Cyro for fish: Best, correct recipes. Dietary and lean recipe for fish for fish

Cyro for fish: Best, correct recipes. Dietary and lean recipe for fish for fish

How to cook fish crash correctly? A selection of the best recipes.

How to prepare a liquid breading for fish fillet? We offer a selection of the best options for fishing for those who love juicy pieces of fish in a crunching tidbine crust for every taste.

Simple captory for fish

An unusual taste shade acquires a fish fried in a diluted test - batter. The French translation of the word means "liquid" (Clair). A specially cooked liquid dough is intended for uniform enveloping pieces of products ( fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, cheese, seafood, etc.) before fried deep -fried.

Fish in liquid flour paneling
Fish in liquid flour paneling
  • Fish slices in batter are the favorite food of many peoples. There are many different options for liquid breading. Pieces of delicate and juicy fish, covered with a crunching and fragrant shell, will not leave indifferent even sophisticated gourmets
  • The basic components of the batter are flour and chicken eggs. Liquid components help to give the desired consistency with liquid flour panel: water, dairy products, beer, wine and even vodka. Sometimes yeast or soda are added (to give air mass)
  • Separate recipes offer the addition of greens and certain spices, which gives the crust aroma and certain taste sensations
  • As aromatic fillers, mushrooms, cheese, pumpkin, bell pepper, nuts and other components can be added to liquid dough. The main condition is that solid ingredients should be finely chopped or chopped

Important: the viscosity of the batter is an important indicator on which the thickness of the crust covering the fish slices depends.

Eggs and flour are the main components of future crispy crust
Eggs and flour are the main components of future crispy crust
  • To prepare the basic fish batter, beat 3-4 eggs, salt, pepper. You can put a little chopped greens and use different dry spices
  • Gradually stir the sifted flour to the desired consistency. The more viscous texture of the coward will provide a thick crust, the liquid mixture will create a thin, crunching shell for fish pieces
  • The viscosity of the test structure can be checked as follows: place a spoon in the batter and trace how the dough spreads on the surface of the spoon. A skilly cooked batter is uniformly distributed, the dough does not leave gaps and does not drain quickly from a spoon.
Checking the viscosity of the coward
Checking the viscosity of the coward

The basic version of the coward

We offer a simple way to make panning in batter. The liquid mixture prepared by this method is suitable for frying not only fish fillet, but also meat products, vegetables and fruits.


  • eggs-2-3 pcs.
  • flour - 0, 5 cup
  • water - 0, 5 cup
  • salt - 0, 5 teaspoon


  1. Mix eggs with salt
  2. Sift the flour to the air condition and mix with eggs until a homogeneous consistency
  3. Gradually add chilled water to form a liquid dough to a density, approximately like a store sour cream
Slices of fish in mayonnaise panning
Slices of fish in mayonnaise panning

Delicious fishing for fish with mayonnaise


  • eggs-3-pp
  • flour - half a glass
  • mayonnaise - 3 table. tablespoons
  • solid cheese - 70 g
  • fresh or dried greens


  1. Sift flour
  2. To mayonnaise to break eggs alternately and beat
  3. Grate cheese
  4. Mix cheese with egg-majeic mass, add greens
  5. Small the flour in small portions until smooth
Kilra recipe with wine
Kilra recipe with wine

Delicious captory for frying fish

Fish slices, immersed in breading with wine or vodka, are unusually tasty and appetizing. We offer brows with a piquant taste for delicate pieces of fish fillet.

Paning for fish based on white dry wine

  • In the sifted flour, place a pinch of chopped mixture of peppers, half a teaspoon of Provencal herbs, add salt
  • Break the chicken egg, mix
  • Gradually introduce wine to the desired degree of viscosity of the dough
Fish slices prepared in the panic on vodka
Fish slices prepared in the panic on vodka

Vodka captory

Crushing brown crust to slices of fish and seafood will give vodka added to a test base.

  • Drive the yolk of eggs into the flour, pepper and pour a little of any fish spices
  • Pour a tablespoon of vodka
  • Dilute the mixture with water to the required viscosity

Fisher beer captory

Adding ice beer to flour for panning is the invention of French culinary specialists. Light beer creates an unusually delicious and crispy shell. Dark beer varieties can give the dough a bitter taste.

"Lace" shell for fish

"Lace" beer dough for fish fillet


  • flour - 100 g
  • protein of one egg
  • light beer - half a glass
  • vegetable oil - 2 tables.
  • salt - two pinch


  1. Sift flour and add salt
  2. Place egg white in the center
  3. Beer
  4. Add oil at the end and mix
  5. Adjust the viscosity of the batter to the required consistency

Important: the batter prepared according to this recipe should not be thick. Slices of fish fillet, fried in this batter are obtained as if in a lace shell.

