Onion husk: benefits and harm to the body when taking orally. How to properly use onions inside: folk recipes. In what diseases can you drink onion husks?

Onion husk: benefits and harm to the body when taking orally. How to properly use onions inside: folk recipes. In what diseases can you drink onion husks?

In this article, we will talk about how onion husks acts on the human body, in what diseases it helps, as well as what recipes are.

Many have heard that onion husks can be useful for painting eggs to Easter, and even tried to do it. However, not everyone knows that it is capable of treating diseases. In fact, onions are very useful and capable of helping in getting rid of many ailments. Let us learn with you what kind of diseases on the onion husk is effective and how to cook it correctly.

Decoction, tea, infusion of onion husk: benefit and harm to the body

Onion husk
Onion husk

When a person is sick, then he does not always turn to medicines to eliminate certain symptoms. Folk remedies are often used. Some of them include onion husks. Treatment is usually effective for her. This is due to its useful properties. Depending on the floor, the products prepared on the basis of this component are able to help in solving various problems.

  • Women Funds prepared on the basis of onion husks can be used during menstruation. They help get rid of pain and normalize the cycle. They are effective in the manifestation of menopause, amenorrhea or varicose veins.
  • Men It is useful to prepare onion husks to maintain potency at a high level and restoration of health. It helps generally improve the body, copes with prostatitis, swelling and pain.

Some believe that the products from the husk can also be used by children. However, it is strictly forbidden to do this up to 12 years. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation. If you want to try the product, it is better to consult a specialist.

Do not forget about contraindications when using funds:

  • Allergy to the components of onion husks and individual intolerance
  • Compliance with strict diets
  • Increased blood coagulation
  • Drinking alcoholic beverages
  • The use of some drugs is not comparable to the chemical content of onion husks

What does onion husks help from?

It is important to understand that onion husks are not able to cope with all diseases. Treatment of ailments with its help is quite simple and effective. What does it help from?

There are a number of diseases with the symptoms of which the onion husk copes effectively:

What is treating onion husks?
What is treating onion husks?

A decoction of onion husks with a delay in menstruation: reviews

Many women experience problems with the menstrual cycle. Often it is irregular. Someone has delays even for several months. In this case, onion husks will help to cope with the problem. Treatment is carried out through decoctions.

So, if you suffer from delays, prepare the following decoction: pour 60 grams of husk of 0.5 liters of water. Boil it until the volume is twice less. A decoction is drunk all at once and only once.

Women also have problems when menstruation is too painful. In this case, pour 2-2.5 kilograms of the husk with three liters of boiling water. An infusion of 125 ml is taken half an hour before meals. Treatment lasts for two weeks.

Onion husks with hemorrhoids: recipe

With hemorrhoids, it is important to relieve inflammation. Many note that with such a disease, onion husk is effective. Treatment allows her not only to eliminate the inflammatory reaction, but also to eliminate pain. For this, special sites are prepared. They bring relief, and also reduce the likelihood of an allergic reaction.

To prepare a bath, you will need 3 handfuls of onion husk. They are connected to hot water. Let the mixture brew until it becomes tolerant for the body and strain after cooling. Now sit in a basin. It is important to understand that the procedure, depending on the severity and manifestations of the disease, lasts different times. You can also connect baths with medicinal herbs.

Onion husks with cystitis, pyelonephritis: recipes

Pyelonephritis is a kidney disease in which urine stagnates in the body. As a result, pathogens begin to multiply in the kidneys. This problem helps to eliminate onion husks. Treatment for her is aimed at eliminating bacteria.

The decoction is prepared very simple: brew one glass of husks in one liter of water. Take the product four times a day two tablespoons. Therapy lasts for one to two weeks.

Onion husks with prostatitis, prostate adenoma: recipes

Onion husks with prostatitis
Onion husks with prostatitis

Prostatitis is a pathology of the prostate gland in men. It delivers a lot of discomfort. The symptom of the disease is rapid urination, discharge from the penis with bloody or purulent impurities, as well as pain in the groin. And here the onion husk will be useful. Her treatment helps to get rid of an unpleasant disease, and it also has an antiseptic effect.

To prepare a therapeutic agent, you will need 2 liters of water, 70 cores of the hazelnut and 3 tablespoons of the husk. The mixture boils within an hour. The product is accepted three times a day for 80 grams. The course of treatment is three weeks.

