A quick recipe for eggplant in Georgian with vegetables, garlic, carrots, onions, herbs for the winter. Stuffed sharp "Georgian" eggplant: how to cook with your own hands?

A quick recipe for eggplant in Georgian with vegetables, garlic, carrots, onions, herbs for the winter. Stuffed sharp

In the article you will find recipes for delicious salads and snacks from eggplant for the winter.

Eggplant in Georgian: Classic recipe

This dish will not leave absolutely no one indifferent! Eggplants with a piquant and acute “Georgian” note will complement daily dinner and a festive treat. Eggplants have a rich, bright taste, satiety and a mass of pleasant aromas.

Cooking such eggplants is incredibly simple and fast and the best in the recipe is that they always turn out! You can always supplement the blue with a variety of ingredients: vegetables, spices, garlic, even nuts!

For a classic “fast” home recipe, exquisite products are not required, so you can very simply cook a snack for yourself and loved ones!

What to prepare:

  • Blue (small or medium) -1 kg.
  • Onion -0.5 kg. (white)
  • Sweet pepper -2 pcs.
  • A bunch of different aromatic greenery -to choose from (choose a cilantro, parsley, basil, celery).
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (choose the severity that you like best).
  • Sugar -1-3 tsp
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity when mixing with vegetables taste and desired sharpness).
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (Try and decide the desired strawnity taste)
  • Fruit vinegar (apple or grape) -60-70 ml.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.
  • Water (boiling water) -1-1.5 l. (Look at the juiciness of the blue)

How to do:

  • Wash the vegetables and remove all the “excess”, leaves, tails (you do not need to remove blue skin, it will give a snack taste and color).
  • Cut into cubes or rectangles, as you like and pour into a bowl.
  • Add in the same way the overwhelming onions and sweet pepper, squeeze the garlic (or grate on a grater).
  • Pour spices and mix everything well with your hands, without embarrassment, cut the vegetables with your palms once again. So they will let the juice. Then pour in oil and vinegar, continue to interfere.
  • Put the vegetables in the jar with a dense layer, not afraid to crush with a spoon and take it into a cool place where, infusal, the salad will be even tastier and fragrant.
Blue and recipes of delicious salads from them
Blue and recipes of delicious salads from them

Quick recipe for the most delicious eggplant in Georgian

Eggplants are very tasty when they are combined with tomato juice or paste. You can also use fresh tomatoes. Glute cutting can be done absolutely any.

What to prepare:

  • Blue (medium -sized) -1.5 kg. (plus/minus 200 gr.)
  • Onion -1 PC. (big, sweet)
  • Gorky pepper -1 PC. (small, sharp)
  • Red tomatoes -1 kg. (you can supported)
  • A bunch of different greenery -quantity and diversity to taste
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (the severity that you like best)
  • Sugar -1-2 tsp
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity for taste)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (try)
  • Fruit vinegar (apple or grape) -no more than 70 ml.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Fry a coarsely chopped onion in oil (the color should become gold).
  • Tomatoes should be washed, removed the spoiled parts and legs, chop (in any way).
  • Add the tomato to the onion, wait for a boil, pour half the spices and salt, sugar.
  • Rub the pepper (very finely), add.
  • Cut the blue cubes and add to the boiling tomato, pour the rest of the spices.
  • Reduce the fire, pour in vinegar. Mix.
  • Mix the hot mass with fresh herbs and put in a jar.
  • Take out for storage

Eggplant in Georgian with vegetables: Recipe

Eggplants are perfectly combined with other vegetables, for example, with zucchini, which complement them with their soft taste. Prepare such a salad for the winter and, when you open the bank, get a tremendous pleasure!