Pieces of fish cooked in batter on wooden sticks
Pieces of fish cooked in batter on wooden sticks

French beer cesspool


  • cold light beer - 1 cup
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • flour - 1 cup
  • vegetable oil - 1 table. a spoon
  • curry seasoning - 1 pinch
  • salt - half a teaspoon


  1. Separate proteins from yolks
  2. Cool proteins
  3. Sift flour
  4. Add yolks, oil, seasoning to flour
  5. Gradually add cold beer, mix
  6. Beat cold squirrels into a strong foam
  7. In parts, add proteins to a beer mixture and beat once again until smooth
Liquid breading in milk
Liquid breading in milk

Delicious captory for fish in milk: recipe

Liquid dough In milk gives the fish a delicate taste in contrast with a crisp.

  • Bolt three chicken eggs with 200 ml of milk
  • Salt, add spices and black pepper at will
  • Sprinkle sifted flour to a creamy consistency in portions


To get crispy fish slices, we offer you a recipe from Chinese cuisine. The Celestial Cooks are preparing fish according to this recipe over high heat in special round deep pans - wok.

Crispy fishing
Crispy fishing

Crispy fish in Chinese

  • Mix corn or rice starch with an egg and sun
  • Dip small pieces of fish fillet into a liquid dough and quickly fry on both sides over high heat in boiling oil

Correct batter for pollock fish

Mintay - low -fat fish, small -calorie, affordable. The disadvantage of the fish is its "dryness". Frying polions in batter is considered one of the best options for cooking this fish. Under a frying crust, a polish preserves a delicate taste and juicy texture. Extremely tasty is a milky fillet prepared according to the following recipes.

Pills of pollock in batter
Pills of pollock in batter

Pollock in the batter cooked in the Aerogril

  • Prepare a batter for polions from flour, water, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix the ingredients in the creamy mixture.
  • Dip small pieces of pollock in the batter, lay on the airborne grate and bake until a golden crust at a temperature of 260 degrees and a high fan speed

Plow in a classic batter

This recipe is very simple. Liquid batter is suitable for thin slices of fish fillet fillets, hek, Pangasius.

  • Dilute a glass of flour with two glasses of water, add salt
  • Dip the fish in the batter and fry

Delicious milky-yalar cape for pollock

Milk-valar batter emphasizes the delicate taste of a milk, eliminating its "dryness". The fish acquires an amazing taste in combination with a crisp.


  • flour - half a glass
  • water - one glass
  • eggs - 2pcs.
  • salt and spices - to taste


  1. Mix eggs with milk
  2. Add salt and spices
  3. Slowly add flour when stirring

The best cheese crane for fish

Fish pieces in batter with cheese will decorate the everyday and festive table. The unique cheese aroma goes perfectly with fish fillet. A ruddy crisp membage enriches the taste virtues of the dish.

Basic cheese batter

We offer a recipe for classic cheese panning for any fish. By adding different aromatic additives: spices, herbs, ground nuts, sesame seeds, you can diversify the taste notes of dishes.


  • solid cheese - 200 g
  • eggs - 3 pcs.
  • flour - 2 table. tablespoons with a slide
  • salt - 1 \\ 2 tea. tablespoons
  • black pepper - 1 \\ 4 tea. tablespoons


  1. Stir eggs
  2. Add grated cheese
  3. Salt
  4. Spice up
  5. Pour flour in parts to a homogeneous state
Parmesan is rubbed on a grater for cooking a bat
Parmesan is rubbed on a grater for cooking a bat

Italian crawl with Parmesan


  • parmesan cheese - 50 g
  • flour - 3 table. tablespoons
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • milk - 3 table. tablespoons
  • dry mixture of Italian herbs - 1 tea. a spoon
  • salt - 0, 5 tea. tablespoons


  1. Break eggs, stir
  2. Add milk
  3. Parmesan grate
  4. Mix with the egg-milk mixture
  5. Pour salt and spices into the liquid mixture
  6. Gradually add flour to the desired viscosity
Air -cooked fish
Air -cooked fish

Lush, air batter for fish

Important: for the preparation of air crust, the proteins from the yolks should be separated and beat separately.

To enjoy pieces of fish in a delicate air batter, you should take:

  • eggs - 4 pcs.
  • flour - 125 g
  • mineral water - 1 \\ 2 cups
  • vegetable oil - 1 table.
  • salt - 1 \\ 2 tea. tablespoons
  • several twigs of dill
  1. Separate the proteins from the yolks and put the proteins in the refrigerator
  2. Stir the yolks with butter, pour in mineral water and salt the mixture, add chopped dill
  3. Sift the flour and gradually add to a mixture with yolks, whipping with a whisk until a homogeneous consistency
  4. Beat cold egg whites with a pinch of salt in a strong foam
  5. In parts, add proteins to a mixture with yolks, mix

Mineral water batter

Mineral water batter

Fish crash: a mineral recipe

  • Mineral water bubbles give liquid panic airiness, while a layer of crispy appetizing crust is formed
  • Any mineral soda water, previously strongly chilled, is suitable for a bat. Combine the egg with flour, salt and part of the mineral water. Gradually add cold mineral water into the dough to the desired condition
  • For lovers of exotic, you can offer to replace mineral water with drinks "Coca-Cola" or "Fanta". Pieces of fish in batter with the first drink acquire a nutty taste, and the citrus aroma and a bright orange crust will acquire a dish, thanks to the use of "phantas"
Panny fishing with
Panny fishing with "phantom" and sesame seeds

Egg fish

The fish in egg panic will decorate any table - the dish is tasty, nutritious, festive and appetizing.

