High hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years: norm, symptoms, causes, treatment. What is the danger of high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years and how to lower it?

High hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years: norm, symptoms, causes, treatment. What is the danger of high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years and how to lower it?

The circulatory system, like no other, is interconnected with the whole organism, nourishing it in every cell and every organ. Even the smallest change in its composition immediately responds to our well -being, so we should talk about what to do with an increase in hemoglobin.

The older the person, the more carefully he needs to control the level of any component of blood, and not least - hemoglobin, the lack of or excess of which is equally dangerous.

The norm of hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years

Hemoglobin, contained in red blood cells, is a protein that delivers oxygen cells. For any indicator, the norm is a certain average value, and this indicator changes during life.


The average normative value is:

  • from 130 to 160 g/l - for men
  • from 120 to 150 g/l - for women

The norms of hemoglobin are somewhat different in values, since in various laboratories their own reagents are used to determine the level of protein. But in general, the difference does not exceed 15 points. Thus, for men, the upper boundary is acceptable within 173 g/l. In women, respectively, up to 160 g/l (especially if a woman smokes or constantly leads an active lifestyle). An increase in the indicator indicates high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years.


The departure from the norm in one direction or another is a violation, which must be eliminated as soon as possible, increasing or, accordingly, increasing the level of hemoglobin.

High hemoglobin in women and men after 50 years: symptoms

If the hemoglobin value exceeds 160 g/l in a woman and 180 in a man, doctors talk about an increased level of HB.

  • High hemoglobin in men and women after 50 yearscan manifest itself in the form of symptoms similar to hepatitis: from yellowing of the skin to an increase in the liver. A person can sharply lose weight, look pale, and on his palms or armpits, pigmentation is possible.
  • Symptoms can be dizziness and sleepy states, violations of auditory and visual perception, problems with mental activity.
  • A person gets tired faster, loses appetite, can feel numbness in various parts of the body or problems with the genitourinary system.

The causes of high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years

High hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years - A serious problem.

Physiological reasons include:

  • Insufficient water consumption (not any liquid, namely water).
  • Tobacco -smoking leading to the connection of hemoglobin with carbon monoxide and, as a result, a lack of oxygen.
  • Accommodation in highlands, where air rulous with a reduced oxygen content is observed.
  • High physical stress for a long time.
  • The influence of the profession is a high level of hemoglobin in pilots, stewardesses.
Bad habits
Bad habits

Among pathological reasons, they distinguish:

  • Factors leading to dehydration, such as diarrhea, the state of vomiting, an uncontrolled method of means with a diuretic effect.
  • The presence of diabetes.
  • The manifestation of red blood cells, in which an excess of red blood cells is observed.
  • Mutation processes in genes.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Problems with the respiratory system, in particular, with light ones.
  • Phenomena of cardiovascular failure.
  • Too high the content of vitamins B (in particular, B9 and B12).

High hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years: toaK lower the level of hemoglobin?

  • The best way out at high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years It is a therapeutic diet developed by a doctor and consisted mainly of fermented milk products, legumes, as well as products with a sufficient content of folic acid.
  • But the consumption of red meat, as well as liver, as well as red fruits and vegetables, should be reduced.
  • It is also necessary to analyze, Is water drunk enough during the day (at the rate of 30 g per kilogram of weight). An infectious or other disease can increase hemoglobin, so after recovery, control the protein level in the body.
Drink enough water
Drink enough water
  • And, of course, if, despite all the measures taken, hemoglobin does not decrease, you should not postpone a visit to a specialist in hematology.
  • It is also used flebotomy method, and abroad patients at such an age are often offered to become a donor.

What is dangerous in humy hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years?

  • First of all, high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years speaks of an appropriate increase in blood viscosity. From here, not far to such risks as a stroke or heart attack, the occurrence of blood clots.
  • A protein overabundance may also become one of the reasons hepatitis or cirrhosis, diabetes or problems with joints, arthritis and oncological diseases.
  • In addition, with an increased level of hemoglobin the course of Parkinson or Alzheimer's disease is complicated.

High and low hemoglobin products

  • To the most used products with a high level of iron, and therefore, increasing hemoglobin, red meat, celery, apples, buckwheat. They should be avoided by those who have already increased the level of this protein.
  • Experts recommend cooking food not in a pan and use of oil, but with the help aerogril. Such processing of both meat and vegetables makes food as contributing to the normal level of hemoglobin in the blood.
  • You should also not abuse red fish - it is better to replace it with vegetable and dairy dishes, calcium from which prevents the absorption of iron. Doctors recommend teas and decoctions of herbs, but it is better to refuse soda water.
From herbs
From herbs
  • Increase the level of hemoglobin after 50 years Also alcohol, seafood. You should refuse food additives and vitamins with the content of iron and vitamin C. And also from sweets, since, unlike milk, they only contribute to the absorption of iron.

High hemoglobin in men and women after 50 years: llecture

  • After inspection and testing at high hemoglobin in men and women after 50 yearsdrugs from the group can be prescribed by a doctor anti -aggregates, which dilige blood and reduce the risk of thrombosis. It is also necessary to comply with the method of nutrition and the physical activity mode appointed by the doctor.
  • Perhaps the addition of treatment phytopreparations Based on ginseng or ginger, which has a beneficial effect on blood circulation and a decrease in the amount of cholesterol. In addition, as prescribed by a doctor, it is possible to use methods acupuncture and hirudotherapy.
Need check and treatment
Need check and treatment

Scientists distinguish a special gene with which every seventh man on earth is endowed. This gene is “responsible” for the excess iron to accumulate in the body. A positive moment can be considered that it is not so often activated. It is sometimes called "Celtic", since the inhabitants of Ireland are more often than others.

Video: Reducing high hemoglobin folk remedies

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