General blood test: take on an empty stomach or not? How to prepare for blood donation from a vein for a general analysis?

General blood test: take on an empty stomach or not? How to prepare for blood donation from a vein for a general analysis?

A general blood test should be taken on an empty stomach. There are still some rules that are important to observe.

Each person handed over at least once general blood test (UAC). This is a comprehensive study that helps specialists understand whether inflammatory processes occur in the patient’s body, is there any infection, anemia, etc. Before making a final diagnosis and prescribing treatment, the therapist gives a direction for the UAC.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What analysis should be taken to find out what vitamins are not enough in the body?".

Few patients know that in order for the analysis to be as informative as possible, it is necessary to prepare for its delivery. What should you know about the general blood test? We will talk about this in this article below. Read further.  

How to hand over the UAC: from a vein or from a finger?

General blood analysis
General blood analysis

Both options are possible. Biomaterial from a finger is easier to take, so children often donate capillary blood. Also, a blood fence from the finger is carried out if it is impossible to take venous blood. For example, if there is a risk of venous thrombosis, the patient’s body is very burned, etc. In adults, doctors prefer to take blood from a vein. It is such an analysis that is considered the most informative.

After the laboratory assistant took blood for analysis (UAC), he necessarily makes a note about where it was taken from, since many indicators can be distorted in the process of blood removal from the finger.  

What is the difference between the general clinical (general) and biochemical blood test?

As doctors explain, there is a significant difference between these two analyzes.

  • General clinical (general) UAC - Rather, a screening study that allows you to evaluate the condition of the blood in many respects. After the doctor received the results of a general analysis, he can understand where to look for the cause of malaise and what treatment to prescribe.
  • Blood chemistry more subject. With its help, you can evaluate the work of each organ, since when changing its condition, biochemical indicators also change.

It is important to remember that the UAC and biochemical analysis are not interchangeable, but two completely different studies that perform each of their tasks.  

General blood test: take on an empty stomach or not?

General blood analysis
General blood analysis

Doctors strongly do not recommend eating food before the UAC, since taking any products can cause the inaccuracy of the results of the analysis.

Most blood tests are given on an empty stomach, the UAC is no exception. But if most studies should not be eaten at least in 6 hours Before the fence, before a general blood test, you can eat a light breakfast. The main thing is that after its use it has passed not less than 2 hours. If you donate blood before, the analysis can show the false and inflammatory process, giving the doctor distorted information about the patient’s condition.

A day before blood fence, it is recommended to exclude sweet, spicy and fatty dishes from the menu.

How to properly prepare for blood donation from a vein for a general analysis - Rules: Is it possible to drink water and eat?

Doctors, before giving a referral to a general blood test, necessarily remind you that it is on an empty stomach. But in addition to this restriction, in order for the analysis to be the most informative, it is necessary to remember other prohibitions. So, how to properly prepare for blood donation from a vein for a general analysis? Can you drink water? Here are the rules:

  • Before passing the UAC, you should refuse coffee, juices and tea. These drinks launch a large number of biochemical reactions that can distort the research results. Before the blood fence, you can drink non -carbonated water in the usual volumes. If blood is taken from the child, doctors advise a little increase in the usual amount of fluid consumed.
  • It is necessary to refrain from drinking carbonated and sweet water and, of course, alcohol. Alcohol can not be drunk in 72 hours before the analysis.
  • Exclude physical exertion in at least a day. Classes in the gym or running in the park should be postponed the next day. The thing is that intensive training leads the immune system into a state of increased readiness, so the result of the analysis can show processes that do not occur in the body at normal times.
  • Exclude any emotional experiences. Stress and neurosis lead to a change in the hormonal background, increasing or lowering the amount of content in the blood of many studied indicators.
  • Refrain from smoking. We must not forget about the effect of nicotine on the blood. So that a bad habit does not cause the false result of the UAC, an hour before the test should not be smoked.
  • A day before blood fence, it is not recommended to conduct an MRI, ultrasound and other studies, since electromagnetic waves can affect blood cells.
  • Blood must be taken before taking medicationor two weeks after the termination of the course.
  • Two days before the tests, you should refuse to relax in the sauna and bath.

Before entering the office, experts advise resting within 10-15 minutes, To stop worrying. If the child has blood to be donated, you should tell him in advance what will happen in the office, this will help psychologically prepare for the process.  

How often do you need to take a general blood test?

UAC is one of the most popular and informative diagnostic tools. It is prescribed before the medical examination to check the condition of the body to diagnose the disease, to monitor the course of treatment and the state of health. How often do you need to take a general blood test?

  • Ideally, a general blood test must be taken at least once a year. This approach will help to find out in a timely manner about the changes taking place in the body and take the necessary measures in time, thereby, without allowing the development of serious diseases.
  • Pregnant women and people under the constant supervision of specialists are advised to take once every 2 months.

Many people prefer not to contact doctors if there are no obvious signs of the presence of the disease and neglect the advice of specialists regarding the regular delivery of the UAC. Meanwhile, it is he who can report a lot to the specialist.

A general blood test helps to identify malfunctions in the body, reports on the onset of the development of the disease, based on the results, the doctor will be able to make an accurate diagnosis. He will talk about how the treatment process progresses, whether it brings results or must be adjusted.

Video: What determines a general blood test?

Video: donate blood. How to prepare? Dr. Komarovsky

Video: About the most important thing. Dr. Myasnikov revealed the features of interpretation of a general blood test

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