How to prepare pickled bell peppers, according to a classic recipe, for further stuffing, in Asian, in Italian? How to make pickled, baked, stuffed and sharp bell pepper, with onions, apples, honey, in tomato sauce: Best recipes

How to prepare pickled bell peppers, according to a classic recipe, for further stuffing, in Asian, in Italian? How to make pickled, baked, stuffed and sharp bell pepper, with onions, apples, honey, in tomato sauce: Best recipes

In this article, we will consider the best recipes for pickled Bulgarian pepper and share the secrets of its preparation.

At the height of the conservation season, I want to make as many reserves as possible for the winter. Yes, not easy, but to please households with unusual and delicious recipes. Bulgarian pepper is the first in the list, since it is he who makes a piquant and harmonious note to any dish. We want to offer you several different variations of pickling such a solar vegetable, from the traditional salting method and ending with exotic options.

Pickled bell pepper pepper

Bulgarian pepper not only perfectly complements any dishes and completes complex side dishes, but also incredibly useful during the cold. It is this vegetable that will hold back more vitamin C than citrus fruits or currants. It is also worth noting that pepper in the process of pickling does not lose its useful properties and remains with the original crisp.

  • Prepare the following components:
    • bulgarian pepper itself of any color - 3 kg;
    • apple vinegar 6% (!) - 1 cup;
    • vegetable oil - 200 ml;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
    • sugar - 160 g;
    • law sheet-3-4 pcs.;
    • pepper and fragrant pepper - 10 grains each;
    • water - 1 l.
  • Pepper needs to be washed, removed and cut into arbitrary pieces, cleaning first of the seeds. It is advisable to cut it into long strips of small width, then it will look more attractive.
  • If you want to cook conservation even faster, then clean the pepper from the core and roll up the whole. But for now, put it aside.
  • Banks must be sterilized without fail. Also check each jar for the lack of cracks, chips or defects. Warm them over a saucepan or kettle according to the traditional method. Enough for 5-10 minutes.
  • And you can do a simplified method - use the oven. Put the washed banks in the cold oven and heat it to 100-120 ° C. Take the container for about 10 minutes. This method saves time, because you do not need to work with each jar individually.
  • There is also a modern way of sterilizing cans - in the microwave. To do this, you need to dial a little water into the container (about the middle) and put for 10 minutes, setting the maximum power.
  • Now take care of the marinade. Pour water into a saucepan (just do not take too small) and add all the other components. Put on the stove and bring to a boil.
  • Then add pepper in parts. Divide the bulk of 3-4 piles and throw in turn into the marinade. You need to cook after boiling no more than 5 minutes.
  • Put the pepper into the jar, tightly and carefully laying it. Pour everything with the marinade to the “shoulders” and roll up. Repeat with each handful of pepper until the components end.
  • You do not need to sterilize banks! Turn their top with the bottom, envelop their warm blanket and leave until it cools completely for 2 days. Then send to a cool place for storage.
Pickled bell pepper quickly
Pickled bell pepper quickly

Classic recipe for pickled bell pepper with garlic

Each dish has the main recipe, from which various modifications are already beginning. Bulgarian pepper according to this recipe is not just beautiful, but also with an incredible sweet and sour taste. You can also add your favorite seasonings or remove something from the continued option. But this applies only to spices that make up the marinade in the exact proportion.

