The most delicious recipes for juicy stuffed peppers with meat and rice, chicken, with cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, herbs, cabbage, mushrooms, vegetables, eggs. Pepper stuffed in a slow cooker, air group, oven, pressure cooker, double boiler, pan: recipes

The most delicious recipes for juicy stuffed peppers with meat and rice, chicken, with cheese, cottage cheese, garlic, herbs, cabbage, mushrooms, vegetables, eggs. Pepper stuffed in a slow cooker, air group, oven, pressure cooker, double boiler, pan: recipes

Each housewife cooks stuffed pepper in her own way and each time it turns out incredibly tasty and hearty. But in addition to the usual preparation of pepper in a pan, there are many interesting methods of extinguishing, frying and baking pepper in the oven. This article opens up several interesting ideas for creating sauces and gravy for stuffed pepper, and also allows you to choose a delicious filling.

Standed peppers how to cook?

Stuffed pepper is one of the most favorite home -made dishes. Such a pepper is perfectly consistent with proper preparation, both the festive and dietary table. It is noteworthy that stuffed pepper can be prepared in a pan, in the oven, in a slow cooker and even in a double boiler. It can also be prepared in different ways: steam, in the heat or extinguishing in the gravy.

Most often, pepper is stuffed with minced meat and rice. The minced meat can be used from any meat:

  • pork
  • beef
  • chicken
  • lamb
  • indians

The fastening component of the dish is rice and egg, rice, as a rule, is added in a half -ready state. The starch, which is on its surface, fastens all the ingredients and does not allow them to break up. The same principle has an egg. If desired, you can also add various additives and spices to taste to the classic recipe:

  • carrot
  • onion
  • parsley
  • dill
  • spicy spices
  • garlic
stuffed pepper - a delicious festive and everyday dish

Stuffed pepper can also be prepared in special gravy and with various sauces that will give the dish of juiciness.

Depending on how you prepare stuffed pepper and where, you must observe certain temporary conditions for stewing (frying, cooking) dishes:

  • If you cook pepper stewed - this should take from you 30 minutes,provided that you will use fresh pepper
  • If you cook a dish from frozen stuffed pepper, this may take 40-50 minutesstewing in a saucepan (in the top)
  • If you cook stuffed pepper in a heated multicooker, then the cooking time will take approximately 20-25 minutes
  • If you cook pepper in a double boiler It will take you approximately 40-60 minutes
  • If you cook stuffed pepper in the oven and bake it, it will take you approximately 30-40 minutestime

Stuffed Bulgarian pepper with meat and rice

The most delicious recipe for cooking stuffed pepper is with meat and rice. Depending on your food habits, you can choose any meat, any fat content. For example, a pork blade or shake is quite fatty meat, such a dish turns out juicy and very fresh. If you adhere to dietary nutrition, it is best for you to stuff chicken or turkey meat.

Lenten meat is much fat and therefore it needs additional spices to make the taste brighter and tastier.


  • Eight large peppers (it may be required more, it all depends on the amount of your minced meat) should be cleaned of the seed part and carefully horizontally cut off the stalk
  • Ready -made pepper cups should be dipped in water so that the water washed all the extra seeds that do not rarely give the dish bitterness. While the peppers are soaked in water, prepare the filling
  • In a meat grinder, chop half a kilogram of fresh meat. You can also use the finished bought Warship
  • In a blender, grind one small onion to the porridge state and add the onion to the minced meat so that it soaks every piece. The minced meat should be salt and pepper to taste
  • In a pan, a coarse -grated medium -sized carrot and the same bulb should be frying. Half of the roasting is sent to the minced meat, and the second half is poured with a liter of tomato juice. While the juice is brought to a boil should be boiled to the half -consumption of the rice
  • Rice for such a recipe must be used round, cook it for about seven minutes on high heat without lifting the lid. After that, the water merges. Rice does not wash, just cools down a little
  • Rice is added to the meat and the whole mass is thoroughly mixed with the hand
  • At this time, tomato gravy begins to boil. Each pepper should be carefully filled with filling and in a vertical state try to put in a saucepan. Thus, all peppers should align the floor of the pan. The filling should either completely or slightly cover the peppers
  • Leave the peppers stew over low heat for thirty minutes. Stir the dish or somehow change the position of the peppers of the pan-no. The gravy will help the pepper evenly extinguish during the time provided. During the extinguishing time, the rice will swell and allow the filling to fill out all the free space in the pepper
stuffed pepper with meat and rice in the finished state served with vegetables and salad

How to cook stuffed peppers in a slow cooker: diet recipe

The dietary recipe for stuffed pepper in a slow cooker allows you to prepare a dietary and low -calorie dish, which will decorate the diet of everyone who fights excess weight. A dietary recipe involves the use of not fatty, lean meat: chicken or turkey.


