Vitamins for women when planning pregnancy. How to prepare your body for a child to have a child?

Vitamins for women when planning pregnancy. How to prepare your body for a child to have a child?

An article about why planning a child should take folic acid and other vitamins. The beneficial substances in which the mother’s body are most in need of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Pregnancy is a bright time of hopes, anxieties and pleasant worries associated with the expectation of the birth of little happiness. The expectant mother and the whole family strive to make sure that the baby does not need anything and the mother’s body is all substances necessary for its development. Vitamins, food additives and enhanced nutrition are used.

Vitamins for women before pregnancy, folic acid and other necessary substances

In our country, polyvitamins are prescribed for almost every woman, however, according to many Western experts, they are required only in case, if there is their deficit. And the only exception is folic acid, which will be useful to all expectant mothers without exception.

Important: if you decide to take polyvitamins for pregnant women, stop on any one drug. Do not use several complexes at the same time, especially if their composition contains vitamins A and E. In this matter, the key concept is “measure”.

Vitamins during pregnancy
Vitamins during pregnancy

It is proved that vitamin B9which is also called folic acid, performs a protective function and is able to prevent the development of defects in the nervous tube of the fetus and congenital heart defects. The standard daily rate of 400 μg, but if you tell the doctor that you have cases of birth of children with congenital defects or cases of miscarriage in your family, the dose can be increased significantly. Folic acid is involved in the processes of division of cells and hematopoiesis and is required for the correct formation of the fetus in the earliest stages. Its content in food is insufficient, therefore in some countries vitamin B9 It is recommended to constantly drink reproductive women.

Important: if you have not taken folic acid before pregnancy, start doing this as soon as possible.

Folic acid during pregnancy

Russia belongs to countries with moderate iodine deficiency, that is, with water and food, we get less than this trace element than required. Iodineit is very important for expectant mothers, it is necessary for the proper operation of the thyroid gland and the proper production of its hormones. And problems with hormonal background, as you know, are frequent pregnancy satellites, and at the same time, at 18 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus has already formed its own thyroid gland, which also requires iodine.

Important: it is recommended to start the prevention of iodine -deficiency three months before conception and continue during pregnancy.

But do not prescribe drugs containing iodine yourself, since its overabundance can be as harmful as its deficiency. This trace element can be obtained not only from polyvitamins, but also from sea fish and food enriched with iodine: salt, bread, dairy products. Please note that even on condition of proper storage, iodized salt, retains its properties no more than six months. Thyroid gland

Vitamins for women: What do you need to drink to get pregnant?

Acute deficiency folic acid It may even be the reason that the long -awaited pregnancy does not occur. By the way, it will be useful not only to mom, but also by dad, who will increase sperm mobility from her. When planning pregnancy, it is useful to make “reserves” and normalize the number of other vitamins in the body. Signs of vitamin deficiency before pregnancy are lethargy and rapid fatigue, dry skin and hair, strips and points on the nails. At the same time when the pregnancy has already occurred, all of the listed symptoms is rather the norm than an exception to the rules.

Vitamins for women during pregnancy

Complex drugs designed specifically for women in this position are significantly different from ordinary vitamins. They have a lower dose of vitamin C, a high content of folic acid, as well as other important vitamins of group B, contain iron and other substances that are intensively consumed. Therefore, if you are waiting for the baby, it is better to choose special vitamins for women during pregnancyVitamins during pregnancy

Often in pregnant women there is a disadvantage gland and vitamin D. And there are natural physiological causes. A newborn baby feeds on food, in which there is very little iron. Therefore, nature made sure that he made the reserves of this trace element in advance and took it from the mother’s body. Pink cheeks and a high level of hemoglobin in children up to six months - indicate that the mother did not have iron deficiency. For its prevention, it is recommended to take multivitamins and use high -quality animal products. The liver is especially rich in iron, but there is a lot of vitamin E in it, which can be harmful in the first trimester, so it is better in small quantities. For vegetarians - vitamins, which include iron are indispensable.

Important: if the analyzes show that the reserves of the microelent are exhausted, iron preparations are additionally prescribed, which are more effective.

Vitamin D. It is intensively consumed in the second and third semester, for the formation of bone tissue. But it is also necessary for the mother’s teeth. And if they spoil during pregnancy, the reason is the lack of vitamin D and calcium.