We will share a recipe for making carp in egg breading. Carp, prepared according to this recipe, is much juicier and softer than with simple frying in vegetable oil.

  1. Draw fish into pieces-fille. Suck and pepper a little
  2. Prepare a capture caption: break two eggs, salt, add a pinch of fish spices
  3. Sliced \u200b\u200bfillets to roll on all sides in flour
  4. Put in a bowl with an egg swag
  5. Fry slices in vegetable oil from both sides until brown
Cooking a cow without eggs
Cooking a cow without eggs

Fishing for fish without eggs

Beer caper without eggs with turmeric


flour - 1 cup

  • ice light beer - 0.5 l
  • turmeric - A pinch
  • parsley - several stems
  • black ground pepper - to taste
  • salt - to taste


  1. Mix sifted flour with turmeric, salt and pepper
  2. Add beer slowly
  3. Mix until smooth
  4. Puff parsley

Basic capture on beer without eggs

A simple and affordable idea of \u200b\u200bpanning fast -cooking:

  • Take the beer and flour in the proportion of 1: 1
  • In beer in small portions add sifted flour to the desired viscosity
  • Salt and, if desired, add black pepper or other spices
Fish fillet in battles with potatoes
Fish fillet in battles with potatoes

Fish in potato batter: delicious recipe

Potato captive adds nutrition to a fish dish. Table and hearty food prepared according to this recipe will diversify your diet. Fish fillet in potato panning will be a find for serving the festive table and is suitable for everyday diet.

Pangasius in potato panic

  1. 2-3 potatoes rub on a grater
  2. Mix potatoes with a raw egg
  3. Add chopped dill, pepper, salt
  4. Sprinkle a couple of spoons of flour or any starch (rice, potato)
  5. Cover the pieces of Pangasius with a breading, gently pressing slices to potato panic
  6. Boil

Lenten crane for fish

Lenten food It should not be monotonous and boring to prepare at all stages of cooking. The ban and restrictions on the use of a number of products are not a reason to abandon appetizing and tidbing dishes. We offer a recipe for making fish in lean panic.

Christmas fish in a lean panel
Christmas fish in a lean panel

Christmas fish in a lean panel


  • fish fillet (portioned slices) - 1 kg
  • flour is half a glass
  • water - how much is required
  • lemon
  • vegetable oil
  • salt
  • pepper
  • greens


  1. Grind pieces of fish for half an hour: mix the lemon juice with a small amount of vegetable oil, salt, greens and pepper
  2. Prepare a lean panel: mix flour with 2 table. spoons of oil, salt and pour water to the state of liquid consistency of the dough
  3. Dear fish slices in the mixture and fry until an attractive crust is obtained

Recipe for lean bangs, video

Dietary crash for fish

Fish fillet, prepared using flour, mayonnaise, oily cheese, and then frying it in vegetable oil - the dish is tasty, high -calorie and satisfying. Those who lose weight are not the best food option to lose weight.

Lovers of crispy crust, following their figure, exist options dietary Paning.

Option No. 1

  • Mix oat bran with corn starch in equal relationships, salt and pepper, flavor with a pinch of nutmeg.
  • Add in portions low -fat milk to a state of liquid dough

Option No. 2

  • Beat egg squirrels (3-5 pcs.)
  • Mix rye bran with rice flour equally
  • Add proteins to a dry mixture
  • Captive the batter with spices, add sea salt and slightly lemon juice

Option No. 3

Sprinkle pieces of fish fillet with a mixture of buckwheat flour with seasoning "lemon pepper"

Important: in order not to gain extra pounds, the fish should be cooked in the oven by using one of the options for dietary batter.

Thorough whipping of the ingredients of a coward with a whisk
Thorough whipping of the ingredients of a coward with a whisk

Several tips for the correct preparation of a coward

  • Products for cooking should be thoroughly mixed to a creamy state, using a regular fork, corolla, mixer, blender
  • To get an air batter with a pleasant rosy shade, use mineral soda water as a liquid filler
  • A beautiful and mouth -watering crust will turn out if the cooked batter in front of the hot is held in the refrigerator for about an hour. Liquid dough acquires elasticity and becomes homogeneous

Video: How to cook a classic batter?

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Comments K. article

  1. I liked everything at all! Ten with + out of five!

  2. Very good recipes! I will try! Thank you.

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