Mint tea - benefits and harm: recipes and advice on use. How to brew mint tea correctly?

Mint tea - benefits and harm: recipes and advice on use. How to brew mint tea correctly?

From our article you will learn everything about the benefits of mint tea, and also learn to use it to improve your well -being.

Mint tea is a delicious and healthy product that perfectly quenches thirst on a sultry day, and also helps resting the nervous system in the event of a stressful situation. Moreover, this is an affordable and useful tool that can cope with many problems that are connected with human health. In this material, you will learn in more detail how to cook and consume mint tea in case of various pathologies.

Mint tea benefits - for women and men

Mint tea benefits - for women and men

Most people perceive mint tea as an everyday drink that can diversify everyday tea party. But in fact, mint is a very useful product that has a lot of beneficial properties.

Mint tea benefits - for women and men:

  • Fighting an unpleasant odor in the oral cavity. The presence of menthol essential oils allows you to very quickly refresh your breath, just chew a leaf or drink a cup of tea.
  • Helps to reduce headache. Mint has the ability to relax blood vessels, the spasm of which most often becomes the cause of a headache.
  • It fights well with nausea. Literally a couple of sips of a herbal drink are able to reduce vomit. Menthol in this case quickly copes with the problem.
  • Beneficial affects the digestive system. Using a product made of mint, you can establish the digestive tract. If you drink tea with courses, you can get rid of excess gas formation, gastric colic, heartburn. And all because mint will not only reduce spasm in the tissues of the digestive tract, but also have an anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Clean the body of harmful savings. Mint, with proper use, is able to restart the work of the filters of the human body - kidneys and liver. It forces them to work in full force, which over time leads to a more intensive removal of toxins and toxins from the body.
  • It has a noticeable therapeutic effect on the cardiovascular system. Due to the fact that the mint relieves spasm, it is normalized in blood pressure, and the functioning of the heart muscle improves. And, of course, the general health of a person improves.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Periodic consumption of mint tea helps to increase stress resistance, and a person begins to react less acutely to the problems that arise. As soon as the nervous system begins to work correctly, insomnia and bouts of headache disappears.
  • Promotes the normalization of the hormonal background. The elimination of this problem positively affects women. They have a menstrual cycle, it becomes less painful. No, PMS is so sharply manifested, and even if it makes itself felt, then in the most minimal form. Mint also helps to pass the period of menopause.

Mint tea - harm to women and men, contraindications for use

Mint tea - harm to women and men, contraindications for use

Mint tea, despite the large presence of positive properties, has contraindications for use.

It is forbidden to use the following categories of people:

  • Hypotonics. In this case, due to the relaxation of the vessels, the pressure may decrease to critical indicators, and this is a direct threat to life.
  • People suffering from drowsiness. Mint has a calming effect on the nervous system, which can cause an even greater aggravation of the problem.
  • People with varicose veins. In this case, mint can also negatively affect the course of the disease. The reason for this is her ability to influence blood vessels. Their excessive, or regular relaxation, can cause an exacerbation of pathology.

Contraindications for use for:

  • Women. Mint with prolonged use, has a negative effect on the vital activity of the egg. She becomes very “sluggish”, which sharply reduces her ability to conceive.
  • Men. Mint helps to reduce testosterone in the body, and this becomes the cause of a decrease in potency and sexual attraction.

How to brew mint tea correctly?

IMPORTANT: The brewed product is undesirable to store a long period. After 6 hours, the concentration of essential oils will decrease significantly, and after 24 hours it will reach a minimum. As a result, you will get a just delicious drink, with a minimum content of beneficial substances. Therefore, do not be lazy, and brew a fresh portion before using. Only in this way can you get the maximum therapeutic effect of the drink.

