The best collagen on Aigerb. Types of collagen for skin and joints - which is better to buy?

The best collagen on Aigerb. Types of collagen for skin and joints - which is better to buy?

Types of collagen for oral administration. List of the best funds with collagen for joints.

Collagen is a substance contained in the intercellular space, along with elastin, fibrin and hyaluronic acid. It is these components, or rather their balance, ensure youth, elastic skin, and slow down aging. However, after 35 years, collagen synthesis decreases, which leads to rapid aging. In this article we will tell you which collagen is better, and where to purchase it. 

3 types of collagen, which is better?

Classification of collagen is carried out depending on the method of its production and initial raw materials. The completeness of its digestibility, as well as the cost, also depends on this.

3 types of collagen, which is better:

  • Animal 
  • Nautical 
  • Vegetable 

The most inexpensive animal collagen is considered, which is produced by manufacturers from articular cattle bags. He is the most inexpensive, due to simplicity of production. The articular bags of animals are treated with special substances, and grind the released collagen to the state of the powder. 

  • The animal collagen is good for the intake of orally, but the molecules differ in large size. Accordingly, it is useless to use it for applying to the skin, since too large the size of the molecules will not allow it to penetrate the skin barrier. 
  • Sea is produced from leather and scales of sea and river fish. It differs in its composition and properties from the animal, since molecules have a smaller size. Accordingly, such a variety can be safely used for applying to the skin for rejuvenation. 
  • A plant collagen is considered one of the most expensive, produced from sprouted wheat grains. The size of the molecules is minimal, respectively, the product is allowed not only inward, but also for external use. However, it is mainly used exclusively by vegetarians, due to the high price. 

The best collagen for joints

At the moment, more than 2 dozen varieties of collagen have been found. These species are not only in the intercellular space of a person, but also in bones, joints. However, collagen of 1, 2 and 3 types are considered the most common and useful. They are sold in the form of powders, capsules for oral administration. The type 1 and 3 collagen is mainly used to extend youth, restoration of the skin.

These varieties of collagen when oral administration stimulate the development of its own substance, thereby prolonging youth, improving the elasticity of the skin. This provides the health of hair, nails and connective tissue. However, such a variety of collagen is not suitable for medicinal purposes, if it is necessary to restore joints. That's why The best collagen for joints, for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, this is a type 2 collagen. It is he who is an excellent building substance for the restoration of cartilage. It stimulates the production of joint fluid. 

Therefore, when choosing a substance in online stores, it is worth considering from which raw materials the product is produced, and what type it is. Accordingly, for therapeutic purposes, during the period of recovery after surgical interventions, an exclusively type 2 collagen is recommended. If the substance is used by athletes and women who want to extend youth, a substance of the 1st and 3rd type is recommended. Be sure to pay attention to this. After all, the composition and structure of collagen is different. 

With hyaluronic acid
With hyaluranic acid

Types of collagen for oral administration

Collagen must not be taken all the time, but in courses. If collagen is used for healing, rejuvenation, then it is recommended to take it within 3 months. After that, take a break for 3 months. Thus, it is necessary to alternate periods of admission and rest. However, if collagen is used for therapeutic purpose, to restore the joints, then the reception is extended to 6 months. At the same time, the break is only 2 months.The type of collagen is selected depending on financial capabilities. But as indicated above, for rejuvenation you can choose the most affordable option made from animal raw materials.

Collagen release form: 

  • Powder. This is the simplest and cheap form of release. Only 5 or 10 g of powder for the preparation of a protein cocktail is enough. The main tool is recommended by athletes. 
  • For ease of admission, a tool is used in capsules. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the concentration and size of the capsules. To maintain health per day, 5 g of powder are enough. But if the reception is carried out for the purpose of treatment, you will need 10 g of powder. For treatment, you will need a large number of capsules, respectively, it is cheaper to purchase a product in powder. 
  • In the form of chewing sweets. Such a variety is designed to receive young children. 
  • Tablet form It is considered one of the most unsuccessful, since in addition to collagen there are other components that glue particles of powder among themselves. If you need a regular reception of collagen, it is best to give preference to large banks with powder. You can prepare cocktails from it, which are taken once or several times a day, depending on the required amount. 
  • Liquid with the addition of vitamins, herbs extracts.

If you plan to use a skin for skin, you can purchase a product received from fish. At the enterprises that make cosmetic products, it is proved that the extract from wheat germ improves hair growth, heals them, and prevents the formation of split ends. Therefore, in the finished form, such a collagen is almost nowhere to sell due to the high cost. This is due to the complex and multi -stage production process - hydrolysis of wheat sprouts. 

Why drink collagen?

Collagen consists of 3 amino acids: glycine, proline and lysine. If glycine and punch are able to be produced in the body on their own, then there is no lease. The body does not produce this amino acid. Therefore, it must be introduced from the outside, along with food. This amino acid is contained in seafood, fish, meat, as well as eggs.

