Orthodox calendar for 2022-2023: dates of church holidays by month. When, what is the number in 2023 Easter, Palm Sunday, Red Hill, Trinity (Pentecost), Ascension of the Lord, Shrovetide, forgiven Sunday: Dates

Orthodox calendar for 2022-2023: dates of church holidays by month. When, what is the number in 2023 Easter, Palm Sunday, Red Hill, Trinity (Pentecost), Ascension of the Lord, Shrovetide, forgiven Sunday: Dates

Orthodox holidays for 2022-2023.

For religious people or just those who want to know about the main church holidays in 2022-2023, this article is dedicated. Here you will learn in detail the days and dates that are the main Orthodox holidays next year.

When is Easter, Palm Sunday, Red Gorka, Trinity (Pentecost), the Ascension of the Lord, Shrovetide, forgiven Sunday in 2023

  • Shrovetide - from February 20 to 26, 2023
  • Sunday Sunday - February 26, 2023
  • Palm Sunday April 9, 2023
  • Clean Thursday - April 13, 2023
  • Easter - April 16, 2023
  • Red Gorka - April 23, 2023
  • Radonitsa - April 25, 2023
  • Ascension of the Lord - May 25, 2023
  • Trinity - June 4, 2023

Let's begin to indicate important church holidays in order:

  • Pancake week - This is a week before fasting. At this time, it is customary to cook pancakes, eat cottage cheese and milk. After all, in just a week in a week will come Great post And all these dishes will have to be postponed to the bright Easter. Continues Shrovetide from February 20 to 26, 2023.
  • February 26 It is the last day of preparation for the great post. This day is called Forgiveness Sunday. It is on this holiday that all people should ask each other forgiveness for conscious and forgotten sins.
  • On April 9, in 2023, Palm Sunday is, which is celebrated 7 days before Great Easter. On this day, it is supposed to consecrate the Verob in the temple. After the worship, you should lightly pat the native branches of the Verba branches, then for the whole year there will be health and well -being.
  • The most important Orthodox holiday is Bright Sunday of Christthat is also called a bright Easter - this will happen April 16  2023. The Orthodox will exchange cakes and crashes baked in advance. By joyful exclamations, welcome each other with the words “Christ is risen”, receiving in response no less joyful “truly risen”.
  • A week after Easter, namely April 23, 2023, A very interesting holiday is celebrated, which is called Red hill. According to the sources on this day, Jesus came to an unbelieving Thomas, who could not believe that the Savior was risen.
  • Radonitsa - The day of remembrance of the deceased - April 25, 2023.
  • 40 days after Easter, more precisely May 25, 2023 It is noted Ascension of the Lord. This holiday will have to be on Thursday. According to biblical stories on this day, the Lord told His disciples that the apostles would preach about him around the world and, raising their hands up, ascended to heaven.
  • On the fiftieth day after Easter is Trinity - June 4, 2023. It is celebrated in honor that the Holy Spirit came to the apostles. Orthodox people June 12, Sunday They will decorate their house with herbs and flowers, as well as carry fragrant plants to the church.

When is the Jewish, Catholic, Armenian Easter in 2023

Easter is such a great holiday that it is celebrated by many religions and peoples. But not everyone has this holiday on the same date.

  • Christians celebrate Easter holiday - April 16, 2023.
  • Catholics, and there are 1.2 billion believers, celebrate bright Sunday April 9, 2023.
  • Easter Catholic does not fall on the same day with Christian. Therefore, the celebration of Easter Catholics and Christians in 2017, it was on April 16 - it was just a coincidence.
  • But Jewish Easter, or as they call Passah, is celebrated from 4 to 12 April, 2023.
  • Easter holiday for the Armenians who believe in Christ falls on April 9, 2023,like Catholics.

In such a difficult time of wars and disagreements on the great holiday of Easter, the Lord sends us a sign that we are all united before God.

Orthodox calendar of 2023 with church posts and holidays

Orthodox holidays and the history of their occurrence are far into the past. They arose for a reason, but indicate an important event in life Savior, God's Mother of God, Holy Apostles.
Every day the church celebrates the day of the saint, who somehow contributed to Orthodoxy and Christianity. You can find out all the holidays from the Orthodox calendar.
In this article, we will try to highlight the main holidays that the Orthodox Christian diocese notes. For convenience, let's consider each month separately.