How to brew mint tea correctly:

  • Initially boil 200 ml of water
  • In a container, not plastic, put 1 tsp of dry mint
  • If you use fresh, then take 5-7 leaves
  • Pour mint with boiling water and cover the container with a lid, or a saucer
  • After 15-20 minutes, tea can be strained and consumed
  • Ideally, mint tea should be drunk without any additives, but if you wish, you can add honey and a slice of lemon to it. Unless of course you have contraindications to the use of these products.

Can I drink mint tea every day?

Can I drink mint tea every day?
Can I drink mint tea every day?
  • Having read about the beneficial properties of mint tea, people begin to mistakenly think that you can drink it uncontrollably. But you don’t have to do this. If you carefully read our article, you probably already know that mint can harm. This feature must be taken into account by introducing herbal tea into your diet. So is it possible to drink mint tea every day? Of course, you can’t drink it for months without a break.
  • You will overstate the body with mint essential oils, and this will lead to problems. Most often, those who use the drink every day have problems with blood pressure. Due to the fact that mint relaxes the vessels, the cardiovascular system ceases to function correctly, and a person develops hypotension. Even more negatively everyday use of the drink affects men.
  • Mint prevents the normal production of testosterone, and this becomes the cause of problems with potency. And therefore, in order for the drink to benefit you, it is enough to use it 3-4 times a week. If you have chosen mint as therapeutic therapy, then use no more than 10 days in a row, and be sure to take a week break.

Mint tea during pregnancy - how to use?

Mint tea during pregnancy - how to use?

Mint tea is a drink that is useful for pregnant women. He can help cope with nausea, anxiety, insomnia, however, in this case, it must be drunk taking into account all the features. No matter how you like mint tea, during pregnancy you will have to minimize its use. You must remember that it contains estrogens, which, when accumulating in the body, will begin to have a negative effect on the uterus. More precisely, the tone of its walls may increase, and then the risk of termination of pregnancy will appear.

In view of this, try to eat a drink at least every other day, and no more than 200 ml at a time. But even using the minimum amount of mint tea, we must remember its features to reduce blood pressure. Even if the minimum dose reduces blood pressure below 100 mm Hg. ST, then you will have to completely exclude the product from your diet, since its use can cause frequent fainting conditions.

Mint tea during breastfeeding - Features of use

We immediately want to say that mint tea during breastfeeding is not recommended to be used. We all know that mint contains a huge amount of menthol essential oil. As you know, menthol affects the production of mucous secretions in the body. With the accumulation of menthol in the body, their production is noticeably reduced, sometimes to critical indicators. One of the side effects in this case will be a sharp reduction in breast milk.

If you continue to saturate the body with a metol, then lactation may stop at all. But still, this does not mean that mint tea cannot be consumed for the entire breastfeeding. So, if you approached the stage of excommunication of the baby from the chest, then the mint in this case will be very allowed. You can drink mint tea in a day, 200 ml of 200 ml once, and after some time the production of breast milk will stop, and you do not have to take any additional measures.

Mint tea for children - how much and how often can you drink?

Mint tea for children - how much and how often can you drink?

If you raise the question - whether mint tea can children, our grandmothers, then they will definitely say that this is an excellent remedy for colic. And for sure they will advise him to introduce him into the diet of crumbs from six months. But not so long ago, studies have been conducted that showed that mint no favorably affects infants. If you regularly give mint tea to a child up to a year, this can cause the inhibitment of the nervous system.

Such an effect will have the sedative properties of mint on the baby. Although it is believed that they are weakly expressed, and an adult has a minimal effect, for the baby, even such a minimal effect can be pernicious. At the moment, most pediatricians do not advise introducing mint tea into the diet of crumbs until he is 3 years old. But even upon reaching this age, some nuances should be taken into account.

How much and how often can you drink children after they are 3 years old:

  • The drink can be consumed 2-3 times a week
  • A single dose should not exceed 100 ml
  • Daily dose of mint tea - up to 200 ml
  • Tea is brewed at the rate of 1 tsp without a hill for 200 ml of water
  • Treat the baby to drink tea in pure form, without any additives

Mint tea for the night - can you use?

