dry cough
The causes of dry cough
Causes of wet cough
Causes of wet cough

Cold, bronchitis: a disease with a cough and without it

Many of us, when coughing, first of all, one reason comes to mind - this is a cold. Long -term stay on the cold or draft, drinking cold water, consumption of ice cream in the heat, especially in large quantities - all these factors lead to a cold. But a cold can flow, both with a dry and wet cough, and without it.

However, it is noted:

  • Increasing body temperature to subfebrile values
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Nasal congestion

It is worth knowing: There is no such thing as a “cold” in official medical literature. This is the popular name of the pathological state.

Relocation of coughing
Relocation of coughing

Sharp spastic exhalations in the form of cough signal the development of bronchitis. This is an inflammatory lesion of the bronchi, which leads to wheezing, shortness of breath, pain in the chest, fever and general malaise. Often, with bronchitis, a cough with sputum worries. In some cases, the asymptomatic course of the disease is possible.


Gastrointestinal diseases: cause of light cough

With inflammatory lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, reflex spasms of the respiratory tract are not excluded. The consequence of this is a light cough, which is usually dry, or accompanied by the release of scarce sputum. Diseases gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) There may be one of the reasons for a small and unacceptable cough.

Such a symptom is observed during development:

  • GERB ( Gastroesophageal  reflux  disease )
  • Parasitic infections
  • Gastritis with high acidity
  • Helicobacter infection
  • Stomach ulcer and/or DPP

It is worth noting: Coughing for gastrointestinal tract lesions, especially viral agents, is not a typical symptom.

Coughing at GERB
Coughing at GERB

However, it can be accompanied by other clinical manifestations:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Pain in the epigastric zone and chest
  • Defecation disorders, etc.

In gastric pathologies, a violation occurs in the work of the muscle ring, which regulates food from the esophagus. As a result, the mucous membrane is irritated by gastric juice, which is why coughing appears.

Stresses, nerves: the reason for the fast and ringing cough

Often, bronchial cramps develop against the background of stress, nervous disorders and psychosomatic disorders. At the same time, the “nervous” cough is not very simple to confuse with the manifestation of other pathological conditions.

In this case, it is characterized by the following features:

  • Ringing
  • High volume
  • Barking sounds
  • Sharpness

During sleep, the cough completely disappears. It appears, as a rule, during an attack of nervous disorder. During such a state, the cough is fast, a person is hanging out. Stress and psychological disorders are one of the reasons for such a cough.

Thyroid diseases are dangerous pathologies: what cough can it be?

The thyroid gland is a small endocrine organ that resembles a butterfly in shape. He is responsible for the production of thyroxine hormones and triiodothyronine. Thyroid diseases - These are dangerous pathologies. What cough can there be with this disease?

Violations in the work of the body are accompanied by a whole symptom complex that includes:

  • The hoarseness of the voice
  • Difficulties in swallowing
  • Stifling cough and bronchospasm
  • Discomfort in the neck
  • Swallowing disorders
  • Periodic attacks of suffocation

Most often, the causes of such symptoms are thyroiditis, different types of goiter and thyroid tumor. All these diseases are accompanied by violations of the hormonal background, and require urgent treatment. The diagnosis and therapy of such pathologies is carried out by an endocrinologist.

Cough with hypothyroidism: causes
Cough with hypothyroidism: causes

Sexually transmitted diseases, immunodeficiency: reduction of immunity, cough

Periodic bronchospasm may accompany STD. In particular, we are talking about such a formidable disease as HIV and AIDS. Immunity is reduced, various concomitant diseases in the body are developing. In addition to cough, pathologies may be accompanied by:

  • Diarrhea
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Sharp and significant weight loss

In addition, respiratory organs can be affected by chlamydia and other pathogens of sexually transmitted diseases. A vienerologist will help to determine the cause of the cough.

Pneumonia is the cause of the respiratory cough: dry, with sputum

Another common cause of dry suffocating cough is pneumonia or pneumonia. The specificity of the pathology is such that for a long time, it can occur asymptomatic. There will be neither temperature, nor any other signs.

Only dry cough, shortness of breath and chest pain may be present. But these symptoms are enough to score anxiety and contact the clinic. Pneumonia is one of the causes of dry cough. Sputum may appear already at the recovery stage.

