Why Easter and Trinity celebrate every year on different days and only on Sunday: Explanation

Why Easter and Trinity celebrate every year on different days and only on Sunday: Explanation

Easter is the most important and great holiday for Christians of the whole world. The Son of God suffered and died to cleanse people from original sin. And with his resurrection, he gave the hope of salvation in the Last Judgment. According to the New Testament, Jesus Christ was executed on Friday, and he rose, if you count from the day of death, on the third day on Sunday.

  • Calculation of the date of celebration Easter Very complex, he takes into account the rotation of the earth, the moon, and the sun, as well as the fact that it must be Sunday. If the full moon is before the day of the spring solstice, then the next week is Easter. If the Easter new moon fell on Sunday, then Easter is celebrated in a week.
  • In Orthodoxy, the celebration of the bright of Christ Sunday is determined by the seventh apostolic rule and the first rule of the Antiochian Local Council. There is no accurate calculation technique, but only it is said that it passes no earlier than the Jewish celebration and not simultaneously with it.
  • The church is engaged in the preparation of Easter - tables by which you can find out the date of Easter. Orthodox Christians use the Alexandrian table. Ever since we changed the calendar in 1918, then the number 13 began to add to the calculations received.
  • The acts of the Holy Apostles say that 50 days after the resurrection of Christ, the Holy Spirit came into the apostles, thereby pointing to the triple of God. From here we came to us another great holiday - the day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost, Trinity).
    • Since on the fiftieth day after Easter it is Sunday, and Easter itself is considered the first day, then Trinity It is also celebrated on this day of the week. It belongs to the passing holidays, depending on the date on which the Resurrection of Christ falls. And since Easter falls on a different date every year, the day of celebrating the Trinity will also be different.
  • As you can see, the names of the days of the week and their number came to us from the ancestors and have biblical, astronomical and mythological roots. Many peoples adopted them from each other for convenience, which gradually led to the general chronology in the entire civilized world. And also one can even establish a certain similarity and kinship between them.
Easter and Trinity are directly related to the resurrection of Jesus
Easter and Trinity are directly related to the resurrection of Jesus

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