Why do I have a lot of sputum? Thick, yellow, green sputum in the throat, bronchi without coughing: reason, treatment

Why do I have a lot of sputum? Thick, yellow, green sputum in the throat, bronchi without coughing: reason, treatment

The discharge from the nasopharynx tends to accumulate and cause constant discomfort. How to establish the causes of such a phenomenon and get rid of an unpleasant coma in the throat?

When contacting a qualified otorhinolaryngologist, you can install which of the body systems work incorrectly. Next, a course of treatment or preventive measures is prescribed.

Constant sputum in the throat without cough

Sputum - separated mucus consisting of a priest of saliva, the secret of the mucous membrane of the nose and tracheobronchial discharge. It is most often assembled on the back walls and often does not have concomitant symptoms.

  • Sputum production - An integral part of the body. Mucous masses prevent the drying of the mucous membranes and protect them from external stimuli.
  • In a healthy body, a small amount of mucus constantly flows along the back of the pharynx. The accumulative effect of sputum is formed after a long stay in a horizontal position, in particular after night sleep.
  • After morning awakening, we often feel short -term discomfort in the throat. After the morning toilet and a cup of hot drink, unpleasant sensations quickly pass.
  • In contact with foreign substances, the amount of mucus increases significantly and becomes an irritant for a person. As soon as pathological bacteria leave the body, the amount of sputum is significantly reduced. The body works in normal mode.
  • Under the influence of various factors, sputum in the throat is constantly thickening and stagnates. A person begins to reflexively cough.

Sputum in the throat, bronchi without cough: characteristic by color and composition

With the flow of unnatural processes in the human body, the amount of sputum in the throat can reach 1 liter. The components of liquid discharge directly affect the color of mucus, which characterizes possible malaise.

  • Transparent sputumit is considered natural selection. If the mucus is too thick and looks like a glass of glass, then the bronchi can have a narrowed shape from birth. In such cases, a person often experiences a lack of air. Colorless sputum with the normal functioning of the body should have a viscous consistency.
  • White sputumwith fine foam, it is often observed in the elderly. Sputum in the throat of the elderly is evaluated as an age -related change.
  • Yellow sputum without coughcharacterizes the enhanced work of immunity in the fight against external stimuli. Yellow-green sputum It occurs with stagnant phenomena in the bronchi.
  • Yellow sputum with a bright shade It occurs when inhalation of a large number of toxins, and an allergic reaction of the bronchi. Yellow sputum in the throat is constant in the presence of bronchial asthma.
  • Blood sputum indicates the rupture of blood vessels in the lungs. Brown mucus speaks of long -standing blood loss.
By color

Analysis sputum collection

  • If it is not possible to independently establish the causes of abundant mucus, you need to produce collection of sputum for general analysis And visit a doctor with the result.
  • If a sputum in the throat constantly, most likely this is a consequence of a violation of the work of one of the systems of our body. Therefore, it is necessary to identify concomitant symptoms and provoking factors.
  • How to collect sputum for analysisto get a reliable result? For laboratory research, mucus is handed over to a sterile pharmacy container. The less saliva is in sputum, the more reliable the result will be. To this end, the mouth is pre -rinsed with a solution of an antiseptic agent.
  • Sputum is examined on color, smell, consistency. Relaxing sputum in containers is indicative for laboratory assistants. A similar phenomenon occurs with purulent processes.
  • The presence of elastic fibers in sputum is a sign of the destruction of pulmonary tissue.
  • Transparent sputum can be found yeast -like fungi, pneumococci, streptococci, etc. Microorganisms. A viscous consistency is a sign of the initial stage of the inflammatory process.

Sputum in the throat without cough: Reasons

Constant sputum in the throat without cough can have both a natural character and infectious.

Without cough
Without cough

Consider the possible reasons:

  • inflammatory process in the nasopharynx or throat, lower respiratory tract;
  • infection entering the upper respiratory tract;
  • hypersensitivity organism to external exposure;
  • improper work of the stomach and intestines;
  • peculiarities anatomical structure of the nasopharynx;
  • adenoids and tonsils;
  • abuse of bad habits;
  • long -term accommodation in a contaminated environment.

