Measles in children: the first signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications, consequences, prevention, vaccination. How does the measles manifest, what does the rash look like in children?

Measles in children: the first signs, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, complications, consequences, prevention, vaccination. How does the measles manifest, what does the rash look like in children?

The clinical picture of measles.

The measles are called a rather serious infectious disease, against which a very strong intoxication of the whole organism begins, manifested by high temperature and rash throughout the body. Most infected children also have a sore throat and a severe paroxysmal cough.

A rather tenacious virus provokes the disease, which can quite calmly go down to a healthy person even in the ventilation mine at home. Once on the mucous membranes, he immediately begins to multiply intensively. The most unpleasant thing is that all this time you will not even assume that your child is infected.

As a rule, the parents infected their child with measles only on the 9-10th day after the disease has entered the body, or rather, after a characteristic rash appears on the body.

Measles in children: the first signs, symptoms

Caria symptoms

I immediately want to say that measles belongs to the most dangerous diseases in the world, so if the child meets its pathogen, then with a 100% probability we can say that he will get sick. True, if during this period the body's defenses are in good condition, then the disease will proceed less aggressively. The first signs of the disease are characteristic of almost all childcare diseases, which is why most parents at the initial stage can treat their child's child.

As a rule, measles begins with a slight increase in body temperature, which is accompanied by psychomotor agitation. The child becomes moody, tearful, sleeps poorly and refuses to eat. Thus, the baby reacts to the intoxication of the body with a virus. Approximately 5 days (in some cases and 10) a rash appears. At first it can be completely insignificant and located only on the face and behind the ears. But as the disease progresses, it will increase.

Other symptoms and signs of the catarrhal period:

  • Runny nose. Nose discharge can have a yellow color, that is, to be purulent
  • Cough. Most often, against the backdrop of measles, a barking cough appears that can cause laryngospasm
  • Conjunctivitis. Eyes are inflamed, begin to tear and sour
  • Photophobia. The child cannot watch not bright and bright things and sniff all the time
  • Puffiness (faces). As a rule, inflamed and enlarged lymph nodes provoke this problem

What does the crown rash look like in children?

Carry rash

As you already, probably, understood the rash is the most characteristic sign that your child has become infected with measles. Therefore, it is precisely by its appearance that one can understand what stage the disease is currently at.


  • The first stage. At the very beginning of the disease, a rash appears, which experts call the spots of Velsky - Filatov. They appear in the location of the root teeth. Outwardly, they look like small pink nodes, around which redness of the skin is observed. They can be located at a distance from each other or merge into spots and form rather noticeable red foci.
  • The second stage. The rash begins to spread to the limbs and body of the child and at the same time increase slightly in size. At this stage, it can reach the size of a buckwheat grain. At the same time, it further remains pink and soft to the touch, just in the child there is an itching of the skin.
  • The third stage. At this stage, the rash begins to change its color and size. First, the redness begins to fall a little and a slight blue pigmentation appears to appear. She begins to blue, flatten, and then completely pale and disappears. True, against this background, the child may begin to begin problems with the skin. They can begin to peel off and crack in places of the larger rash location.

Caria diagnostics in children

Caria diagnostics in children

In principle, the treatment of measles in children is engaged in a children's pediatrician, so if you suspect that your child has all the signs of this disease, then first try to call a specialist to your home. If, after examining the patient, the doctor decides that he needs an additional examination, then he will give you a referral to the infectious disease specialist.

If you have to lead your baby to the hospital, then do it at the end of the working day. As a rule, at this time there is a minimum number of patients under the office, which means that there is a possibility that your baby will not infect anyone. Yes, and do not forget that measles are quite dangerous, so in crowded places the baby is best in a medical mask.

Caria diagnosis is carried out as follows:

  • An examination of the child is examined by a doctor. This measure is needed so that the specialist can see in what condition the baby is.
  • A blood test is taken. With its help, they will find out whether there is a virus in the blood and whether antibodies are produced to suppress it.
  • Urine analysis and chest x -ray. We need in order to notice the development of complications in time.

Core treatment in children

Core treatment in children

If the measles proceeds in a standard way of a small patient is treated at home. Throughout the acute phase, the local doctor will go to the child and monitor the changes during the disease.