Why drink collagen:

  • Most often, vegetarians suffer from a lack of collagen, as well as people who have impaired protein splitting due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a lack of lysine or a deterioration in its splitting, in this case the skin, teeth and nails suffer, the joints are gradually destroyed. It is proved that regular collagen consumption reduces the likelihood of arthrosis and osteoporosis by 60%. This is especially important for patients whose age is more than 50 years old. To make up for a lysine deficiency, food is necessary with the inclusion of meat products, fish and eggs. 
  • But even with sufficient consumption of meat and eggs, the amount of collagen in the body is not always at the level. This is due to its poor digestibility, because in order for three amino acids to weave in a single chain, additional components are needed. Among which you can distinguish copper, ascorbic acid. Without vitamin C, the lysis is not absorbed, accordingly, it is not necessary to talk about the health of the skin, bones and joints. Therefore, when choosing collagen for oral administration, it is worth giving preference to compounds that contain ascorbic acid and copper. This increases the likelihood of complete lesin absorption. 
For the skin
For the skin

Collagen for joints - to buy which woman is better?

It is best to make a general blood test before taking any biologically active additives. It is the protein deficiency that indicates that the chain that promotes the formation of collagen does not work. The body has a breakdown that prevents the normal absorption of protein. Most likely this is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Perhaps this is due to Helicobacter Pilory or pathogenic microflora, which is located in the stomach and intestines. To establish metabolic processes, it is necessary to cure diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, the poor absorption of protein contributes to the disease of the pancreas and liver. Such patients are at risk, most often at a young age they suffer from diseases of the joints, bones and teeth. Celiac disease prevents the normal assimilation of protein, therefore, such patients need to exclude the consumption of gluten, which prevents the normal functioning of the body. 

There are several rules that should adhere to when consuming collagen. You can not mix powders, capsules with a collagen with food. Accordingly, the powder is considered the most quickly absorbed form, which is allowed to take 30-40 minutes before the meal. If these are tablets, it must be borne in mind that the dissolution of the gelatin membrane will need time. Accordingly, it is better to take them 2 hours before the meal. To see the effect, it is necessary to take the drug for three months with a break. The maximum dose is 10 g, for prevention, it is enough to take 5 g. 

Collagen for joints, buy which woman is better:

Types of collagen for joints

At the moment, a lot of information has appeared that animal collagen can cause serious ailments, helminthic diseases, which is associated with the synthesis of a product from cattle bones. However, in fact, this is just anti -advertising to promote a more expensive collagen made of fish. Accordingly, it is necessary to choose a product that corresponds to income and needs. 

Experts note that the difference between collagen, which is synthesized in the body and protein used in the form of capsules, is huge. When taking a powder or capsules, collagen breaks up in the body into amino acids. But the likelihood that they will go to restore skin elasticity. The fact is that the body independently chooses where to direct the necessary amino acids. If there are problems with bones, joints or the muscle mass is reduced, then we should not hope that collagen consumed in the form of powder or capsules will not be worth it to restore the skin. Below is a list of collagen for joints with Aigerb.

Types of collagen for joints:

This is mainly collagen 2 taps. Take in combination with chondroprotectors and NPS. Often the tool is used to maintain joints in elderly patients.


Liquid collagen

Some companies produce drinking collagen, as it is believed that it is best absorbed by the body. In fact, this is true. Additionally, vitamins and trace elements are introduced into it. Accordingly, it makes sense to accept such a tool. The only drawback is the high price. Often, the composition includes not only vitamins, but also hyalouranic acid, as well as extracts of medicinal plants. 

Coralgen in liquid form with aicherb:

Some brands to improve efficiency include hyaluranic acid in collagen. It is located in the intercellular space, and is involved in the preservation of youth of the skin. However, the main feature of this component is the accumulation of water. In order to get rid of edema, to prevent their appearance, it is necessary not to reduce fluid intake, but on the contrary, increase. If you take a collagen with hyloranic acid, be sure to increase the consumption of water by half a liter. It is best to introduce it not in the composition of juices, tea or soups, but to take mineral or purified water. 

Best collagen for joints on aiharb

When choosing tools to improve the condition of the skin for local exposure, it is worth abandoning the use of animal collagen. This is due to its inefficiency and large size of molecules. Despiode masks, which are now very popular, affects the skin poorly due to the fact that large molecules cannot penetrate inside. For health healing, it is best to use sea collagen. For oral administration, nutritionists also recommend a marine variety due to the fact that it is easier to absorb. The main drawback is a high price. It is believed that it is the sea collagen that is most in the composition of amino acids closer to the human body. Therefore, the probability of allergic reactions is minimal.

The best collagen for the joints on Aiherb:


Read on the topic:

Now in fashion various newfangled diets, for example, Keto. This diet implies the use of a large amount of proteins and fat, a minimum of carbohydrates. On Keto, fruit consumption is completely excluded. To make up for the deficiency of vitamin C, due to the exception to the diet of fruits, it is worth using the maximum of vegetables containing ascorbic acid. In particular, it is onions, cabbage and greens. That is why experts recommend using a huge amount of green salad, onions, parsley and dill. This also applies to athletes who often sit on drying to draw a muscle relief. In no case should the use of products containing vitamin C be completely eliminated. After all, this will prevent the normal splitting of protein with the formation of collagen. 

Video: collagen for the joints of aicherb

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