When will the pure Thursday be before Easter in 2023? Why is the holiday on Thursday before Easter called Clean Thursday?

When will the pure Thursday be before Easter in 2023? Why is the holiday on Thursday before Easter called Clean Thursday?

Signs and customs of pure Thursday.

After the end of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the next significant holiday is Easter. But in front of her there is a day that is called pure Thursday. On this day, has certain traditions that you will learn about from the article.

Easter date and clean Thursday in 2023

Holy Week - This is 7 days before Easter, during this period every day has a certain meaning. Particular attention is paid to pure Thursday.

In 2023 Easter on April 16 is marked by the Orthodox people,

And pure Thursday - April 13

Clean Thursday starts at 00:01 April 13th  2023 And lasts 24 hours. It is called pure because on this day it is necessary to cleanse the soul and body, as well as restore order in the house and in the yard. During this time, a lot should be done. About this next.

Important: if you observe the traditions of this day, then protect your family from grief and troubles, and also expel the evil spirits.

Why are they bathing on a clean Thursday?

On this day, before sunrise, it is customary to swim in the soul or bathroom. This tradition has been proceeding from the time of Jesus Christ, who during the secret party washed his feet to disciples.

Bathing on a pure Thursday cleans not only the body, but also the soul
Bathing on a pure Thursday cleans not only the body, but also the soul

According to belief, water on this day contributes not only to cleansing of dirt, but also cleans the sins created by man. Bathing on this day strengthens health and heals from diseases. The main thing when bathing has bright thoughts and then bathing will have a beneficial effect on the spiritual, spiritual and bodily development of a person.

The traditions of the pure Thursday

On Thursday, preparation for Easter begins.

Let's look at the main traditions of the fore -password Thursday alternately:

  • On this day after waking up, it is necessary to wash yourself from a coin or boat made of silver. You can put the coin in a bowl, pour the water there and wash yourself in turn.
  • Also on Thursday, after bathing, visit the church, defend the service, as well as confess and take communion. It also contributes to cleansing from sins and filling with spiritual joy.
  • The next case after visiting the temple is cleaning in the house. First you should wash the icons and replace the oil in the lamps. Next, wash the dishes and remove all the garbage.
  • Before Easter you also need to wash the windows. So that the Easter sun can completely illuminate your house. Do not forget to wash the doors, and if you have washing wallpaper in your house, then they should affect the same fate.
  • If during cleaning you not only get rid of garbage, but also want to give old things, then it is worth it to wait. According to the beliefs with the old things given on this day, prosperity and well -being are leaving.
  • Also on this day it is not customary to give anything out of the house.
  • In addition to cleaning on this day, it is also necessary to arrange a large wash. Many years ago, on Clean Thursday, they even slept on straw, leaving things to dry on the street, because the next day Jesus Christ was crucified, so excesses during this period are unacceptable.
  • In addition to swimming on this day, it is also advisable to cut off. According to the beliefs, you can get rid of damage and evil eye along with cut hair.
  • On Clean Thursday, cooking and Easter began. It is necessary to be in a good mood and, without cursing with anyone, knead the dough. If there is evil or anxiety in the soul, then the dough may not rise, and the eggs are unevenly stained, or even crack.
  • If Easter turned out to be magnificent and yellow, then the year will be successful. But when the dough did not fit, then, unfortunately, failure awaits you in the coming year.
  • Dinner must be held by gathered the whole family. There must be red wine on the table (for children, juice or red compote) and white bread, like symbols of the body and blood of the Savior.

Also on Thursday before Easter prepare Thursday salt.

We offer 3 methods of preparing Thursday salt

  • Mix wet salt with pulp of black bread. Put the mixture in the furnace and leave until hardening.
  • Put the salt in the pan and stir until a dark color. By the way, if the salt begins to crack much, then, then, the person who frys it is jinxed.
  • Tie salt with black crumb in the fabric and put in ash. Wait until the salt turns black and hardens.

Such salt is considered a strong amulet, it is refueling all Easter food. Such salt is an assistant from all diseases and is stored behind the icon.

Before spring crops, salt must be mixed with seeds, then you can wait for a good harvest. You can also read more information in article.

Signs of a pure Thursday

There will be quite a lot of signs used on Clean Thursday:

  • First wash the windows and doors with water, into which throw a few coins. After the coin, hide, and pour water under a tree.
  • In the morning, after bathing, look out the window. If the first one you see will be a woman or a cat, then for 3 months there will be no good events. A man or dog portend luck.
  • From the Thursday service, bring home a passionate candle that is used to treat various diseases.
  • In addition to cooking Easter and Easter cake, as well as painting eggs, you need to prepare the Thursday salt, which is a healing agent.
  • Bring the juniper or heather to the house, they will protect the house from poverty. And if you sprinkle the household with holy water from these branches, then luck will stick tightly to them this year.
  • Count the money three times to attract welfare. Do not ask God for money, but ask for a good job. At requests, light a candle brought from the temple on this day.
  • To make the hair thick - trim the tips on Thursday. Both adults and mothers can do this.

Video: traditions and customs of pure Thursday

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