If the body does not cope with intoxication and complications appear, then the baby is immediately put in a hospital, and necessarily in the infectious department. Also, inpatient treatment is shown if parents do not have the opportunity to isolate a sick child from healthy family members.

Core treatment recommendations:

  • Bed rest. All the time while the disease will be in the acute phase and the baby will have an increase in body temperature to him complete peace. Try that at this time your baby sleeps 2 times a day.
  • Wet cleaning. It must be carried out at least 2 times a day. This will contribute to the purification of air in the room and, as a result, to reduce the amount of the virus.
  • Drinking mode. It will be better if the entire period of the disease your child will not drink 2 liters of water per day. This will contribute to the fact that the body will quickly get rid of toxins that provoke malaise.
  • Drug treatment. As a rule, in the early days of the disease, absolutely all children need antipyretic drugs and antihistamines.
  • Symptomatic agents and antibiotics. Only if the patient began to appear complications or, for example, pronounced runny nose, cough, sore throat.

Does the measles be without temperature in children

Measles without temperature in children

If you were attentive, you probably realized that the most important symptoms of measles is a characteristic rash and photophobia, all other signs are considered related, that is, arising against the background of intoxication of the body. Therefore, it is impossible to say that with measles, high temperature rises, without exception, without exception.

If the child’s immunity works well, then it is likely that the disease will proceed in a lightweight form, which means that the temperature indicators will not increase. True, this happens only in cases where the body produces a large number of antibodies that block the appearance of a rash. But still, the lack of temperature in the presence of other symptoms can be a poor signal.

This may indicate that the protective forces of your crumbs are on zero, and the body does not perceive the virus as something alien. As a rule, in the future, such patients have complications that require quite complicated treatment. Therefore, if your child has all the signs of measles, but at the same time there is completely no temperature, then be sure to show him to the doctor and exclude the development of complications.

Does the measles be measured in vaccinated

Measles of vaccinated children

If you pose a similar question to the doctor, then he will definitely tell you that Corey’s vaccinated child cannot have. In fact, in this case, there are exceptions to the rules. Firstly, perennial studies have shown that one hundred percent immunity after vaccination appears in 98 % of children. In the remaining 2%, the body fails and refuses to produce antibodies against measles. Therefore, if your baby belongs to this particular group of children, then with a high probability we can say that he can get sick even if you are vaccinated.

Secondly, our children are not always vaccinated with high-quality vaccines, which in the end can also lead to the fact that the baby does not have resistance to the measuring virus. True, you must remember that in vaccinated children it usually proceeds less aggressively, in some cases almost asymptomatic. There can only be a light rash without any accompanying symptoms.

Does children have measles up to a year?

Measles in children under a year

As practice shows, newborns under the age of three months never get measles. This is because even in the womb of the mother they receive immunity against the disease (if, of course, she was vaccinated or illuminated by this disease). At the fourth month of life, the probability of measles increases and is approximately 2%. But still, most often at this age, the children still preserve passive immunity, which helps the body cope with the pathogenic virus.

A child can only get measles with measles if he has a very reduced body's defenses. Starting from the seventh month, the probability of measles infection increases repeatedly and is already 50%. The truth at this age, children most often transfer the so -called atypical measles, which proceeds very easily. That is, in children, the temperature may not increase and the rash appears in the most minimal quantities. Most often, measures under the age of a year are not visible to the child and in most cases he sleeps quite calmly, eats and plays.

How long does the measles last in children?

Measles in children

The measles belongs to those diseases that have a fairly long incubation period. Most often, it lasts from 5 to 12 days, but there are times when this time period increases to 21 days. The most unpleasant thing is that all this time a small person may not even suspect that he became infected with measles. Of course, the virus will doze inside the body only until that time until it falls into the bloodstream and lymphatic system. And the weaker the body will be, the faster it will happen. At this moment, you will find out that your child has measles.

A characteristic rash, as well as a cough, runny nose and temperature, will begin to appear on your baby's body. Most often, the period of rashes takes another 4-7 days. First, the rash appears on the face and behind the ears, then it affects the arms, legs, back and stomach, and at the very end red spots are covered with the places of bends and the skin between the fingers. From the seventh day from the beginning of the rashes, the recovery period begins, in time of which the rash gradually begins to disappear. Depending on its number, this may take 7-10 days.