Sputum in the throat of an adult

  • With a runny nose with an infection, a nose is released mucus yellow and green. Light forms of rhinitis are accompanied by transparent mucus. Inflammation of the nasal sinuses causes a stagnation.
  • Incorrect work of the stomach is sometimes manifested the release of gastric juice into the esophagus. In such cases, there is a characteristic bitterness and sour taste in the mouth. An irritated mucous membrane begins additionally produce mucus and deliver discomfort.
  • With prolonged contact of the bronchi with tobacco smoke, the irritated mucous membrane emits more sputum. A lump in the throat is most felt in the morning time, since during the day the body is freed from it with a cough reflex.

One of the symptoms of Shegren's disease is sputum in the throat without cough. With this diagnosis, the glands of external secretion are damaged. Sputum has a rusty shade.

  • Adult category of people loves to use sharp and hot dishes. If such a diet becomes a system, then the mucous membrane is constantly injured and emits additional mucus as a protective function. In combination with increased salivation, sputum accumulates in the throat.

Sputum in the throat in a child

  • Sputum in the throat in a child Often occurs due to adenoids. Another reason may be a small garbage in the nasopharynx during the game.
  • With viral infections and allergies accumulates white thick mucus without cough. Such diseases are accompanied by shortness of breath, nasal congestion, hoarseness and redness of the throat. If the cough is absent, and the mucus accumulates in the bronchi, when listening with a stethoscope, pulmonary rales are well audible.
  • The cause of a large amount of mucus without a cough may be helminthosis. With extensive infection, helminths fall into the bronchi, causing irritation and swelling of the mucosa.
  • Reflex coughing and swallowing mucus contributes to helminths entering the intestinesWhere they continue their development.

How to get rid of sputum in the throat with home remedies: recipes with salt, tips

  • Sputum in the throat lumpy - Rinse the throat with a solution of salt water. Add 1/3 tsp to a glass of warm water. Salt. To eliminate discomfort enough rinse Twice a day - in the morning and after lunch.
  • Gathering sputum in the throat Due to dry air-use a humidifier. Additional moisture will facilitate breathing and contribute to the speedy relief from moisture. In the absence of a moisturizer, you can breathe over a container with hot water, covered with a towel.
  • Remove sputum from the throat A hot bath with essential oils will help. Deep inhalation of hot moisturized air for a while will facilitate your condition.
  • Viscous sputum in the throat As a result, the runny nose liquefies well after washing the nose. At home, you can use salt solution or distilled water.

Sputum accumulates in the throat - we adjust the power

If the cause of the accumulation of sputum in the wrong diet, then the products used must be supplemented with high -quality drinking regime.

  • Sputum does not jerk -we increase the amount of drinking water. At least 2.5 - 3.5 liters of water per day. The liquid will contribute to mucus thinning.
  • The throat and sputum hurts -drink warm teas with ginger, lemon, with viburnum, with honey. The heat softens lumps of mucus, and additional ingredients will contribute to high -quality expectorant.
Will help from pain
Will help from pain
  • A lot of sputum in the throat - brew herbal anti -inflammatory and expectorant infusions. In pharmacies, special collections of teas are sold. At home, you can brew linden, chamomile, thyme, rosehip.

Treatment of sputum in the throat: Prevention

Significantly reduce the volume of accumulated sputum with the help of preventive actions.

  • Sputum in the throat in the morning - Try to change the pillow and change the angle of inclination of the head during sleep. Sputum will begin to partially drain along the back wall and stop accumulating in the mouth.
  • Sore throat and sour sputum -a sign of improper diet. We exclude spicy and seasoned food. We reduce the consumption of alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits. We remove products that provoke heartburn.
  • Sputum in the throat from smoking - Give up a bad habit for the good of your health. Use pharmacy products and avoid public smokers.
  • Thick sputum in the throat after eating - Refuse for a while from dairy products, as they thicken mucus. Go to low -fat products.

To facilitate discomfort in the throat in transport, at work, in contact with friends, stock up on menthol candies. A quick and effective tool that will always be at hand.

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  1. What a horror. I have no sputum, only the throat began to hurt hard (

  2. Diana, what are you doing for its treatment? When my throat hurt my throat for the last time, I bought and used the sage of sage from the nature of the sage. Let them taste and not ordinary, but the action is very good. Now, if the throat is sick, I will take these loafers.

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