  • Take:
    • bulgarian pepper - 1.5 kg;
    • vinegar preferably apple - 200 ml;
    • vegetable oil - 230 ml;
    • sugar - 6 tbsp. l. with a slide (or 145 g);
    • salt - 3 tbsp. l. no hill;
    • garlic-6-10 cloves (depending on your preferences);
    • pepper peas and fragrant-8-12 peas;
    • bay leaf-3-5 pcs.;
    • water - 300 ml.
  • It is better to take yellow and red pepper. But you can create a tricolor composition. The main thing is that choose peppers not with too thick or rough skin, this will affect taste.
  • Wash the pepper, clean from the core and cut into arbitrary pieces. They can be put in a jar and as a whole, then it will not work to do it so tightly. By the way, not strips along, but a straw made of pepper will look very beautiful.
  • Mix all the components for the marinade and put on the fire. You can also add 1 tbsp. l. Coriandra and 2-3 clove inflorescences. By the way, do not forget to let the garlic through the press. But you can cut it on the plates or completely leave it entirely.
  • When the liquid boils, throw all the pepper to the marinade. Stiring regularly, languish it over low heat for 5 minutes. During this time, pepper should fade a little and decrease in volume.
  • Lay out the banks and fill the remaining marinade so that it is evenly enough for all containers. Do not forget to pre -process them with steam or warm them in the oven. By the way, according to this recipe, it is convenient to use small half -liter jars.
  • Pepper needs to be sterilized. To do this, pour water into the saucepan, which is slightly higher than the jar. Be sure to put a towel on the bottom so that the glass containers do not crack. And do not forget that hot banks need to be put in warm water. Sudden temperature changes can also lead to glass damage.
  • Peppers need to be stained over low heat for 10-15 minutes. For a half -liter can, there is enough time. But the larger the container, the longer this process will take.
  • Now banks roll up with sterilized lids. Next, you need to overturn them upside down, wrap it in a blanket and leave to cool. After sending for storage.
Pepper looks more attractive
Pepper looks more attractive

Pickled bell pepper for stuffing: recipe without sterilization

If cabbage rolls can be prepared at any time of the year without problems, then stuffed pepper refers to seasonal treats. Yes, you can buy a fresh product in the store, but its price increases almost twice, if not more. And for freezing pepper often there is simply not enough space. Therefore, the hostesses will definitely add such a recipe to the piggy bank. Moreover, from such a pepper you can cook other dishes or just enjoy it.

  • Per 1 three -liter bank:
    • bulgarian pepper-12-15 pcs.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • dining vinegar 9% - 1.5 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 1.5 l.
  • You will definitely sterilize the banks with the lids. In any way convenient for you.
  • Wash pepper under running water and remove the core. You can simply cut the tail in the usual way or squeeze it with your finger inside, stretching with the seeds. Be sure to rinse the excess seeds inside with water.
  • Put the pepper in a pan of a suitable size, pour water and blanch for 5 minutes after boiling. Then carefully take out and put it in a prepared jar or how many you got them.
  • Be careful so that pepper is not damaged in the laying process. And do not compact too tightly so as not to melt it.
  • Cook the marinade in a separate pan, mixing all components with water (except vinegar). Bring to a boil and fill it with pepper. Pour the vinegar essence directly into banks.
  • It is not necessary to sterilize the product. Just roll up jars, turn it over and cover until completely cool. By the way, such pickled bell pepper is stored perfectly even at room temperature. That is, it is not at all necessary to carry it into the basement or cellar, or you can even leave it in the pantry of the apartment.
Gently lay pepper in jars
Gently lay pepper in jars

Sharp pickled bell pepper with chili pepper: recipe

If you like sharp dishes, then accurately evaluate such a composition of peppers. They perfectly complement each other, creating a sweet taste with notes of sharpness. By the way, you can adjust the number of burning pepper, guided by your preferences.

  • Would need:
    • bulgarian pepper - 10 pcs.;
    • chile pepper-2-5 pcs.;
    • garlic-6-8 cloves;
    • vinegar 9% - 6.5 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • water - 1 l.
  • Sterilize banks is not necessary, but it is desirable. If you do not want to mess with each jar individually, then put them in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 80-100 ° C.
  • Wash the pepper, clean from the seeds and cut into various plates with a thickness of 2-3 cm. Set aside for now. Next, you need to prepare in a similar scheme and chili pepper.

Important! It is necessary to work with acute pepper only in latex gloves. As an option, you can put a disposable plastic bag on your hand. Otherwise, the skin of the hands can be a very strong stove. And after washing, the severity is not washed off. Therefore, by accidenting an eye, you can provoke very unpleasant sensations.

