Bone broth: benefits, recipe for cooking. How much to cook bone broth for collagen? Bone broth aicherb

Bone broth: benefits, recipe for cooking. How much to cook bone broth for collagen? Bone broth aicherb

The benefits, composition and recipe for making bone broth.

Our grandmothers believed that it was necessary to eat soup daily, because this is the most useful food. However, later nutritionists found out that there is nothing useful in the soup, this is just a concentrated solution, which contains gluten, potatoes and vegetables. In this article we will talk about the benefits of bone broth and give recipes for its preparation. 

Bone broth: composition

With the advent of keto-diets, such studies have resumed. It was found that ordinary soup, prepared on the basis of broth from chicken backs or legs, is not useful. However, the dish, which is prepared on the basis of bone broth, is the source of the necessary amino acids, collagen, gelatin. Therefore, it is worth separating the concepts of broths.

Usually, for the preparation of soups, the housewives boil chicken hips, backs, or wings for two hours. It turns out a high -fat broth, as it goes from the skin to the solution. In fact, there is nothing useful in such a broth. However, if you prepare bone broth in compliance with all the necessary rules and requirements, it will be possible to get a dish with which you can remain slim, with a good figure, developed muscle mass until the end of your life. 

The composition of the bone broth: 

  • Contains collagen. This is due to the fact that in the process of preparing broth broth, a significant amount of bone marrow is boiled. It is he who becomes the source of collagen. As a result of the decay of proteins, with prolonged boiling bones, a significant amount of gelatin forms. That is why bone broths are recommended for diseases of the joints, arthrosis. This is due to the fact that the high content of gelatin as part of the decoction restores the joint, stimulates the production of fluid, which is contained in the articular bag. This reduces the risk of degenerative processes in the joints. 
  • Is a source of fatty acidswhich participate in metabolic processes. 
  • Contains a huge amount of useful proteinwhich is absorbed very quickly. As a result, a minimum of time is spent on digesting products. Promotes prolonged saturation, reduces appetite. 

How to cook bone broth?

In order for the bone broth to meet all the necessary requirements, it is as useful as possible, it is necessary to prepare it correctly. Therefore, the basis for cooking is the bones of cattle or pigs. Accordingly, it is best to prepare bone bone broth from beef, pork, lamb. Waste, such as cartilage, pork ears, tails of cows, as well as chicken paws are also suitable. Oddly enough, but the maximum of nutrients is not contained at all in meat, but in bones and skin. Using these products, you can get the most concentrated and useful decoction. Therefore, you can safely use the waste that is on the penny market.

How to cook bone broth:

  • To prepare a concentrated broth, it is necessary to rinse the raw materials and pour it for 1 hour with cold water. After that, the water merges, and the raw materials are laid out into the pan, poured with water. It is necessary that water for about 15 cm covers food.
  • That is, 15 cm of pure water should remain from the surface of the raw materials. The mixture is placed on a small fire and cooked. The preparation period depends on the initial raw materials. The larger the bones, the more time it takes to make useful broth.
  • Accordingly, if pork, beef bones, such as tubular and joints, were used for the dish, it is recommended to cook them for 12-15 hours. If pork ears, beef tails and chicken paws were used as raw materials, you can reduce cooking time to 6-12 hours.
  • The smaller the bones, the less you need to cook such broth. The main task is that after cooking, the tubular bones inside be empty. This suggests that the entire bone marrow that was inside was falling out, and the beneficial substances were in the solution, that is, in the broth. If dense contents remain inside, this suggests that the broth was not welcomed. 
  • 1 hour before readiness, a whole bulb, carrots, parsley and celery are laid out into the broth. These vegetables are removed and thrown away at the end of cooking. The broth is cooled, filtered, getting rid of bones. There is no need to use meat when preparing bone broth, since it has a completely different goal. This is not at all to saturate a person, but to improve his health. 

Bone broth: benefit

Chicken, frame, backs, wings or hips are not suitable for making bone broth. It will not be possible to get a useful broth from these products due to small content in the starting raw materials of useful trace elements and minerals.

Bone broth, benefits:

  • The ideal source of collagen for athletes who regularly engage in running or football. In the course of such sports, knees are loaded as much as possible, which contributes to the destruction of the joints. To maintain yourself in a form recommended to use this product. 
  • After 40, women are reduced by the number of estrogen, respectively resorption, bone destruction is observed. If at the same time a woman often uses a low -calorie diet with minimal fat content, this reduces weight, but thereby worsens the condition of the bones, contributing to their destruction. It is the delicious broth with collagen and gelatin that contributes to the restoration of bone tissue, prevents the development of osteoporosis, which are often suffered by women after 50 years old who survived the menopause. 
  • In the course of rehabilitation after operation on the joints. This kind of dish is recommended if you have an operation to replace the knee joint. The broth is useful to the patient, who is on the hood for a long period, after a fracture of the lower, upper extremities. Collagen and gelatin, which are part of the broth, accelerate the healing process and bone. 
  • Many people know that elderly people, especially women after 60 years, often suffer from complications after fractures, since the bones grow up incorrectly or not grow together at all. This is due to a violation of the function of bone formation. 

