Arterial hypertension: causes and symptoms

Arterial hypertension: causes and symptoms

Hypertension and its causes

According to WHO (World Health Organization), every third person on our planet suffers from high blood pressure. It was previously believed that hypertension, or arterial hypertension, is an age pathology. Indeed, it is mainly found in people in the second half of their lives. But there are also frequent cases of hypertension in young people and even children. Representatives of both sexes suffer equally often.

A persistent increase in pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Call hypertension
A persistent increase in pressure above 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Call hypertension

The pathology with a change in the tone of blood vessels is associated. It is very difficult to establish why this happens. In 8 out of 10 patients, it is not possible to accurately determine the cause of the increase in pressure. Doctors can only name the risk factors for the development of arterial hypertension, among which:

  1. Heredity. If there is hypertension in the genus, there is a great risk that at a certain age this pathology will appear in the child
  2. Age -related changes. In the second half of life, the walls of the vessels become less elastic, heart function is disturbed, there is a tendency to increase pressure
  3. Smoking, alcoholism, other bad habits that negatively affect health in general
  4. Chronic diseases of the respiratory system. For example, arterial hypertension often accompanies bronchial asthma
  5. Obesity. More than a grave weight in their hearts lies an additional load, their hypertension is almost always present
  6. Stress. Cortisol hormones and adrenaline, synthesized by the body during nervous shocks, strong experiences, negatively affect the condition of the walls of blood vessels. Arterial pressure increases in the stressful situation itself, and when it passes, it normalizes by itself. But if stress is chronic, then hypertension may develop
  7. Congenital heart defects
  8. Chronic diseases of the urinary system
  9. Taking certain categories of medications. For example, oral means of contraception, glucocorticosteroids or beta2-aden-shaped
  10. Pregnancy
  11. Other

Symptoms of hypertension

A person suffering from hypertension can feel everything or more of the listed symptoms:

  • headache
  • noise in ears
  • dizziness
  • arrhythmia
  • darkening in the eyes
  • nausea
  • nasal bleeding
  • slide problems
  • irritability
  • fast fatigue
  • memory deterioration
  • other
It is impossible to cure hypertension, but you can control the pressure with the help of drugs and folk remedies
It is impossible to cure hypertension, but you can control the pressure with the help of drugs and folk remedies

Arterial hypertension can be primary (as an independent disease) or secondary (as a symptom or consequence of another disease). It is customary to distinguish 4 degrees.
A sharp increase in pressure, a vivid manifestation of many signs of hypertension is a condition called a hypertensive crisis.

Important: hypertension does not just prevent a person from living a full life and work in full force. Very often its complications are stroke, heart attack, heart and renal failure. Therefore, an increase in blood pressure cannot be ignored. Traditional treatment and use of various folk remedies is necessary to restrain the disease

The consequences of hypertension can be very severe
The consequences of hypertension can be very severe

Video: Arterial hypertension 1 and 2 degrees

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  1. Previously, the pressure was constantly increased. And this is the most terrible condition that I had to experience at all. It’s good that now I managed to stabilize it, now I take the motherwittery Forte and began to practice the run. Ugh ugh, I have not suffered high pressure for a long time

  2. Also for a long time I could not choose the right drug for pressure. From which there were frequent jumps and poor health. But then they advised to take the drug hyperopril. I decided to try. And literally in a week of admission, my pressure stabilized. The jumps stopped and the general condition improved significantly. I continue to accept it and feel great.

  3. With the consistent execution of prescriptions and recommendations, chronic hypertonic can feel a completely healthy person and live a full life. To do this, take the prescribed drugs in a timely manner, even if blood pressure is normal. Walk more, eat less. And there are more vegetables, herbs and fruits, reducing sweet, flour products, it is especially important to reduce salt as much as possible. Increase in the diet products with a high content of potassium and magnesium (dried apricots, pumpkin, carrots, spinach, etc.). It is important to have first aid drugs with you to prevent or prevent hypertension (moksonidine-SZ). Since severe, often irreversible consequences can occur due to the Civil Code.

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