Conspiracies for coins: words, rituals. Conspiracies for 5 rubles, for good luck, wealth, Easter, in pure Thursday

Conspiracies for coins: words, rituals. Conspiracies for 5 rubles, for good luck, wealth, Easter, in pure Thursday

The most popular and effective conspiracies for coins to attract money and wealth.

Conspiracies for coins helps to cope with poverty and improve financial situation. For these purposes, coins of different denominations are used, and rituals are carried out most often on the full moon or on the growing moon. This article we will talk about conspiracies for coins. 

Conspiracy of the coin on the growing moon 

In most cases, people who complain of the material component often resort to non -standard methods, including conspiracies. Simple rites using trifles, exchange bills help improve financial condition, and make it worthy.

Most often, all the rites that are associated with coins are held at midnight, on the growing moon. The fact is that the growing moon- this is Symbol of increasing income. Some rites are held on the first lunar day, because it is he who is the beginning of all the principles, including the increase in capital. 

Carrying out the rite: 

  • To carry out the procedure, you can use any coin. Five -ruble coins are often used. It is necessary to prepare for manipulation. Take a coin and say simple words. 
  • It is best to carry out manipulation on any even day of the week on the growing moon. When you read the text, you need to invest a spoke coin in any far corner in your apartment, or house. 
  • If there are children in the house, it is advisable to hide the coin at some far corner so that no one touches it. This is the main rule, because money cannot be touched. Next, it is necessary that these coins lay in the corner for 7 days. After that, you need to take this coin, put in a wallet, and spend. It is best to do this every month. 
  • Esotericists believe if you carry out the procedure for three months, that is, three times, this will significantly improve the financial situation. 

Conspiracy of the coin on the growing moon: 

I throw one coin, take out ten. The moon is growing - everything multiplies. 


Conspiracy on a coin so that the money is from 

Why do kopecks work on a penny? The fact is that the coins hold a huge number of people, and they pay both poor and rich. Calling the help of coins, you deprive them of the energy of many people, and attract wealth to yourself. That is why money, which are old, and visited the hands of a huge number of buyers. In this case, their effectiveness increases compared to newly minted coins. 

Oddly enough, but even businessmen who are not sure that their business will be successful can be carried out with a trifle. The process itself is quite complicated, but it is worth it, since it allows you to achieve an increase in capital several times. 


Instructions for:

  • To carry out manipulation, take any coin, you can use the usual 5 rubles. Now you need to wait for the first lunar day on the growing moon. That is, it should be the first day after the full moon. At 12 o’clock in the morning you need to take this coin in the left hand, and draw the eight with your right hand and say magical words. 
  • After that, you need to return home, put it on the windowsill and wait in the morning. 
  • Early in the morning, after you wake up, on the same day you need to take a pot, pour dry earth there and bury the coin. After that, any cereal is introduced on top. It can be wheat or something else. From above, the pot is covered with a white scarf, watered daily with warm water. 
  • Thus, a kind of guy appears, which will allow Zlak to break down, and grow up. From time to time, look under the scarf, see how the sprout feels. As soon as the cereal sprouts, your financial situation will begin to improve. 
  • Be sure to follow the plant, and take care of it. Despite the fact that the manipulation is quite simple, the procedure itself is not fast. Since it requires time to cost watering and cereal care. However, this really works, so even experienced businessmen conduct such manipulations. 

A conspiracy on a coin so that the money was from: 

How the moon grows, so my wealth grows. The larger the moon, the more my wealth. May it be so. 


Words of conspiracy for wealth on a coin 

If you want to purchase things, the purchase of which you refused for a long time, you can perform the next rite. 

Carrying out the rite: 

  • Any coin is taken for this,nominal which is not important. The main thing is to choose the right day. The ideal option is on the growing moon. 
  • When the sun sits and the moon appears in front of you, there is no need to go out. The entire rite can be held at home, but provided that you will watch the month from the window. 
  • Now take a coin in your right hand and say words. It is necessary to attach this coin to the left wrist and drive counterclockwise 3 times. 
  • Shut up the spinning coin three times on the forehead. Now you need to hide the money in the wallet, but do not spend it for 3 days. After that, take a coin, report money and get what you have long denied. 
  • It can be some kind of trifle or valuable product that is expensive. There is no difference, the main task is to pay a coin for the product in which you have long denied because of a lack of money. Repeat such a manipulation from time to time. 

The words of a conspiracy to wealth on a coin: 

There is a rich man, followed by a merchant, and I will go nearby. Let my wealth increase. 


Conspiracy on a copper coin 

To improve the financial situation, it is not necessary to conduct rituals on the growing moon. You can completely use the sun. There is a rite that is held in the morning, and on a sunny day. 