What to prepare:

  • Blue (large and ripe) -1.5 kg. (plus/minus 200 gr.)
  • Onion -1 PC. (big, sweet)
  • Zucchini -1 PC. (large, about 0.5 kg).
  • Pasta tomato -1 tbsp.
  • A bunch of different greenery -quantity and diversity to taste
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (the severity that you like best)
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity for taste)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (try)
  • Fruit vinegar (apple or grape) -no more than 70 ml.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Wash and clean the blue and zucchini damage
  • Cut them into thin rings and put them in boiling oil in a pan.
  • Fry quite a bit, the main thing is alternately so that the rings are covered with a gold crust.
  • Put the vegetables in a jar, covering each layer with salt, herbs and spices
  • Then chop the tomato (preferably use a blender)
  • Pour the tomato into the pan where they just fried
  • Squeeze the garlic, boil
  • Pour the eggplant in the bank with sauce, pour in vinegar
  • Close the lid and shake the jar thoroughly
  • You can store it in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks, but the contents will disappear much earlier!
Blue rings with an acute dressing
Blue rings with an acute dressing

Eggplants in Georgian stuffed: Recipe

Did you know that eggplant can be stuffed? Such a dish is incredibly tasty and juicy, piquant, aromatic and hearty! You can give vegetables a bright note with a barbecue if you burn vegetables at the stake a little, but if there is no such opportunity, an ordinary oven will help!

Important: before cooking, sprinkle the eggplant with oil and fry in the oven on a baking sheet for 40 minutes. The temperature should not be large. Wait for the wrinkled state of crust.

What to prepare:

  • Blue -2-3 pcs. (depends on how much you want to cook portions).
  • A bunch of different greenery -quantity and diversity to taste
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (the severity that you like best)
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity for taste)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (try)
  • Tomato juice -1 cup (home or twisted tomatoes)
  • Vinegar -several tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Baked vegetables should be cooled to such a state that they can be safely held in their hands.
  • Cut the fetus in half, but so as not to bring the knife to the end (the vegetable should not break up).
  • Finely chop the greens, mix it with salt and crushed garlic - this is a filling for eggplant.
  • Sprinkle the vegetable with refueling and put in the jar
  • Pour tomato juice brought to a boil
  • Add vinegar and roll up
  • Store in coolness

Eggplant in Georgian strips for the winter: Recipe

This salad differs not only in a pleasant taste, but also with an original, beautiful cut, bright colors. Such a dish is not ashamed to serve even on the festive table with potatoes, like a snack.

Important: prepare the dish in advance, in about 1-2 days, so that the eggplant is saturated with spices and garlic.

What to prepare:

  • Blue -2 pcs. (possible more, depends on the number of servings)
  • A bunch of different greenery -quantity and diversity to taste
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (severity that you like best)
  • Onion -2 pcs. (The amount of onion is exactly proportional to the eggplant on the pcs.)
  • Bell pepper -3 pcs. (different colors: green, red, yellow)
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity for taste)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (try)
  • Vinegar -several tbsp.
  • Sesame -1-2 tbsp. (white)
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Cutting all prepared, washed vegetables - straws (you can use a shunk or manually with a knife). Onions, of course, are cut into half rings.
  • Fold all the vegetables in a salad bowl or pelvis
  • Season the vegetable mass with spices and salt, sprinkle with vinegar and pour the entire amount of oil.
  • Mix the salad with your hands carefully and for a long time so that the marinade is evenly distributed.
  • Pour the sesame seeds and let the salad stand for half an hour (he will let the juice)
  • Put the vegetables with dense layers in the jar, priming each with a spoon.
  • Store in the refrigerator
Different recipes are blue
Different recipes are blue

Eggplant in Georgian with walnuts: recipe

Walnut will add a blue very pleasant piquancy, which is very difficult to repeat in another dish. You, of course, can use any nut, but it is walnut that is associated with Georgian cuisine.

