How many Orthodox Maslenitsa begins and forgiven Sunday in Russia in 2023? The essence of the festival of Shrovetide and forgiven Sunday: description, traditions on the days of the week, names of days

How many Orthodox Maslenitsa begins and forgiven Sunday in Russia in 2023? The essence of the festival of Shrovetide and forgiven Sunday: description, traditions on the days of the week, names of days


From this article you will learn about the celebration of Shrovetide in 2023.

What is the beginning of Shrovetide in 2023 and how long does the pancake week last?

  • Shrovetide this year - from February 20 to 26, 2023
    Sunday Sunday February 26, 2023

One of the most beloved holidays is Shrovetide. Both adults and children look forward to him. After all, traditionally, it is associated with us with fun festivities, various fun, riding a sleigh, delicious treats, among which pancakes occupy a special place.

This holiday goes its roots during paganism. According to some historians, he was originally confined to the day of the spring equinox and symbolized the meeting of spring and the beginning of field work.

When Christianity came to Russia, the holiday was transferred to an earlier period so that it does not coincide with the great post. Therefore, we meet heat and welcome spring we often in severe frosts.

Important: Shrovetide is noted in the last week, which precedes the great post.

In Christianity, this period is considered time for:

  • forgiveness of all insults
  • reconciliation with their neighboring
  • preparation of the soul and body for the path of the repentant to the Lord

Not everyone knows that on such holidays the meat is not consumedTherefore, the week is also called meat -pounded or cheesecake. And you can eat a lot and abundantly:

  • different fish
  • eggs
  • dairy
  • flour products

Every year, the day in which Shrovetide begins falls on different numbers, as it depends on the day the Great Lent is before Easter bright. In the upcoming 2023 This day falls on February 20th. It will last 7 days to last a week, ending February 26 forgiven Sunday.

Shrovetide 2023 - Traditions on the days of the week, names of days

Preparation for pancake week traditionally begins on the eve of the previous Saturday, called Meat papers. This day is remembered by the deceased and visited cemeteries. He was also called a “small butter” and was the beginning of the meeting of Shrovetide.

Names of the days of the week for Shrovetide
Names of the days of the week for Shrovetide

Funny festivities during this festive period occur all days, each of which has a special meaning and an appropriate name.

Monday February 20, 2023

Monday is a meeting of Shrovetide, When the whole preparation for the holiday was in fullness:

  • swings and booths were built.
  • rollers and ice slides were poured.
  • a scarecrow was made from straw and installed on the city square.
  • the inviting songs that invited spring and called the sun were sung.
  • they started baking pancakes, the first of which were given to the poor.
  • they sent the daughter -in -law to cook and wait for the matchmakers.
Monday to Shrovetide
Monday to Shrovetide

Tuesday February 21, 2023

Tuesday - "Sun" was called and has always been dedicated to the young:

  • the guys arranged brides brides.
  • young people exchanged notes, flirting with each other.
  • we rode on a sleigh decorated with bells and ribbons.
  • they drove around the city a wheel decorated with ribbons.
  • they drove round dances around the scarecrow.
Tuesday in Shrovetide
Tuesday in Shrovetide

Wednesday February 22, 2023

Wednesday - The day of "varnish", in which:

  • the mother -in -law's son -in -law called for pancakes.
  • recent newlyweds put on wedding outfits and went around all the guests who were at their wedding.
  • particularly generous feasts were arranged.
  • cooked beer.
Wednesday in Shrovetide
Wednesday in Shrovetide
Wednesday in Shrovetide
Wednesday in Shrovetide

Thursday 23 February, 2023

Thursday - The “rampant” day was, the beginning of a wide Maslenitsa, when there was a way out of all negative energy, accumulated over a long winter, and the fun occurred with a special scope:

  • fist fights were arranged.
  • snow towns stormed.
  • we rolled up from the slides of the ice.
  • we jumped over bonfires.
  • they sang Pancake week songs.
  • we went to visit from home to house.
  • the kids ran with carols, begging the hotels.
Thursday in Shrovetide
Thursday in Shrovetide
Thursday in Shrovetide
Thursday in Shrovetide

Friday February 24, 2023

Friday - Vespers Mother -in -law:

