The package with Aliexpress 2022 was stuck: reasons, what to do? If the goods came to Russia and hang, is the seller with Aliexpress to blame?

The package with Aliexpress 2022 was stuck: reasons, what to do? If the goods came to Russia and hang, is the seller with Aliexpress to blame?

It happens that the package with Aliexpress, the customer has a panic. There are several options for solving the problem.

Online stores have firmly entered the life of a modern person, already becoming something commonplace. This is not surprising, because buying on the network allows you to purchase even goods from abroad, which may not be in the country of the customer. However, online stores are not perfect, and sometimes they have malfunctions, as in any other system. For example, when monitoring the movement of a purchased thing, the customer can sometimes see a message that delivery is delayed. The situation is extremely unpleasant, because no one wants to lose money.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How can you place an order for Aliexpress, what are the options for registration and payment?". You will learn how to do the right thing, what are the design options in 2022.

But, because of what may arise with delivery, and most importantly, what to do in such a situation? Let's look at and analyze these issues on the example of one of the largest and most popular online stores-“ Aliexpress". Read further.

Why is the package stuck with Aliexpress 2022: Reasons

The package with Aliexpress is stuck
The package with Aliexpress is stuck

Aliexpress is the world's largest service for purchases over the Internet, which allows you to order things not only from Europe, but even from Asia. This company is famous for the stability and speed of its work and has mainly positive reviews. However, even at the site Aliexpress, although not often, but failures happen. So, sometimes the package can simply get stuck and stop being tracked. So why the package was stuck with Aliexpress 2022?

First of all, it is worth noting that far from always the hovering of the parcel indicates that something happened to the goods and it does not move to the customer. Most often, tracking may stop due to the following reasons:

  • The budget method of sending

With this option, the parcel is always tracked only to the country in which the recipient lives. Therefore, after crossing the border with the product, its tracking ceases. In addition, there are budget dispatch options that have two tracking statuses at all: the first - by mail, the second - sending further.

  • Import procedure

Another reason for the termination of the tracking of the parcel may be that the product goes through the import procedure. This process is the longest stage when moving. It happens that parcels hang in the center of sorting for 2-3 months in anticipation of registration. This may be associated with old equipment, with high loading, or with jams of goods (in sales seasons). You should also not discount the usual bad luck, when the package is in the farthest corner of the storage warehouse and gather dust there, waiting for your hour to register.

  • The problem with updating the tracking database

Also, tracking of the goods may stop temporarily, if the order comes to the buyer earlier than the tracking databases are updated.

  • Writing or loss of parcel

The most unpleasant, albeit a rare option. Situations when the parcels disappeared without a trace, stories are unknown. In the most extreme case, an empty box will reach the buyer.

As we see, the stuck of the parcel and the cessation of its tracking, this is not a reason to despair and sound the alarm due to loss of money. In the end, for trading platforms, high -quality performance of services and obtaining positive reviews is important. Therefore, there is no doubt that the sender will make every effort to get to the buyer.

Parcel with Aliexpress got stuck in Hong Kong: Reasons

Parcel with Aliexpress got stuck in Hong Kong
Parcel with Aliexpress got stuck in Hong Kong

There is an opinion that in case of any difficulties with the delivery of the parcel, it is necessary to look for the reason at local transportation points, whether it be customs, airport or mail. However, such problems may arise in the country from which the goods were ordered. In case of Aliexpress It can be China, or rather, Hong Kong. Let's see what reasons can lead to a delay in the premise at the above -aforementioned destination.

Customs delay:

  • First of all, it is necessary to take into account the fact that Chinese customs itself can stop the movement of the parcel.
  • This may happen if an error in the accompanying document was made, in the absence of the latter, or if the weight of the parcel is more than fifty kilograms.
  • Do not forget also about lists prohibited by the export of goods into which the load can also fall about the notorious state fees.

The goods were lost or stolen:

  • For some, it may sound amazing. However, this is also possible in China.

Closing the border:

  • In recent years, this problem is extremely relevant.
  • China had already closed the border due to pandemic in 2020, which, of course, led to delays in a huge number of parcels and cargo.
  • Unfortunately, in this case, it is already impossible to influence the delivery process in any way.

As we see, the delivery of parcels from one country to another is a very long and multi -stage process, which in any case takes a lot of time. Therefore, when ordering goods from abroad, you must always be prepared for any difficulties in advance. This is an absolutely common occurrence.

The parcel with Aliexpress was stuck at customs: why?

The most offensive situations arise when the parcel reaches the recipient’s country, but nevertheless, it does not move to the addressee. Such problems are not rare, because the stages that have to go through the cargo, before finally going to the customer, are quite a lot. The first and most serious stage is customs. This is the place where the parcel can not only be stopped, but also send it back to the seller. About the reasons why the package with Aliexpress It can get stuck at customs, we will tell us further.