  • Cutting acute pepper depends on your taste preferences. If you like sharp dishes, then cut it with the same plates as the Bulgarian vegetable. If you only want to make a touch of severity, then chop it into tiny particles. By the way, we also offered the number for varying degrees of burning canned food.
  • Put sweet pepper into the jar, and insert the plates of a sharp vegetable and whole cloves of garlic between them. A combination of yellow sweet pepper and stripes of a red sharp vegetable look very beautiful. For the marinade, mix all the other components with water and bring to a boil.
  • Pour the peppers with marinade, and leave for at least 30 minutes. It is even better if you leave them to cool. Drain the brine back to the pan. Bring again to a boil. By the way, prepare a little more marinade, because it will evaporate a little.
  • After the second time, banks are rolled with lids, turned over and left until completely cooled at room temperature.
Choose an arbitrary pepper cut
"Sharp" pickled Bulgarian pepper

Pickled baked bell pepper with garlic and herbs: recipe

If you like a fried or baked pepper, then appreciate such a dish. This is already a full -fledged snack for the table. Moreover, in winter, it can even become a wonderful decoration and diversity for a festive feast. But keep in mind that such a product must be stored either in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar.

  • List of necessary products:
    • bulgarian pepper - 1 kg;
    • garlic-3-5 cloves;
    • a mixture of peppers with peas - several grains per jar;
    • apple vinegar 6% - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • greens of parsley, dill and basil - at his discretion.
  • Pepper must be washed and put in general. If the tails are too long, then you can cut them a little. Be sure to dry the vegetable with a paper towel!
  • Lubricate the baking sheet with oil, put the pepper with one tier and send it to the oven for 20-30 minutes. The temperature should be up to 200 ° C. You do not need to turn the pepper. But if you want a brown peel, then half of the total time turn each peppercorn to the other side.
  • Put the vegetable into the pan and put still to steam under the lid. After 15-20 minutes, it will be possible to easily remove the film.

Important! Clean the pepper over the plate to collect the leaked juice. It is further useful for the marinade.

Peppers juice is useful for marinade
Peppers juice is useful for marinade
  • The film and seeds were removed. Torn the pulp itself arbitrarily with your hands into 3-4 parts. It is more convenient to do this along the fibers, dividing it into small strips.
  • For the marinade, mix all the liquid components, salt and chopped greens. Cut the garlic with plates, although you can pass through the press. But the first option looks prettier in a bank and is more impregnating with its taste notes a dish.
  • In sterilized jars, fall asleep several peas of pepper. If desired, you can also add bay leaf, the taste will not go bad. By the way, banks are more convenient to take small - 0.5 liters each.
  • Put the pepper to the prepared container. Pour each layer of the vegetable with marinade so that it is completely and evenly soaked in it. Try to spread garlic between the pieces of the pepper.
  • This recipe provides for long -term storage and quick use. If you store pickled fried pepper in winter, then banks need to be sterilized for at least 10-15 minutes. If you eat the dish in the near future, then you can skip this step.
  • But keep in mind that a non -sterilized product is stored only in the refrigerator! After all, roll the banks and turn it over until it cools down, wrapping it with a warm veil.
Pickled baked bell pepper
Pickled baked bell pepper

Hard-pickled Bulgarian pepper in Asian: recipe

If you like to experiment in your kitchen and surprise guests with unusual dishes, then this recipe will definitely like this recipe. A certain exotic note, a bright taste and a rich aroma will surprise even the most popular gourmet.

  • Prepare:
    • sweet pepper - 3 kg;
    • the root of the fresh (!) Ginger-1-2 tbsp. l.;
    • garlic-5-6 cloves;
    • carry - 2 tsp;
    • cloves-2-3 inflorescences;
    • fragrant pepper-8-10 grains;
    • gorky pepper - 0.5 pods;
    • table vinegar 9% - 250 ml;
    • refined vegetable oil - 250 ml;
    • sugar - 200 g;
    • salt - 3 tbsp. l. with a slide;
    • water - 1.5 l.
  • Wash sweet pepper, cut into plates. Send a blanch in simple water for no more than five minutes. After cover and leave for 20-30 minutes. Until you cook the marinade.
  • Cut the garlic into thin plates, grate ginger. By the way, it can also be cut into small circles.
  • Sharp pepper take a very small pod or cut it in half. It does not need to be cleaned. Rub the seeds with the seeds! Or chink very finely.
  • Mix all the components in the pan and fill it with cold water. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.
  • Lay the pepper in sterile jars, and pour it to the top with hot marinade. Immediately you need to roll up, turn over and leave to cool under a blanket. You can store both in the cellar and in the apartment. By the way, in the refrigerator, it will perfectly simple a long time even under the kapron lids.
Pickled bell pepper with ginger and garlic
Pickled bell pepper with ginger and garlic

Pickled Bulgarian pepper in Italian: recipe

Another recipe for a bright and memorable taste of pickled Bulgarian pepper. The main secret lies in wine vinegar, which can easily be prepared at home. For example, mix grape wine and apple cider vinegar. And you can make balsamic vinegar. To do this, add several inflorescences of cloves, a pinch of cardamom and muscat to a regular table product, and also pour a handful of raisins.

