How to distinguish the mink, mink fur from the fur of Honorik, groundhog, royal rabbit, column, sable, ondaters, ferret: signs of differences, tips. How to distinguish a cut mink from another fur, cutting rabbit, nutria, muton, beaver: signs of differences, recommendations

How to distinguish the mink, mink fur from the fur of Honorik, groundhog, royal rabbit, column, sable, ondaters, ferret: signs of differences, tips. How to distinguish a cut mink from another fur, cutting rabbit, nutria, muton, beaver: signs of differences, recommendations

The article will tell you about different types of fur and their differences.

How to distinguish between mink fur from the fur of Honorik, ferret externally and by other signs: signs of differences, advice on choosing

Honorik fur is very often used for sewing fur coats and many “not sophisticated” furs buy it with a mink. It is worth noting that the fur coats from Honorik are very beautiful, but their first and most significant difference is not such a long wear as a mink. Honorik has a long Ostvoy pile, very delicate and fragile. It can break, and quickly and therefore fur coats from Honorik are not so socks. But Honorik has pluses - the fur perfectly repels water and this quality is very valuable for outerwear in the season of rains, snow and fog.

How to distinguish Honorika, basic qualities:

  • His pile is a little longer than a mink pile
  • External qualities are comparable to sable fur
  • Honorik has a rare edge
  • Honorik has a longer spine
  • His fur shines very much
  • Honorik skins are more than mink skins
  • The fur has a heterogeneous color
  • Honorik's hemplosion is a little lighter than the main pile (for example: white and gray, brown and black).
  • The fur is very smooth to the touch, soft and even warm
  • A fur coat from Honorik is not cheap and is not often found in stores (this beast is rare and its population is not great).
  • Compared with a mink fur coat, the mink is still more expensive (its fur is considered more noble).
  • Rare fur coats from Honorik are not sewn long, as this does not make sense due to poor bowl of fur.
A fur coat from Honorik (left) and a mink fur coat (right)
A fur coat from Honorik (left) and a mink fur coat (right)

How to distinguish mink fur from marketing ground: signs of differences, recommendations on choosing

In order to make as much as possible and achieve maximum personal benefit, unscrupulous sellers cut the fur, stain it, act with chemical methods, just to achieve imitation of more noble fur.

Tips and recommendations (differences of mink groundhog):

  • Noskity is the main difference between the mink and not one other fur cannot boast of such qualities. The second feature is grace.
  • It is believed that the easiest way to “recognize” the mink is to draw a hand along the fur coat “against wool”. If the fur is very pleasant and soft, but at the same time elastic and easily occupies the previous position - it is natural and 100% mink.
  • Similar cannot be said about the marhe of the groundhog - it has greater elasticity and is not as plastic as the mink. That is why the pile of the groundhog shackles, pricks and even breaks.
  • A noticeable difference between a groin and a mink is its uneven length of the pile (one hair is longer, the other is shorter).
  • Often the groundhog is cut and passed off as a mink, but such a fur coat is easy to distinguish, because the groundhog fur should be previously painted for this, which means that it will be cast with a bluish or purple color.
  • The mink always brings beautifully, the marmot may not cast light in the sun at all.
Mink (left) and a fur coat (right)
Mink (left) and a fur coat (right)

How to distinguish mink fur from the fur of the royal rabbit, a haircut rabbit: signs of differences, recommendations

Only an inexperienced buyer will not be able to distinguish a mink fur coat from a rabbit fur coat.

Basic and significant differences:

  • The fur of the rabbit, even the "royal", does not shine as much in the light as mink.
  • Inspect the fur coat, shake it. A pile, dust and hairs can be poured from a rabbit fur coat.
  • The rabbit to the touch has a softer, lush and voluminous fur than a mink.
  • If you push the rabbit on the fur, most likely there will be a trace (which can not be with the mink).
  • If you carry out a damp cloth along the rabbit, most likely a trace of the paint (bright and dark colors of fur coats) will remain from the painted fur.
  • Rabbit vills easily fall out, break, the fur is pouring and rolling. That is why the rabbit does not differ in a big wear.
Mink fur coat (left) and rabbit fur coat (right)
Mink fur coat (left) and rabbit fur coat (right)

How to distinguish mink fur from fur column: signs of differences, recommendations

Interesting: columns are a type of predatory ferret and affection. Its fur is very similar to the mink, since the animal is a close to its "relative."

What is the difference between the fur column:

  • Its fur is more fluffy than that of the mink and is similar to Kunitsa (especially winter).
  • Natural color column - light and bright red
  • The fur is considered very practical, as it tolerates moist weather and frosts perfectly.
  • The columns are very soft and delicate
  • Those who are engaged in sewing fur coats can say that the column fur is very suppressed and therefore this material is widely used in the collections of outerwear among modern fashion designers.
  • The main difference between the mink column is lower cost and availability.
Mink coat
Mink coat
Column fur coat
Column fur coat

How to distinguish mink fur from sable fur: signs of differences, recommendations

Like mink, sable is a very soft, smooth and shiny fur. It is very attractive and considered luxurious.

