AMOSOV PASA for immunity and heart: the best recipe, benefits, contraindications, how to accept and store?

AMOSOV PASA for immunity and heart: the best recipe, benefits, contraindications, how to accept and store?

In the past few years, a vitamin mixture of dried fruits has been especially popular. It positively affects the state of the cardiovascular and immune system.

The people are called the mixture of Amosov. In this article, a paste recipe, its benefit to humans and features of application will be examined in detail.

AMOSOVA PASA - food for the mind and heart

Academician Nikolai Amosov is a well -known doctor who will professionally perform heart surgery.

He helps his patients in every possible way, and the tips are as follows:

  1. How to perform physical exercises correctly?
  2. What exercises can be done after surgery?
  3. How to eat right?

To accelerate the rehabilitation process of patients and strengthen their immune system, the academician developed a universal vitamin mixture of dried fruits. It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and nourishes the heart muscle.

You will learn about this usefulness from the article
You will learn about this usefulness from the article
  • Vitamin Pasta Amosova received a positive assessment. There are many pleasant reviews from ordinary people on the network who, with the help of such a mixture, got rid of dangerous diseases.
  • If we consider what the pasta of Amosov consists of, then it contains maximum vitamins, mineral elements and antioxidants. All of them are positively reflected in the state of human health, and contribute to the prevention of dangerous diseases.

The benefits of the pasta of Amosov

The beneficial properties of Amosov’s pasta include:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • strengthening the muscles of the heart;
  • strengthening the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • nutrition of the heart and other vital organs with oxygen;
  • anti -inflammatory action;
  • help in the assimilation of iron.
The benefits are incredible
The benefits are incredible
  • Amosov paste contains a lot of glucose, which increases energy and mental activity. Therefore, it must be consumed with large physical exertion.
  • Often the mixture is recommended to use students and schoolchildren, because it improves memory and mental activity.
  • There is evidence that Pasta Amosov improves male potency. It can be consumed by women at different periods of pregnancy.
  • Vitamins, trace elements and macro elements contained in the mixture contribute to the proper formation of the internal organs of the fetus.

AMOSOV PASA for immunity

People who know the benefits of AMOSOV paste store it in the house, as a universal remedy against viral diseases. A vitamin mixture of dried fruits is consumed during the treatment of SARS and for their prevention.

  • To strengthen the beneficial properties, you can add grated to the mixture ginger root or aloe juice.
  • Their components have an antiviral effect.
In use, regularity is important
In use, regularity is important

Regular use of pasta leads to:

  • the elimination of toxins from the body;
  • intestinal cleansing;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • restoration of sleep;
  • normalization of the nervous system.

The peculiarity of Amosov’s pasta is that it does not force immunity to work for wear. The effect of the mixture is aimed at gradual improvement of the immune system.

How to cook Amosov paste at home?

The main part of the vitamin mixture is dried fruits and nuts. Next, the classic recipe for the preparation of Amosov pasta will be considered.


  • Kuraga, raisins (dark), prunes, figs - 300 g each
  • Walnut - 150 g
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Flower or linden honey - 250 g
Necessary components
Necessary components


  1. Clean all the ingredients of debris and dust. Dry dried fruits for the night in clean water.
  2. Draw a citrus fruit with boiling water. Cut into small pieces and remove the seeds.
  3. Rinse dried fruits under running water and put on a towel, to glass water.
  4. Grind the chopped lemon along with dried fruits with a meat grinder. A homogeneous mass should turn out.
  5. Clean the nuts from the shell and partitions. Cut with a sharp knife.
  6. In the common container, combine the nuts, a mixture of lemon with dried fruits and honey. Mix thoroughly.
  7. Pour the mixture into a glass jar and cover with a kapron lid.
  8. Put in the refrigerator.

Calorie content and nutritional value of the pasta of Amosov

How many calories are in AMOSOV Paste, given that it contains nuts, dried fruits and honey? Can this dish noticeably affect the increase in body weight? It should be noted that a small amount of cooked mixture must be consumed per day. Therefore, this will not provoke an increase in body weight.

The nutritional value of Amosov’s pasta, for 100 g of product:

  • Squirrels - 6 g
  • Fat - 9 g
  • Carbohydrates 46 g

The calorie content of Amosov’s pasta is 285 kcal.

We use no more than 3 tbsp.
We use no more than 3 tbsp.

If you are worried about your figure, then in the process of cooking it is better to reduce the number of nuts and honey. These products are considered the most high -calorie in a useful dish.

How to take Amosov's paste correctly?

  • Amosov’s paste is recommended to use in the morning on an empty stomach. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then take the mixture immediately after breakfast.
  • The daily norm for an adult is 3 tbsp. l. Therefore, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. In the morning, at lunch and evening. Children need to give 1 tsp. Three times a day.
  • The course of treatment is recommended to be carried out in March and October. This is due to the characteristics of the body. In the spring, there are very few vitamins and mineral elements. And the use of pasta will help in the fall strengthen the immune system in front of the cold. This is an excellent prevention of respiratory diseases.
  • If you often get sick or have recently undergone a complex operation, the admission course can be increased to 6 months. This will significantly accelerate the restoration of the body.

Where to store Amosov’s paste?

  • It is better to store a vitamin mixture of dried fruits in a cool place. Perfect - In the refrigerator, on the lower shelf. So beneficial substances will be stored longer, and the pasta itself will not deteriorate under the influence of heat.
  • The lid must be tightly closed so that extraneous smells from other products do not seep inside.
  • Storage duration - no more than 7 days. Therefore, it is better to cook paste in small portions to use it in a week.
The paste will need to be thoroughly closed and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week
The paste will need to be thoroughly closed and stored in the refrigerator for no more than a week

Pasta Amosova: Contraindications

  • There are no specific contraindications to the use of Amosov pasta. The only nuance is that her you can not take people who have individual intolerance to some kind of ingredient. If you know that you are allergic to honey, nuts or dried fruits, it is better to immediately refuse the consumption of a vitamin mixture.
  • It is not recommended to give young children large paste dosages. It is better to gradually increase the amount of product consumed, because with the growth of the child, food tolerance changes. People who have been discovered diabetes, You need to consult a doctor before the use of pasta.
If you have an intolerance to any component, refuse to use
If you have an intolerance to any component, refuse to use

Now you know that the vitamin mixture of dried fruits from Academician Amosov is a universal remedy that helps in the treatment and prevent dangerous diseases. It can be used to accelerate rehabilitation after surgery or for general strengthening the body. Follow the consumption standards so as not to harm yourself.

We also recommend reading useful articles on the site:

Video: The best vitamin mixture for your health

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Comments K. article

  1. How many years I have prepared it, I did not even know that it is so called. Yes, a thing is very useful for the body. But I am now at the Evalarovsky curcumin with piperin, for strong immunity I drink, much easier and more effective. One tablet per day, within a month. And there is no need to grind anything and mix.

  2. Since childhood, we know this composition. Mom cooked in the spring and autumn and gave us courses.

  3. For the heart, the benefits are really huge, because there is a lot of magnesium and potassium ... But the same vitamin C is not enough. In addition, it is not thermal, so it is no longer quite suitable for strengthening immunity. It seems to me that there is nothing better than probiotics in this regard. I myself always buy a tank-site Kold Flu, because there are 17 types of viable bacteria. Even international studies already say that they have a positive effect on health. By the way, she began to hurt much less.

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