Scandinavian mink: how to distinguish from other types of mink? How to find out - is Scandinavian mink: distinctive features. How to distinguish the Scandinavian mink from Chinese fur, fakes: tips

Scandinavian mink: how to distinguish from other types of mink? How to find out - is Scandinavian mink: distinctive features. How to distinguish the Scandinavian mink from Chinese fur, fakes: tips

In this topic, we will talk about the Scandinavian mink and its distinctive aspects.

The Scandinavian mink in the world production of natural fur is in leading positions. Although, in fact, it comes from an American breed, once brought from America to Finland. It’s just that in the new area more favorable climatic conditions made it possible to ensure a full breeding of this fur beast and organize the production of fur. But it was precisely the differences in the whereabouts that the distinctive and characteristic features of the fur of the Scandinavian mink set, which we will talk about in this material today.

Why is the Scandinavian mink considered the best: how to distinguish a product from it from other types of fur?

The secret is simple - the harsh Scandinavian climate favorably affects the breeding of minks. Their fur in comparison with the American representative has a thickerwife and a thicker outer hair. And this, accordingly, made the Scandinavian fur more moisture resistant.

Therefore, products from it lasts much longer. In addition, they are also pleasant to the touch and look very aesthetically pleasing, and the price is much lower than American offers. Therefore, the Scandinavian mink fur coats were so loved by those who appreciate quality and beauty. And this covers about 80% of all sales.

In the Scandinavian countries, the largest auctions for the sale of furs are held annually, invariably attracting customers of fur from around the world. At these auctions, all furs undergo a qualified examination and marking in accordance with quality.

Scandinavian mink paints any girl!
Scandinavian mink paints any girl!

Types of the Scandinavian mink

  • First grade - This quality corresponds to most of the fur in the world.
  • The mink is considered more highly quality Saga Mink- This variety belongs to no more than 10% of the entire fur.
  • The highest quality is Saga Royal Mink.These are ideal skins of unusual and rare colors (“cinnamon,“ star dust ”,“ marble ”).
  • The most popular is the fur "Scanblack."This is a black color with 3 degrees of color intensity. Sometimes it can have a dark brown tint.

A variety of Scandinavian mink

  • In appearance, the Scandinavian mink is divided into the Danish and Finnish furs.
    • The first is characterized by a short, velvety fur With a dense undercoat and more often used for sewing model products with a sophisticated silhouette, jackets, and dressing fur coats. It has a blue or sapphire tint.
    • The second has a longer and more rough pile,as well as a thick underfloor. Used to produce long coats of the classic cut.
  • Products from the Scandinavian mink, as a rule, have a clearly defined silhouette, a smooth shoulder line and glamorous overflow, so that they firmly hold the leading position in the world of fur.
  • There is another species - this Polar Scandinavian mink.But this is an exclusive with a silver tint, which turns out by some mutation. The fact is that the villi of such fur is longer and tougher, the more they resemble sables.
Varieties of the Scandinavian mink
Varieties of the Scandinavian mink

Scandinavian mink processing methods

There are 3 processing methods:

  • a haircut, which helps to create a not very long, thick fur. Thanks to this, the feeling of velvet is obtained. Designers often resort to patterns or partial haircut;
  • pinchingseparate coarse and long villi. And this helps to create an incredibly soft product. Such manipulation is carried out manually;
  • and, of course, Coloring.Mink can be painted in bizarre color ideas of designers or simply tinted to give a rich look. After all, a smooth transition from light tones to dark shades speaks for high quality fur.

The price category of Scandinavian fur

  • Beige and brown minks are considered the cheapest that they were not processed or had only a partial haircut - from 120 to 300 thousand rubles.
  • The dyed mink will already start from 300 thousand rubles, And for the natural color you will need to pay About 700 thousand rubles.
  • Tinted fur with a smooth transition from a light shade to a dark edge - 500-900 thousand rubles.
  • A rare white Scandinavian mink or its polar appearance, as well as a black exclusive - will cost customers in 1-2 million rubles.
The Scandinavian mink has 3 processing options, which affect its appearance
The Scandinavian mink has 3 processing options, which affect its appearance

