How to say correctly Christ risen and answer Easter? How to write Christ's resurrection correctly?

How to say correctly Christ risen and answer Easter? How to write Christ's resurrection correctly?

In this article, we will consider how to say correctly, to answer and write Christ risen.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest fact in the history of mankind. The resurrection of the Lord is a religious holiday that many Christians know like Easter. This is a special day when many Christians gather their families for celebration. On this day it is customary to go to church, pray, there is special food and even in a special way to welcome each other, saying Christ resurrect!

How to say correctly Christ risen and answer Easter?

On Easter day and for another 40 days, until the very departure of Easter, you should welcome and say special words that are good news and a symbol of joy. Although more often they greet this the first week after Easter until memorial days or Radonitsa (second Tuesday after Easter).

If you welcome first, you should say:

  • Christ is risen!
  • Christ is Risen!
  • Jesus Christ is risen!
  • Jesus has resurrected!
  • He is risen!

Important: according to tradition, the first part should pronounce the younger by age or by church rank!

Christ is risen!
Christ is risen!

And the responsible must confirm the veracity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You should answer like this:

  • Truly resurrected!
  • Truly risen!
  • Really risen!
  • Truly he risen!
  • He is really risen!
  • He is risen!
  • Jesus is alive!
  • He is alive!
  • Good God!
  • Blessed is the resurrected!
  • I'm happy for you! (only without irony)
  • Happy Holidays!
  • Happy easter!

But most often, you can hear: “Christ is risen!”, And in response: “Verily risen!” After that, a three -time kiss should follow.

How Christ is written in other languages
How the Christ is risen in other languages \u200b\u200bsounds and is written

How to write Christ’s risen correctly: Jesus Christ - where is the name, and where is the surname?

Many on Easter want to greet relatives a postcard or message, but often there are doubts about how to write this expression correctly. The answer is elementary: Christ is such a holy title, the title, therefore it is written with a capital letter; And risen is an action, so it does not need to be written with a capital letter.

Interesting: We do not confuse that Christ is the surname. There were no surnames in those days! This is a certain title of anointed, the Messiah (translated from Greek, in Jewish sounds - Mashiah). That is, anointed by the Holy World. And Jesus combined three directions in itself - royal, prophetic and high priesthood.

Important: Truly, like an adverb, we write together. But with a large letter, it is only for the reason that it stands at the beginning of the sentence!

  • Christ is risen! Truly resurrected!
  • Christ is Risen! Truly risen!

Version with "-e" in church-Slavic. And without "th" in modern Russian. Both are widely used in our country and both of them are correct. The choice is yours. The main thing is to write the verb “Risen” or “Risen” with a small letter. And the name of Jesus Christ is always with a capital letter, even in the third person - he.

Although to give solemnity and aesthetic appearance it is not forbidden to write all words with a capital letter.

It is very important to welcome not only people who are close and familiar to you, but every person whom you will meet in your way. By this you announce the glory of the Lord, remind others about the great deeds of God. You can share this incredible truth with each other. The Resurrection of Christ gives hope for salvation, for his own resurrection and eternal life.

Video: Christ is risen! Truly resurrected!

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