How to sew a hat a boyar from fur with your own hands: patterns, description

How to sew a hat a boyar from fur with your own hands: patterns, description

We sew a boyar hat: how to choose a material, make a pattern, assembly and sewing. Why is the model called a boyar hat?

In this article, we will tell you how to sew a hat from the fur from the fur with your own hands, we will give the simplest patterns, as well as a lot of useful tips and small tricks.

Why is the cap model called a boyar?

Want to know how to sew a boyar hat? Do you know why this model is considered a classic that does not get out of fashion? And why is the model called a boyar?

Classic hat boyar

Let's start in order. In the Middle Ages, only wealthy, wealthy people could afford their clothes lined with expensive fur. And if the highest layer of society has always preferred beauty, if necessary, hiding in warm crews, then the boyars were a little closer to society, actively engaged in their vast lands, monitored the work of the wards, and for the harsh Russian climate they needed not only a luxurious, but also convenient headdress.

Of the many models, the time was allocated one of the tight -fitting head of the tulle, knocked out on the base with luxurious fur. The model closes the head well, and the additional fur decor reliably protects the forehead, ears and nape from the piercing wind. In addition to everything - the model successfully approaches any shape of the face and creates a solid, luxurious image. It is not surprising that the boyars gradually switched to this model, and since then she has not come out of fashion. And among the people, a model of a winter hat, hit by expensive fur, began to be called a boyar.

The boyars remained in a distant story, and the boyar’s hat is relevant today. It is universal and approaches both fur coats and down jackets, both for sheepskin coats and drapo winter coats. Today, the model can more often be seen on girls and women, but the unisex model is also suitable for men (originally considered a male model).

Pattern for women's cap boyars: Photo with a description

Interested in the question of how to sew a boyar hat? First you need to measure the head to find out the size of the future hat, and then you can proceed to the pattern of the tula and fur trim.

The boyar hat should be 1-1.5 cm larger than the volume of the head so that it does not press, but sits well. This is important that later the head does not hurt when wearing, and there are no red stripes on the forehead, after wearing a headgear. So, we measure the circumference of the head and write down the data.

For example, the volume of the head is 56 cm. Now we check the depth of the cap with your measurement in the table below. Does everything match? We go to the pattern.

The table of compliance with the volume and depth of the cap
The table of compliance with the volume and depth of the cap

56 cm volume of the head, add 1.5 cm, total - 57.5 cm. We divide this amount by 6 (6 parts) and we get the width of one part is 9.58 cm.

Height (depth) caps 17.8 (according to the table). Since we need the hat to be slightly convex - add 1 cm. Total the height of the pattern - 18.8 cm.

Patter of the cap Boyarka
Patter of the cap Boyarka

The height of the patterns is divided into two parts, the lower rectangle, and the upper - oblique smooth lines connected on the top. The lower part is 8 cm (width of the fur edge). It can be increased or reduced depending on the width of the fur, but not more than 1-1.5 cm.

The height of the upper part (cone) is calculated in this way: 18.8-8 \u003d 10.8 cm. And another part is a fur trim. In our case, we build a rectangle: the height (width) of which is 8 cm, the length is 57.5 cm and move on to the choice of material.

What material to choose for a tulle hat boyar?

Asking the question of how to sew a boyar’s hat, you need to take care of high -quality expensive material for Tulia. It can be leather, suede, Karakul fur, drape or other high -quality expensive fabric. The budget fabric for the tula is very reduced to the product and does not save even a luxurious rare fur. Each detail is important in expensive products.

Original Tula hats boyar
Original Tula hats boyar

For the inside of the hat, select high -quality silk lining fabric. Do not save on this material, since it is not electrified from high -quality hair lining, and in contact with silk it completely acquires a brilliant luxurious shade. Buy a piece of felt or synthetic winterizer for compaction and insulation.

How to choose a boyar hat?

How to sew a boyar hat so that it is luxurious and durable? Be sure to choose a high -quality, brilliant, thick fur. For a hat, a boyar is suitable for a blackbour, a fox, a mink, a arctic fox and a haircut rabbit. For men's models, consider the sable and marten expensive fur.

