How to beautifully paint eggs on Easter on onions, napkins in fabric? Personation of Easter eggs at home: schemes, drawings

How to beautifully paint eggs on Easter on onions, napkins in fabric? Personation of Easter eggs at home: schemes, drawings

Easter has its own customs and traditions, one of which is painting eggs. The article will be useful for both adults and children.

Easter eggs are a symbol of a great holiday. The housewives are trembling to painting eggs, and many seek to come up with all new patterns.

The tradition of painting eggs on Easter

There are several versions of the emergence of such a tradition.

Version 1.

When Jesus was risen, Mary Magdalena came to the emperor with the news. Since a gift was needed for such a campaign, she took a white egg with her. She told the emperor "Christ is risen." The emperor did not believe such a news and said that it was as implausible as that the egg would become red. And miraculously, the egg immediately acquired a red color.

Version 2.

Chicken in great post carried eggs without stopping. The owners were afraid that they would deteriorate. Therefore, they decided to paint fresh eggs in red.

Version 3.

When Jesus was a baby, painted eggs were an entertaining attribute for him.

What eggs to paint on Easter?

On Easter it is customary to paint chicken eggs: neither color nor size are important.

Important: for uniform staining, thoroughly wash the eggs with vinegar and soap. Otherwise, the paint will take unevenly.

What flowers do eggs on Easter?

Previously, eggs were painted only in red.

Now on Easter holiday you can find the most diverse options for painting eggs:

  • painting in one color: yellow, green, blue, orange. In fact, the color can be anything you are closer to the soul

  • painting with several colors: many patterns, drawings

Believers of Christians are recommended to paint Easter eggs according to tradition in red.

How to paint eggs red?

Paint eggs in traditional red color Help:

  • Food colorings
  • Onion husk
  • Beet. Boil the egg with the whole beetroot. Cook until you get the desired color. You can just grate the boiled egg with a beetroot decoction or beetroot grated

How to paint eggs with onion husk?

  • Take a pan, to the top filled with onion husk
  • Pour water not to the edge with water
  • Put cook for 45 minutes. Cooking time depends on the desired color of the paint
  • Let the infusion cool down
  • Put the eggs in the husk Cook for 10-15 minutes after boiling
  • Cook until you see the desired color

Important: eggs should be completely in water. Turn them over for uniform staining.

Food dyes for Easter eggs

Eggs can be painted with natural and unnatural food dyes.

FROM unnatural dyes Everything is clear: you go to the store, buy a food dye of the desired color, breed the dye in water, put the egg in the water with the dye until the desired color is obtained.

Important: coloring with such dyes usually gives a more uniform color. But from this there is a feeling of unnaturalness.

FROM natural The dye is more complicated. You can use many natural dyes depending on the desired color of the final egg.


In yellow, it will help paint the turmeric egg. Painting technique:

  • In 0.5 liters of water, add 2 tbsp. turmeric, 1 tbsp. table vinegar
  • Put eggs in water
  • Cook until cooked

Pink color.

The pink color will give the eggs cranberry juice in which the boiled eggs will lie down until the desired color is obtained

Dark brown color.

Boil the eggs in strong brewing black tea.

Blue colour.

Blue color will help to get red cabbage:

  • Finely cut 2 cabbage cabbage
  • Pour 0.5 l of water into a pan
  • Add 6 tbsp to the water. table vinegar
  • Pour the cabbage
  • Leave it to infuse at night, mixing
  • In the morning, put boiled eggs in the infusion until the desired color is obtained

Painting of Easter eggs

The painting of eggs will look equally good both on pre -painted eggs and on the eggs of a natural color.

Painting permanent marker.

A simple way to paint Easter eggs for those who can draw.

Painting with paints.

For a painting, only paints and brush Thin. Paints can be used by the simplest acrylic.

Important: with this method you can decorate the egg with the child and perform a painting that you like.

Painting sugar powder.

  • Prepare sugar powder
  • Add as much water to it as you need to get a thick homogeneous mass
  • Apply the pattern with a confectionery syringe with a sugar mixture
  • Let the egg dry

Wax painting.

  • For a wax painting, you will need wax pencils or wax paints
  • Choose a tool that you will make a painting: a spoke, a needle, an awl, a copper wire

Important: copper wire will keep the wax hot for a long time, which will make it possible to draw more lines at a time

  • Heat the wax to 65 s
  • Wet the tool in the wax and apply the pattern

Look below Video master class on painting eggs wax.

Video: Passing Easter eggs

Popular painting of Easter eggs stencils

If you do not have the makings of the artist or cannot come up with the desired pattern, use stencils.

  • Print a stencil
  • Pick up paints and apply them on a sponge or brush
  • Attach stencil on the egg
  • Lick with a sponge or draw a brush along the stencil
  • Remove the stencil and dry the egg

How else can I paint eggs on Easter?

Colored threads of muline.

Wrap the egg with completely different colored threads of the muline and boil the egg ink.

Beautiful napkins.

  • Buy beautiful napkins with a suitable pattern for the holiday
  • Cut the elements that you want to transfer to the egg
  • Prepare gelatin according to the instructions on the packaging
  • Dissolve the granules of gelatin, heating it
  • Apply a cut out pattern to boiled egg
  • Anoint with a brush on top of the prepared gelatin
  • Comers the pattern from the center to the edges


  • Cut figures, stripes, patterns from paper from paper
  • Attach the paper to the egg to your taste
  • Wrap the egg tightly with nylon or gauze
  • We lower it into the desired dye. If necessary, cook in a dye.
  • We wait until the egg is completely dry
  • We remove the paper


  • Cut a piece of silk of the desired color
  • Wrap the egg into it
  • Wrap on top with gauze or nylon and fix it
  • Pour water into the pan and 3 tbsp. vinegar
  • Cook wrapped eggs in water with vinegar for 20 minutes after boiling


  • Run the wet egg in rice
  • Wrap gauze
  • Lower into the dye
  • After staining, open the gauze and let dry

Marble effect.

The first way.

  • Choose two dyes combined in color (better light and dark)
  • In one of them, paint the egg
  • Pour the second into a bowl and pour several tbsp. vegetable oil (depending on the volume of water)
  • Mix water with oil
  • Dip completely once in the water so as to hook it as many fat bubbles as possible on water
  • Blind with a napkin
  • Let it dry

The second method Getting a marble effect, see in the video master class below “Marble eggs for Easter (paint ourselves)

Easter eggs

Video: Marble eggs to Easter (paint ourselves)

Decorating Easter eggs without painting. A photo

Drawings on Easter eggs. A photo

You can always act in an original way, even when it comes to traditions. Use our tips and your Easter will delight not only you, but also guests.

Video: Easter. How to decorate eggs for Easter

Video: Two Nespucful ways to paint eggs to Easter

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