Another male disease is an adenoma. It is a benign tumor. Onion husks in the fight against it is used in the form of decoctions, ointments, alcohol infusions. One of the most effective means is prepared as follows. Mix one glass of husk, 0.5 cups of hazel and 0.5 liters of water. Boil the mixture and, after cooling, take 50-60 grams three times a day. The duration of the reception is five days. The main thing is to do this every day without gaps. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result.

Onion husks from cough, with bronchitis, asthma: recipes

Few people know, but onion husks are also used for coughing. The fact is that it is very useful for the bronchi. Means prepared on the basis of onions remove sputum, thereby cleansing the bronchi.

So, there are several good and quick recipes, with which the cough will quickly pass:

  • Mix three tablespoons of the husk from 0.5 liters of boiling water. The product is accepted 4 times a day for 60 grams. As a rule, the product acts quickly and after a couple of days the cough passes.
  • If you want sputum well to leave well, combine one tablespoon of husk and swamp luggage. In addition, add another spoonful of chopped dioecious nettle to the collection. The finished mixture is steamed with two liters of boiled water. It is necessary to brew for forty minutes. The finished product is accepted in the morning before lunch of a third of a glass.
  • If you have aggravated bronchitis, then chop 0.5 cups of onion husk and add three tablespoons of honey there. The cough will retreat very quickly if you take two tablespoons of the medicine four times a day.
  • You can also take a concentrated infusion and add aloe juice there. Means are mixed in equal quantities - one spoon. There are also 100 grams of linden honey. When the mixture is ready, add heated milk there. Remember that for each spoon of the product you need a glass of milk. Take it three times a day.

Onion husks from pressure, hypertension, migraines, bradycardia: recipes

Hypertension, migraine, bradycardia are diseases that are associated with an increase or decrease in pressure. In any case, a person feels bad. In such cases, onion husk is effective. Treatment with funds based on it is aimed at lowering pressure and normalization of the condition.

To bring the pressure to normal, pour 3 tablespoons of the husk with half a glass of vodka. It is necessary to insist the product within 7 days. After that, it is taken on a teaspoon three times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days. It is important to understand that the onion from which you take the husk should be grown in the garden. As a rule, the one that is sold in the store is subjected to processing by harmful substances.

Another infusion allows you to lower the pressure. To prepare it, chop the husk with a blender, place it in clean containers and pour 100 ml of vodka. It is important to take quality alcohol. Surrogates can harm health. The mixture is also infused for a week, and then filtered. After preparing in a dry bottle, place 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil and add 20-25 drops of infusion there. During the day, the infusion is taken three times. The course of admission is two weeks. If your pressure has sharply jumped, then you can take the product in its pure form without oil.

Another infusion is prepared without alcohol. At 0.7 liters of drinking water, add 4 tablespoons of the husk and put on a slow fire. Heat the water, but do not bring to a boil. After that, pour a decoction into a thermos and insist for an hour. At the end, strain the decoction. Take it after eating for two weeks. The daily norm should not exceed 200 ml.

Onion husks with angina pectoris: recipe

Onion husks with angina pectoris
Onion husks with angina pectoris

Angina pectoris is a rather dangerous heart disease, which is manifested by pain in the chest area. It is also called the "chest toad." This is one of the varieties of coronary disease. By the way, she has a predecessor - atherosclerosis.

Onion peeling, treatment involves simple. To do this, a decoction is prepared with the addition of rosehips and pine needles. You will need 75 grams of crushed pine needles and 45 grams of rosehips. You will also need 30 grams of husk.

Mix all components and pour 700 ml of water. Put the mixture on the stove and heat. Boil the components for 10 minutes. Then remove it from the fire and wrap it tightly. Let it brew during the night, and strain in the morning. You can drink the finished product instead of water. It is allowed to drink no more than 1.5 liters per day.

Onion husks from cholesterol, arthrosis, atherosclerosis: recipes

In the fight against high cholesterol, onion husks are also effective. The treatment is aimed at lowering it. Also, funds are effective for some heart diseases, for example, angina pectoris, inflammation, if it is necessary to cleanse the body.

To prepare you will need 3 tablespoons of covered husk and boiling water. Pour the component with boiling water and bring the mass to a boil. In this state, leave the broth for 20 minutes over low heat. After the process is completed, strain the product with a strainer or gauze. For taste, you can add honey or sugar. The product is accepted once a day, 150 ml half an hour before meals. Keep in mind that on an empty stomach is not recommended for it.