Symptoms of pneumonia
Symptoms of pneumonia

Bronchial asthma: The cause of frequent cough

Coughing with bronchial asthma
Coughing with bronchial asthma

Attack bronchial asthma, which occurs in the phase of exacerbation of the disease, is accompanied by a strong, suffocating and frequent cough. At first it is dry and painful, but gradually, against the background of taking medicines, it becomes wet.

A characteristic symptom of BA is suffocation. The acute sensation of a lack of air provokes a panic attack in conjunction with a violation of cardiac activity. These symptoms themselves do not disappear, they must be stopped using special drugs - bronchodilators. They expand the bronchial clearance, thereby normalizing the respiratory function and stimulating the discharge of sputum.

Pleurisy: dry cough, pain, weakness

Symptoms of pleurisy
Symptoms of pleurisy

Pleurisy is an inflammatory lesion of the pleural shell of the lungs. The disease is accompanied by dry cough and such symptoms:

  • Dyspnea
  • Fever
  • Chest pain
  • Weakness

Pleurisy is a dangerous disease that can go unnoticed for a long time. That is why treatment often begins already when pathology has switched to the late stage of development. To avoid possible complications, when coughing, shortness of breath and chest pain, it is necessary to immediately go to the hospital.

Cancerous diseases: one of the symptoms - cough

Cancerous diseases: one of the symptoms - cough
Cancerous diseases: one of the symptoms - cough

A cough may be one of the signs of the development of a cancer tumor in the body. Most often, this symptom is observed with such cancerous diseases:

  • Lungs
  • Brain
  • Larynx
  • Gastrointestinal organs
  • Thyroid gland
  • Lymphatic system
  • Pancreas and pr.

A specific clinical picture directly depends on which organ was affected by the tumor. But if the cough does not pass for a long time, and other symptoms have joined it - increased body temperature, weakness and general malaise, this is a significant basis for seeking a doctor.

Hobble: dry spasmodic cough

Chronic obstructive lung disease is a whole complex of diseases. However, they have one general symptom - this is a dry spasmodic cough. He “rolls” with bouts, and is accompanied by shortness of breath, whistling breath, sleep and appetite, lethargy, rapid fatigue and apathy.

For treatment Hobble Different groups of drugs are used:

  • Bronchodilators
  • Expanding drugs
  • Hormonal medicines
  • Syrups and tablets liquefying sputum

Unfortunately, completely Hobble Not treated. However, using a complex of therapeutic measures, a pathology can be translated into a phase of prolonged remission.

Diagnostics hob
Diagnostics hob

Liver diseases: cough against a background of weak immunity

The liver cirrhosis is one of the hepatological causes of cough. Moreover, it is not a specific symptom of this disease. It appears due to the weakening of immunity, which, in turn, becomes a provocateur of the development of respiratory diseases.

Coughing with cirrhosis and others liver diseases dry, paroxysmal. He appears during inhalation, in the morning and evening hours, with crying and laughter, during physical exertion and against the background of changes in environmental temperature. During a cough reflex, a patient with cirrhosis can feel the sang pain in the chest and throat.

Pharyngitis - inflammation in the throat: dry, wet cough

Coughing with pharyngitis and other throat diseases
Coughing with pharyngitis and other throat diseases

Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the posterior wall of the throat. Its provocateurs are bacteria and viruses. With this disease, the development of bronchospasm is not excluded, which is accompanied not only by a dry or wet cough, but also by such symptoms:

  • Itching and sore throat
  • Perspiration
  • Elevated body temperature
  • A feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the throat (due to tissue edema)

Pharyngitis is successfully treated with conservative methods. For this, local impact preparations are used - sprays, tablets, lozenges for resorption, etc. But with an atrophic form of the disease, more serious therapy may be needed. Therefore, do not bring the pathology to the extreme. At the first signs of pharyngitis, you should contact an otolaryngologist.

Laryngitis: frequent cough

Laryngitis in children and adults - inflammation of the vocal cords. Often the disease is a complication of viral respiratory infections, but can also occur as an independent pathology. Children carry laryngitis much harder than adults, since they are accompanied by the development of false cereal.