We compare the Scandinavian mink with other mink species: Differences

  • If compared with North American mink, then in the price category the Scandinavian product wins. Since the silkiness of velvet needs to pay a considerable amount. The North American fur is considered the most expensive among this group, and the highlighting feature is a low and very thick pile, which is almost at the same level with a undercoat! It is on him that the Scandinavian pinch mink is often similar to him. But, we have already mentioned that for a harsh Russian climate, long villi are more suitable, because they push moisture better.
    • It is also worth knowing that Canadian mink does not shine as much as Scandinavian. It is more matte and warm color with a brown tint. And a little secret - It is difficult to get to the mezer, especially the first time. Because of a very large density. But there is a similarity: Mazdra should be light - beige or gray.
Matter gives the Canadian mink
Matter gives the Canadian mink
  • Russian mink - It is also an analogue of North American fur. You can distinguish it from the Scandinavian mink by quality! No, it is not as bad as the Chinese analogue, but still has a significantly low quality of fur. By the way, we will talk about the difference between Chinese products a little later. The fact is that The pile itself and even the undergrounds of Russian fur in comparison with relatives are longer, but less often. Therefore, wear resistance increases, but the level of heat conservation due to a loose undercoat falls. And even despite the relatively low price, this mink fur did not find such a number of fans as the Scandinavian mink.
    • In the same case, you It will be much easier to consider the mezer. The splendor will be much larger than that of the Scandinavian mink.But at the same time, he will not shimmer like a diamond. But due to the long axis, dirt and moisture are much better repelled. The Russian mink looks more shaggy!
Russian mink is given by a longer and thick axis
Russian mink is given by a longer and thick axis
  • There is also a fur coat based on wild mink fur.This is a cheap product that is characterized by naturally high -wear resistance and the ability to maintain heat. But often it happens Damaged from natural living conditions.Therefore, carefully study the uniformity and density of the fur when buying. After all, a real Scandinavian mink is not a wild animal more relatively expensive.
    • Wild mink can have Uneven density and length of fur. And in comparison with the Scandinavian product - it is more like a Chinese counterpart.
The fur of wild lively is inferior to the quality of the fur
Wild animal fur is inferior to quality

How to distinguish the Scandinavian mink from a cheap Chinese analogue?

  • High -quality Scandinavian mink from a cheap Chinese fake It differs in the homogeneity of fur!Therefore, any hint of heterogeneity or disheveledness should be discouraged immediately.
    • High -quality mink has a goodwill (undercoat). The feeling of a rare pile in the product speaks of its low quality.
    • But a long pile should also alert, which often happens with Chinese products. Remember - The Scandinavian mink is thick, but short!
  • The color of the quality product is always even. Any irregularities indicate low quality, and more often - for fake.
    • It is also worth knowing that Chinese analogues have staining the lower gun. This is especially common on black products. Remember - if the undercoat in that main color, then it was painted! The Scandinavian mink should be With a light undercoat- This is an indicator that the product was not painted, and the fur itself is young.
  • The shine of Chinese fur is also not enough. If it is, it is like artificial, glass. Real Scandinavian mink It shimmers with a metallic shine with a diamond tint.And he does it evenly, and not just glare.
  • In painted products Color resistance is also very important.It can be checked by a damp cloth on the product, the slightest color of which indicates a violation of the process technology.
  • The water resistance of the Scandinavian fur You can also check with a wet cloth.
  • Scandinavian fur products reliably keep their shape, On these products you will not notice a translucent mezra or sticking pile in places of bends or seams.
  • Fulling a fur coat - listen. No creaking, rustling or Wetting sounds should not be heard!
  • And of course, you need to purchase a fur coat in a specialized store that has a good reputation and gives long guarantees.
The Chinese analogue has a tougher pile
The Chinese analogue has a tougher pile

How to distinguish a natural Scandinavian mink from a fake?

Unfortunately, even among expensive products there are fakes that can not be easy to distinguish. First of all, it can be painted furs, which at first look very impressive, but after a couple of years they lose their qualities. Among them are the so -called staining staining, which exactly allows you to simulate a real color.

A more serious fake is the replacement of expensive fur with cheap, which sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers go. They use modern hair removal technologies, haircuts and staining, for example, rabbit fur, groundhog, beaver, ferret.