Onion husks in type 2 diabetes: recipes

Diabetes is a serious chronic disease. The second type assumes that a person is dependent on strict observance of diet and drugs. In the presence of this ailment, onions will also be quite useful. She will not be able to carry out treatment, but a decoction is quite suitable to maintain a normal state.

It is preparing easily. You will need three tablespoons of husk and two liters of boiling water. Mix everything and leave to cool. Then you can start taking the remedy.

Onion husks with gastritis - can you take?

With gastritis, it also shows its effectiveness. The treatment is more preventive, but it helps to improve the condition. In particular, ready -made products stop sharp attacks. As separate therapy of the husk is not used. The usefulness of onion husks is due to the fact that it has special substances that help strengthen the walls of the stomach, eliminate inflammation and heartburn, as well as the normalization of the digestion and secretion of gastric secrets.

Onion husks with gastritis
Onion husks with gastritis

Onion husks with pancreatitis: recipe

Pancreatitis is inflammation of the pancreas. This disease occurs more often than other pathologies of this organ. When the disease occurs for a long time, the functional cells of the organ are replaced by connecting. As a result of iron, it can no longer normally fulfill its purpose.

Onion peeling allows treatment through the preparation of infusions. Their intake will relieve pain and normalize the condition of the gland.

You will need 100 ml of vodka and 2 tablespoons of husk. Mix them and insist. It will take two weeks for the husk to give all its benefits. Now the product can be used. It is accepted for 20 drops. It is recommended to drink them not in its pure form, but mix with a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Treatment also lasts two weeks. Then, if necessary, it can be repeated, but the break should not be less than 10 days.

By the way, in chronic cholecystitis, this recipe will also be effective.

Onion husks with constipation: treatment, recipe

Constipation is a dangerous state, especially if for a long time it is not possible to empty the intestines. A onion husk helps to cope with them very well. Treatment in this case is aimed at cleansing.

To facilitate the condition, a simple recipe is used. Mix 15 g of husk and 15 g of roots. Pour water and water. You will need one liter. Then the mixture must be boiled for 15 minutes. After cooling, strain it to eliminate excess husk and add another 100 g of honey. It is required to take 60 g of the finished mixture 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day. Reception of the product lasts a week. After that, make a break for the same period and duplicate if necessary.

Onion husks from parasites in the intestines: recipe

Many people believe that only chemicals or very bitter infusions help to get rid of worms and other parasites in the intestines. However, not many people know that onion husk has an anthelmintic effect. Treatment with this tool has, again, antiparasitic effects. You can cook onions in different ways.

Several recipes will help to fight parasites:

  • Pour three large spoons of husks with two glasses of boiling water. You need to insist the product within five hours. It is accepted for 4 days half a glass before meals. If you want, you can add a little honey for taste.
  • The remedy will be even more effective if you add glue herbs there. Take a spoon of husk and buckthorn along a large spoon, and add half a tablespoon of wormwood and tansy. The mixture is poured with boiling water. You will need two liters. The herbs are insisted for eight hours, and then filtered. You need to drink a decoction for three days, one glass before meals.
  • Enemas help to get rid of pinworms perfectly. To do this, mix one tablespoon of wormwood and husk along one tablespoon and pour all this with a liter of water. When the mixture boils, leave it for 20 minutes and after everything cools down, strain.

Onion husks treatment for rheumatoid arthritis: recipes

Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis

With rheumatoid arthritis, synovial shells of joints, mostly small. At the same time, immune cells of lymphocytes perceive their own cells as alien. Onion husks will help to alleviate the condition. Treatment is possible for her in different ways, but the most effective are the decoction and balm.

For the balm, connect 40 g of pine twigs, 2 large spoons of rosehip berries, 1 tablespoon of onion husks and a clove of garlic. Grind the latter first. Pour all this with two liters of water and leave for half an hour to boil. Prepare the finished mixture on heat for a day. Next, strain it and you can take it. Balm is taken during the day, but not more than one liter.

Also, a decoction copes with rheumatoid arthritis. Grind a clove of garlic and husk. Only one tablespoon will be required. Also add rosehips and 400 g of finely chopped pine twigs to the mixture. Pour the mixture with two liters of water. She needs to let it boil for half an hour and leave to infuse for a day. The tool is accepted as compote.