  • The following components are needed:
    • sweet pepper - 2 kg;
    • basil, preferably purple - 0.5 bundle;
    • garlic -5-7 cloves;
    • wine vinegar -2 tbsp. l.;
    • olive oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • salt and ground pepper - 0.5 tsp.
  • Wash the pepper, pierce in some places with a fork and, without cutting, send it to the oven. It is most convenient to bake it in a sleeve or foil. The fact is that pepper will be prepared in its own juice, so each of its drop is very important.
  • Warm up the oven to 180 ° C and leave in it the stocked pepper for half an hour. You need to get small dark brown tan. By the way, after 15-20 minutes, turn the bag to fry the other side.
  • Get out of the oven, but do not unpack. Let him stand and be fed with steam. This will easier to remove a thin transparent skin. After 15-20 minutes, you can start such a procedure.
  • Clean the pepper over the plate to collect juice. Add the liquid from the sleeve to it. Thoroughly remove the seeds and cut the pepper into long strips with a thickness of 1-2 cm. By the way, this can easily be done with your hands.
  • Finely chop the basil, cut the garlic with petals and add everything to the strips of pepper. Season with the marinade by mixing the juice of the vegetable with vinegar and oil. Lay out in jars or plastic soda, cover with a lid and send to the refrigerator. You can eat in a few hours after a few hours.
  • If you plan to roll up pepper in Italian to banks for the winter, then increase the dose of vinegar twice! Also, do not forget to sterilize the banks and roll up with lids.
Pickled Bulgarian pepper in Italian
Pickled Bulgarian pepper in Italian

Crushing pickled bell pepper with onions: recipe

A piquant taste with a crisp and an incredible aroma of such a dish will be accurately appreciated by households. By the way, even the marinade itself comes out so tasty that you can just wave bread in it.

  • We need:
    • sweet pepper - 1 kg;
    • onions-2-3 pcs.;
    • garlic-7-8 cloves;
    • any greens-100-120 g;
    • sharp pepper - 0.5 small peppercorn;
    • cloves-1-2 inflorescences;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • vinegar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • bay leaf-4-5 pcs.;
    • water - 1 l.
  • First of all, prepare all the components. Cut the pepper with long strips along. Just do not overdo it, the thickness should be at least 1.5 cm. Chop the onion in half rings, cut the garlic with plates, and chop the greens finely.
  • Relatively strict pepper! You may not use this component if you do not like sharp dishes. You can also regulate its number yourself, starting from taste wishes. Grind it into small pieces.
  • For the marinade, mix all the components and bring to a boil. Combine peppers, onions, herbs and garlic. Pour this mixture with a hot brine. Cover with a saucer and put a small oppression. Leave for a day.
  • After that, lay out the banks, roll up or close with nylon lids. You need to store in a cool place.
Pickled pepper
Pickled pepper

Pickled bell pepper with apples: recipe

Not every housewife will decide to make such a dish. After all, you need to roll vegetables and fruits in one bank. But, believe me, it will become your crown, the addition of which will definitely be asked. Sweet pepper is harmoniously combined with acidic and sour-sour apples. Handing is sweet and with piquant notes. By the way, even children will appreciate this dish, and they are very demanding critics.

  • 3 kg of pepper will be required:
    • apples are also 3 kg;
    • sugar - 600 g;
    • salt - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • vinegar - 300 ml;
    • water - 4 l.
  • Prepare pepper and apples, grinding them on quarters. Do not forget to remove the seeds.
    Now prepare the marinade by mixing the rest of the components. Bring to a boil and throw apples into it. After 2-3 minutes of blanching, add pepper. Tash on low heat for another 3-4 minutes.
  • Get out the products with a slotted spoon, and lay them out in banks. Try to have about the same amount of vegetables and fruits in each bank.
  • Stew and pour the marinade again in banks. Roll, turn over and leave until completely cooled.
Pickled bell pepper with apples
Pickled bell pepper with apples

Pickled bell pepper in tomato sauce: recipe

These products are perfectly combined with each other. And every housewife noted that the most delicious pepper comes out precisely according to this recipe. Also, one cannot but highlight the simplicity of the readiness of this dish. Therefore, even a novice cook will cope with him.