Similarities and differences:

  • The quality of sable and mink fur is very similar
  • Both types of fur are light and therefore it is not difficult to wear on the body
  • Sable is much more expensive than the mink, since the population of this animal is smaller.
  • Due to the high cost, sable fur coats are rare and more and more often as a decorative decoration of hoods, collars and jackets.
  • If we talk about quality, then sable fur is considered more durable than the mink.
  • Sable is just as slightly warmer than the mink of experts
  • If sable easily tolerates moisture, then the mink “relates” in water and moisture worse.
Sobol fur coat
Sobol fur coat
Mink fur coat
Mink fur coat

How to distinguish mink fur from the fur of ondatra: signs of differences, tips

The ondatra fur is very popular and is often used for sewing fur coats.

Features of fur and its differences:

  • The cost of the ondatra is significantly lower than the mink
  • Since the ondatra is a waterflow animal, its fur is resistant to water and moisture. He will not miss neither rain nor snow. To get rid of moisture, the fur coat should just be shaken, and then combed slightly.
  • The fur is very appreciated and looks good, visually very reminiscent of the mink.
  • The ondatra is a very warm fur and it is soft to the touch (during life, the animal constantly takes care of his fur: combing it and lubricating with fat).
  • Unfortunately, he is not as sock as the mink
  • The pile of the ondatra is thick and quite dense
Fur coats from the ondatra
Fur coats from the ondatra

How to distinguish a cut mink from cutting nutrium fur: signs of differences, tips

Similarities and differences:

  • A long or cut pile of nutria is always more affordable than a mink (cheaper several times).
  • When buying a fur coat, the first thing you should pay attention to is its smell and look, some of the Nodria products can smell poorly and have oily shine.
  • Noskitia is less than a mink coat, but still can last perfectly up to 5 seasons (if you relate to the fur coat).
  • Pile of nutria is elastic, but very soft
  • Nutria fur coat is very warm, but heavier than mink several times
  • The fur tolerates moist and rainy weather very well
  • The pile has a bright tint and is very shining in the light
  • To make the fur of nutria more similar to the mink, it is cut
  • Sworded nutria velvety and similar to the mink (but its difference is toil with stiffening the fur).
  • Ground Nutria is not as sock as ordinary (erased more and faster).
  • The haircut mink does not prick, very soft, strong villi.
Nutria fur coat
Nutria fur coat

How to distinguish a cut mink from muton: signs of differences, tips

Interesting: muton - fur obtained due to the special processing of sheepskin.

The differences between the fur coat and its features:

  • The muton fur coat does not look like any other
  • It is very dense and heavy
  • The pile is packed densely, softly (similar to plush)
  • Muton fur coats can be worn for a very long time (up to 10 seasons)
  • Muton fur coats are always painted
  • Have a pleasant matte color, some cast light
  • The material easily takes any form for sewing products
  • The difference between muton and a cut mink is the thickness of the material, severity, density.
Muton fur coat
Muton fur coat
Muton fur coat
Muton fur coat

How to distinguish a cut mink from a beaver cut fuss: signs of differences, recommendations

Differences and comparisons:

  • Between beaver and nutria it is very similar
  • Sometimes you can find a fur coat from a cut beaver - mink imitation.
  • The difference between such a pile is more elastic, prickly and dense than a soft mink.
  • A fur coat of beaver is very warm and moisture -resistant (animals are used to living in water and care for their pile).
  • Beaver fur coats are heavier than fur coats of mink
  • The cost of products from beaver fur is much less than mink
A short fur coat from a beaver
A short fur coat from a beaver

How to distinguish a cut mink from another fur: tips

Even if the mink is cut, it will always be softer and smooth in sensations than any other cut pile. The mink is always smooth and never pricks, brightly casts light. A cut mink and products from it are quite expensive.

Video: "fur coats: how not to buy a fake, which has been saved for so long"

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Comments K. article

  1. How many boobsvnas are))) go to normal salons and do not have to be distinguished by the eye. In the fur coats now kiza, take a smartphone and read. I go to Elena Furs mostly, there since 2016, SIPs on furs were experimentally introduced. The consultants taught me how to do it correctly.

  2. The first time I hear about the fur of Honorik (to be honest, I didn’t even think about what they can fake. By the way, in Elena Furs, my first coat was also bought. It was 3 years ago. They have good fur products, it is worn fine.

  3. Yes, of course, the details that need to know just a lot. The moments on which you can deceive the layman simply cannot be counted. If you all delve into this thoroughly, you can spend more than one week studying and not a fact that they will still not be deceived. It is good that there are manufacturers with a proven reputation, like Elena Furs, for example, where you come and are not afraid. Otherwise, you can just drown in these subtleties.

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