Blood on ferritin to take: on an empty stomach or not? What is the analysis of ferritin shows, is it necessary to do such a study at all and what?

Blood on ferritin to take: on an empty stomach or not? What is the analysis of ferritin shows, is it necessary to do such a study at all and what?

Blood on ferritin to donate in the morning, on an empty stomach or not? If you have such a question, then read the article.

Is it not enough analysis for hemoglobin? Such a question is sometimes asked by those people who are sent to donate blood to ferritin. Meanwhile, the study of the level of ferritin is one of the important and representative analyzes of iron exchange.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "At what time is it better to take calcium and iron, before meals or after?".

In this article below, we will figure out what the analysis of ferritin shows. In what cases is it appointed? How to prepare for it and what can the results indicate? You will find answers to these and other questions below. Read further.

Ferritin: What is it?

Ferritin is a protein that creates iron in the tissues of our organs. Molecules of this substance store iron hydroxide in their inner core, protected from exposure to biological fluids. Protein is found in cell membranes of internal organs, muscles, bone marrow. In the blood serum, its presence is slight. However, the indicators of ferritin in the blood reflect the stocks of iron as a whole and are indicative for early diagnosis of anemia.

Why take a blood test for ferritin: what shows, is it necessary to do such a study at all and what?


The concentration of ferritin in the blood is a sensitive indicator of a lack or excess of iron inside our body. Why take a blood test for ferritin? What shows, is it necessary to do such a study at all and what?

  • Using ferritin analysis, iron deficiency anemia can be detected before the onset of symptoms and to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin.
  • This is due to the fact that with the insufficient receipt of iron, the body involves an internal reserve.
  • This is the depositing iron of ferritin. If it becomes smaller, although the serum indicators Fe Normally, this may indicate an early stage of anemia.

The study of the concentration of ferritin is also necessary for differential diagnosis of anemia. Inflammatory processes, tumors and some old pathologies lead to a decrease in level Fe In the blood, but this is the result of not a deficiency of iron, but a violation of its redistribution in cell membranes. At the same time, ferritin does not decrease, but increases, and analyzing allows you to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment. For a more complete picture, a ferritin analysis is prescribed in combination with other blood studies.

How is it right and when to take a blood test for iron, hemoglobin and ferritin to women, men?

The analysis is prescribed by a doctor in case of suspicion of a lack or excess of iron, to determine the type of anemia or when observing the effectiveness of the treatment of an existing pathology. Symptoms of irregularities of iron levels are not characteristic (and there are no early stages), and deviations detected by a general blood test often become the reason for the study. How is it right and when to take a blood test for iron, hemoglobin and ferritin to women, men?

A comprehensive blood test for Fe (serum iron, hemoglobin, ferritin, transferrin) can be prescribed for the following symptoms:

  • Weakness, fatigue and drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Dyspnea
  • The pallor of the skin
  • Fragility of hair threads and nail plates
  • Flies in the eyes with sharp movements

These symptoms may indicate the development of iron deficiency anemia. Excess iron is often manifested by pain in the joints and abdomen, chronic fatigue, a decrease in libido, symptoms of liver damage. The need for research is determined by the specialist, based on existing indicators, including belonging to a person to risk groups.

Important: Women of reproductive age are at risk of development Fe-scarce anemia due to monthly blood loss. It is not recommended to take biological fluid on ferritin during menstruation.

Blood donors, patients with internal bleeding, gastrointestinal diseases, elderly people (from 65 years old), vegetarians, vegans and alcoholics - are at risk, regardless of sexual.

Blood on ferritin to take on an empty stomach or not: is it possible to drink before donating blood, eat?

Blood on ferritin must be taken on an empty stomach
Blood on ferritin must be taken on an empty stomach

The surrender of biological fluid on ferritin should be prepared. Need to take on an empty stomach or not? Is it possible to drink before donating blood, eat?

  • Per 8 ocloc'k Prior to the study, eating stops.
  • It is easiest to withstand this interval at night and take an analysis of on an empty stomach.
  • You can drink clean, non -carbonated water, and you will have to refuse coffee, tea and juices.

Per 3 days Before donating blood, you need to stop taking iron drugs. The day before, overeating should be avoided. Within 2 hours Before the procedure, you can not smoke, undesirable emotional stress and physical activity - they can affect the result.

Where to donate blood on ferritin?

A blood test for ferritin can be taken in any medical institution conducting biochemical studies. In addition to state medical centers and clinics, now there are many paid laboratories with branches in different cities of the country where you can take the necessary tests and quickly get the result.

How much does it cost to donate blood on ferritin?

Prices for a blood test for ferritin vary greatly depending on the laboratories conducting the study, and in which the city they are located. In addition, some institutions include the price of a blood fence procedure in the total cost, while others do not, which is why the scatter is obtained from 250 to 950 rubles. You can in advance in advance the cost of services in laboratories and clinics of the city of residence in order to choose an acceptable amount and a suitable laboratory.

What is the level of ferritin in the blood: the norm

The norms of the content of ferritin in the blood differ in different age groups, in men and women. What is the level of this substance in the blood?

Below are reference (normative) values:

  • Men (from 15 years old)-2-250 μg/l
  • Women (from 15 years old)-10-120 mcg/l
  • Children from 5 months to 15 years old-7-140 mcg/l
  • Children from 2 to 5 months-50-200 mcg/l
  • Children from 1 to 2 months-200-600 mcg/l

Below more useful information. Read further.

Increase in blood in the blood: causes

The level of ferritin above the norm indicates the overload of the body Fe. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Hemochromatosis is a genetic disease in which increased absorption and accumulation of iron is observed, which damages internal organs
  • Constant blood transfusion or administration of FE drugs (in these cases, an increase in temporary)
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Liver pathologies or deviations in the work of the spleen
  • Oncological diseases
  • Renal failure
  • Extensive hematomas
  • Alcoholism

A comparison of the results of analyzing a substance with other studies will help to make a correct diagnosis.

Low blood in the blood: causes

Low blood in the blood
Low blood in the blood

The reduced level of ferritin in the blood is more indicative, as it has only two possible causes:

  • The third trimete of pregnancy. For this period, a decrease in the level of iron content is the norm.
  • Iron deficiency. The analysis reveals both the development of iron deficiency anemia and the hidden lack of iron in the body. The reason for this may be insufficient flow of iron with food, impaired assimilation or chronic blood loss.

It should be said that inflammatory processes can disguise a shortage Fe, temporarily increasing the level of substances in the depot. Therefore, exchange tests Fe Usually taken in the complex.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to raise ferritin in the blood: methods". You will learn everything about why there is low ferritin in blood serum with normal hemoglobin, and also what this means.

A blood test for ferritin is the most important for the early detection of iron deficiency anemia, which is especially important for women. It is also necessary for the diagnosis of some oncological diseases, lesions of internal organs, inflammations caused by infection and other pathologies. One hemoglobin is not enough to judge the state of iron and metabolic processes in the body. Analysis does not require complex preparation, but you can pass it in any laboratory.

Video: Analysis on Ferritin. Hematologist about ferritin, iron deficiency and anemia

Video: Ferritin - analysis, norms in men and women, reasons for increasing and lowering the level of ferritin

Video: High ferritin | Dr. Irina Mironovna

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