When, on what day do eggs are painted on Easter?

When, on what day do eggs are painted on Easter?

When do you need to paint eggs on Easter?

Easter is a large Orthodox holiday, which is one of the most important. Therefore, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules not only on this day, but even in the process of preparing for the holiday. In this article we will tell you when you need to paint eggs on Easter.

On what day do eggs are painted on Easter?

Basically, all work to put your home in order, as well as the preparation of Easter cakes, painting eggs are carried out on Thursday. But the fact is that on this day there is a lot of work, so the hostess does not have time to do everything in one day. Therefore, sometimes painting eggs and baking of cakes is transferred to wednesday. In no case should you do work on Friday, because this day is a passionate Friday, when they crucified Christ. It is considered a sin to start baking Easter cakes, as well as to painting eggs. Set aside the implementation of these works the next day.

In most cases, housewives proceed to baking the PACS, as well as to painting eggs directly on Saturday, that is, the day before Easter. This is the most favorable option, because boiled eggs are not recommended to store longer than one day.

But sometimes on Saturday there is another large church Orthodox holiday, for example, April 7 - Annunciation. On this day, it is believed that the bird does not drive the nest, and the girl does not weave a braid.

Therefore, it was also considered a sin and perform work of a preparatory nature. That is, manipulations for preparation for Easter could not be carried out.
Staining eggs in this year must be carried out directly on Thursday.

Eggs on Easter
Eggs on Easter

To find out on which day you need to paint eggs on Easter, you should look at the calendar. If on Saturday, that is, the day before the resurrection, there are no religious holidays, then the painting of eggs can be carried out on this day.

How did the tradition appear to paint eggs on Easter?

For the first time about staining eggs on Easter it became known in the tenth century. This tradition is associated with the campaign of Mary Magdalene to Emperor Tiberius. She came to him and said: "Christ is risen." After crucifixion. To which the emperor answered her: "As a white egg, not red, and dead cannot resurrect." At that moment, the egg in his hand became red. Since then, people began to paint eggs. This tradition is also associated with the appearance of red dots on the egg, which was demolished by the chicken during the birth of Mark Aurelius. Since then, they began to believe that painted eggs are an omen of something good and successful.

Eggs on Easter
Eggs on Easter

Video: When to paint eggs on Easter?

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