Orthodox and church holidays in January 2023

  • January 6 It ends multi -day Christmas post.
  • The beginning of the year begins with Bright Christmas of Christwhich is traditionally noted January 7This holiday is not interpreting.
  • Christmas time pass from 7 to January 18. These days, children usually walk along the streets with holiday songs.
  • The day of circumcision of the Lord invariably installed on January 14. This day is also called the old New Year.
  • The great preparation for the baptism of the Lord is January 18which is also called Epiphany Christmas Eve.
  • Following 19th number Already by itself Baptism. On this day it is customary to swim in the hole. Then all diseases and misfortunes will be washed away by holy water. All waters are sacred on this day
  • Day Holy Martyr Tatyanawho was subjected to terrible torment for the true faith in Christ, it is customary to read The 25th of January.

Orthodox and church holidays in February 2023

  • From February 6, 2023 - the beginning of the continuous week of the I, the I, the Pharisee and it will last on February 11, 2023.
  • In a day February 15, 2023which is called The meeting of the Lord, The Virgin brought the baby to the temple in order to dedicate him to the Lord.
  • February 18, 2023 - Meat Ecumenical parent Saturday.
  • February 20 - Shrovetide It takes a whole week, it is called Cheese, beginning from February 20 to 26, 2023.
  • On the last day Shrovetide, namely February 26  2023 You should ask for forgiveness from each other - it has come Forgiveness Sunday.
  • The very next day, February 27, 2023begins Great post.
Great post schedule
Great post schedule

Orthodox and church holidays in March 2023

There are several large holidays in March, this:

  • March 11th This year is the parental Saturday of the second week.
  • March 18 - Parent Saturday of the third week.
  • March 22  2023 Great holiday 40 saints. It is mentioned of the Sevastian martyrs. These brave people, despite daily torment, did not betray faith in Christ and remained faithful to him to death.
  • March, 25 - Parent Saturday of the fourth week.

Orthodox and church holidays in April 2023

  • Annunciation It is the first significant holiday in April 2023. It falls on April 7, 2023. On this day, the Virgin of Maria Archangel Gabriel brought the judgment that she would become the mother of Jesus Christ.
  • April 8  2023  of the year - Lazarev Saturday, which always goes a day before the Palm Sunday. On this day, a real miracle occurred - from tears and sorrows of Christ for the dead righteous Lazar, he was risen. Such a miraculous resurrection deserves an annual celebration and veneration.
  • April 9, 2023Palm Sunday, we already talked about him at the beginning of the article.
  • April 13th - At the beginning of the first in the morning, pure Thursday will begin.
  • The Great Lent has begun in March ends April 15 And precedes
  • Great Easter, which in 2023, it is celebrated on April 16.
  • From this day on the whole week there is Easter seventh (from 16 to 22 April) During which one should rejoice at the resurrection of Christ.
  • April 23, 2023 - Red Gorka.
  • April 25 Radonitsa. 10 days after Great Easter, it is customary to read the deceased parents and other close relatives. This day is called Radonitsaand  it is on Tuesday 25th of April 2023.

Orthodox and church holidays in May 2023

  • On Victory Day May 9the Orthodox Church remembers the deceased warriors.
  • One of the 12 apostles Simon Zilot is revered May, 23rd
  • May 25, 2023 - The ascension of the Lord is revered to heaven 40 days after Easter by Orthodox people.
Orthodox calendar for 2023
Orthodox calendar for 2023

Orthodox and church holidays in June 2023

  • June 1, 2023, Thursday- Semik - a national day of commemoration of unbaptized, suicide, drowned people and dead violent death.
  • June 3, 2023 - The precedence of the Trinity, the parental Trinity Memorial Saturday. On this day, there are active preparations for the holiday - landscaping of the dwelling and church. The next day directly:
  • June 4, 2023 - The great holiday of the Holy Trinity is the day of the Holy Spirit, which is one of the greatest holidays in the year
  • The whole next week from 5 to 11 June - This is the Trinity week, during which you can’t work, but you need to read prayers and read Christ.
  • June 5, 2023 - Spirits day.
  • June 5, 2023 - The beginning of the Trinity continuous week.
  • June 11th  2023ends Trinity continuous week
  • 12 June  2023 Petrov post begins, continuing until July 11

Orthodox and church holidays in July 2023

  • On the night with 6 on July 7 The popular Slavic holiday is celebrated Ivan Kupala. This day is also marked by summer solstice. It arose back in 692 and since then the youth has been very fond of. At night, girls and guys jump over a fire and let flower wreaths into the water, and look for themselves narrowed.
  • This holiday in Orthodoxy also coincides with Merry Christmas John the Baptist, which is on July 7, 2023.
  • July 8, 2023 A wonderful family holiday is Day of Peter and Fevroniawho personify the perfect model of the Orthodox family. it day of love and family fidelity.
  • July 11 Petrov post ends, and the next day - July, 12  2023 Christians revere saints Peter and Paulwho truly preached Christianity and died in torment for it.

Orthodox and church holidays in August 2023

The presented holidays below in August are celebrated in the same dates every year.

A lot of Christian holidays, during which it is customary to prepare delicious pastries, is waiting for us in August:

  • August 2 - Nameday Elijah. The Prophet Elijah was known for his wonderful deeds. On this day, it is accepted praying for rain or warmth, about what is missing in terms of weather conditions. From this day on the signs, autumn and cold evenings are already coming, previously it was categorically not allowed to swim in the rivers after this day.
  • August 14th Celebrated m erodovy saved. From a long time ago, the housewives bake poppy pies on this day and generously water them with honey.
  • August 19Apple savedOn this day it is customary to cook apples. This day is also called the Transfiguration of the Lord in honor of the memory of the phenomenon of Christ in front of his disciples.
  • August 19 - Transfiguration of the Lord.
  • August 28 Orthodox people remember the bright image of the Virgin, the freshwear of Maria
  • Orekhovy saved Closes a series of holidays in August and celebrated 29th. On this day, nuts ripen along the signs. On this day, it is customary to bake bread from the new wheat crop.

Orthodox and church holidays in September 2022-2023

The presented holidays below in September are celebrated in the same dates every year.

The autumn period of Christian holidays begins:

  • From September 11when the day is mentioned in the Orthodox literature The celebration of the head of John the Baptist.
  • September 21 is a great day of celebration Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Marywhich personifies a single holiness and purity. Maria was sincerely devoted to God, for which she received a reward in the form of the birth of the Savior.
  • September 27 marked by the holiday of the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord, when the Calvary cross is revered, as an instrument of salvation of all living things on earth.
  • September 30th Every year the day is celebrated Faith, hope, love and their mother Sofia, holy martyrs born in Italy and decapitated during persecution of Christians. Young girls, along with their mother, did not even betray Christ in terrible torment

Orthodox and church holidays in October 2022-2023

The presented holidays below in October are celebrated in the same dates every year.

October marked by two great holidays, this is:

  • Memory Sergius of Radonezh glorify October 8. Saint Sergius gave his whole life to Orthodoxy. And the temple of the Life -Giving Trinity built by him is now known throughout Russia and beyond.
  • October 14 A great holiday is celebrated The covers of the Blessed Virgin Mary. When the Virgin Mary with her veil covered the inhabitants of Constantinople from the invasion of Islamic Saracens.

Orthodox and church holidays in November 2022-2023

The presented holidays below in November are celebrated in the same dates every year, except for the Dmitrievsky parental Saturday.

In November, Christians celebrate 2 large holidays and begin to fast November 28, from the day of the beginning Christmas post:

  • November 5, 2022 and November 4, 2023 - Dimitrievskaya Parental Saturday, accepted to mention in honor of the battle on the Kulikovo field. The warriors who gave their lives during the battle were originally remembered, but later on this day they began to mention all the deceased Christians.
  • November 21 Mikhailov is celebrated the day in which the Archangel Michael is commemorated, who is a fighter against all evil and the highest angel participating in Christian life.
  • November 28 - The beginning of the Christmas post.

Orthodox and church holidays in December 2022-2023

The presented holidays below in December are celebrated in the same dates every year.

In the last month of the year, Orthodox Christians celebrate 4 holidays with special veneration:

  • December 4 Every year, the day is mentioned when the Parents of the Presnodeva brought her for the first time to the temple. So three -year -old Maria was devoted to serving the Lord. This holiday is called Introduction to the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The day of memory of George the Victorious is glorified on December 9 and bears the name Yuryev day. In Russia, George was most often called Yuri, and therefore a certain change of names is manifested
  • December 19th All children love, because this is a day St. Nicholas, Nikolai Wonderworkerwhich is one of the most revered saints. He works miracles, if you ask him very much about some business, then everything will come true. The main thing is faith and sincerity. And the kids on this day receive gifts from him under the pillow, but only those who behaved well all year
  • December 25th - The last holiday of the year before the New Year is the day of the memory of St. Spiridon, who, with his meekness, kindness and faith in the Lord, earned a gift from the Savior - healing from diseases, even incurable previously and the ability to expel demons.

These are the Orthodox days we will all celebrate in 2022-2023. Some of them are always celebrated on the same day, you now know the date of others.
All these days are a mention of the great saints who sincerely served Christianity all their lives. Many of them created martyrdom so that they betrayed Christ. But faith and love for the Savior were so strong that it was equivalent to betraying it.
These days, one should pray intensely and with respect and veneration treats all the holy martyrs who gave their lives for Jesus. Go to church and during the liturgy, along with all believers, penetrate the faith and love of our Lord!

Video: Orthodox Easter calendar from 2019 to 2029

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