I went too far in the yeast dough: what to do, how to fix it? How to save a cool yeast dough?

I went too far in the yeast dough: what to do, how to fix it? How to save a cool yeast dough?

Flour in yeast dough should be put not only according to the recipe. Pay attention to the consistency of the workpiece and consider other nuances.

Many people like baking from yeast dough, but not everyone can do it right away - experience and patience are needed. Many masters knead the dough for a long time - until their hands get tired. A good knead can go to 15 minutes. The process of fermentation of the dough itself is also not fast, as it occurs in two stages: after a batch (up to 1 hour) and on a shaft (20 minutes).

Read on our website another article on the topic: "What to cook from the residues of pizza dough?". You will find recipes, tips.

From this article you will learn how to fix the situation with the test if you are too far from flour. Read further.

Why did not work out the dough: reasons

The dough did not work
The dough did not work

It often happens that all the proportions of the recipe were observed, but you are not satisfied with the result, since it is far from the desired - the dough did not work out. Some reasons could influence this:

  • The knead was short -lived
  • The dough was not put in a warm place
  • Added a lot of flour

Each of these factors has its negative effects. To correct the first two, it is enough to increase the time of batch and choose a place where it is warm (this can be an oven, heated to 40 degrees). The third will require the large costs of your time and efforts to correct this drawback.

How to understand that the yeast dough turned out too cool?

You see that something is wrong with the test workpiece, but do not know what exactly. How to understand that the yeast dough turned out too cool?

  • If the dough is not elastic, it looks like plasticine, then when pressed on it, the hole will remain longer.
  • The baking will turn out to be heavy and will not be lush.

In order to avoid this, it is necessary to strictly observe not only the recipe, but also the sequence of introduction of the ingredients and their temperature (it is desirable that it be room). Flour should be sifted and poured in small portions. But what if it has already happened? Read further.

I went over the flour into yeast dough: what to do, is it possible to save a cool yeast dough, how to fix it?

One of the reasons why the dough does not work is a lot of flour. The workpiece is clogged, it rises poorly. So, I went over the flour into yeast dough - what to do, is it possible to save a cool yeast dough?

It often depends on the quality of the flour and the mass of the released gluten. Even if you adhered to the same recipe and the procedure for fulfilling the batch, but changed the flour, you can notice that the dough has changed the structure, has become denser and more inhibited. The reason is that the flour of different varieties secrete the unequal amount of gluten, and this affects the density of the dough. There are several options to return the dough softness and elasticity. You can fix this like this - methods:

  1. Roll out the dough into a layer about 1 cm thick. Make a finger with a finger and fill them with water. It must be warm. Turn the layer in half, then give it the shape of the ball and knead again.
  2. Add warm milk with a beaten egg and do the previous procedure.
  3. Cut into small pieces and spray with water. Crap every piece, roll up small balls, cover with a kitchen towel. After 5 minutes, repeat.
  4. Grate the dough, sprinkle with water or milk and knead well.
  5. Knead another half a portion, but more liquid, connect both tests.
  6. Roll into the layer and lubricate with heated sunflower oil.

Choose any option you like and repeat. Having done each of the listed procedures, you should put the dough on an additional shaft, and, only making sure that it has risen well, again rinse it. You can save a cool yeast dough in one of the listed methods, you only need a desire and a little patience, and the experience will come to you, and each time the baking will be better and appetizing.

Video: Find out the secrets of yeast dough. Why can't it work?

Video: What to do if the dough does not rise? How to raise the dough? Secrets of good dough

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