Is it possible to baptize the child and be baptized by an adult in Uspensky, Petrov, Christmas, Great Lent, before Easter? On what days of fasting can you baptize a child and be baptized by an adult?

Is it possible to baptize the child and be baptized by an adult in Uspensky, Petrov, Christmas, Great Lent, before Easter? On what days of fasting can you baptize a child and be baptized by an adult?

Baptism in the post is possible or not? You will find the answer to this question by reading this article.

The non -knowledge of the canons of the Orthodox Church leads to the emergence of doubts among some people about the possibility of a rite of baptism during long -term posts.

Is it possible to baptize the child in Uspensky, Petrov, Christmas, Great Lent, before Easter?

Holy Battle

Most often, such a question arises when parents, in accordance with the Orthodox rules, want to christen the baby on 8 or 40 days from birth, but this time coincides with the post.


  • The church rite of baptism is carried out during the round year, including during any post.
  • Small exceptions are allowed during periods of great, twelve celebrations.
  • But this cannot serve as a refusal of the clergyman to conduct this ritual, he can only recommend coming on another day due to the numerous visitors in the temple.
  • In particular, this applies to especially long or strict posts:
  1. Great - originates after Pancake week and lasts seven weeks until Easter
  2. Petrov - has no constant start date, ends on July 12
  3. Assumption - Duration from 14 to 27 August
  4. Christmas - begins on November 28 and ends on January 6
  • Usually at this time, baptism is performed only on Saturday or Sunday.
  • This easement is associated with the severity of the post, but is not an disapproving answer to the question of the possibility of baptism on the days of abstinence.
  • The duration of great use of services is over four hours on some days.
  • Daily services take place in the morning and evening hours.
  • The pauses between them are very small.
  • The sacrament of baptism is carried out after the Divine Liturgy, its completion in the post is very late.
  • Participants in the ritual must be on it.
  • Since the Divine Liturgy in the days of Great Lent is connected to the other, it is very difficult to transfer such a long service.

Is it possible to be baptized by an adult in Uspensky, Petrov, Christmas, Great Lent, before Easter?

  • The same rules as for the baptism of the baby are appropriate for adults
  • To accept the Epiphany rite is permissible both in infancy and in adulthood
  • The difference is that with the baptism of babies, it is desirable to have godparents, taking an oath to God for maintaining responsibility for a child
  • There are no other failures for the sacrament

On what days of fasting you can baptize a child and be baptized by an adult

  • In the period under consideration, ministers of the temple can carry out the Epiphany ritual only on weekends.
  • Since these days, services are not as long as on weekdays.
  • You can agree on another convenient time in advance, since there are no strict prohibitions for baptism.

So, the assumption that it is prohibited to carry out the Epiphany rite during strict posts is incorrect is more than that is a prejudice.

Video: Is it possible to baptize a child in fasting?

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