Increased ferritin in the blood of women and men - what does this mean? What to do with high ferritin, how to reduce it?

Increased ferritin in the blood of women and men - what does this mean? What to do with high ferritin, how to reduce it?

Increased ferritin often indicates serious diseases in the body. Read more about the reasons for the article.

Each person at least once in his life has encountered one or another health problems, so it is very important to be examined in time, take tests and not miss the precious time.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to raise ferritin in the blood: methods". You will learn everything about why there is low ferritin in blood serum with normal hemoglobin, and also what this means.

What to do if you find increased ferritin in your test results? What does this mean, how to fight, the reasons for the appearance - all this will be considered below.

The role of ferritin in the human body

The role of ferritin in the human body
The role of ferritin in the human body

Ferritin is usually called a special protein responsible for the reserve in the body of free iron, which is usually toxic to the body. Ferritin is a complex protein water -soluble structure. It includes a hollow shell of protein (apherritin) and a core in the form of crystals (hydroxide and iron phosphate). Iron in Ferritin is in a non -toxic state, physiologically accessible to the body.

One molecule of this substance contains 1/5 part of the ironthat includes 3000 atoms. Apoferritin is 24 unitssubstances that are divided into heavy and lungs. Light apherritin is located in the liver and spleen, and the rest remains on heavy units. In the heart, cancerous tumors, placenta and fetal tissues, heavy units prevail, which are differently called cancer, acidic or feto-placental.

The role of ferritin for humans:

  • It is produced in hepatic cells, as well as in the spleen, thyroid gland, bone marrow, renal pelvis, placenta, small intestine and ensures the operation of certain organs.
  • White blood cells - white blood cells also take part in the development of such a substance.
  • The main functionality of ferritin in the human body is the supply of iron.
  • A peculiar depot of this substance is liver cells.

Ferritin is also the protein of the acute phase - a preimmune response. Participates in protective reactions of the body for destruction from pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

How to pass the analysis for ferritin?

Read on our website another article on the topic: "General blood test: take on an empty stomach or not?". Will you learn how to prepare for blood donation from a vein for a general analysis?

Analysis for ferritin is carried out by passing a biological fluid from a vein. In order for the result to be accurate, it is necessary to correctly take it and comply with a number of simple rules:

  • Blood is necessarily donated on an empty stomach. Breakfast is strictly prohibited, and the last meal should occur no later than in 8 hours before the study.
  • A few days before blood donation, you need to drink at least two liters of clean water without gas and sugar in order to simplify the blood sampling procedure.
  • Three days before the procedure, you should stop taking iron -containing drugs.
  • On the day of blood donation, exclude any stress, since hormones directly affect the clinical picture of the study.

Read more about how to donate blood on ferritin: on an empty stomach or not, read this link. You will find out what shows the analysis of ferritin whether it is necessary to do such a study at all and why.

If the analyzes show bad results, the doctor can prescribe re -diagnosis and only after that, in case of repeated poor result, prescribes the necessary treatment.

The norm of ferritin in the blood of men, women

The norm of ferritin in the blood of men, women
The norm of ferritin in the blood of men, women

The norm of ferritin in a healthy male body is from 30 to 250 μg/l. The norm of ferritin in women to menopause is from 13 to 150 mcg/l. With the onset of menopause and the cessation of regular menstruation, the hormonal background of the body changes significantly, and therefore the level of substance becomes different - rises.

Symptoms of increased ferritin

An increase in ferritin is a serious phenomenon that requires immediate seeing a doctor. The exact diagnosis can only be carried out by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. However, by some series of symptoms, the patient can track the development of the disease and consult a doctor in time. Symptoms indicating a possible increase in ferritin are:

  • Weakness
  • Constant drowsiness and fatigue
  • Regular long -term headaches
  • Darkness in the eyes and ringing in the ears with a sharp change in body position
  • Unhealthy pallor of the skin
  • Baldness
  • Pain in the lower extremities
  • Problems with stools (constipation)
  • Fragility of nails
  • Shortness of breath even with a slight physical exertion

All these symptoms may indicate the development of the disease. At the first changes in well -being, you must consult a doctor and perform all the necessary tests.