What to prepare:

  • Blue -exactly 1 kg. (possible more, but no less)
  • A bunch of different greenery -quantity and diversity to taste
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (severity optional)
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity for taste)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (try)
  • Sugar -1 tbsp. (complement the taste)
  • Tomatoes -1-2 pcs. (grind)
  • Walnut -1-1.5 cups (if necessary, you can replace other nuts).
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Cut the eggplant into 4-6 pcs. (along, large and thick strips).
  • Fold in a bowl
  • Squeeze the garlic and mix it with crushed nuts, add salt and hop-sunels.
  • Pour this mass to the eggplant and mix everything thoroughly, giving the opportunity to absorb the aroma.
  • Fold the eggplant in the jar, add chopped tomato and the rest of the greens (if desired, you can add onion in half rings).
  • Boil water, pour vegetables to it, let it stand and squeeze
  • In this water, dissolve salt, sugar, vinegar and oil. Bring to high temperature again and pour the contents again.
The recipe for the blue according to the Georgian recipe
The recipe for the blue according to the "Georgian" recipe

Eggplant in Georgian rings in tomato sauce: Recipe

What to prepare:

  • Blue -1.5 kg. (Choose small and thin fruits so that the rings are neat and beautiful).
  • Onion -3 heads (also cut in half a half)
  • A bunch of different greenery -quantity and diversity to taste
  • Garlic -1.5-2 heads (the severity that you like best)
  • Hop-sunels and a mixture of peppers(Determine the quantity for taste)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (try)
  • Tomatoes -2-3 pcs. (not large, not watery)
  • Vinegar -several tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Put the eggplant rings and onions on a baking sheet and fry (with oil) for about 30 minutes (the temperature should not be high).
  • Then the eggplant should be placed in the jar
  • Sprinkle each layer with salt and spices crushed by garlic, herbs and 1 tbsp. Tomato crushed in mashed potatoes, sprinkle with vinegar.
  • Remains of vinegar and oil pour on top of the can for the whole mass
  • Marine in the refrigerator before consuming 1 day
Sharp blue
Sharp blue

Pickled eggplant in Georgian: recipe

What to prepare:

  • Blue (any size) -1 kg.
  • Onion -0.5 kg. (white)
  • Bunch of dill and parsley
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (choose the severity that you like best)
  • Sugar -1-3 tsp
  • Bay leaf -1-2 pcs.
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(Determine the quantity when mixing with vegetables taste and desired sharpness)
  • Salt -2-3 tbsp. (Try and decide the desired strawnity taste)
  • Fruit vinegar -60-70 ml.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.

How to do:

  • Boil water with bay leaf, sugar and salt. This will be a kind of brine with which you will marry the vegetables.
  • While the brine is brewed, cut the onion, blue, greens and lay in a jar with spices and garlic.
  • Pour vinegar and oil, try to mix with a spoon right in the jar.
  • Pour vegetables with hot liquid and shake the jar thoroughly (with a lid)
  • Leave to pickle for a day
Home recipes for cooking blue
Home recipes for cooking blue

Salt eggplant in Georgian: Recipe

What to prepare:

  • Blue -2-3 pcs. (not very large)
  • White onions -1 PC. (sweet, white)
  • Tomato -2 pcs. (large)
  • Dill -bundle (not very large)
  • Garlic -1-2 heads (choose the severity that you like best)
  • Sugar -1 tsp With the mountain
  • Hop-sunels and pepper mixture(1 tbsp)
  • Salt -2.5-3 tbsp. (Try and decide the desired strawnity taste)
  • Fruit vinegar -60-70 ml.
  • Vegetable oil without smell -up to 100 ml.
  • Water (boiling water) -1-1.5 l. (Look at the juiciness of the blue)

How to do:

  • Close the blue along
  • Tomatoes and onions are also slices
  • Greens are finely soaked
  • Put everything in a jar, flashing vegetables with crushed garlic
  • Pour oil
  • Pour hot water with dissolved salt (spices and sugar)
  • Shake the jar and hold until cool, then remove it in the cold

Video: "Harvesting for the winter"

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