How to distinguish a Chinese mink fur coat from European, Russian, Greek, Scandinavian? How to choose a high -quality mink fur coat? How to distinguish cheap fur from expensive?

How to distinguish a Chinese mink fur coat from European, Russian, Greek, Scandinavian? How to choose a high -quality mink fur coat? How to distinguish cheap fur from expensive?

Ways to distinguish Chinese mink from European, Scandinavian, Russian?

Any representative of the fair sex dreams of a beautiful and high -quality fur coat. This will help just mink coats, as they are one of the highest quality, and they are rushing the longest. In this article we will tell you how Chinese minks differ from Russian, Scandinavian, and Greek.

How to distinguish a Chinese mink fur coat from European, Scandinavian, Greek?

It is worth noting that the same mink type is mainly divorced on all farms, it is American. Only depending on the environment and nutrition, skins of different quality. In addition, the quality of the production of the finished product also differs. Thanks to these signs, it is possible to determine where the Chinese mink is, and where European.

Features of the Scandinavian and Chinese mink:

  • It is worth noting that Scandinavian minks are considered the most expensive, high -quality. This is due to the fact that they have a very thick undercoat, as well as an ost -length. Thanks to this, the fur coat is very fluffy, as well as warm.
  • Scandinavian fur coats are considered one of the highest quality and most expensive. This is due to the fact that strict quality control is present at the firms of Scandinavia, therefore, skins with any defects are not used for the manufacture of expensive fur coats. Quite often, Chinese sellers are trying to pass their products for Scandinavian or European.
  • The Scandinavian and European mink is much more expensive, and is characterized by very high quality. What cannot be said about Chinese fur coats. This is due to the fact that with the development of industry in China, a variety of farms that grow the mink gained immense popularity. But the fact is that almost anywhere on the farms there are no specialists who would teach you how to remove this skin correctly, clean it in order to get rid of a huge number of defects.
  • Accordingly, almost every farm has its own special type of mink, which is then cut, stained, sewn and sold in various stores. Most often, the Chinese mink is cheap, but is also not of high quality. Often during sewing, not stitching pieces, but adhesive compounds are used. The Chinese mink differs from the Scandinavian in that it has a rather high spine and a thick undercoat.
  • But at the same time, the fur coat itself is distinguished by some kind of peculiar, glass shine. At the same time, due to the fact that the hairs are quite long, if they touch them with a hand, they are quite difficult to return to their former position. But in some farms there is the so -called unsifty material, these are skins, with a short island hair and a thick undercoat. It is they who are given out for expensive Scandinavian products.
  • But there are several ways to distinguish these fur coats among themselves. The fact is that the manufacturer, who is responsible for the quality of its products, leaves the lining not heated. This makes it possible to look at products from the wrong side. That is, the manufacturer shows that he has nothing to hide, and he fully guarantees the quality of his product. That is, in this way, by turning the lining, you have the opportunity to view how the skins are sewn.
Chinese mink
Chinese mink

What is the difference between sewing fur coats from Chinese and Scandinavian mink?

In high -quality Scandinavian fur coats, quite high -quality sewing. Accordingly, all pieces of the skin are thoroughly interconnected. Sewing small leather areas is allowed. The fewer such areas, the better the fur coat. In addition, staining is not allowed. What can not be said about Chinese models.

Sewing and patterns:

  • The fact is that the Chinese are trying to give out one type of mink after another, respectively they can trim it, and also color it. This is quite easy to notice if you consider the wrong side of the fur coat. If the fur is not painted, then the mink is characterized by brown, black, or mahagon. At the same time, the wrong side is much lighter than the color of the fur itself. In Chinese fur coats, it is often black in black.
  • Thus, the skin itself, that is, the Mazdra is painted in dark gray or black. In the Scandinavian fur coats there is no such, and high -quality black, mink coat, on the back there is a light brown tint. Just like any light fur coat. This is due to the fact that the Scandinavian minks do not paint, but sell as they are in their color.
  • Recently, quite often Greek companies, in order to save money, order sewing fur coats from European skins in China. Then it is necessary to consider not the skin itself, but the connection method, as well as the model and sewing a fur coat. Very often in China they are hacking, and they are quite poorly proceeded to sewing such clothes. To be more precise, the distance for connecting mink pieces is not observed.
  • Thus, the seam can be thicker or thinner. This does not happen with Scandinavian fur coats, since almost all the skins are sewn with the same stitch, the same thickness. And also Chinese fur coats do not differ in a huge model row, that is, patterns. They usually have the same lineup that is most bought. As for the Scandinavian models, here you can choose a fur coat for every taste and figure.
A fur coat from China
A fur coat from China