  • Necessary:
  • bulgarian pepper - 3 kg;
  • tomato paste - 300 ml;
  • sugar - 250 g;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • vinegar - 100 ml;
  • plant lard - 150 ml;
  • garlic-3-5 cloves.
  • Wash the pepper, clean from the core and cut into pieces. By the way, the paste can be replaced with tomato sauce, but then its number increases by 3 times.
  • Mix all the components of the marinade (pass the garlic through the press) and put on fire. Bring to a boil, after pour the crushed pepper to it.
  • Cover everything with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes, stirring periodically. During this time, pepper will become soft and will “sit down” a little. That is, it will decrease in volume by almost double.
  • Lay the pepper on sterilized jars, pour the remaining marinade and roll up. Cover the top with the bottom and cover with the blanket until completely cool. In storage, such a twist is not particularly picky.
The most delicious combination of pepper with tomatoes
The most delicious combination of pepper with tomatoes

Pickled bell pepper, stuffed with onions: recipe

If you want to make a masterpiece, which will definitely surprise everyone at the table, then the next recipe is for you. It is worth noting that it includes the most affordable products that everyone has in the refrigerator. But the main component is available only in the summer. Therefore, it is worth hurrying to prepare an unusual formulation of the usual recipe.

  • With the calculation for 4 half -liter banks, you will need:
    • sweet pepper itself-1.5 kg (on average, 12-14 pcs.);
    • small bulbs - the same;
    • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 4 tsp;
    • vinegar 9% - 8 tbsp. l.;
    • vegetable oil - 1 cup;
    • water - in fact.
  • Wash the pepper and remove the tails from it, cutting the base around it. Release the core. Peel the bow, but do not cut. Now placing onions in the middle of pepper. It is very important to guess with the size so that the onion firmly enters the vegetable.
  • It is necessary to put them as tightly as possible in the jar. If some pepper remained a little sticking, then this is not scary. After heat treatment, the product will be sought out.
  • Boil water and pour cans with pepper. Leave for 20-30 minutes so that the liquid can cool down a little. Drain the water and add the other components of the marinade to it. Boil again. By the way, add a little more water.
  • Pour cans with pepper and put them sterilized. To do this, do not forget to put a small towel to the bottom of the pan so that the glass container does not crack. Lower the banks into already heated water.
  • After 20 minutes, take out the product and roll up immediately. Turn over and wrap with a warm coverlet. After 2-3 days, you can clean in a prepared place for storage. By the way, it should be cool and dark.
Pepper stuffed with onions
Pepper stuffed with onions

Sweet pickled bell pepper: recipe with honey

You can not pass by such an unusual recipe. Honey, despite its sweetness, goes well with meat dishes. But it also shakes the taste of pepper, complementing its sweetness. If such a combination causes you skeptical and paradoxical thoughts, then try to cook quite a bit to try the honey taste of pickled bell pepper.

  • For 1 kg of Bulgarian pepper, you need:
    • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • vinegar 9% - 4 tbsp. l.;
    • honey - 5 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 2 tsp;
    • pepper peas-6-8 pcs.;
    • coriander - 1 tsp;
    • cloves-2-3 inflorescences (optional);
    • water - 0.5 l.
  • Wash the pepper, clean the seeds and cut into 6-8 pieces. Their size should be convenient for eating. Lay the vegetable on sterilized jars. Pepper is a little shed in the process of cooking, so make one extra jar or at least half of it.
  • Pour jars to the edges with boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes. Pour honey into a separate container, add spices. Drain the water from the pepper and put on the fire. When the marinade boils, pour it into banks. Roll and turn over by wrapping a blanket.
Bulgarian pepper goes well with honey
Bulgarian pepper goes well with honey

Video: pickled Bulgarian pepper - cooking secrets

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