Do I need to add an egg to stuffed pepper? How to stuff pepper with minced meat and rice: the subtleties and secrets of cooks, recipes

Do I need to add an egg to stuffed pepper? How to stuff pepper with minced meat and rice: the subtleties and secrets of cooks, recipes

Adding an egg to stuffed pepper is optional. But other ingredients are important.

Stuffed pepper - classics of home cuisine of different countries. The combination of pepper and aromatic filling is a great opportunity to create various variations in the preparation of this dish. This food is better to cook at the height of the season of this vegetable. The taste of fresh local pepper is always expressive and more saturated.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Tomatoes stuffed with minced meat: baked in the oven, microwave". You will find simple recipes.

From this article you will learn do I need to add an egg to stuffed pepper. You will also find some delicious recipes for such a dish. Read further.

How can pepper can lamp?

Due to the ability to stuff pepper with different products, there are a huge number of variations in the preparation of this vegetable. When choosing the filling, you can use:

  • Minced meat of different animals
  • Mushrooms
  • Vegetables
  • Groups of your choice
  • Cheese, etc.

For starters, we offer to consider the main nuances of the basic and classic version: pepper with minced meat in ligaments with rice. Read further.

How to stuff pepper with minced meat and rice: Subtleties and secrets of cooks

Pepper, where minced meat and rice are the filling, is a classic and transmitted from generation to generation. Below we will consider the main nuances of cooking. Here are the subtleties and secrets of cooks:

  • The use of pots when cooking pepper is a convenient and most economical option.
  • To extinguish pepper, it is better to choose deep containers with a thickened bottom.
  • The size of the vegetable fetus is desirable - average. The presence of some external damage, like cracks, leads to the fact that pepper becomes unsuitable for use.
  • In order for the rice to be soft and managed to boil, it should be boiled until half-and-ethnicity before mixing with twisted meat.
  • Throughout the cooking process, constantly monitor the amount of sauce at the bottom, if the sauce is not enough, the vegetable will not bake or even burns out

Preparing such a dish is simple. But there are some more nuances. Read further.

Do I need to add an egg to stuffed pepper?

Adding eggs to minced meat is a contradictory moment. It is understood that the addition of this product holds the meat blank. According to the experience of many housewives - the egg makes the minced meat hard, oaky. To maintain the desired consistency, it is necessary to knead and withstand the workpiece well. The protein is perfectly fastened with meat, but at the same time, the workpiece is tender and juicy.

Peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice: recipe

Peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice
Peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice

Many housewives use such a recipe when you need to quickly prepare lunch or dinner. They cleaned the pepper, made minced meat, filled and set to cook. After a while, the dish is ready. It turns out appetizing and tasty. Here is a recipe for peppers stuffed with minced meat and rice:


  • Bulgarian pepper - 6 pieces
  • Minced meat - 400 grams
  • Rice - 80 grams
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Onions-1 pc.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Sour cream - 100 ml
  • Tomat. Pasta - 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • Water - 500 ml

Do this:

  1. The first thing you should do is prepare all products. You can take any meat for minced meat: beef, pork, chicken. When buying, try to pay attention to more expensive and high -quality minced meat, without additives. Take one large bulbs or two small. Any variety of rice is suitable. Pepper is advisable to choose medium size.
  2. Before cooking, prepare pepper. Rinse it thoroughly, get rid of seeds, stalks and partitions. Dry pepper with paper towels or napkins.
  3. While the pepper will dry, prepare Fig. Rinse it well under running water and pour it into a 1/2 - 1 cup of rice/2 cups of water.
  4. Bring the cereal to a boiling state over high heat, then cook the liquid covered until completely evaporated.
  5. While the rice is cooked, you can do vegetables. Onions must be finely chopped, grate the carrots with a coarse grater.
  6. For frying, we need oil and pan. In a well -heated pan, pass the onion with carrots to a transparent state.
  7. When the vegetables have cooled, we need a suitable container. In it, we mix the minced meat, rice and part of the fried vegetables. The final stage add salt and pepper, and the filling is ready.
  8. Now make the sauce. For this filling, mix the sour cream, tomato. Paste and water.
  9. For the final stage, we need a deep container.
  10. On the bottom we put the remaining onion and carrots.
  11. It remains to fill the peppers with filling. Carefully make sure that there is no empty space in the pepper.
  12. We spread the blank in a saucepan and pour everything with the sauce.
  13. We bring to a boiling state over high heat, and then extinguish on slowly until cooked.
  14. Bring to a boil, and then simmer on low heat under the lid until cooked.

Serve hot with sour cream or other favorite sauce.

Peppers stuffed with cheese: recipe

Peppers stuffed with cheese
Peppers stuffed with cheese

Stuffed peppers with cheese is a great option for diluting a classic menu. Make such a dish instead of pepper with rice and minced meat. For stuffing instead of a semi -finished meat, we use cheese. It turns out tasty and unusual. Here is the prescription:


  • Bulgarian pepper-3-4 pieces
  • Feta cheese - 200 grams
  • Solid cheese - 100 grams
  • Garlic - 4 cloves
  • Parsley - 2 branches
  • Olive oil - 3 tablespoons
  • Black ground pepper - 0.25 teaspoons
  • Smoked paprika - 0.25 teaspoons

Do this:

  1. Lay the feta cheese in a deep plate and thoroughly open a fork.
  2. Then we add all the necessary spices and garlic passed through the press, and at the end we pour all 2 tbsp. spoons of olive oil.
  3. Ordinary cheese must be rubbed on the aoric board and put to the general filling and mixed.
  4. Remove the greens and grind it. Then add the greens to the filling and mix everything with a spoon.
  5. Adjust salt to taste.
  6. When the filling is ready, prepare pepper. Cut the fruits in half and carefully cut the partition, seeds. Pepper is advisable to select one size. Lubricate the blanks with olive oil, then fill them with filling.
  7. Cook the pepper in the oven at t °-180 ° C for 15-20 minutes.

When serving, use fat and greens leaves. Enjoy your meal!

How to freeze stuffing pepper?

If you want to cook your favorite dish in winter and enjoy a unique taste, then freeze pepper pepper. In addition to taste, in winter this dish will help you get healthy vitamins and trace elements that are in the vegetable and meat. So, for freezing we will need pepper and cutting board.


  • Choose peppers of the same size. You can understand exactly how much peppers of a certain size in the bag.
  • According to personal observations, seasonal pepper is better suited for frost, large fruits brought for this are not suitable. They contain a lot of water, which poorly affects the quality of the product during freezing.
  • Try to give preferences to fleshy fruits.
  • A thawed vegetable is forbidden to freeze again.

Stages of frost:

  1. Wash and dry the fruits well.
  2. Cut the hats and remove the insides of the pepper.
  3. After all manipulations with a knife, it is necessary to insert the fruits into each other.
  4. Now the fruits can be sent to the freezer. Gently put them in bags and put the freezers in a box. Try not to press much so as not to damage or tear the fruits.

In one bag, on average from 5 to 7 peppers, on average. You can put more, but make sure that they do not squeeze from your own weight. In winter, just take the pepper from the freezer, fill with minced meat with rice and set to cook as described above. It will turn out as tasty as in the summer. Enjoy your meal!

Video: You will be delighted! Stuffed pepper in a new one, a gypsy cooks

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