Basic requirements for high -quality fur coat


  • It is also necessary to check the quality, in the Chinese in fur coats it is somewhat lame, and the Scandinavian is quite expensive and very high -quality. You can carry out several checks. Any store that is responsible for the quality of the supplied products will allow you to do this. To get started, take a damp cloth and try to rub on the fur. That is, iron a napkin in the direction of hair growth. There should be no trace of staining on the napkin. This suggests that the mink has a natural color, it was not painted to hide some defects.
  • You need to try the fur to the touch. If this is a natural mink, it is not at all prickly, but rather smooth. When stroking against growth, the spine returns to its previous position quite quickly. At the same time, no creases and crumpled places are formed on the surface of the fur. Now it is necessary to evaluate the skin from the back, for this, unscrew the lining. Any Scandinavian fur coat, which is distinguished by a high price, has a lining not filed. Which will fully evaluate the quality of the product.
  • As indicated above, the color of the mezra should be light brown. In no case is dark gray, not black. This indicates staining the fur and hiding its defects. In addition, the mink itself is very thin, which cannot be said about the marketing or rabbit. The fur of these animals quite often passes off the mink, cutting it and staining it.
  • Now you can mate the mezar from the back. It should be very soft, and without problems crushing in the hand. At the same time, no traces and folds should remain after the jam. Mazdra is very soft and is well -aligned. In Chinese models, very often the Mazdra differs in its thickness in different sections of the skin. Accordingly, where it is very thin Mazdra, the product can tear over time. This is especially true in rainy weather or when wet snow is coming. The Scandinavian mink tolerates even rainy weather, does not soak, and its appearance does not worsen.
Scandinavian mink
Scandinavian mink

How to distinguish a Chinese mink coat from Russian?

What is the difference between Russian mink and Chinese? The fact is that just like the Scandinavian, the Russian mink is distinguished by the quality of the fur and its some features.


  • The Russian mink has a longer pile and not very thick undercoat. As for the difference from Chinese fur coats, there is a huge difference. In 2016, all Russian mink fur coats began to attach a green barcode, and on foreign red.
  • Thus, you can define Russian this mink or foreign. But the fact is that some sellers went to the cunning, and Chinese fur coats illegally imported into the country, simply overwhelm the lining, and sew a green barcode.
  • Thus, in fact, the Chinese fur coat, but is issued for Russian production. But a smart buyer will still be able to determine the differences between Russian and Chinese mink. If it is quite difficult to do in the appearance of the fur, then by lining it is much easier. Ask the seller to show you the wrong side of the fur coat. Often, Chinese fur coats are sewn from small pieces.
  • That is, if you turn the lining, you will see not a whole canvas, but sewn from many narrow longitudinal pieces. In Russia, no one sews a fur coat in this technology. Basically, all skins are sewn in whole, respectively, the quality of such a fur coat is much better.
Store with fur coats
Store with fur coats

Features of sewing:

  • It is also worth paying attention to the width of the bend, as well as the smell. In Chinese fur coats, everything is made very economically, that is, the length of the bend is only 2 cm, and the smell is four or five. In Russian fur coats, these indicators are significantly different. The hem of at least 4 cm, and the smell is about 10 cm. This is done in order to adjust the size if necessary, it was possible to rearrange the hooks, and increase the size of the fur coat.
  • In addition, if the fur coat is really Russian, you can ask in the store to lengthen it by 10 cm or sew on the features of the figure. If the fur coat is really made in Russian factories, then you will not be refused, up to the point that they will sew the fur coat exactly by your standards. In China, no one will do this, or you will be voiced a very long waiting time. That is, taking into account the fact that the fur coat will be through customs or bypassing to Russia.
  • There are differences in the fur between the Russian and Chinese mink. In China, the fur is shorter, or more precisely, haircut. The thickness is not very large, respectively, you will not succeed in putting on such a product in a harsh winter. The Russian mink fur coat is characterized by a very thick undercoat and a rather dense coil. Accordingly, the weight of the Russian fur coat will be much larger than the Chinese.
  • At the same time, the spine itself is somewhat longer than hairs in Chinese fur coats. Thus, a fur coat from Russian mink is designed for our harsh winters. Even in the northern region, in the coldest winter, you will not freeze in such a fur coat.

Remember that Russian fur coats practically do not paint. Only 7-10% of all fur coats of Russian production are additionally painted. This is due to the need to hide defects. But such fur coats will be much cheaper than analogues. Chinese fur coats also paint, because animals are grown without strict standards. In this regard, the number of defects in the skins is significant, using paint they can be hidden. In the Russian fur coat of any color, the color of the mezra remains light brown.

Assortment of fur coats
Assortment of fur coats

Features of Italian and European fur coats

As for the Italian fur coats, they are mainly sewn from the Scandinavian mink. But here the pattern itself has a huge difference, as well as a model of a fur coat. It is worth noting that Italian fur coats are sewn with the involvement of designers, so these things are quite expensive. The quality of the tailoring is perfect, and you can choose a very unusual model that is quite difficult to find in any other country.

In addition, there are models that are sewn on non -standard figures, the difference in which between the upper and lower part is more than 2 sizes. In this case, these products look very harmonious and chic.

Italian fur coat
Italian fur coat

In order not to be deceived, you must carefully approach the choice of a fur coat. Do not take a low price, since a high -quality fur coat cannot be cheap. If necessary, come in the store several times, and also require quality certificates. Be sure to conduct an inspection of not only fur, but also mezers.

Video: Chinese and Scandinavian mink coat

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Comments K. article

  1. A very useful article. Since an ordinary person most often does not know all these details and simply believes the seller. Well, if these are conscientious people, as we came across in the Elena Furs salon, the frozen helped us choose a Russian mink and showed everything, but there are also charlatans, especially in the markets. So thanks for the article, it is better to know for yourself.

  2. Thank you for the article. Yesterday I read, I studied everything and today went to test your advice to the store to Elena Furs. Now I’m sure that she chose natural fur, toleous length and high -quality product. So thanks to you and the Elena Fursu store.

  3. Mmm .. Elena Furs) so far I only dream of getting something there) The quality there, of course, is excellent.

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