Increased hemoglobin, ferritin in the blood of women - what is talking about: reasons

An increase in hemoglobin in the blood is called red blood cells. Symptoms of the disease are pain in the head, in the muscles, as well as dizziness, blood from the nose, increased fatigue.

Erythrocytosis is primary and secondary. The first is considered innate and has a genetic nature. Secondary is only a symptom of more acute pathologies that occur in the human body, regardless of genetics and predisposition.

The most common causes of increased hemoglobin in women are:

  • Regular smoking.
  • Strong water deficiency.
  • Congenital pathologies and heart disease. In these cases, the patient’s skin color changes, and the first symptoms can be observed even in infancy and detected using an ultrasound of the heart.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Excess vit. B12 and B6.
  • Oncological pathological changes and tumors.

The causes of an increased substance in the female body can be:

  • Heredity.
  • Frequent transfusion of biological fluid, taking iron-containing drugs in a large number and regularly.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Strengthening the work of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism).
  • Oncological changes (in the bone marrow, mammary glands), as well as inflammation and tumors of lymphoid tissues. The level of ferritin is greatly increased.

IMPORTANT TO REMEMBER: Increased indicators do not always mean serious diseases and can be a banal mistake. For this, it is necessary to retake the tests, observing the rules established by the doctor.

Increased iron and ferritin in the blood in men - what does this mean: reasons

Increased iron and ferritin in the blood
Increased iron and ferritin in the blood

In men, like women, the causes of high hemoglobin can serve as a variety of reasons: from heredity to serious pathological changes in the body. So what does that mean?

So, the reasons for increasing the level of iron in the blood of men are:

  • Large physical activity. For men engaged in heavy physical labor, this is especially true
  • Insufficient water consumption, low water balance
  • Kidney disease, diabetes mellitus
  • Various infections
  • Heart failure
  • Other heart diseases
  • Oncological diseases
  • Intestinal obstruction
  • Erythrocytosis

The reasons for increasing ferritin in the blood in men are the same diseases as in women:

  • Excess of vitamins
  • Heart disease, kidneys and liver
  • Oncology
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol dependence, etc.

Below even more useful information. Read further.

Ferritin is increased in a child: causes

The norm of ferritin in a healthy state in children is significantly different from the adult norm. To a year, ferritin rises every two months, and after that it begins to decline. The final indicator c 7–140 mcg/l It lasts up to fifteen years, after which adult indicators are used when deciphering tests.

The reasons for increasing ferritin in the blood in a child are:

  • Heredity
  • Oncology
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Kidney and liver diseases
  • Arthritis
  • Increased thyroid activity
  • Blood diseases affecting the level of hemoglobin
  • Viruses
  • Obesity

Also, the cause of increasing the substance can be excessive consumption of food with iron.

Ferritin is increased during pregnancy: causes

In the normal state during pregnancy, the level of substance decreases, since the fetus takes it from the mother, as soon as the nutrition begins to occur through the placenta. That is why most girls and women in a position suffer from anemia, so an increase in its level should cause suspicion.

Possible reasons for increasing the level of substance in pregnant women can be:

  • Inflammation of different etiologies
  • Fetal pathology
  • Developing heart defects
  • Lung diseases, kidneys and liver

With a sharp change in the indicators of this substance in pregnant women, it is necessary to submit a comprehensive analysis and conduct a full examination in order to exclude the disease dangerous for the fetus and mother.

Ferritin is increased in the blood with coronavirus - what does this mean: why can ferritin increase with Covid?