Onion husks with cramps in the legs: recipe

Seizures are involuntary muscle contractions that arise as a result of the effects of various stimuli. They are characterized by severe pain.

There is a good remedy for their elimination, and onions again proves its effectiveness. Treatment makes it possible not to think about convulsions at night.

Just one tablespoon of the husk of water, waned in a glass of water. The latter heats up to boiling. The composition let it brew for 10 minutes. It is accepted before bedtime.

Onion husks with varicose veins: recipe

Onion peeling treatment is possible with varicose veins. A special balm is being prepared for this. It is not difficult to make it, the main thing is to observe proportions. With its use, foot massage is carried out. The balm must be thoroughly rubbed into sore spots.

For cooking, mix two tablespoons of oil. It is better to choose olive. And also add a handful of crushed husk to it. It is necessary to insist the finished product within 10 minutes.

Onion husks from edges of the legs: recipe

The edges on the legs are also a fairly common problem. Onion husks are quite capable of eliminating them. Treatment is carried out using baths. For cooking, steam one glass of husks in a glass of boiling water. Add the finished broth to a basin with warm water. Put your legs in it and grab them to relax them after a hard day. This tool helps well with fatigue and severity in the legs.

Onion husk from joint pain: recipes

Joint pain can cause many problems. And there are several recipes that act effectively. Their composition contains onion husks. Treatment is possible using compress and balm.

The infusion for the compress is prepared as follows: two full handfuls of onion husks are poured with a whole glass of 9% vinegar. Close the mixture with a lid and leave in warm and dark for 15 days. Shake the container daily. After cooking it, strain the finished composition. Now you can make compresses in those areas where pain is felt.

Additionally, it is recommended to drink onion tea. Add a tablespoon of husk to a glass of boiling water and let cool slightly. For taste, add honey or sugar and you can drink like simple tea.

Balm also helps from pain. To prepare it, a tablespoon of husk, 50 g of pine branches, 30 g of rosehip fruits and a clove of garlic mix. Pour all this with two liters of water. The finished composition boil for half an hour. The fire should not be strong. As everything will be ready, send the mixture to infuse for a day. Drink 2-4 glasses in several doses every day.

Does onion husks help from nail fungus, legs: recipes

Nail fungus
Nail fungus

Among the skin diseases, the fungus of nails is the most common. When it manifests itself, the question of its treatment immediately arises. A onion husk copes well with the disease. Treatment is possible with tinctures and special oil.

The remedy is infused for two weeks. During this time, the onion husk will have to give all its benefits. The infusion is prepared from four large spoons of the husk and 200 ml of vodka. The mixture should be infused in a dark place. After completing its preparation, apply the product to problem areas four times a day.

There is also garlic tincture in which garlic, water or alcohol is added directly. The ratio of garlic and liquid should be 1 to 10. The product is immediately ready for use. It is used two or three times a day. It is necessary to store it in the refrigerator.

The last remedy is oil. For it, chop the onion husk and pour sunflower oil. On two tablespoons of the peel, three large tablespoons of oil are required. The mixture requires a long insisting. It lasts for three weeks. Do not forget to shake it periodically. Problem places are processed three times a day.

Onion husk from allergies: recipe

As we have already said, the onion husks of treatment allows for many diseases. It is also effective in allergies, as it is able to cleanse the body of all kinds of toxins. The means are prepared in two ways:

Shell from allergies
Shell from allergies

Pine needles, rosehips and onion husks with oncology: Recipe

Even with the development or prevention of oncology, onion husk shows its effectiveness. It does not allow treatment, but as auxiliary therapy it can well be used. The finished product affects cancer cells. It does not allow tumors to develop further.

So, the needles of pine, onion husks and rosehips mix in the same proportions. Boil the finished mixture for 20 minutes. You need to take it instead of tea three times a day. A total of 4 months lasts.

Onion husk - benefits: readers' reviews

Onion husks of treatment gives a variety. She has already collected many positive reviews. The fact that finished products have side effects is practically not mentioned. Even doctors recognize the onion husk with an effective method of treatment. However, she also has opponents who believe that she is harmful to the body.

Review 1
Review 1
Review 2
Review 2
Review 3
Review 3

Video: onion husks from 100 diseases


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