The stenosis of the larynx is a dangerous, life -threatening condition that requires immediate medical intervention. With this disease, the cough is barking, angry and frequent. It is caused by spasm of the vocal cords, so in parallel in the patient there is:

  • Increased body temperature
  • Hoarseness or aphony
  • Headache
  • Rhinitis
  • Weakness
  • General malaise

Sometimes the trachea is involved in the pathological process, then we are talking about laryngotracheite. Also, the disease can occur in conjunction with obstructive bronchitis, which only exacerbates the patient's condition. Treatment with laryngitis is comprehensive, includes antiviral and antibacterial (if necessary) drugs, as well as different sprays and loaf of the throat. With stenosis of the larynx, a course of use of corticosteroids for inhalation administration is carried out.

Angina - symptoms: cough, sore throat, temperature

Acute inflammation of the tonsils It can also be accompanied by dry, irritating cough. But it does not apply to specific symptoms of the disease. Also, pathology is accompanied by:

  • Severe sore throat
  • A sharp increase in body temperature to febrile or pyrectic indicators
  • Hrystore
  • An increase in tonsils
  • Redness of the throat and palatine arcs

The causative agents of the sore throat are often streptococci and staphylococci. However, there is a herpetic etiology of the disease. Treatment is prescribed an ENT by a doctor after determining the variety of pathology.

Pertress: frequent cough with vomiting

Pertress: frequent cough with vomiting
Pertress: frequent cough with vomiting

Cough is an infectious disease, provoked by a wand of Borde-jang. Most often, the disease affects young children, and begins with the paroxysmal frequent cough, which often ends with vomiting. The temperature in this pathological process may not increase, however, the cough reflex has the ability to increase.

The younger the child, the harder he flows in his pertussis. In addition, ignoring dry cough, which lasts a long time, leads to the fact that the patient infects others. And although the disease is successfully treated, it is impossible to delay a visit to a pediatrician or an infectious disease specialist.

Diphtheria: strong dry cough

Diphtheria: strong dry cough
Diphtheria: strong dry cough

The diphtheria of the larynx, or true cereals, is one of the most dangerous ENT pathologies. The causative agent of the disease - leffler's stick.

Dipheria is accompanied by:

  • Strong dry cough
  • The hoarseness of the voice
  • General intoxication
  • Fever
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Skin cyanosis
  • Shortness of breath
  • Tachycardia
  • Active sweating
  • Sluggishness
  • Relaxation of muscles

The disease develops in several stages. At the most difficult stage, the symptoms are replaced by agony, after which a fatal outcome occurs. Dipheria can be suspected by a grayish raid on the tonsils, which is a thin film. It is easily removed by a spatula during an ENT inspection. The presence of such a plaque is the first alarming signal that cannot be ignored.

Measles: coughing infection

Measles: coughing infection
Measles: coughing infection

Measles - typical viral infection. Its causative agent is the measles virus, which is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. At the first stage of the development of the disease, a characteristic rash is observed in the body and the deterioration of overall well -being. As pathology progresses, all the symptoms inherent in viral respiratory infections occur, including coughing, general intoxication, fever, etc.

The measles are very contagious, but does not have a specific treatment. The therapy scheme is reduced to taking antipyretic drugs, compliance with bed and drinking regime.

What heart diseases are there coughing: a list of heart disease with such a symptom

Coughing in heart disease
Coughing in heart disease

Dry paroxysmal cough can signal the heart problems. What heart diseases are there coughing? Below you will find a list of heart disease with such a symptom. It is most often accompanied by:

  • IBS
  • Congenital heart defects
  • Cardiomyopathy
  • Myocarditis
  • Infarction
  • Hypertension
  • Arrhythmia
  • Aortic pathologies, etc.

Coughing in heart pathologies is not treated. It disappears only after eliminating the cause of its appearance, so no measures to combat the symptom itself will give a result.

Pneumothorax: dry cough, shortness of breath

Pneumothorax is the presence of air in the pleural cavity between the chest wall and the lung. Typically, the disease is provoked by injuries and blows, but can develop spontaneously, as a complication of bronchial asthma or COPD. This condition is accompanied by attacks of dry cough and shortness of breath.

With pneumothorax, the damaged organ is wrinkled and decreases in size. This leads to an increase in symptoms, and can even cause death. In the disease, the lung is drained, the patient is hospitalized in the thoracic department.

Emphysema of the lungs: shortness of breath, cough

Pulmonary emphysema is a chronic disease in which there is a violation of the enzyme balance (primarily proteases, antiproteins or protective proteins). Pathology is accompanied by unproductive cough and shortness of breath. At first, these symptoms occur only with serious physical exertion, but over time they appear even at rest.