Ferritin is increased in the blood with coronavirus
Ferritin is increased in the blood with coronavirus

Scientists have proven that with particularly severe inflammatory processes, as a response of the body, the indicators of this substance in the blood may increase. Another reason for an increase in the level of ferritin may be the so -called cytokine storm - a condition characterized as an too active immune response of the body. Cytokins, proteins responsible for controlling the level of inflammation, in an abnormal state, cease to succumb to control. This condition with coronavirus is very dangerous and can lead to death if they do not bring their work to normal in time.

In severe Covid, the protein level increases by four or more times, with light - the level remains within 400 ng/ml.

Increased ferritin after coronavirus: why, what to do?

After coronavirus, many patients note the preservation of the increased level of ferritin. However, it is not necessary to scare and immediately suspect terrible complications in yourself. What to do? To accurately determine the cause of increased protein, it is necessary to undergo laboratory studies.

In addition to pathologies, an increase in protein levels can also cause alcohol, taking drugs with a high iron content, contraceptives in women, as well as regular intake of aspirin and other anti -inflammatory drugs. In addition to these drugs, some antibiotics (for example, cephotaxim and chloramphenicol) and drugs against tumors affect the level of substance.

Treatment with increased ferritin: how and how is the decrease performed?

With an increase in the level of ferritin, it is not at all necessary to immediately run to the pharmacy for tablets. Sometimes it is enough to take a closer look at your own diet and lifestyle to reduce protein level to safe values.

How and what is the decrease? Treatment with increased ferritin:

  • Reduce the consumption of red meat. If you fail to completely get rid of it, it is necessary to dwell on products with the least iron content. For example, minced beef or pork shanks.
  • Increase the consumption of beans and other legumes.
  • Exclude white bread from the diet.
  • Drink a glass of milk after each meal. It can be replaced with hard cheese or yogurt.
  • Enter green tea in the diet.
  • Nuts and seeds are best friends.
  • Reduce the use of alcoholic beverages.
  • Sports and a healthy lifestyle will not only help to keep ferritin normally, but in general they will positively affect the body.

In no case should you resort to the use of various dietary supplements and other additives - such amateur performances can only worsen the condition.

Increased ferritin in blood test: reviews

Increased ferritin in blood tests
Increased ferritin in blood tests

As you can see, there can be a lot of reasons for the change in the level of ferritin, and they are all very different: from heredity to serious life -threatening diseases. Remember that only a doctor can prescribe tests and conduct a qualified examination and prescribe treatment. It is very important to turn in a timely manner for help, noticing the first signs of malaise. Read the reviews of other people about increased ferritin in blood test.

Anastasia, 30 years old

Strong headaches and constant fatigue began to bother, there was no strength for anything. The performance has decreased. She sinned for overwork, but nevertheless decided just in case to donate blood, as a result - increased ferritin. Slightly, of course, but noticeable. I was frightened that there could be something serious, but the detailed examination did not reveal anything terrible. The doctor recommended to normalize sleep and food, sit on a diet and lead a more active lifestyle. Very soon, everything came back to normal.

Oleg, 25 years old

A year ago, I faced very severe pain in the legs. It hurt at night so that it was impossible to fall asleep without pills, plus began to notice a strong shortness of breath, as if I had been smoking for ten years. He pulled a trip to the doctor for a long time, but his wife forced. We passed the appropriate tests, they waited for a long time. I want to say that you do not need to delay! Thanks to the analyzes, it was possible to identify diabetes. Who knows what state further delay brought. It is very important to identify the disease in time, which I wish everyone.

Alice, 31 years old

Once the level of ferritin fell very sharply, weakness, pain in the legs, constant dizziness and many more unpleasant symptoms appeared. I passed the tests, the doctor sent it to an ultrasound, the study showed pregnancy. The cycle is irregular, delays are familiar, so I could not immediately think about this reason. Was pleasantly surprised. The doctor explained that during pregnancy, the level of ferritin often falls, as the child eats and grows, and this is normal. Now I'll know.

Video: Excess iron in the body - what is dangerous

Video: Ferritin - analysis, norms in men and women, reasons for increasing and lowering the level of ferritin

Video: High ferritin | Dr. Irina Mironovna

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