  • son -in -law invited a mother -in -law to pancakes with reverence
  • mother -in -law sent products in advance for cooking
Friday to Shrovetide
Friday to Shrovetide
Friday to Shrovetide
Friday to Shrovetide

Saturday February 25, 2023

Saturday - Zolovykins of the gatherings:

  • the daughter -in -law called the husband’s relatives to visit.
  • sillar had to be bestowed with gifts.
  • a stuffed Shrovetide was put on a sled, rolled around the city.
  • by evening, they began to build a fire to burn the stuffed animal.
  • they drove round dances around the fire.
Saturday for Shrovetide
Saturday for Shrovetide
Saturday in Shrovetide
Saturday in Shrovetide

Sunday February 26, 2023

Sunday - Tselovnik, wires, forgiven Sunday:

  • pancakes were attributed to cemeteries to remember the deceased relatives.
  • they asked each other for forgiveness.
  • they visited the baths.
  • the remains from the festive food were burned.
  • the ash from the Shechel was launched across the field for a good harvest.
  • they were cleansed spiritually, preparing for the upcoming post.

Sunday to Shrovetide
Sunday to Shrovetide

How is the folk Maslenitsa in Russia celebrated?

With confidence we can say that Shrovetide is the most fun and noisy holiday in our country. On a wide scale, he was celebrated in Russia in the old days. And in modern days, the people walk for a long time and brightly.

Foreigners are always trying to visit Russia these days to see traditional molten festivals and even participate in them. After all, the festival of Maslenitsa reflects the culture of the Russian people, its identity.

Of course, now some Maslenny rituals have lost their significance, but interest in the national holiday has not been lost in our time. A bright atmosphere seems to return us to childhood, giving us the opportunity to distract from daily worries.

In all regions of Russia, fairs are arranged in the squares, they set up swings, play performances, sing folk songs and treats with delicious pancakes. In some small cities, comic fist fights and skiing on the top three horses can be arranged.

Plan of festivities on Shrovetide
Plan of festivities on Shrovetide

Activists and travel agencies are trying to support folk traditions by arranging Shrovetide tours to the ancient cities of Russia. You can read more about the celebration of Shrovetide in this article.

We must not forget that Shrovetide is not only noisy walks, but also a family warm holiday that strengthens relations between loved ones. Indeed, these days you must definitely congratulate relatives and invite them to visit.

How do children celebrate folk Maslenitsa?

The cheerful and noisy celebration of the folk Maslenitsa leaves vivid impressions in children. Attractions, contests, buffoons, sweets - all this makes an indelible impression on the guys and is remembered forever.

The meaning of the holiday is incomprehensible to the kids, so we need to explain to them why we are so happy about the arrival of the “meaty week”, and what it means for the Slavs. It is very important to tell about the holiday an understandable language accessible to children.

Explain to them when Shrovetide is celebrated, how many days it lasts and how to behave this week. Will help you with this article about Shrovetide in kindergarten.

Now in almost all kindergartens, folklore matinees or thematic classes on the topic of Shrovetide are held. Simple ways will help to create a festive atmosphere:

  • folklore costumes for children.
  • multi -colored caps for boys and scarves for girls.
  • folk songs and ancient games.
  • joint production of a scarecrow.
  • tea drinking with samovar and pancakes.

Game fun and contests are an indispensable attribute of Shrovetide festivities. Introduce children to Russian traditions, this brings up respect for your country and people.

Pancakes on Russian Shrovetide: traditions, recipes

An indispensable attribute of Russian folk Maslenitsa is round delicious pancakes. Yellow and round, hot and satisfying - they symbolize the sun, behind which everyone missed during a long winter.

This dish was treated in Russia for a long time. Initially, it was called “Mlyn” from the word “grinding” and “changed”, and was a food for the remembrance of the deceased.

Around the 19th century, it became the main thing on Shrovetide days, since this holiday is considered wires, the “commemoration” of the winter period. Whatever a popular treat: pancakes are custard and yeast, with and without, on cream and proteins, buckwheat and wheat, pancakes and dumplings.

Each housewife has her own favorite and tested method of preparation. But if you have not yet found your “branded” pancake recipe, use the advice proposed in article.

Pancake recipe for Shrovetide
Pancake recipe for Shrovetide

Even if you do not like to cook, on these holidays, be sure to bake pancakes and please yourself and your family. And in no case do not sit on a diet!