Mint tea for the night - can you use?
  • If you think that drinking mint tea is useful for the night, then you are deeply mistaken. Of course, you will get rid of insomnia, but at the same time harm the digestive system. The fact is that menthol contained in mint has a positive effect on all body systems while you are awake. It tones the body, establishes the work of blood vessels that are responsible for all important processes in the body.
  • But as soon as you fall asleep, menthol turns into an enemy of the digestive tract. Yes, you fall asleep completely relaxed, but at that moment not only the unequal system, but also digestive. This leads to the fact that the muscle ring, which does not allow food to enter the esophagus, cannot close as tightly as possible, and part of the food, along with gastric juice, goes beyond the stomach.
  • And since gastric juice has a negative effect on the mucous membranes, you will be provided with heartburn. In view of all this, you can definitely say that you do not need to drink mint tea for the night. Without harm to your health, you can drink it 3 hours before you go to bed. During this time, the body will cope with the effects of menthol, and you can relax well, and in the morning you will wake up with good health.

Does mint tea increase or reduce the pressure?

Does mint tea increase or reduce the pressure?

At the very beginning of our article, we already mentioned that mint is contraindicated in hypotonic, as it can lower pressure. Therefore, the answer to the question - mint tea increases or lowers, unambiguous. Mint lowers blood pressure. The reason for this action is metol, or rather its relaxing and vasodilating properties. Under the influence of this substance, spasm completely disappears, and the pressure begins to drop.

That is why a mint drink is very often used as an auxiliary remedy in the treatment of hypertension. Moreover, most therapists advise their patients to periodically drink mint tea with courses. This must be done in order to saturate the body with flavonoids. These substances impede the thinning of the walls of blood vessels, which improves blood circulation and the saturation of the body with oxygen.

Is mint tea soothing or not?

Mint tea is an ideal tool for those who want to establish the work of the nervous system without pharmacy drugs. Mint is soft, but quite effective, soothes the nervous system, which contributes to the fact that a person relaxes, forgetting about stress. When the nervous tension decreases, the work of the heart and blood vessels normalizes, and as a result, irritability, headaches, aggressiveness completely disappears.

A person begins to more calmly perceive what is happening around him. But when choosing a mint to calm the nerves, remember the correct dosage. To normalize mental health, it is enough to drink 200 tea per day, it is advisable to divide them into 2 doses. If you overdo it with a dosage, then instead of a positive effect you will get strong drowsiness and a sharp decrease in concentration.

Mint tea - recipe for gastritis

Mint tea - recipe for gastritis

Gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane, which is manifested by heartburn, nausea, excessive gas formation. Mint will help get rid of unpleasant manifestations, and will also contribute to the removal of the inflammatory process.

IMPORTANT:  If it enters the body, mint begins to relax the muscles of the stomach, which can cause aggravation of fermentation processes. To prevent this from happening, drink the drink dosed - no more than 300 ml per day, 100 ml per one reception.

Mint tea - recipe for gastritis:

  • Recipe with St. John's wort. Take 2 tsp mint and 1 tsp of St. John's wort, pour all 300 ml of boiling water. Let the tea stand and brew. Next, it can be filtered and transferred to a thermos. Divide the drink into three parts and use in the morning, at lunch and evening.
  • Recipe with chamomile. To prepare a therapeutic agent, you will need 1 tsp mint and 3 chamomile flowers. Pour 200 ml of boiling water, and use it after brewing. The course is 7 days, the reception is carried out in the morning and in the evening.

Mint tea from bloating - recipes

Mint tea from bloating - recipes

The cause of bloating is excessive gas formation. As a rule, it occurs against the background of inflammation of the mucous membranes in the digestive system, or, when a person regularly overeats, and thereby overloads the stomach, preventing him from cope with food in time.

