Ginger for children to increase immunity and cough. From what age can ginger be for children?

Ginger for children to increase immunity and cough. From what age can ginger be for children?

Ginger has been used for a very long time as a therapeutic agent. In India, the root of this plant is used as an alternative to cough medicines, and in Chinese doctors they treat vomiting and diarrhea with ginger. Is it possible to use this remedy for the treatment of coughing and helping children's immunity? Pediatricians allow the use of ginger, but only after the child reaches the age of 2 years. Then, when the child’s digestive tract is ready to process this product.

Beneficial properties of ginger for children

  • In order to understand what benefit the ginger is, you need to turn to its composition. The root of this plant contains vitamins: FROM, B1, IN 2, AT 3, AT 5, AT 6, AT 9, AT 12 and E. In addition, ginger is rich in such chemical elements as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, calcium, zinc, selenium, manganese
  • Ginger is famous first omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. As well as such amino acids as treononin, triptofan, leucin, isolecin, lysine, tyrosin, methionine
  • Of course, the reader can say: “And what is it here? Practical fruits and vegetables have a similar composition! ” And they will be right. This root received this root thanks to essential oils, which contain alkaloids, glycosides, polyphenols and flavonoids. You can list the compounds included in ginger for a very long time

The most active biochemical elements and ginger compounds:

Most of these compounds help the immune system cope with bacteria and viruses attacking the child's body. Some substances included in ginger have an antipyretic effect. That is why tea and other ginger products are often used to treat the disease of the upper respiratory tract.

Ginger is also shown in the treatment of coughing in children
  • Thanks to qineol, campen, acate armor and other substances included in ginger, when using this unique product, you can achieve an expectorant effect
  • Ginger can also be used to treat the throat. As part of this unique product, compounds such as 6-gingerol, mirzen, quercetin, and chlorogenic acid. They are able to stop inflammatory processes in the body and contribute to the healing of the mucous membrane of the throat. With tonsillitis, as well as with cough, tea with ginger is indicated.
  • If a child torments a runny nose, then in this case you can use ginger in a solution for inhalation. To do this, prepare a decoction using a root or breathe ginger essential oils
  • This unique product will help for the treatment of nausea as one of the symptoms of the child’s motionless in vehicles. Ginger is also used as a wind -bearing, opposite, hepatoprotective, antihistamine and anti -astamatic agent
  • It is possible to increase children's immunity with ginger thanks gamma-aminomatic acid, qineol, cariophylene, citrate and other substances included in the root of this plant

Ginger tea

You can help the child’s immune system with ginger tea

The taste of this drink is quite pleasant, which means that when it is used, the child will have no disgust. Preparing tea with ginger like this:

  1. Cut off the 2-cm piece from the root and clean it from the peel
  2. Grind as smaller as possible
  3. Pour boiling water (2 cups) and boil for 15 minutes
  4. Leave a decoction so that it has cooled to room temperature
  5. Filter and add honey (2 teaspoon)
  6. Mix and add lemon (1 slice)

They drink such tea 100-150 ml 2-3 times a day.

There are several variations in the preparation of this useful drink. Very often, at the boiling stage, the brewing of green tea is added to it. You can add freshly squeezed orange juice right before use right in the cup.

You can cook tea with ground ginger:

  1. Pour ground ginger into the container (2 tbsp.
  2. Pour warm water (2 liters) and bring to a boil
  3. Reduce fire and cook for 20 minutes

Since ginger is a rather sharp product before serving tea with this root, it can be sweetened with sugar or honey. You can add mint to soften the spicy taste of ginger. For young children, you can add milk to such a useful drink.

Ginger recipes to increase immunity

Of course, ginger tea is the most popular remedy not only to help the body in the fight against cough, but also to increase immunity. But, not only such tea can help the child.

Honey and lemon
There are other remedies with ginger, which are shown with reduced immunity

Ginger juice

  1. Clean the root of the skin and rub it on a grater
  2. With the help of gauze, squeeze the juice

Take such juice 3-5 ml 1 time per day. Depending on the age of the child, the dosage can be increased.

Pumpkin-hub mousse

Children love sweet mousses very much. You can prepare such a product from ginger. To enhance the taste, it is better to cook it along with pumpkin.

  1. Pumpkin flesh (800 g) cut out the squares and lay out on a baking sheet
  2. We cover with foil and bake in the oven (220 degrees) about 10 minutes
  3. From the baked pumpkin with the help of a blender we make mashed potatoes
  4. Beat eggs (4 pcs.) With sugar (100 g) to strong foam
  5. Grind ginger root (1 tbsp. Spoon) and add it to pumpkin puree
  6. Add the gelatin powder (1 tbsp. Spoon), egg mixture, nutmeg and cinnamon (a pinch) there.
  7. Mix movements from above-down
  8. Leave in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes
  9. Beat the cream (200 ml) and add them to chilled mousse
  10. We lay out in cremas and send them to the refrigerator for 5 hours

Ginger drink

Ginger goes well with the taste of citrus fruits. That is why on its basis you can prepare not only a healthy, but also a delicious drink that children will really like.

  1. Grind ginger (1 teaspoon) and pour it into a mug
  2. Add lemon and orange juice there the same
  3. Mix and add sugar or honey
  4. Pour warm water (1/2 mugs) and boiling water (1/3 mugs)
  5. Insist, filter and give the child

Ginger candies

A positive effect can also be achieved with the help of candies with ginger. In addition, they will not need to be forced to eat a child. He himself will be delighted with them and will periodically remind you of them.