As the emphysema progresses, respiratory failure grows. This leads to the development of serious complications from the cardiovascular system and other organs.

Tela - a dangerous disease: dry cough or with sputum

The pulmonary artery thromboembolism is another cause of coughing. It is predominantly dry, but sometimes it is also productive. Tela is a very insidious and dangerous disease. The blockage of the thrombus of the largest pulmonary artery can lead not only to severe respiratory failure: it can cause death.

Lung tuberculosis: sputum cough

Lung tuberculosis is a disease that few patients can suspect. The initial stage of pathology is accompanied by a cough with the release of sputum of light or greenish color. He lasts 2 to 4 weeks, and it is the fact that the symptom does not pass, must alert.

The body temperature with tuberculosis is predominantly subfebrile. However, a sharp weight loss, decrease in appetite, severe sweating at night are noteworthy. In the transition of the disease to the late stages of development in jerking sputum, blood veins appear, and the cough itself becomes more pronounced.

Allergy: Coughing, like an answer to the stimulus

An allergic cough is the response of the immune system to the effects of stimuli. Allergens can be different - food, medication and other. In addition, dust, fluff, pollen of plants, feathers in pillows can provoke the occurrence of a symptom.

For elimination allergies in a child Or an adult, it is necessary to take an antihistamine. He will remove all the symptoms of an abnormal reaction of the body, and also prevent re -occurrence of malaise.

Coronavirus infection: cause of strong cough

Covid-19 or coronavirus It is also accompanied by a strong cough, as well as pain in the chest, loss of smell and taste perception, shortness of breath. At first, the symptoms of the disease are weakly expressed, however, it is possible to increase body temperature to febrile values \u200b\u200band above. Over time, respiratory failure becomes stronger, complications from the nervous system develop. In the absence of timely treatment, coronavirus ends with death.

Symptoms of coronavirus
Symptoms of coronavirus

Coughing is not an independent disease. This is just a symptom that indicates the development of pathological processes in the body. Of course, sometimes a reflex can manifest itself in the absence of any diseases. However, if it does not pass for a long time, or is accompanied by other clinical manifestations of diseases, it is necessary to visit a doctor in the shortest possible time.

Coughing is dry, with sputum: treatment

Dangerous cough and sputum is dangerous. Even if it seems to you that you are jerking, and this does not cause any discomfort, the inflammation can occur inside, which leads to complications and other undesirable consequences.

Sputum analysis
Sputum analysis
Preparation for the study of sputum
Preparation for the study of sputum

It is important to remember: Regardless of additional symptoms, except for cough, and the presence or absence of temperature and other signs, self -medication is dangerous. If the first manifestations of the disease occur, you must immediately contact the doctor!

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct diagnosis, make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment. After all, often a cough is a symptom of another pathology. And in order for him to go, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. For example, with heart pathology, the cough will not pass if you drink expectorant or other drugs. It is necessary to cure the heart, and the cough can pass on its own, without additional measures.

Methods for treating different types of coughing
Methods for treating different types of coughing
Indications for consultation of specialized specialists in coughing
Indications for consultation of specialized specialists in coughing

Video: Which cough is the most dangerous? The reasons for coughing. Question to the doctor

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Comments K. article

  1. As for coughing, you always need to consult with the doctor, so that there are no complications. I coughing the bronchobos according to the instructions of the doctor and with this medicine it became on the feet of the fisherman three days later, since the cough became much less and my well -being improved

  2. Thank you for the article. I did not know that cardiovascular diseases can also provoke a cough! I often live at work. In all the fault of air conditioners. Because of this, my chronic bronchitis is aggravated. Warm milk with butter and figs or honey helps from traditional medicine. I am treated, also making inhalations with Savis Broncho Amboxol. It is convenient that this drug can be taken as inside. So do inhalations with him. It is very affordable for the price. The active substance Ambroxol helps to reduce viscosity and dilute sputum. Allowed for treatment for children and older people. I noticed that if you do inhalations, then the outflow of sputum begins better. Cough productivity increases. Recovery occurs faster.

  3. She was sick with coronovirus- there was a strong cough. She took from cough the Evalarovsky bronchus acetylcysteine \u200b\u200bof 1000 mg in hissing tablets. It dilutes sputum, improves its discharge, reduces the cough and facilitates breathing. I drank a week once after meals.

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