Mint tea from bloating - recipes:

  • Mint and lemon balm. Take 1 tbsp mint and 1 tsp of lemon balm. Put the raw materials in the tender and pour 300 ml of boiling water. In order for the plants to give as many beneficial substances as possible, you can additionally wrap the container with a towel. After 15 minutes, the drink will be ready to use. The resulting amount of tea will need to be divided into three doses and drink during the day.
  • Mint and fenhel. We take a standard teaspoon of dry raw materials from mint and mix it with 1 tsp fenhel. Pour all 250 ml of boiling water, insist and can be consumed. As practice shows, even a single dose improves the state of a person. But to consolidate the result, use this drink 2 times a day for a week.

IMPORTANT: If therapeutic therapy with mint tea does not have the desired therapeutic effect, and your condition does not improve at all, we strongly recommend visiting the gastroenterologist. Bloating of the abdomen is one of the signs of stomach ulcers, and it is unlikely to be cured with one mint tea.

Mint tea from heartburn - recipes

Mint tea from heartburn - recipes

People who have encountered heartburn at least once know how unpleasant this condition is. And if you do not fight the problem, then nausea, bitterness in the mouth and aching pain in the stomach will be added to heartburn. And all because gastric juice will inevitably begin to be produced in even larger quantities over time, which can cause gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Mint tea from heartburn - recipes:

  • Mint tea with flax seeds. Prepare 1 tsp mint and 1 tsp of flax seeds. Pour them 200 ml of boiling water, and send additional for 15 minutes to a steam bath. So you will get a more concentrated product. Cool the resulting drink to room temperature and drink in small sips. In no case do not drink it quickly. So the therapeutic effect will be noticeably smaller.
  • Mint tea with plantain seeds. Take 2 grams of mint and plantain, and pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew and you can use it. If desired, you can add 20 ml of aloe juice to the drink. So heartburn will disappear even faster.

IMPORTANT: Remember that these funds should never be consumed before bedtime. Mint will prevent the closing of the muscle ring at the base of the stomach, and thereby you only increase heartburn. In order not to aggravate your condition, drink similar tea 3-4 hours before bedtime.

Mint tea from nausea - recipe

In order to get rid of nausea, you can use mint in its pure form. Just take 1 tsp, pour it with boiling water and let it brew. Cool to room temperature and you can drink. In no case do not sweeten the drink, since sugar will increase nausea even more.

IMPORTANT: Do not add ice cubes to mint tea, or cool it too much. An excessively cold drink, falling into the stomach, will provoke vascular spasm, and as a result, increased nausea.

Mint tea from headache - recipes

Mint tea from headache - recipes

The headache, as a rule, provoke spasmodic vessels, and therefore you can get rid of mint from this problem, the main thing is to do everything right. In this case, it is important not to overdo it with the dosage and concentration of the drink. By brewing herbal tea, you must remember the ability of mint to lower pressure, so prepare it with strict observance of the recipe so that the body eventually receives the amount of menthol that will remove the spasm, but at the same time will not have a negative effect on the vascular system.

IMPORTANT: If the cause of headache is hypotension, then you are strictly forbidden to remove mint tea with pain syndrome.

Mint tea from headache - recipes:

  • Recipe with oregano. Take 6-7 pcs. Leaflets of fresh mint and 2-3 leaves of oregano. Divate them slightly and pour them with boiled water. Wrap the container with the drink with a towel and wait 10-15 minutes. When the product becomes warm, it can be drunk.
  • Netwater recipe. Prepare 1 tsp of dry raw materials of mint and nettles, pour it with boiling water and wait for the tea to brew. Wait when it cools down to an acceptable temperature and can be consumed.

Mint tea for weight loss - recipes and advice on use

Mint tea for weight loss - recipes and advice on use

In principle, mint tea does not have fat burning properties and does not accelerate weight loss, but nevertheless it is recommended to use it for weight loss. The fact is that he is able to suppress appetite, which is very important for a losing weight person. So, if you eat it between meals, you can do without snacks.