But do not think that the disappearance of the rash says that your child is already completely healthy. According to experts, for another two weeks the body continues to cleanse the toxins that the measles virus has developed. Therefore, this whole period your baby will need peace and vitaminized diet. From all this, we can conclude that from the appearance of the first symptoms and to a complete recovery should pass at least 1 month.

Measles in children: transmission paths, incubation period

Measles in children: transmission paths

As already mentioned a little higher, the incubation period can last up to 21 days. All this time in the child’s body, intensive reproduction of the virus and systematic damage to all organs and systems will occur. About 4-5 days before the appearance of visual symptoms, its concentration in the body will become so large that the child will begin to infect all those surrounding him.

Car is transmitted quite simply, during sneezing and coughing. But catching measles from a cup or spoon is more difficult. In order to survive the virus, you need a certain environment, so it dies under the sun's rays literally five minutes later. In view of this, measles can be infected exclusively from a sick person, and even then provided that during contact with him the virus will fall on the mucous membranes of the nose or throat.

Kork in children: nursing care

Kork in children: nursing care

A child who suffers from measles, even if it proceeds quite tolerably, requires a certain care. You should not allow your child to lead the usual lifestyle (jump and run) as it can provoke the development of rather unpleasant complications. If you do everything right, you will contribute to a faster recovery of the patient, as well as prevent the spread of the disease.


  • Warn your loved ones and acquaintances of the patient that for some time it will not be possible to contact him
  • Highlight the sick room in which he will spend all the time while the disease is in the acute phase
  • Follow the healthy family members do not go into the room for the patient without a special mask
  • Ventilate the room 2-3 times a day and do wet cleaning in it
  • Hang curtains on the windows, which will prevent ultraviolet will enter the room where the patient lies
  • Give the child easy and useful food
  • Help the baby care for the mucous membranes of the oral cavity and nose

Measles in children: complications, consequences

Measles in children: complications

In principle, if you do everything right and help the children's body cope with the action of the virus, then the child will not have any consequences of the disease. During the time that the body will fight measles, it will develop persistent immunity for the pathogenic pathogen, and as a result, in the next 20-25 years, your baby will not be able to worry that he will become infected again with this disease. In the event that something goes wrong, it is likely that your crumbs will develop complications with which you will have to fight for a long time.

Caria complications:

  • Problems with the respiratory system (bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, as well as pneumonia)
  • Problems with the nervous system (inflammation of the cerebral cortex)
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract (inflammatory process in the small and large intestine)
  • Problems with the lymphatic system (increase in lymph nodes)

Core prevention in children: Memo

Core prevention in children: Memo

Probably, it is not even worth saying that prevention is the most affordable method of getting rid of the child from possible problems. In view of this, if you want your baby to avoid measles infection, then try to instill him.

As already mentioned at the beginning of our article, this measure gives 98% of the guarantee that the body will be able to develop antibodies that will not allow the measles virus to harm a small person.

Preventive measures for measles:

  • A full sleep
  • Proper nutrition
  • Regular walks in the fresh air
  • Reception of vitamin complexes

Measles in children: vaccination

Measles in children: vaccination

As mentioned above, the best way to protect against measles is vaccination. Therefore, if you want to solve this problem once and for all, then simply without putting it in a long box, conduct the immunization of your child. True, you must remember that in order for this measure to bring the desired results, it must be carried out correctly.


  • During the introduction of the vaccine, your baby should be completely healthy
  • Before conducting vaccination, it is best to take tests
  • After the procedure, the child should not visit crowded places for 2-4 days
  • It is advisable not to wet or rub the place where the vaccine was introduced
  • 5 days after vaccination, you cannot give the child products capable of causing allergies

Validity of measles vaccine in children

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Validity of measles vaccine in children

Although the vaccine is considered the most reliable way to protect against measles, it does not give life immunity. As practice shows, after about 10-15 years, the number of antibodies begins to decline in the human body and, as a result, the likelihood of infection with an aggressive virus increases.

It is also worth considering that in order to get at least 15 years of immunity, your child should be done two vaccinations, one per year, the other at six years old. If you do not make repeated revaccination, there is a possibility that your baby will not be 100% protected from measles.

Video: Caria treatment and complications in children

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Comments K. article

  1. great article !! Honestly, we all use it in practice, but sometimes the stages are different), and organisms in people too, so do not joke, this can all be complicated to different organs, go to doctors, my good

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