Effective iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults, pregnant women, children: list, names, dosage of use. What iron is better raised by hemoglobin? Iron -containing vitamins for raising hemoglobin in the blood: List

Effective iron preparations for low hemoglobin in adults, pregnant women, children: list, names, dosage of use. What iron is better raised by hemoglobin? Iron -containing vitamins for raising hemoglobin in the blood: List

Review of drugs that increase hemoglobin.

Hemoglobin is a blood protein that transports oxygen into tissues of the body. With its lack, a deterioration in well -being is observed. A person does not receive oxygen, from which organs and systems suffer.

What is the norm of hemoglobin in women, men and children?

In women, the norm is considered to be above 120 g/l. Also, do not consider anemia indicators in the range of 110-120 g/l. This often happens after menstruation, when a woman loses a lot of blood.

The norm in men is considered to be in the range of 130-160 g/l. If the value is below 130, then the man needs to take iron -containing drugs.

In children, hemoglobin value ranges, depending on age. Below is a table of the norms of this protein in the blood by age and floor.

What is the norm of hemoglobin in women, men and children?
What is the norm of hemoglobin in women, men and children?

The causes of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood

There are a lot of reasons why a decrease in the concentration of this protein is possible.

List of reasons:

  • Infectious ailments
  • Chronic diseases
  • Helminthic invasion
  • Taking some drugs
  • Bleeding of different nature
The causes of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood
The causes of a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood

Effective drugs and iron tablets for low hemoglobin in adult men and women: list, names, dosage of use

The pharmacy has a huge selection of drugs that contain iron and help to raise the level of hemoglobin.

List of drugs:

  • Maltofer. This is the drug of the double -clad iron, which is perfectly absorbed. Take 2 tablets per day. It is possible to increase the dose for the appointment of a doctor.
  • Ferlatum. The drug is implemented in bottles. You need to drink 1-2 bottles in the morning and evening. Reception must be carried out before meals.
  • Ferrum Lek. These are chewing tablets for increasing hemoglobin. Assign 1 tablets three times a day. The approximate course of treatment is 3 months.
Effective drugs and iron tablets for low hemoglobin in adult men and women: list, names, dosage of use
Effective drugs and iron tablets for low hemoglobin in adult men and women: list, names, dosage of use

Iron -containing vitamins for raising hemoglobin in the blood: List

The pharmacy has a large number of combined drugs that contain not only iron, but also vitamins. These are drugs, both for pregnant women and other categories of patients.

Review of vitamins containing iron:

  • Vitrum
  • Complivitis
  • Alphabet
  • Supradin

All these vitamins are taken one tablet per day. There is not much iron in them, but the body is enough for normal functioning. Anemia cannot be cured with vitamins.

Iron -containing vitamins for raising hemoglobin in the blood: List
Iron -containing vitamins for raising hemoglobin in the blood: List

Effective drugs and iron tablets for low hemoglobin in pregnant women: list, names, dosage of use

In pregnant women, hemoglobin often falls to raise it, effective and safe drugs are needed. They should not cause allergies and health disorders in the fetus.


  • Maltofer
  • Ferlatum
  • Hemopher

The dosage is set by the doctor based on the condition of the patient. The lower the hemoglobin, the higher the dosage of the drugs.

Effective drugs and iron tablets for low hemoglobin in pregnant women: list, names, dosage of use
Effective drugs and iron tablets for low hemoglobin in pregnant women: list, names, dosage of use

Injections for raising hemoglobin in the blood: a list of drugs

Typically, drugs in ampoules are administered with severe blood loss. They help to quickly increase hemoglobin in the blood. These drugs are often prescribed as part of complex therapy in the treatment of hypertension, renal failure.


  • Ferrum Lek. It is administered intravenously
  • Venofer. Introduced intramuscularly
  • Mircera
  • Erythropoetin

These drugs do not work the same. The first two drugs contain iron and help to quickly raise hemoglobin. Mircera and erythropoetin help to establish the development of their own red blood cells.

Injections for raising hemoglobin in the blood: a list of drugs
Injections for raising hemoglobin in the blood: a list of drugs

What iron is better raised by hemoglobin?

Only the doctor can decide which of the drugs in your case will be the most effective. To maintain the normal level of hemoglobin, vitamins are usually enough. With anemia, drugs are prescribed that enhance the production of red blood cells or substances containing iron.

The most effective can be considered:

  • Tardiferon
  • Ferrograndum
  • Maltofer
What iron is better raised by hemoglobin?
What iron is better raised by hemoglobin?

Despite the fact that most of these drugs are sold without a prescription, you should not drink them yourself. Initially, it is worth finding out the reason for the decrease in hemoglobin, and then the doctor will determine what and in what dosage it is worth taking.

Video: Medicines to increase hemoglobin

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Comments K. article

  1. Here I have anemia of a mild degree, I somehow hold on by products more or less, but it’s still hard, and the use of iron for me is darkness. It seems that it is worth drinking vitamins and that's it, but I don’t have it - my liver starts to stab, the stomach is ache, and is sick. And then I read that this is not a vitamin. These iron sulfates that are contained in them are generally toxic ((

  2. The same parsley, I refused them for a long time, during pregnancy I was turning back from them, although hemoglobin was 85, I could not force myself to drink the same totem. The most optimal and probably the only thing that saved is hemobin, a natural product, but it took me 2 courses to raise hemoglobin to 115.

  3. Yes, hemobin is a good thing. I fell iron when I got carried away with cycling, I read a lot of things on this topic, it seems like a blood flow increases during sports and iron is consumed faster. After a month of daily bike rods, I began to tire very much, you get up in the morning, as if I had not slept. But this drug was restored for the course. I will feel these symptoms again, I will drink again.

  4. Effectively drink a sorbifer durulex, 1 month with a cup of water for 2 months, but everything needs to be repeated annually annually.

  5. Iron Helat Evalarovsky came most of the iron preparations most of all. Apparently, because of the form, because it is absorbed well and really helps to adjust the condition. In addition, I also leaned on offal, although I do not really love them. Now everything is already normal with iron and hemoglobin ... it means that there was definitely a lot from therapy))

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