How to properly cook and use bone therapeutic broth?

There are several options for using the resulting decoction. You can put a product for half a liter containers and freeze it. This is a good basis for the preparation of soups.

How to properly cook and use bone therapeutic broth:

  • Bone broth is diluted in a ratio of one to two with water, and ordinary soups are boiled on the basis of the resulting solution, which are consumed daily. Of course, there are much fewer useful substances in such soups than in concentrated broth. However, this is quite enough to maintain health. This is a magnificent source of trace elements, amino acids for young children. Therefore, it makes sense to prepare large portions of bone broth, freeze it, use it several times a week to prepare the first dishes. 
  • Can be used in concentrated form, pouring into a cup. That is, there is no need to additionally introduce some vegetables. You need to add a little garlic and salt to it. Such broth helps restore bones, is an excellent source of amino acids. Therefore, it is recommended to use it to athletes, women suffering from osteoporosis, patients who are treated with orthopedist and suffer from joint diseases. These categories can use bone broth in a concentrated form without diluting it. 
In the process of cooking
In the process of cooking

Subtleties of cooking bone broth

There are several subtleties that allow you to correctly prepare bone broth.

Subtleties of cooking bone broth:

  • In general, 4-5 liters of water and 2 kg of bones, cartilage and chicken paws are enough to prepare a portion. That is, in general, the number of products is 2 kg. From this volume of products, a small amount of bone broth is obtained, since the water evaporates. In order not to spoil the dish, not to prevent the further release of beneficial trace elements from bones, during the cooking of the broth, water cannot be added to it.
  • This reduces the temperature, can cause a deterioration in the release of nutrients in the solution. Therefore, the main task is to use the amount of water that was poured into the pan initially. To reduce the likelihood of rapid evaporation of water, it is recommended to prepare the broth on minimum heat. It is best to use a cutter for these purposes, and cover the pan with a lid. 
  • If you pour a small amount of this broth into the cup, put in the refrigerator, as a result, get jelly. This is due to the fact that the composition contains a significant amount of gelatin and suggests that the broth is prepared correctly. 
  • In the process of cooking, salt does not need to be added, as it can slow down the process of releasing nutritional components. Salt is inserted into the finished broth, immediately into the plate, before serving. 

How to cook bone collagen broth?

Collagen broth is prepared in a special way. After all, its main task is to restore joints. Therefore, approach the choice of raw materials thoroughly.

How to cook bone collagen broth:

  • For these purposes, not any bones are ideal, but certain parts that contain cartilage, joint bags and a large amount of bone marrow. Therefore, if it is planned to use the broth to treat various diseases of the musculoskeletal system or in order to obtain collagen, it is recommended to use articular heads, breast vertebrae, sacrum, as well as the parts that contain bone marrow.
  • Chicken paws cope with replenishment of collagen deficiency. This is not the part that contains a significant amount of meat. To remove an unpleasant odor that can form during cooking, spices, fresh vegetables are added 40 minutes before the end of cooking, which are removed from the pan at the end of cooking. 
  • To release the maximum amount of collagen from bones, it is recommended to soak the raw materials for 1 hour in 3 liters of cold water with the addition of two tablespoons of vinegar. It is believed that this method of preparation allows you to go into the decoction of the maximum amount of useful substances. Water merges, and clean is used to cook broth. 
Useful decoction
Useful decoction

Bone broth aicherb

The modern rhythm of life does not always allow a lot of time to prepare bone broth. To do everything right, you will need about 12 hours. Of course, many housewives prefer to cook it at night, but this is not always safe. Companies that produce biological supplements took into account the wishes of customers. Now it is not necessary to prepare bone broth, it can be purchased ready -made. Iherb offers a significant number of proteins designed to prepare cold bone broth. It is a powder, which in a mixture of water allows you to get a full -fledged source of protein, collagen and gelatin. Below, consider the most popular of them. 

Bone broth Aigerb:

Collagen from broth
Collagen from broth

We will also talk about the benefits:

People who monitor their health maintain weight in normal, should regularly consume bone broth. If you constantly monitor your nutrition, it is necessary to introduce vitamins in the form of tablet drugs. To extend youth, improve skin elasticity, it is recommended to use bone broth, since minerals and trace elements that are used in the form of tablet drugs are not fully absorbed. Fatty acids, collagen and gelatin, which are in bone broth, are absorbed very quickly, as they are natural. 

Video: Bone broth recipe

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