Why does a cough occur with a deep breath of smokers, with a cold? How to treat a cough with a deep breath?

Why does a cough occur with a deep breath of smokers, with a cold? How to treat a cough with a deep breath?

Causes and methods of treating coughing with deep inhalation.

The cough is often a symptom of a serious ailment, but in most cases adults ignore a long dry cough. In this article we will tell you what it means if the cough begins with a deep breath. 

Why does a cough appear with a deep breath?

In most cases, this indicates acute diseases. A man picked up a virus, or he has a complication after the flu. In this case, the mucous membrane is irritated due to the presence of viruses and bacteria, thereby the edema of the larynx appears and the cough is provoked.

Why does a cough appear with a deep breath:

  • Usually, after a while, a dry cough passes into a wet one, with sputum jerking, and soon completely disappears. However, it also happens that there are no prerequisites for the appearance of cough. That is, a person in the near future was not ill with a sharp respiratory disease.
  • In this case, you need to look at your body. A cough with a deep breath can occur due to an allergic reaction. It can be observed seasonally, for example, in spring and summer, for flowering of specific plants.
  • Together with the cough, there is a swelling of the larynx, lacrimation, and discharge from the nose. However, sometimes allergies proceeds in a milder form, and only provokes a cough. In this case, the diagnosis is complicated due to the fact that there are no other symptoms. 

Pain and coughing with deep breaths: Causes

Another reason that a cough can occur on inhalation is a heart disease. They usually suspect people after 50 years old, with a large body weight. A simple cardiogram will help determine whether everything is in order with the heart or not.

Pain and cough with deep breath, reasons:

  • At the initial stage, the doctor listens to the chest with a phonondoscope. If there are no wheezing, then it makes sense to direct the patient for ultrasound diagnostics or make a cardiogram.
  • Another reason why the cough occurs with a deep breath is neuralgia. This is a pinching of the nerve in the spine. It can be caused by osteochondrosis, hernia of the spine, and other degenerative diseases in cartilage and vertebrae.
  • Indeed, with a deep breath, the vertebrae are shifted, individual nerves can be pinched, which apply to the cough center in the brain. Thus, a barking dry cough occurs, which is not accompanied by the release of sputum. 
X -ray
X -ray

Coughing at a deep breath and temperature: Reasons

However, in most cases, coughing with a deep breath occurs with bronchitis or tracheitis. This usually happens after transferring SARS or ARI. However, along with this cough, sputum appears during prolonged coughing.

Coughing at a deep breath and temperature, reasons:

  • With bronchitis, the cough can be either dry and wet. Therefore, it is necessary to come to the doctor so that he will listen to the respiratory system.
  • The fact is that with obstructive bronchitis sputum, it stagnates in the respiratory system, in the bronchi, and does not come out, often causing harm, and contributing to the occurrence of complications, such as pneumonia.
  • Pneumonia. If there is a temperature, the process is acute. It is necessary to treat in the hospital.
At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

With a deep breath, cough with sputum, how to treat?

To prevent this from happening, be sure to contact the doctor with a long cough. If the cough is dry, you must try to cut it, make it more wet. For these purposes, you can useAscoril.

With a deep breath, cough with sputum, how to treat:

  • This is a tool that contains in itselfSalbutamol And other components that dilute sputum. However, remember, if the cough is very dry and suffocating, then the use of such drugs can cause a suffocation attack.
  • Therefore, if a very strong dry cough, it is best to use drugs that expand the bronchi. They refer to them  flixotideBerodual, other corticosteroids And beta-blockers. 
  • If there are very thick sputum in the bronchi, then a plentiful drink is necessary, and the use of drugs that help dilute sputum. Among them can be distinguished Lazolvan and Ambroben.
  • They can be inserted into the form of syrups, but the most safe and effective way is the use of funds using nebulizers. Remember that with severe dry cough and lack of sputum, drugs such as Lazolvan and Amboben will stimulate the cough, and can cause an attack of suffocation.
  • Therefore, in such cases, the funds of expanding bronchi, such as Flixotide or Berodual, are initially used, and only after 20-30 minutes, mucolytics are found and drugs that thin the sputum. It turns out the expansion of the bronchi and dilution of sputum. As a result of this, the cough is productive, a person clears the thick sputum, which has become more liquid. 