  • Distinguish the fur fur from mink It is possible by thoroughly feeling the product. Whatever the technologies are applied, but it is impossible to completely give the mink fur structure to a very soft undercoat of the rabbit. Also, the fur from the rabbit has uneven shine, and individual hairs will differ in color. And as we clearly see, the fur of the rabbit looks like the skin of a children's animal covered with some kind of fluff. If you pull it for it or just feel the undercoat, then several villi will definitely remain in your hand.
  • Surka fur Already a more solid analogue, which can mislead close similarities. But there are also distinguishing features here that lie in heterogeneity. After all, the hairs of a groundhog fur are of different lengths, to the touch it is more prickly than a mink. And we visually observe that the villi themselves are more elastic and like plasticine. And if you rub the fur with your hand, it will disdain and will not return to its previous shape, since the marf is not of plasticity. In sunlight, it has a shine with a bluish tint.
Comparison of the Scandinavian mink
Comparison of the Scandinavian mink
  • Distinguish between beaver fur And that is simpler - it is much tougher than the mink. Moreover, even an inexperienced buyer will notice this if he has a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired acquisition. The villi itself is longer and thicker, with a darker tint and without a corresponding shine, and the product is much thicker.
  • Products from the ferret They are distinguished by a higher sharp hair and a rare undercoat, unlike mink. For this reason, products from it can only have a straight cut. Also, a distinctive feature is the heterogeneity of coloring, the side sides of the skins, even painted, are always lighter.
  • Also found Fakes from Honorik- This is a mink and ferret hybrid. Such a fake is much more difficult to distinguish due to the similarity of the fur, but still possible. Honorics differ in color, having a darker outer hair and light undercoat. Products from this fur have a more pronounced shine.
  • And the last version of the fake - Artificial mink. Modern technologies allow you to create almost identical fakes. But its characteristic feature will be that artificial fur is always attached to the fabric base! And by pushing the undercoat, it can be seen.
Artificial fur does not have that diamond shine
Artificial fur does not have that diamond shine

How to choose high -quality Scandinavian mink: tips

  • First of all, I would like to talk for the budget - it is better to take an expensive Russian mink than a cheap Scandinavian analogue! The cheaper the price, the worse the processing of the fur. But do not start only from the price. Just in comparison of two different models - For little money, it is better to look among budget options. But the Chinese analogue must be carefully checked.
  • Keep in mind that the color does not affect the wear resistance of the fur! Therefore, it is better to take natural shades or carefully study the undercoat and the mezer - they should not be painted!
  • Cutting and pinch products - much easier And they look more expensive due to the fact that they are like a Canadian relative. But keep in mind that natural endurance will be a little worse. Therefore, the service life will decrease.
  • Black mink is a universal and luxurious color, which is suitable for stately ladies. But the light beige is more suitable for blondes, a more saturated brown tone - dark -haired young ladies.

Important: the Scandinavian mink of fur, even after processing, should have one length. Also remember - it is very elastic and plastic, so it will immediately return to its original position, if you draw a hand in the opposite direction. And always check the Mazer - it should be soft, without damage and light color!

As you can see, it is very simple to establish the differences between the Scandinavian mink and its relatives or adversarial analogues. And you should never trust the words, with any uncertainty you have the right to ask for a certificate of quality that must be!

Video: Scandinavian mink

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Comments K. article

  1. This is probably the most detailed and structured article that I have only met about the fur of the Scandinavian mink. I analyzed the facts after the purchase and, having read it to the end, I can be sure to be sure that I did not deceive my husband in the salon of Elena Furs and sold really a Scandinavian mink. Madly glad, since the purchase is not cheap.

  2. I would also add that I need to buy in proven places, I bought my mink in Elena Furs 7 years ago. Now I also plan to buy there, just in the summer there are always pleasant discounts, and the mink fur coat will never come out!

  3. A very interesting and informative article. Thanks to the author. And I completely agree with the previous comments that you need to buy in trusted stores. A couple of years ago I bought a mink fur coat in Danielfurs (Simakhov LLC) - I attributed 2 seasons and very happy with a successful acquisition. I will also buy the next fur coat from them.

  4. A very interesting article, immediately rushed to her Scandinavian, to check again. This is already ... I don't know which one. As I read about the fur, I immediately start to test my mink fur coat and so after all the tips, articles, publications of those in the internet. Previous comments were about mink coats bought by Elena Furs, but I bought Elena Fursa raccoon fur coat, I rejoice at her constantly as soon as I put on. Very beautiful and warm fur coat, the quality is excellent.

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