  • Approximately 700 grams of fresh chicken meat (fillet) should be chopped in a meat grinder with one bulb
  • Chicken stuffing must be salt and pepper to taste and leave for a while for pickling
  • At this time, prepare about eight large sweet peppers: clean them of the seed and carefully cut the stalk
  • Finely grate not large carrots and chop a small bunch of parsley. Add carrots and greens to minced meat
  • You must add one raw egg to the minced meat that will fasten the meat. Rice is a high -calorie product, you can completely exclude it from this recipe (for strict diets) or add a very small amount. If you add rice, it must be half -ready, only in such a rice the required amount of starch is located
  • Half liters of tomato juice are spilled into a slow cooker and brought to a boil. When the juice boils, squeeze two cloves of garlic into it - garlic will give a special piquancy and aroma to the dish
  • In boiling water, lower the stuffed pepper one at a time. If you notice that tomato juice is not enough and it cannot cover all the peppers (and this can happen when the lampsted pepper is quite large), share pure water or tomato juice
  • This recipe does not require vegetable oil, since it is designed for dietary nutrition. Teflon cup of multicooker will not allow the dish to burn and deteriorate
  • Stew the peppers in a slow cooker in the "baking" mode for about 25 minutes. The meat whitened on the surface of each pepper will tell you about the readiness of the dish
recipe for dietary pepper prepared in a slow cooker

Pepper stuffed baked in the oven halves

If you want to prepare an original recipe for stuffed peppers, then pepper baked in the oven halves is what you need. This is an unusually beautiful, hearty, tasty and aromatic dish that will surprise each guest and become your “visiting card”.

Of course, you can use the most ordinary sweet baking pepper, but it is best if you bake the halves of the Bulgarian pepper of different colors.


  • For such a recipe, you need to prepare several halves of pepper (about eight things, focus on the number of your guests)
  • Pepper must be cut in half and cleaned of the seed and membranes. Leave the tails on the peppers, they will decorate the finished dish. If you succeed, cut the tail exactly in half. Dip the halves of peppers in a basin with water so that it washed all the remnants of the seeds
  • While the peppers are soaked, prepare the filling. Half a kilo of chicken or turkey fillet should be finely chopped with a knife
  • Grate one boiled carrot on a coarse grater
  • Boil a hundred grams of rice until half -cooked: for this, boil it over high heat within seven minutes
  • Fry one onion to transparency, finely chopped and add to the filling
  • The whole mass (meat, rice, carrots) should be mixed, salt and pepper to taste. You can add a little chopped finely, parsley
  • Each half of the pepper is filled with filling. On top you should put one cheese slice or just sprinkle with cheese grated
  • Peppers are laid out with an even layer A of the baking sheet. Peppers are sent to the oven. There they should be baked for about forty minutes (maybe an hour, depending on the power of your oven) at a temperature of 150 degrees

During the baking of the peppers, you should carefully monitor how the cheese on pepper behaves. If he began to burn right away, it means that you set too high a baking temperature. Pepper can be considered ready when the cheese has gained a dense rosy crust.

half of the peppers baked in the oven with cheese

Pepper stuffed with chicken and rice: recipe in a pan

preparing stuffed pepper in a pan is unusually simple:

  • Peppers are prepared for stuffing: clean and wash, a leg is cut off from them
  • The meat of the same chicken is passed through a meat grinder, it should definitely be salt and pepper to taste. You can add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise for pickling to the meat and put in the cold
  • Boil a glass of round rice in salted water to a semi -finished state. Sticky rice should cool down a little before it needs to be added to the meat
  • In a pan, fry the middle carrot grated and a peeled onion until transparent
  • Add two tablespoons of tomato paste to the roasting and after two minutes pour a glass of water into the pan. When the water boils in a pan, pour it into a pan for extinguishing. Squeeze a couple of garlic cloves into tomato sauce and pour half a glass of vegetable oil, dilute with another glass of water and throw a bay leaflet
  • Gently carefully spread the peppers in the boiling tomato sauce. When all the peppers are laid out to the bottom of the saucepan, cover it with a lid and leave to stew for half an hour on small heat
pepper stuffed with chicken cooked in a pan

Pepper stuffed with cottage cheese, garlic and herbs, recipe

Pepper stuffed with cottage cheese is not a full -fledged dish, but a delicious dietary snack. Preparing such a snack is very simple, because it does not require any heat treatment.