Also, this drink has a beneficial effect on the digestive system, it works correctly, without failures, which contributes to the rapid saturation and proper absorption of food. And of course, do not forget about the sedative properties of mint. Losing weight is stress for the body, and it will do everything to return to the “comfort zone” and therefore you need to drink the drink in order to more calmly pass the process of restructuring of food habits.

Mint tea for weight loss - recipes:

  • Combination to reduce appetite. To prepare this herbal drink, you will need dry mint and a crushed root of Altey. Take the raw materials for 1 tsp and the pour 300 ml of boiled water. Wait for when the liquid changes the color, cool and you can use it. You need to drink such tea with courses for 7 days with a week break. Daily dose of 300 ml. You can drink it in both 2 and 3 doses.
  • A combination to accelerate metabolism. We measure 3 g of mint, pour it with boiling water (150 ml), and let it brew. When the tea becomes warm, add turmeric to it, literally on the tip of a knife. Mix everything thoroughly and use it right away. You need to drink such tea in the morning and evening for 10 days. Next, you must take a break of 5 days, and repeat the course again.

Mint tea with lemon tonic - recipe

Mint tea with lemon tonic - recipe

If you feel sluggish, tired, you cannot concentrate your attention, then prepare yourself a tonic mint tea with lemon. Such a drink has a beneficial effect on all systems of the body, helping that they work correctly.

IMPORTANT: The tonic drink is not suitable for people with increased acidity of the stomach as it contains a lemon that can increase its indicators even more.

Mint tea with lemon tonic - recipe:

  • Initially, get the preparation of the lemon
  • Scald it with boiling water and immediately lower it into ice water
  • This must be done in order to maintain the aroma of zest
  • Literally after 30 seconds, remove the lemon from cold water and dry with napkins
  • Cut 1-2 lemon slices and put in a cup
  • Send 1 tsp mint here, and pour everything with boiling water - 200 ml

Add honey to the cooled tea and you can enjoy a tonic drink

Cold mint tea with menstruation

Mint is an ideal tool that helps a woman easier to transfer menstruation and everything that is connected with them. So, if you brew fresh or dry mint, cool it and drink it, you can reduce pain, reduce spasms intensity, get rid of headache. But when using it, you should always adhere to the correct dosage so as not to harm the body.

Cold mint tea with menstruation:

  • Prepare 1 tsp mint and lemon balm
  • Pour 200 ml of boiling water
  • Wait until the tea is brewing and completely cool
  • Drink slowly half an hour before meals
  • You can drink such a drink during menstruation every day

Mint tea - reviews

Mint tea - reviews

Mint tea - reviews:

  • Ksyusha is 27 years old. Having read praise about mint tea, I decided to replace them with migraine tablets. She brewed herself the most concentrated drink, with great pleasure drank it and began to wait for improvement of her well -being. Initially, it seemed to me that my condition was improving. The headache began to subside, and I even dozed off. But literally half an hour later I woke up and realized that in addition to a headache, I also had nausea with dizziness. The husband called an ambulance as the condition was not the best. It turned out that my pressure decreased greatly, and as the doctor explained, the reason for this is precisely mint tea. So the girls are not suitable for everyone, and it is necessary to drink it correctly.
  • Alexander 40 years old. I really like the taste of mint, so I enjoy using this product. True now very rarely. But more recently, I drank mint tea, which is called uncontrollably. I could drink 3-4 cups of the drink during the day, not suspecting that I was harmful to my male health. The worst thing was that he drank it without a break for months. This was the reason for problems with potency. Of course, the problem greatly reduced my self -esteem, but taking myself into my hands, I went to the doctor. All examinations showed that I was healthy, but sexual life still did not get better. And somehow, talking with my attending physician, I told him about the addiction to mint. He said that I should completely exclude this product from my diet, since it is he who could be the cause of my problems. And as it turned out he was right. It is better not to use mint tea for men, and if you do it, then only occasionally.

Video: Tea with mint benefit and harm. Useful properties of mint for health

On our site you can find information about other useful teas:

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