Vitamins for nursing mothers

Surprisingly, the composition of breast milk is static and does not depend on the nutrition of the nursing mother. This is a kind of natural altruism, even if the body has a deficiency of any vitamins or minerals, they will be included in milk for the baby, even to the detriment of themselves. The quality of the milk worsens only if the reserves of useful substances are already at the end of it.

On the other hand, the lack of vitamins can affect the amount of milk, in addition, the baby needs a healthy and happy mother. And breastfeeding is a serious load and additional stress, therefore polyvitamin The complexes will be very helpful at this stage.

When producing milk, a lot is consumed calciumTherefore, the mother herself also needs to consume dairy products and drugs in which he has. It is equally important to receive enough vitamins BUT, C., and group b. Flaw vitamin D It can provoke rickets in the child, however, the need for it depends on the color of the skin, and the problem is more relevant for children with dark skin from Asian and Middle Eastern regions.

Statistics claim that 40-50% of nursing mothers suffer from various vitaminosis. Vitamins for women after childbirth allow you to avoid such problems as hair loss, dry skin and even help to cope with poor mood and fatigue. Thus, properly selected vitamins make a period of pregnancy and breastfeeding more light and happy.


Vitamins for women: reviews and tips

Marina30 years old, Novosibirsk:

In the first trimester I took folic, now a complex drug. Only the doctor advised me to drink a month and take a break for 14 days, then again a month and a break, etc.

Irina, 23 years old, Kharkov:

When you feel good and the tests are normal, it is better to choose natural vitamins from food. I did not drink tablets either in the first or second pregnancy. Only folic acid up to 12 weeks. Now I eat cottage cheese, fruits, berries, vegetables.

Victoria, 21 years old, Ufa:

I, too, now, at 12 weeks, I finish drinking folic acid and vitamin E, start iodomarin and complex vitamins. Now there are few vitamins in fruits and vegetables from a supermarket, I would say they are not at all.

Anastasia, 27 years old, Moscow:

From 12 weeks began to take complex vitamins and iodomarin. I took until the end of pregnancy and continue to take now, because my daughter on breastfeeding.

Video: iodine and folic acid - the key to the health of mom and baby

which is about taking vitamins and trace elements for future mothers.
Folic acid is an important vitamin for pregnant women.

Video: Low Hemoglobin - School of Dr. Komarovsky. Komarovsky about iron and low hemoglobin

Video: Vitamins for pregnant women

A television program in which the doctor talks about which vitamins most often a pregnant woman needs

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Comments K. article

  1. Before conception, it is primarily necessary for folic for the nervous system of the child, magnesium to prevent the tone of the uterus. Anyway, you need to be healthy and everything is ok with food so that it is. And with my work it is unrealistic to observe the normal mode: either ate or once. I took a minisan mother complex, his friend advised me. I liked the composition and it spoke well. And when she became pregnant, the doctor allowed him to take him further. She said that perhaps nothing more will have to be added during pregnancy, everything is there that pregnant women are discharged separately.

  2. Natalia, how long did you drink it before conception? And then everywhere is different information.

  3. Zinaida, the gynecologist advised me in three months, but I did not drink so much. Although the pregnancy was confirmed just when it finished the packaging. I think that at least in a month it will be good. But ideally, better. Just check how they suit you and how they act on you. But the vitamins are horposy, you will not regret it.

  4. I also drank vitamins to prepare for pregnancy. I don’t smoke at all and almost do not drink, so there was no need to throw my pernicious habits in advance. But the age is no longer young, so no matter how to turn my husband and I have already decided, then you need to prepare. I drink Peregnoton mom. A good complex, I read the composition, it seemed better to me than that of the rest. Although friends said that the novelty cannot be chosen in this case. Like Elevit has been prescribed by doctors for a million years. Well, the main thing for me is that there is folic, almost everyone drinks it before pregnancy)) And here it is still some kind of cool, like it is better absorbed by the usual one. I am for a new approach and I think that they are more modern.

  5. Pick up and be sure to accept. We now have such an ecology that pregnant women must take vitamins.

  6. Lyudmila, and an additional source of vitamin and will not hurt the child for good bearing. For example, I accept Biotoff Penalia. The composition of which even has a probiotic. And by the way, since this complex goes in the form of chocolate bars, you don’t need to drink it when taking it, and you can even eat the street)

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