Rite description: 

  • It is necessary to take a yellow coin, which is made of copper or appropriate alloy. Let's call her a sunny coin. Put on the windowsill or on the balcony so that direct sunlight falls on it. 
  • It will be good if you know what time of the day there are direct sunlight on the balcony or near the window. Now it is necessary to pronounce magic words. This coin is invested in a wallet in a secret pocket and is not extracted from it. 
  • Please note that it is best to wait another 3 hours before putting a coin in your wallet. This will help her be saturated with sunlight, make it more active, effective. 
  • If you spend this coin, then success will cross the other owner. It is believed that in this way the money is saturated with solar energy and will help improve the financial situation. 

Conspiracy on a copper coin: 

Coinsaturate Sunny rays, and bring me wealth. As the sun's rays fall on a coin, and my well -being improves. 

Big money
Big money

Conspiracy for a coin 5 rubles 

You can conduct rituals with a coin using a new wallet. It is best if it is not acquired by you, but donated. 


  • Ask a loved one to give you a new wallet. You can give him money, it is important that a person gives a gift he bought. Next, take the coin of 5 rubles, put it in your pocket, preferably secret, since you can’t spend money. 
  • Now go to the nearest reservoir. It can be a river or a spring. Next, moisten two hands in the water, touch the wallet, moisten it. 
  • After this ritual, carry a wallet with you, but do not waste coins. 

Conspiracy on a coin of 5 rubles: 

How water flows, stones of wealth flow. As the coin is washed, saturated with water, so my wallet is saturated with money, and I become rich and wealthy. 


Conspiracy for Easter coins 

Easter- this is A well -known holiday that is full of divine energy. It is on this day that all the bright and best wishes come true that relate to wealth, good luck and success.

On this day, you can conduct rites for money, as well as various conspiracies that concern not only wealth, but in general success and personal life, including marriage. However, the most popular are magical manipulations that relate to attracting good luck and money. 

Carrying out the rite: 

  • To complete the procedure, you will need 5 rubles. The rite is held on the night of Easter,that is, When services are held in the church. It is not necessary to wait 12 in the morning at 3:00 in the morning. 
  • It is necessary to take a coin, it is best if it is five -ruble and pronounce magic words. After that, it is necessary to put the coin in the wallet and always carry it with you, and never spend it. 
  • It is best if it is some kind of secret pocket in the wallet that you forget about, you usually don’t look there. Only in this case will the conspiracy work and bring good luck. 

Conspiracy for Easter coins: 


hidden treasures
hidden treasures

Conspiracy on a coin on a pure Thursday 

Clean Thursday- this is The day before Easter, when it is necessary to take out all the trash from the house and restore order in it. An ordinary people devote this day to cleaning in their housing, as well as to cleanse their thoughts and bodies. Therefore, it is recommended to starve and engage in hard physical work.

However, on Clean Thursday, not only ordinary lay people, but also sorcerers are occupied. It is believed that this day has a special force and is able to attract wealth, as well as an improvement in financial situation. Typically, on a pure Thursday, magical actions are carried out, which are directed: 

  • To win the lottery 
  • To give a debt 
  • To increasewages 
  • Career growth 

Besides, You can read conspiracies to improve the health and treatment of diseases. We offer to carry out a procedure that will get rid of poverty. 

Magic attributes
Magic attributes


  • This requires a handful of coins. They can be of any denomination. It is carried out not on Clean Thursday, but on its eve, that is, from Wednesday to Thursday. It is best to spend at midnight. 
  • Prepare a handful of coins in advance, as well as water. 
  • Put the coins into a transparent glass, and add several coins there every day. It is necessary to start the rite a week before the net Thursday. Thus, in 7 days you will accumulate almost a whole glass of little things. It was necessary from Wednesday to Thursday in the house there was no one but you. Take into a basin water basin, and pour coins into it that you have accumulated in a week. 
  • Now you need to fold, clasp the little finger among themselves and read the magic words, before that, kneeling near the container. Please note that the conspiracy is pronounced 30 times. 
  • It is necessary to use the consistent water for washing at home. Please note that cleaning in the house is carried out in a certain sequence. Immediately washed the table, then windows, ordinary interior doors and floor. It is necessary to wash the floor from the threshold to the rooms. Next, it is necessary to turn off all the phones completely, as well as the doorbell, so that nothing prevents the ritual. 
  • If there is a pet in the house, it is best to leave it on the street or ask someone from loved ones to hold it. After that, it is necessary to pour water in the yard, put the coins in a bag and store it away from people, do not spend anywhere. 

Conspiracy on a coin on a clean Thursday: 

From the sinful word, from the black eye, from the deeds of unnecessary ones, from the troubles of not important, from someone else's and incorrect, from empty and unnecessary, from evil and black, Oma and me and my income. 


Remember that water does not flow under a lying stone, therefore, along with rituals, as well as rituals to attract wealth, something must be done independently. It is best to get a job and conscientiously carry out all the tasks of the leadership. In addition, you can open your own business and not be afraid to do everything that brings money. Sometimes great success is achieved by people who simply did their favorite business. 

Video: Conspiracies with coins

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