You will also have time to come to the beach period. Do not forget that according to the Russian tradition, the more pancakes you eat in a raw -gun week, the richer and happier this year will live.

Pancakes recipe
Pancakes recipe

The last day of the Orthodox Maslenitsa is forgiven Sunday: the essence and rite of the holiday

It is known that everyone’s beloved Maslenitsa is not a religious holiday, it is not in the church calendar. Just the Orthodox Church filled him with a special spiritual meaning.

Before Easter Light Orthodox people observe the most strict post. There are many temptations in the world, it is immediately difficult to abandon them, so the cheese week gradually prepares a person for the upcoming humble behavior and restrictions of various kinds. There is no longer any meat products at this time, but you can and should be cheerful.

Shrovetide holidays end in the afternoon, which is called differently: A week is raw -abed, kissing, wires and, more familiar to us, forgiven Sunday. This day is special - after all, he is the last before the start of Great Lent. The festivities are already ending, and people enter the post with a pure soul.

The traditions of Sunday of the forgiven come from the custom of the ancient monks of Palestine. Before the start of Easter, they one by one for 40 days (the whole great post) went into the deserts in order to strengthen the power of their prayers and cleanse them spiritually.

Many of them died from thirst or from attacks by snakes and animals. The monks understood that not everyone could return from the desert, so they asked each other in advance for forgiveness for all the bad deeds that they did or could do.

The laity adopted this tradition, and on the last Pancake week they ask each other about forgiveness and forgive the grievances themselves. They use all possible measures in order to reconcile with those with whom they are at war.

It is believed that you can only rush to God by eradicating the anger, resentment and condemnation of someone in the soul. It is necessary not only to forgive the people who inflicted offense to us, but also sincerely ask our neighbors for bad things for bad things, what we did in life or in our thoughts.

If you could not see a person who wanted to ask for forgiveness, do it mentally. Forgiveness is also asking for another one on this day, because people are often late with an apology. In the old days, during the forgiven Sunday, they adhered to such a custom:

  • they walked in a group of several people in the cemetery, while maintaining complete silence.
  • they made three deep bow near the graves.
  • they put a memorial food brought from the house (necessarily pancakes).
  • they asked the deceased for forgiveness.
  • they went home in silence.

In addition, traditionally on such a day:

  • recent newlyweds went around their parents and godparents, giving various gifts.
  • the newly made parents had to visit Kumovyov and congratulate them.
  • the family sat down to meal at the table seven times.

From a long time ago, the last Russian Shrovetide should take place in this way:

  • festive amusements and focus are silent gradually and are coming to an end.
  • a straw scarecrow of Shrovetide is burned.
  • in the evening, after the end of all Maslenny festivities in the Orthodox churches, a service is performed.
  • at the end, there is a rite of the rank of forgiveness: priests with parishioners ask each other, bowing to their feet and in response to hear the traditional words: "God will forgive, and I forgive."
  • after the end of the evening service, people go to the guests to “say goodbye” and distribute alms to the poor.
  • at home, the whole family sits down for a meal, the last in front of the Great Post, which is called "Two".
  • after dinner, households read prayer and apologize: the younger ones in front of the elders, spouses among themselves.
  • the cheerful holiday of the Russian Maslenitsa is now considered complete.
  • the beginning of the Great Lent is

How is they congratulated on Russian Shrovetide and forgiven Sunday?

During Shrovetide, people rejoice, have fun, say goodbye to boring colds and believe that spring will come very soon and bring not only the long -awaited warmth, but also a lot of good things. Be sure to congratulate your loved ones on this holiday, give them gifts and spiritual words.

About how in the old days they congratulated each other in Forgiveness Sundayand what words they said at the same time, read in this article.

Forgiveness Sunday is that holiday when we, having gathered our relatives at the table, can without hesitation express our warm feelings and say kind words to them. Previously, such holiday messages wrote on postcards. Now this tradition is gradually leaving.

As a rule, we write SMS or call by phone. But you must admit, a beautiful picture on the Shrovetide theme looks cute and touching. And getting this is always nice. Read folk traditions, keep faith in good, appreciate loved ones and congratulate them on Shrovetide and forgiven Sunday!

Video: History, Maslenitsa traditions in Russia

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