Cough after a deep breath at the smokers

A large number of smokers suffer from obstructive diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract. Smoking one pack per day, after 20 years the smoker does not doom himself to the acquisition of a chronic ailment.

The cough after a deep breath of the smokers:

  • As a result of this person, in the morning and during the day it can constantly cough, with the removal of thick sputum. As a result of the constant exposure to tobacco smoke on the respiratory tract, they narrow, their functional ability decreases. Oxygen starvation is observed. But not only smoking is the cause of diseases associated with obstruction of the lungs. 
  • Chronic diseases of the respiratory tract are often observed after not completely cured pharyngitis, laryngitis, and bronchitis. Thus, sputum stagnates in the bronchi, which is very viscous and does not jerk.
  • In this case, when inhalation and exhalation, wheezing is heard, along with this, pain in the chest is often observed. Usually painful sensations in the chest during inhalation, and severe cough, provoked by pneumonia, that is, pneumonia.
  • If, after a long cold, such symptoms are noticed, be sure to contact a doctor to listen to a phonondoscope. 
Cough after smoking
Cough after smoking

Cough with a deep breath of an adult: Causes

The main reason why the cough can be observed with a deep breath is bronchial asthma. Most often, it occurs in contact with an allergen. Allergies can be observed to dust, pollen, and other substances.

Cough with a deep breath of an adult, reasons:

  • In this case, it is necessary to find out the cause of the allergic reaction and a specific allergen. This will allow you to treat and remove the symptoms of allergies, in particular bronchial asthma, which provokes a strong cough.
  • Often, chronic cough observed on inspiration is associated with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The fact is that with some ailments of the stomach, part of the juice can be thrown into the esophagus. It may fall into the throat, as a result of which burns appear. That is why there is a strong cough. 
  • Chronic heart disease. Of course, in most cases, if a person caught a cold, fell ill with respiratory diseases, then a cough when inhalation is a symptom of the disease. With proper treatment, after a few days this symptom disappears.

With a deep breath, a strong cough, what to do?

Bronchoscopy can also be prescribed to determine the state of the mucosa. Often, a cough with a deep breath can be associated with worms. There are some parasites that live in the lungs, and not in the gastrointestinal tract, thereby causing strong coughing.

With a deep breath, a strong cough, what to do:

  • Please note that the worst way to stop such a cough- this is Use antitussive drugs. If it is pneumonia, or obstructive bronchitis, then such means will aggravate the situation and will contribute to the propagation of bacteria in the respiratory tract. 
  • Mostly to eliminate dry coughing attacks prescribe drugs that expand the lumen of the bronchi. These are glucocorticosteroids and beta blockers. Typically, they are administered in the form of inhalation using nebulizers, or with the help of special rescuers in the spray cans. 
  • In acute diseases of the bronchi and lungs, antibiotics are prescribed. Typically, they are combined with inhalations, and drugs that thin the sputum. In turn, antibiotics restrain the growth of bacterial flora.
  • Mucolytics help to remove sputum and mucus. However, in most cases, if this is not an acute respiratory disease, but a chronic cough, you should not engage in self -medication. Because the cough can be triggered by the causes that are in no way connected with the bronchi and lungs. 

If the cough does not pass for a long time, it's time to contact the doctor. He will prescribe an X -ray, and additional studies that determine the volume of the lungs. 

Video: coughing with a deep breath

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Comments K. article

  1. I think there will always be a cough with a cold, even though you smoke, at least not. Although, of course, she smoked for a long time and the cough was much stronger ... In any case, it always turned out to get rid of it without any problems, Immediately began to accept the Ambroxol bronchus (I choose it, because the production of Evalarovskoye, and these are a priori quality . I usually order from them, on a shop. Evalar-so is more convenient and more profitable) + Of course, I caressed the throat with soda. The cough quickly retreats, he has no other way out and does not))

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