They can be different. Moreover, they are connected not only with customs, but also directly with the trading platform itself and even with the customer. Most often the following hitch arises:

  • The customer made an error when specifying data, necessary for customs clearance. For example, Aliexpress may ask him to indicate passport data.
  • The seller did not pay the customs fee.
  • The cargo in the package is prohibited for importing into Russia.
  • The package contains a large number of identical goods. In this case, the load can be recognized as commercial.
  • The seller specially underestimated the declared price of the goods.
  • The limit of duty -free import is exceeded.

These are the main reasons why the customs can slow down the further advance of the parcel. However, most of these problems are quite easily solved, for example, re -filling out documents or paying state duty. An exception is prohibited goods that in any case will not reach the recipient.

Parks with Aliexpress are stuck in Russia: Reasons

If the parcel with Aliexpress is stuck in Russia, draw up a claim by mail
If the parcel with Aliexpress is stuck in Russia, draw up a claim by mail

So, the goods are already in Russia, it passed the delivery points of China, customs, but did not come to the recipient. As already written, the delivery of the parcel is a long and multi-stage process, in which any difficulties can arise at any time. Let's look at the main reasons why the parcels from Aliexpress They can get stuck in Russia:

  • Hitch at customs

Despite the fact that when tracking the track number, you see that he is already in our country, but has not reached you, he may still be at customs. About the problems that may arise when passing the parcel through this verification point, we already wrote above. In general, to obtain information about the difficulties and ways to solve them, you should contact representatives Aliexpress in Russia.

  • The parcel was sent back to the seller

This problem is directly related to the previous one. Unfortunately, this happens when the product fails to take place at customs.

  • Parcel loss by mail

Another common problem. By the way, if the parcel reaches the country, then the customer can at any time contact his post office to receive information or file a claim. It will only be necessary to provide employees with the post-number of their purchase.

There is another obstacle that is relevant for the present time, and deserving of a separate mention is sanctions. Unfortunately, due to restrictions, logistics began to suffer greatly in 2022. And this problem slows down the delivery of parcels from other countries. In this case, in any way to influence the situation and accelerate the arrival of cargo will be impossible.

Parcel with Aliexpress stuck in Vnukovo: Reasons

Parcel with Aliexpress stuck in Vnukovo
Parcel with Aliexpress stuck in Vnukovo

Another place in which the parcels sometimes get stuck is the airport. What is the case of such a problem? These are the reasons, how much the parcel was stuck in Vnukovo:

  • Damage in the sorting center

Getting into the airport, any cargo passes through the so -called sorting center. In the case of any breakdowns and failures in this system, a problem may arise with the passage of parcels and cargo, especially if there are many of the last.

  • Loss or theft

Not one of the points of receiving and delivery of parcels is safe from such problems. For any airport, with a huge number of continuously arriving goods, this is doubly relevant.

  • Too much cargo

As already written above, any load entering the airport must go through the sorting center, whose capabilities are not unlimited. Therefore, with a too large amount of cargo, the process of passing is slowed down.

Do not forget that any airport is essentially customs. Therefore, the problems of the latter regarding parcels are also relevant for the landing point of aircraft.

What to do if the parcel with Aliexpress is stuck?

If the parcel with Aliexpress is stuck, you can open a dispute
If the parcel with Aliexpress is stuck, you can open a dispute

So, we examined many reasons because of which the package with Aliexpress, in one place or another. But the main question arises: what to do and how to behave in a similar situation?

The algorithm of actions that must be performed when the parcel is stuck is quite simple:

Contact the seller:

  • The very first thing to do is try to find out the information from the seller. In any case, he should have any information.

If the seller does not know anything about the package and cannot help, you should wait, some time:

  • Take your time, as it takes time.

In the case when 60 or more days passed from the departure of the parcel, you can open a dispute and demand a refund:

  • Typically, the refund occurs no later than 20 days.

However, one should not exclude a situation in which the trading platform will refuse to return the money. In this case, go to court.

If the goods came to Russia and hang, is the seller with Aliexpress to blame?

Another curious question: who is to blame and what to do? In the context of the topic disassembled in the article, it will sound like this: whether the seller is to blame Aliexpress, if the parcel came to Russia and hid?

  • In the event that the parcel came to Russia and hung, the seller will no longer be to blame, since he completed his work, namely, sending the goods.
  • However, the protection of orders for Aliexpress has a big plus, the essence of which is that a refund is possible without the fault of sellers.

Read on our website another useful article on the topic: "Is it possible and how to leave a complaint against the seller about Aliexpress?". You will find out why open a dispute before sending a complaint about Aliexpress.

It remains to add that no one in the world is safe from errors and failures in work. For such a complex process as delivery, this is even more relevant. You can only come to terms with this. Therefore, in any situation, wherever the purchase is hanging, the most important thing is to wait. In the end, the situations when the parcels did not reach the buyers at all, are extremely rare and most often, the long -awaited purchase is still in the hands of its new owner.

Video: an unsuccessful attempt to deliver Aliexpress. The parcel with Aliexpress did not come - how to return the money?

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