Carefully choose a hat for rimmed the cap
Carefully choose a hat for rimmed the cap

When choosing a fur, pay attention to the density of the pulp (the wrong part of the fur skin), the absence of ruptures and thinning. The fur along the entire perimeter of the cap of the boyar should be one length and fluffy, and also best to stay in one tone (without darooner and lightening).

If the fur is matte - you will not make it brilliant. This is characteristic of a fox, but choose a arctic fox with a light gleam of pile.

How to find and sew a boyar hat?

How to find and sew a boyar hat?

Of course, asking the question of how to sew a boyar hat, it is important to understand how to cut and make a product assembly.

  • So, we recommend starting with fur. In order to subsequently, the fur is not deformed, and the cut was even and without defects the fur is required to prepare. Put the fur with a pulp to the top on a flat wooden surface (or any other, so that it can be fixed on it with needles or buttons of fur).
  • Moisten the fur with water so that the pulp becomes wet and elastic. Slightly stretch (with a sharp movement, you can tear the pulp, work carefully) and fix it at the edges with buttons or needles. Let it dry for at least 12 hours.
  • In the meantime, you can cut and collected tula. Pay attention to the density (thickness) of the insulation. It should not be thicker than 0.7-1 cm. Otherwise, the hat will be hot, and it looks worse.
  • So, we cut out 6 parts from the lining, insulation and top material. Be sure to add the edge around the perimeter of 1 cm.
  • We sew all the shares, steam them with a steam iron (preferably on a blank, if it is not - a three -liter can covered with a towel or blanket, depending on the size of which is required).
  • At the top, we make a fixing stitch that connects the lining, insulation and external material. Try to make the most secret stitch and remove the remainder of the thread to the seal in order to mask the seam as much as possible.
  • We bend the edge of the base of all parts Thus, so that they look inside. At the same time, bend the insulation in one of the sides to choose from, it does not matter.
  • We return to the fur. It is already dry and when the buttons are removing, it remains in the same position without contracting. We put a pattern on the pulp and circle with a gap of 0.5 cm.
  • Remove around the perimeter 0.5 cm of fur, without affecting the rest of the places, So that it does not form proplesh. It is convenient to work with a blade or a hair cutting machine. Do not rush to work with expensive material.
  • On the tulle we measure the height of the upper edge of the rim and make a schematic wrap. We sew the fur around the perimeter so that the cut edge is 0.5 cm hidden inside. When sewing, capture the fur, the top of the top of the tula and insulation. We make sure that there is no large tension or vice versa "bubbles". Sew the ends of the fur.
Hat boyar with a fur tulle and a decor of three tails
Hat boyar with a fur tulle and a decor of three tails
  • If the fur is thin, you can resort to cunning. Between the tulle and the fur, insert a seal of Vatin or synthetic winterizer, thereby giving the fur edge of the volume.
  • Sew the lower edge of the tula material to the fur, tie the edge and sew With insulation and lining. Thus, on the hat, all the edges will be hidden, and the product looks perfect.
  • We put a hat on a blank again And if necessary, we pass by a stream of steam (carefully so as not to deform the fur). The boyar hat is ready!

How to sew a boyar's men's hat?

Look for how to sew a boyar hat on a man? The process of creating a pattern, cutting and assembling the boyar's men's cap is similar to a female, with one nuance.

Men's hat boyar
Men's hat boyar

In the case of creating a pattern for the female model in the height of the tula, 1 cm is added to give volume. The male model fits tightly on the head and this additive is not required.

How to sew a hat boyar: reviews

How to sew a hat boyar - reviews:

Irina: I got a chic collar of the fox, but I have nothing to wear with it. The boyar decided to sew a hat. The pattern is simple, and it took a little more than two hours on sewing. I didn’t build a pattern from scratch - I increased the pattern in the browser to the right size and transferred to the leaf. I sat perfectly!

Oksana: Prepared her mother -in -law as a luxurious gift - with her own hands she sewed a hat with a boyk to his sheepskin coat. For Tulia, I used suede, for the rhyme of the raccoon. It turned out gorgeous, the husband waits for a holiday, to give a gift to his father.

Ideas for working with natural fur:

Video: How to sew a boyar hat? The simplest option

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