Cough funds are inexpensive, but effective. Tablets, syrups, coughing products from the pharmacy are inexpensive, but effective for children and adults. List of effective and cheap cough preparations

Cough funds are inexpensive, but effective. Tablets, syrups, coughing products from the pharmacy are inexpensive, but effective for children and adults. List of effective and cheap cough preparations

A list of syrups, tablets and coughing products inexpensive, but effective.

There are a lot of means by which you can eliminate the symptoms of colds, influenza and bronchitis. However, few people know that their composition is significantly different, depending on the type of cough. In this article we will talk about the most affordable cough preparations. 

How to choose coughing drugs inexpensive, but effective?

Dry and wet cough is distinguished, which vary from each other with a mechanism of action and occurrence. Many believe that the symptom is always the same, but in fact it is not. The causes of occurrence can be completely different.

How to choose coughing drugs inexpensive, but effective:

  1. This is a protective reflex of the body, helping to eliminate and remove from the alveoli, larynx, interfering substances that can accumulate in bronchi and lungs. In this case, people usually have a cough with a secretion.
  2. At the initial stage, during breastfeeding, a small amount of mucus can accumulate in the alveoli, its viscosity is very high, respectively, at the very beginning, the person does not expect anything. That is, the cough is unproductive, but it is almost impossible to confuse it with the disease of the throat and nasopharynx, because the corresponding rumble in the chest area is felt.
  3. Over time, when the amount of viscous mucus becomes larger, its density decreases, the gaps in the alveoli are freed and the cough becomes wet, the secrecy of the secret is observed. But it happens that the cough is unproductive, exhausting and barking. Giving mucolytics is absolutely useless. The fact is that the mucous membrane of the throat with pharyngitis and laryngitis is very irritated.
  4. Accordingly, a signal is received in the cough center in the brain that there are some extraneous substances and microorganisms on the mucous membranes, which must be removed from the throat and bronchi. Thanks to this, a similar symptom occurs.
  5. However, when a person coughs, the mucous membrane is annoyed even more, it is injured. A vicious circle occurs, serious bouts of unproductive barking appear, which may not stop for several hours, preventing a person from breathing normally, eat and live. In this case, it makes no sense to give mucolics, because they will not stop the attack. 

Dry cough syrup inexpensive and effective

There are two ways to stop an unproductive cough: 

  • Soften the shell lining the throat
  • Remove the signal entering the cough center

This can be done with several drugs. To soften the mucosa, rinsing with baking soda is used, you can do inhalations with mineral water of Essentuka or ordinary soda. If this does not help, then the best option is to use one of the means that block the supply signal to the cough center. They can be developed on the basis of codeine and narcotic components that generally affect the body as a drug. You can use potions that affect exclusively to the area of \u200b\u200bthe brain that is responsible for this body response. 

Syrup from dry coughing is inexpensive and effective:

  • Sinecod
  • Codeine
  • Butamirat

Besides, The composition of the drugs that block the signals into the brain very often extended softening components that envelop the mucous membrane of the throat, and prevent its injury. 


Syrup from coughing outsidizing inexpensive and effective

If the drug is used to discharge mucus, then the main task of such drugs is not to be removed at all, but rather stimulate it. It happens that in the presence of mucus, a person coughs extremely rarely, while the secret inside is thick, viscous. Accordingly, such substances, stimulating coughing, improve its discharge, contribute to the elimination of alveoli.

Therefore, no matter how strange it sounds, the drugs used when the mucus in the bronchi is not at all from the disease, but for coughing. They usually include mucolytics, often they are used to thin the mucus and stimulation of expectorant. If such drugs are given with unproductive cough, then the person will suffocate even more, and the mucous membrane is injured.

Syrup from coughing outsidizing inexpensive and effective:

  • Lazolvan
  • Ambrobene
  • Ambroxol
  • Bronchipret

They will stimulate the occurrence of this symptom and provoke the discharge of mucus, which is not at all in the alveoli. 


Coughing tablets from the pharmacy are inexpensive, but effective

The most popular are drugs that are sold in the form of tablets. Their main advantage is that they occupy very little space, does not spill, do not dirty the bag, while you can always carry it with you to work or in the gym.

Tablets, suppressing reflex: 

  • Sinecod 
  • Intusin 
  • Tusuprex 

You can use standard cold tablets. Such coughing tablets from the pharmacy are inexpensive, but effective, Most often prescribed for unproductive pumping, or with a breast cough, during which a large amount of mucus accumulates in the alveoli.

Cough tablets
Cough tablets

Inexpensive cough tablets for adults

Pills make fluid mucus, and contribute to its excretion. It is not advisable to use these tablet drugs for the treatment of dry cough provoked by tracheitis or laryngitis.

