What alcoholic drinks can be drunk for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)? A woman does not even drink for the New Year: how to treat her for a New Year's mood?

What alcoholic drinks can be drunk for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)? A woman does not even drink for the New Year: how to treat her for a New Year's mood?

If you have a question - “New Year - what to drink?”, Then read the article. It has recipes for making different delicious drinks.

New Year - This is a special time for every family. This is the time when the whole family is assembled, a large table with treats and drinks is set.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "The nature of the beloved alcoholic drink is decryption for men and women".

Many people are sure that they know how to drink in New Year. But they are mistaken. What do people drink in the New Year? What to drink in the year of rabbit? Look for answers to these and other questions in the article below. Read further.

How to drink it in the New Year: what do people drink in the New Year?

People drink champagne in the New Year
People drink champagne in the New Year

Champagne is considered a traditional drink for the New Year. Under the battle of chimes at 00:00 pour glasses with this drink and make desires. However, not all people drink champagne right. How to do this?

  • First you need to have dinner at 20-21 hours, and after three hours you can drink a glass of playful.
  • When you drink champagne, it is not recommended to eat in parallel. The reason lies in the fact that the drink contains simple carbohydrates leading to a sharp jump in blood sugar. Therefore, to overload your body with food will be superfluous.
  • In addition to champagne for the New Year, people also make alcohol cocktails “Brown Bear” and “Northern Lights”. In the first case, cognac with champagne is mixed, in the second - champagne vodka. Such experiments are undesirable, as they lead to headache or gastrointestinal diseases.
  • It is also undesirable to mix whiskey with a brown and vodka with juice. Shop juices themselves contain a large amount of sugar, also a lot of it in alcohol. It will be a double blow to the pancreas.

If you mix the stake with whiskey, then intoxication occurs faster due to the fact that the carbon dioxide contained in Coca-Cole increases the rate of absorption of alcohol. According to the recommendations of scientists, it is not recommended to mix drinks with different manufacturing technologies. So, the combination of rum, liquor, cognac, beer with vodka is undesirable: the pancreas and the entire body as a whole are harmful.

Drink champagne for the New Year, New Year's holidays: Where does this custom come from?

Champagne for the new year
Champagne for the new year

Many believe that the tradition of drinking champagne for the New Year and New Year's holidays takes its roots in the Soviet years. However, few know that the beginning of the tradition was laid a little earlier. That's where such a custom comes from:

  • Champagne began to be considered a New Year's drink from the time of the Patriotic War with Napoleon, when the French launched an attack on Russia. In 1812, the French were so full of confidence in their victory that they brought whole carts with champagne to the battle for the subsequent celebration of the Great Victory. The results were opposite.
  • The French were defeated, retreated and left champagne boxes in Russia. The Russians opened bottles with a drink in honor of their victory over the enemy. It was in December. In subsequent years, the Russian people recalled the victory of 1812 and symbolically opened champagne for the New Year.
  • It is also known that the nobles introduced the tradition of drinking champagne on New Year's days. Their champagne was considered a noble drink. Peter the Great introduced the celebration of the New Year, and Emperor Alexander the Second taught everyone to cling to champagne glasses and make congratulatory speeches.

After the revolution, all the holidays were banned, and the New Year was no exception. However, in the early 1960s, the celebration of this holiday was again restored. In those years, the government set the task for each family to have a bottle of “Soviet” champagne on the table under the new year.

A woman does not even drink for the New Year: how to treat her for a New Year's mood?

If a woman does not drink even for the New Year, treat her with hot chocolate with marshmallows
If a woman does not drink even for the New Year, treat her with hot chocolate with marshmallows

In the event that a woman does not drink at all for any holiday or even for the New Year, then to create a New Year's mood you can offer hot non -alcoholic drinks. Relatively speaking, this is the same delicious mulled wine Or punch, only instead of wine is added tea or juice in them. You can also cook hot chocolate by melting chocolate with cream and pouring into mugs. Use marshmallow or cream as a decoration. You can cook cocoa with marshmallows, cinnamon or Nutella.

You can also offer classic juice or compote, or a cold non -alcoholic cocktail, for example, refreshing mochito. