Prayers, conspiracies, rituals and rituals for the holy Trinity. Conspiracies and rituals for trinity for marriage, love, money, fulfillment of desire

Prayers, conspiracies, rituals and rituals for the holy Trinity. Conspiracies and rituals for trinity for marriage, love, money, fulfillment of desire

The article will tell you how to pray correctly and read conspiracies on the Trinity, and also what should be asked from the icon of the Holy Trinity.

Prayer of the Blessed Almighty and Life -giving Trinity: Words

In Orthodoxy, such a thing as “Christian trinity” is of great importance for the believer. The number 3 (“three”) has a lot of associations, as well as values:

  • Someone compares it with a triangle (which has three corners)
  • Someone ascribes the power of this number to the Freemasons
  • Others are confident in his pagan origin

Nevertheless, Orthodoxy claims that it is not worth looking for a connection between the number with opponents of Christianity. After all, God must live not in the head of man, but his soul.

The Blessed Trinity is nothing more than Three gentlemen of the hypostasis:

  • Holy Spirit
  • Holy father
  • The son of the father

Important: one should understand and not divide God into three faces, these three creatures exist and represent the Lord.

A person should understand the trinity in the same way in the three features of his nature:

  • Mind
  • Spirit
  • Word

The “Trinity” can be understood as the theological term that hides the doctrine of the three faces of the Unified creature of God. The prayer of the Most Holy Almighty and Life -giving Trinity will help to ask the Lord for forgiveness and salvation. Many use this prayer to ask for healing diseases and pardon.

Important: prayers of the Blessed Almighty and Life -giving Trinity can be read, both on the celebration of the Trinity and every day in the morning and evening.

Prayers to the Trinity:

Prayer to the Blessed Trinity: Text
The prayer of the Lord
Prayer for healing from diseases of the Blessed Trinity
Akathist of the Blessed and Life -giving Trinity: Text

The prayer of the Holy Trinity helps?

The icon of the Blessed Trinity is of great importance for every believing Orthodox person. The images depicted on the icon are designed to help a person to contact God and serve Him with all his heart. Before the icon of the Trinity, prayers should be read and confess. If a person has hardnesses in a person, and in life there are problems, then he can ask for a resolution of difficult situations to the icon.

How does the trinity icon help:

  • In prayer, a person can find the right path that will help him easily overcome any life tests.
  • The face of the Trinity will help a person to gain hope and dispel the experiences.
  • Truly believers, the face of the Trinity will help hare many problems.
  • Before the icon of the Blessed Trinity, you need to ask for forgiveness for the sins of the deed, purify your soul from the accumulated negativity.
The icon of the Trinity

Prayer of the Holy Trinity for the fulfillment of desire

There are such life situations when a person needs help. In this case, we are not talking about buying a new phone or luxurious jewelry, but about help and fulfillment of mental desires: help to a loved one, help in achieving the goals, help in healing and a happy road. With your prayers and petitions, you can turn to the icon of the Holy Trinity, which helps believers to find peace and safely find what they want.

What prayers should you read:

Prayer for the fulfillment of desire to the Holy Spirit
Prayer to the Lord God for a quick achievement of the request
The prayer of the Mother of God for the quick fulfillment of the desire of an important

Trinity conspiracies: how to do and what to say?

Slavic culture embodies many customs and rites, one of which is reading conspiracies for luck and achieving certain goals. Many people do not like such a lesson, since they believe that the conspiracy is something pagan. However, to read it or not is everyone’s personal business. At least to incur failures by reading prayers - it is simply impossible. The main thing is to believe in the Lord and open his heart to him.

In order to find your love and find the desired romantic relationship, you can try to read a special conspiracy on a special Orthodox holiday - Trinity. The conspiracy read in the Trinity is considered strong because this holiday is very closely connected with nature, and nature is the power of this world. In order for your personal life to become many times more beautiful, the conspiracy should be read on a festive morning for the Trinity.

First, it is necessary to defend full service in the temple, without squatting according to all the rules. Only then, returning home, should I tear two or three birch leaves and bring them home. A decoction was prepared from the leaves, which was drunk by the girl herself or was given as a treat to a beloved man. Before you drink the drink, you should read the conspiracy three times over the decoction.

Conspiracy for love in Trinity

Trinity conspiracies for marriage: how to do it right?

This conspiracy also involves defending full service in the temple. On the way to church, you should tear off all young branches and flowers that will meet on the road. With these plants or herbs, you need to have a tsato service on the legs without missing a single word. Then come home and boil a decoction from the greens brought home. The decoction should boil and during his boil read important words (see photo). You do not need to drink a decoction in the evening to pour themselves from head to toe, standing on the ground.

Conspiracy for marriage in Trinity

Rites for money for Trinity: what prayer to read?

Such a conspiracy assumes that you are in advance before going to the temple, collect the grass and weave a wreath from them. You can put a wreath on your head, you can just keep it with you. It is important during the wreath of a wreath, while your hands are busy, read a prayer. Put three candles on this day and pray to important images.

Conspiracy for wealth in Trinity

Ritual for wealth on the Trinity: how to do the right thing?

In order to make this ritual correctly, you should wake up early in the morning in the Trinity and go at dawn in the field or to the green meadow. There, with the first rays of the sun, you will need to collect 7 different plants in a bouquet that you can find. With this bouquet and go to the temple, stand with him all the service without squatting. During the worship of the knees in the church, tape the church sex with the bouquet. Bring the bouquet home and read the conspiracy for well -being and wealth. Keep the bouquet at home.

Ritual for wealth in Trinity

Prayer for the children of the Holy Trinity: how to pray correctly?

The holy Trinity is good to pray for the safety and health of their children. This can be done, both in the church during the service and at home in front of the face of the icon. Read a prayer sincerely, it is better to do it three times. While reading prayer, you need to call the names of children and be baptized.

Prayer to the Trinity for Children

Why does God love the Trinity?

From childhood, each person knows such a saying as “God loves the Trinity”, but not everyone thought about the origin of these words. Nevertheless, everyone continues to pray, often read prayers three times and be baptized three times too. These words should not be understood literally, but a little rephrased - "God is a trinity." In these words there is a meaning that once again claims that the Lord consists of the Holy Spirit, the Holy Father and the Son. Mentioning the Trinity, you strengthen the action of all your words and help to be realized good.

The Holy Trinity is an icon: what is protecting from?

The icon of the Holy Trinity, which is in your house or which you pray in the temple, can protect you from any negativity and evil from the side: any conspiracies and slander on you, envy, fading of others. In addition, the Holy Trinity will allow you to return your strength, self -confidence, direct you to the true path and heal. Many ask not only forgiveness from the Trinity, but also confess in their sins.

Video: "Prayer of the Blessed Trinity"

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