Inexpensive cough tablets to adults:

  1. Ambroxol. Refers to mucolitics that make a secret less viscous, and improving its discharge. 
  2. Bromhexin. Ambroxole acts similarly, also a mucolytic, which in no way acts on the center in the brain. It only helps to make mucus viscous, subject to its presence in the bronchi. 
  3. Thyme. Very often candies, as well as thyme tablets are used to treat cough. They are also not used for stenosis, but are necessary only if the mucus is very liquid, its large amount and it is necessary to accelerate the excretion from the alveoli, lungs. That is, the drug stimulates the onset of the symptom, contributing to the elimination of mucus. 
  4. Salbutamol. This is a potion that is sold in tablets, known to everyone, as Vegetolin, used in inhalation during strong, unproductive barking. The substance refers to antispasmodics, it relieves spasm, thereby reducing severe stenosis, contributing to the healing of the mucous membrane. It is useful, both with stenosis and in the presence of a secret in alveoli. 
Folded from cough
Folded from cough

Syrup from coughing inexpensive and effective for children

Syropes are one of the most convenient admission options for children. The main advantage is that they can both suppress the onset of the symptom and contribute to the secretion of secretion, ensuring its liquefaction. 

Syrup from coughing inexpensive and effective for children:

  • Herbion syrup with plantain. The composition contains plant extracts, so the substance can be used both for unproductive and moist coughing. It makes the mucus more viscous, envelops the mucous membrane of the throat, thereby improving the condition with stenosis and relieving the irritation of the center in the brain. The composition of vitamins that accelerate recovery. It acts similarly to the sode, which reduces stenosis.
  • Stoptussin. It is also a combined potion, which contains substances that stimulate the discharge of mucus. It is advisable to use with wet breast cough or prand unproductive, during the treatment of obstruction. The drug is ineffective with barking, which is caused by irritation of the throat and trachea due to the growth of the colonies of pathogenic microorganisms. He will remove the unproductive cough, which is caused by irritation of the center in the brain. 
  • Bronchikum. This is a syrup that is created on the basis of primrose and other medicinal plants. It can be used both with dry and moist cough. In general, most often the medicine is prescribed as an auxiliary drug in the treatment of inflammation of the bronchi with complex evidence of a secret.
Effective syrup
Effective syrup

The cheapest coughing products

  • Sinecod. This is a drug that is allowed exclusively with dry, unproductive barking of different etiologies. Most often, it is prescribed for whooping cough, tracheitis, laryngitis, inflammation of the ligaments and tonsils. Accordingly, such a symptom does not imply finding in bronchi or mucus. The spasm is triggered by the irritation of the mucous membrane and the presence of pathogenic microorganisms on it. The drug has a number of contraindications, so you need to think a hundred times than to accept it or give it to children. 
  • Omnitus. This is a potion that contains a butamirat, influencing the brain center, dulling it. Affects the nervous system, reducing its sensitivity. The main advantage is that the stenosis seizures removed as quickly as possible. This is an ideal option if a spasm is observed as a result of the flow of mucus from the nose to the throat, or with irritation of the trachea, with laryngitis and pharyngitis. In no case should you use in bronchitis and pneumonia. 
  • Altea syrup - this is  the cheapest cough remedy, which is developed on the basis of ethanol and alteen extract. Recommended by adults and children in the presence of mucus. The main task of the drug is to dilute the mucus, making it less viscous. It is used for inflammation of the bronchi, in the presence of mucus in the alveoli of the bronchi. It is absolutely useless to use with unproductive barking if it is caused by tracheitis or inflammation of the mucous membrane of the throat. 
  • Ascoril. This is a combined drug, which is mainly prescribed during obstruction, if the bronchi contains very thick mucus, provoking an unproductive cough. Because of this, a person cannot expect most of the sputum, because due to high viscosity it does not leave the bronchi. Ascoril makes a secret less thick, and contributes to its excretion from the bronchi. Prescribed for stenosis, but only if there are thick mucus in the bronchi.

The best cough preparations - reviews

Do not be guided by the reviews of friends, neighbors. The symptoms of some ailments are very similar, but in fact the reasons for the cough are different. An effective drug can be prescribed exclusively by the doctor.

The best cough preparations - reviews:

Elena, Nizhny Novgorod. We were appointed by Dr. Sinekod, when his son suddenly began a strong cough without other symptoms. There was not a cold, high temperature. The most interesting thing is that before this the baby did not walk anywhere, and could hardly be able to pick up the virus. The medicine helped us, strong attacks disappeared, the baby began to sleep calmly and not choke. However, after the cancellation of the drops, the story repeated. We were forced to take an analysis for allergens. We found out that the child has strong allergies to pollen. Now we give antihistamines.

Veronica, Kaluga. The child had a strong protracted cough, as the doctor told us - the residual phenomenon after the flu. The disease was treated with a syrup of herbion with plantain. Very effective liquid, with an unpleasant taste. Despite the fact that there are sugar in the syrup, some aromatic additives, it is still nasty in taste. However, he helped to cope with the residual cough, and the condition of the child improved.

Eugene, Volgograd. I was ill for a very long time with bronchitis, prescribed both antibiotics and a variety of ointments for warming the chest. The mucus was very thick and difficult to jerk. The doctor recommended that in addition to all the above remedy, Ascoril. I am very pleased with the substance, as it is convenient in reception and effective. Only a few days later, sputum, the chest has improved, the chest ceased to hurt.

Natalia, Moscow. The child goes to kindergarten and often brings viruses. It is already tired of treating everyone in a row. The last time I gave Langes, it was a protracted barking, badly slept at night. I am satisfied with this liquid, it is pleasant to drink even a baby at three years old.


Remember, it is useless to presepting the drugs if the attack is triggered by the flow of mucus from the nose to the throat, with inflammation of the ligaments and tonsils. 

Video: Inexpensive cough preparations


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