  1. We clean the ginger root of the skin and make the juice from it
  2. Mix sugar (1 kg) and pour the juice of ginger into it
  3. Add a little lemon juice and boil until thickened
  4. Pour into molds for candies

Ginger with honey

Another recipe for raising children's immunity. The mixture prepared according to this recipe is best added to green tea.

  1. Clean and chop the root of ginger (1 pc.)
  2. Put it in a pan and fill it with liquid honey (100 g)
  3. Let we brew during the day
  4. We transfer to a jar with a dense lid
  5. Add a teaspoon of this product to tea on a half

Ginger bake

Ginger cookies certainly cannot be considered a drug

But, with it, you can also improve immunity.

  1. Finely cut the sugared ginger (1/2 cup) and upload into the blender bowl
  2. Add sugar (1/3 cups) there and whip
  3. Pour the resulting mass into a bowl
  4. Bold sugar (1/3 cup) and oil (6 tbsp.
  5. Beat to a light and air condition
  6. Mix brown sugar (5 tbsp. Spoons) and honey (1 tbsp. Spoon)
  7. We heat brown sugar and honey in a water bath until sugar dissolves
  8. Add an egg and a honey-sahar mixture to a ginger
  9. Beat to homogeneous mass
  10. In a blender, mix flour (2 cups), food soda (2 teaspoon), ginger mass, nutmeg (1/2 teaspoon) and cinnamon (3/4 teaspoon)
  11. Knead the dough to the desired consistency and cover it with cling film
  12. Leave the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour
  13. Then we make balls from the dough with a diameter of 2.5 cm
  14. Sprinkle each of them with sugar powder
  15. We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and lay out balls from the dough on it
  16. Ginger cookies are baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees 12-15 minutes

Ginger for a child with honey, lemon: cough recipes

This root crop can be considered a real storehouse of substances useful for the human body. With it, you can reduce the risk of cold, flu, diarrhea and gastric pain.

Inhalation with lemon juice

Ginger is rich in essential oils. They have a therapeutic effect and can save the child from coughing. The best way to use the amazing “power” of essential oils is inhalations with ginger.

  1. Pour chopped ginger (20 g) boiling water
  2. Insist for 15 minutes and add lemon juice (1 teaspoon)
  3. Give a child for inhalation

Tasty medicine

Your child will definitely not refuse such a fund.

  1. Mix ginger juice, honey and lemon juice in equal quantities
  2. Give a child for resorption 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day

Dry cough remedy

You can treat dry cough with ginger and fennel.

  1. With a fine grater, chop ginger
  2. Squeeze the juice from the resulting mass
  3. Mix the resulting juice, honey (1/2 teaspoon) and the juice of one lemon
  4. Add a little fennel and pour boiling water (125 ml)
  5. Insist for 15 minutes
  6. Give the child every 30 minutes for 1 teaspoon


Great with your own hands can be done by mixing ginger juice and melted sugar
  1. Dilute sugar (1/2 cup) in water (1 cup) and add ginger juice (1 tbsp. Spoon)
  2. Boil on fire until the mixture thickens
  3. Add saffron and nutmeg (1 pinch)
  4. Remove from heat and cool
  5. Give such syrup to a child needs 1 teaspoon several times a day

Ginger children Komarovsky

The famous pediatrician Komarovsky advises using ginger root as a remedy for cough and flu. He advises using the dull root of this plant to inhale its vapors. Ginger can and should be used to help the children's body. The main thing is to do this without fanaticism and monitor the reaction of the child to this product.

Contraindications for the use of ginger for children

Ginger is certainly a very useful plant
  • But, everyone, even the most useful products, has contraindications for use. Including ginger. Especially if it comes to its food by a child
  • This root contains allergens, which can disrupt the function of the body's immune system. Therefore, it is very important when the child first admitted funds based on ginger, to monitor his condition. Allergic reactions to this root can cause rashes on the skin, disorder of the gastrointestinal tract and abdominal pain
  • Ginger is also contraindicated in some diseases of the cardiovascular system, gall bladder, and stomach
  • You can not eat this root for thrombocytopenia
  • The composition of this product includes Kampferol. This flavonoid negatively affects the absorption of iron by the body. Because of which the blood is “liquefied”, and it becomes very difficult to stop bleeding
  • Capsaicin, alkaloid due to which ginger has its own burning taste, greatly irritates the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract and increases salivation
  • Ginger also includes substances that can reduce the motor activity of the esophagus. Which is especially dangerous for preschool children

Ginger for children: tips and reviews

Kira. We started going to the garden, we do not get out of sick leave. A familiar pediatrician advised the root of ginger to prevent the disease and help immunity. They began to add drops of lemon juice to tea with honey and a couple of drops of lemon juice. It could help ginger, or maybe immunity began to cope.

Kseniya. I never added to tea. But cookies and gingerbread with ginger for a child is baking. He really likes such pastries. I hope that there is benefit from her.

Video. Ginger tea for children

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Comments K. article

  1. We drink in the nose for the prevention of the spray, the immunomo Morenazal and the cold bypasses us. The pediatrician advised us this tool.

  2. My grandmother still taught me ginger tea, I also constantly give a child to his child. Only one minus has one minus, the organism gets used to it and does not react to all incoming vitamins. Therefore, I have to alternate. I give the course of purchased vitamins (my son loves the most) , and then for 2 months we drink ginger tea 3 times a week. He rarely gets sick, tpfu tfpu.

  3. I also like a ginger drink with honey and lemon, if I got sick and save me, he puts it on my feet in a day. But the children did not appreciate this product for me yet, though I did not know how to try to introduce ginger with cookies, I had to try it. And for immunity, I buy Baby multivitamins formula of a bear from Evalar, eat with pleasure, and are infrequently sick compared to children in the garden.

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