  • To prepare a full dish of such a snack, you will need about three large Bulgarian pepper, even and beautiful. Choose three peppers of different colors: red, yellow and green - this guarantees your appetizer an elegant and festive look
  • Prepare the peppers, for this you need to cut the stalk from them and clean from the insides
  • For the filling, you will need three hundred grams of non -fat cottage cheese (you can also use fatty cottage cheese, if you do not adhere to dietary diet). Cottage cheese should be wiped through a sieve so that it gains the structure of the pasta. Two tablespoons of mayonnaise are added to cottage cheese (you can use both fat and dietary mayonnaise)
  • The curd mass should be salt and pepper to taste. To the mass, squeeze one clove of garlic and mix everything thoroughly
  • Another important ingredient - the greens for this recipe should chop a finely small bunch of parsley and dill, add to the mass and mix thoroughly
  • Peppers should be wiped with a kitchen towel dry and dense layers fill it with cottage cheese mass
  • An important condition of the dish is to send stuffed peppers to the freezer for about twenty minutes. After this time, they should be obtained and cut into rings
  • Pepper rings with cottage cheese need to be beautifully put on a dish launched by salad leaves
peppers stuffed with curd mass

Pepper stuffed with egg and cheese

Another original and tasty filling for pepper will be a filling of cheese and boiled eggs:

  • 400 grams of fat hard cheese (Russian, Edam, Gauda) should be rubbed on a fine grater and put in a high dish
  • Two or three tablespoons of oily mayonnaise should be added to grated cheese. It is necessary to ensure that the mass does not become too liquid
  • Bulgarian peppers are cleaned of the insides and the stalks are cut off. Pure glasses of peppers are filled with cheese mass at the bottom and barrels so that there is a place for boiled eggs
  • Boiled egg is placed inside the pepper and continues to be filled with cheese mass
  • The filled peppers are cleaned for about three to four hours in the refrigerator so that the cheese filling becomes a little denser
  • After that, the stuffed pepper is cut into rings and served
pepper stuffed with cheese and egg

Lean stuffed peppers with cabbage and rice, vegetables

Some recipes offer to cook a lean, but no less tasty dish:

  • Prepare peppers for stuffing, clean their insides and prepare the filling
  • One non -large cabbage should be chopped and frying in vegetable oil along with carrots and tomato paste. When the cabbage becomes sufficiently soft salt and pepper it to taste
  • A glass of rice should be boiled up to half -consuming for seven minutes on high heat under a closed lid
  • Semi -ready rice is mixed with fried cabbage
  • Peppers are stuffed with cabbage filling with rice
  • In a pan should fry the onion and one carrot, transfer to the pan and pour it with tomato juice
  • Peppers are missed into boiling tomato juice and stew for 25 minutes on a moderate heat
lean stuffed peppers filled with cabbage

Recipe for stuffed pepper in the oven with cheese

  • To prepare this recipe, you can use both halves of pepper and whole peppers without a stalk
  • Mix meat minced meat (preferably chicken) with chopped greens, fried chopped onion
  • The filling should be salt and pepper, add three hundred grams of grated cheese to the minced meat.
  • Pepper should be filled with minced meat and sent to the oven for baking. Such a pepper should be held for thirty-forty minutes in the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees
  • make sure that the peppers do not "burn". If this happens, try to reduce the temperature to 150 degrees
peppers baked in the oven with cheese

If you bake the pepper in halves on the filling, put the tomato ring and a slice of cheese, this will give the dish beautiful juiciness and beautiful view.

Pepper stuffed with mushrooms

Pepper stuffed with mushrooms will be a great variety of lean dishes and a delicious recipe for the festive table:

  • Peppers are commonly prepared for stuffing: clean from seeds, membranes and legs
  • In a pan should be fry exactly one kilogram of fresh mushrooms. You can use oyster mushrooms, champignons or any forest
  • Round rice is boiled to half -consumption, water merges from it
  • Carrots and onions are added to the mushrooms, the frying is brought to ready
  • Fried vegetables are mixed with rice, salted and seasoned with spices to taste
  • Peppers are filled with filling and flatly laid out to the bottom of the multicooker bowl (or to the bottom of the pan)
  • Peppers should be poured with a liter of tomato juice and leave to stew for forty minutes
peppers stuffed with rice and mushrooms

Stuffed pepper along the Bulgarian

This is a very tasty recipe for festive stuffed pepper:

  • Sweet pepper or Bulgarian should be cleaned of seeds and set in the oven for twenty minutes
  • During the time in the oven, the pepper will become softer, it is necessary to bring it to a slightly charred state
  • After 20 minutes, the peppers get and fold into the bag. The package is tied. Peppers that will be in this state will become even softer and it will be easy to remove the skin from them
  • While the peppers are standing, prepare the filling: grate the salted broinz on a coarse grater and mix it with chopped greens
  • Soft peppers are filled with a broom
  • They must be slightly added to a flat state, dip in the egg and roll in flour
  • Each pepper goes to the pan in hot oil and fries until a brown crust on each side
pepper stuffed in Bolgarian, tasty and very original

Peppers stuffed in sour cream sauce

You can cook stuffed pepper not only in tomato, but also in sour cream sauce:

  • Half a kilo of fresh beef minced meat should be thoroughly mixed with a soaked large slice of loaf in milk
  • Add one onion to the minced meat, grinded by a blender or a meat grinder in a gruel
  • Stuffing pepper and salt to taste
  • Peppers are prepared for stuffing: clean and mine
  • Fill each pepper prepared minced meat
  • Cook the sauce: fry the fry of carrots and onions (one thing) in butter
  • Furied vegetables pour half a liter of sour cream of any fat content
  • we spread the peppers to the bottom of the pots
  • When sour cream boils, cover the peppers with the sauce and turn on a small fire
  • Add a glass of water to the pan, cover with a lid and continue to simmer for 40-50 minutes
stuffed peppers in sour cream sauce

How to cook frozen stuffed pepper?

Frozen pepper allows caring housewives to cook a dish at any time of the year. However, there is one minus of such a recipe - frozen pepper is prepared a little longer than fresh. This is necessary in order to first defrost it, and secondly, bring it to readiness.

Frozen peppers should be stuffed in its firm state, since it is thawed too soft and does not hold shape. Sprinkle the pepper with minced meat, carefully put all the peppers to the bottom of the saucepan. Prepare a special fill and only peppers lined with gas stations. Turn on moderate fire and continue to extinguish for about 50-60 minutes until finished.

frozen peppers are perfect for stuffing

Stuffed pepper

Stuffed pepper cooked in a double boiler allows you to prepare a dietary dish without using oil and sauce. The sauce can be prepared completely separately and submit it when serving. Preparing peppers in a double boiler is unusually easy:

  • Prepare a suitable filling for pepper, focusing on your preferences: lean, diet or ordinary
  • Pour water into a special container to form steam
  • Place the peppers on a special grid for cooking
  • Turn on the suitable mode and expect cooking. Peppers will be cooked after about 40-50 minutes
peppers cooked in a double boiler

Stuffed peppers in the air -grill

  • Fresh or frozen peppers should be filled with minced meat and rice cooked until half -cooked
  • Peppers are laid out in a special form of air grill
  • Two tablespoons of tomato paste with a glass of boiling water should be diluted in the plate
  • Tomato juice should be poured and sent to an aerogril
  • Select a temperature of 235 degrees
  • The peppers should be cooked in the air grill about forty minutes until cooked

Standed pepper recipe in a pressure cooker


  • About half a kilo of fresh chicken meat should be chopped in a meat grinder with one bulb
  • Chicken minced meat must be salt
  • Finely grate not large carrots and chop a small bunch of parsley. Add carrots and greens to minced meat
  • It is necessary to add one raw egg to the minced meat, which will fasten the meat and half a glass of boiled until the half -consumption of rice
  • A half liters of tomato juice are spilled into the pressure cooker and is brought to a boil. When the juice boiled, squeeze two cloves of garlic into it
  • In boiling water, lower the stuffed pepper one at a time
  • Stew the peppers in the pressure cooker for about 25 minutes. The meat whitened on the surface of each pepper will tell you about the readiness of the dish
pepper cooked

Fluffed peppers sauce, gravy

You can cook stuffed pepper with different gravy:

  • Tomato gravy:onion and carrots fry stewed in tomato juice
  • Sourceful gravy:onion and carrots stewed in sour cream
  • Mushroom gravy:fleet of mushrooms, carrots, onions, stewed in broth (vegetable or meat)

With what to serve stuffed pepper: side dishes

You can serve stuffed pepper with different side dishes. Stuffed pepper goes well with:

  • potato creamy mashed potatoes
  • crumbly rice
  • gorokhov puree
  • fried potatoes
  • potatoes in a rustic

Stuffed pepper is perfectly eaten like an individual hot dish, as it includes rice, meat and vegetables. Lenten peppers can be served with fish and fried meat.

Pepper stuffed with meat and rice calorie content

Stuffed pepper is a tasty and low -calorie dish only because it includes many vegetables and in most cases lean meat: chicken, beef. One hundred grams of dishes contains 154 kcal.One hundred grams of dishes have: protein (9.6 grams), fats (10 grams), carbohydrates (6 grams).

Video: Pepper stuffed with meat and rice


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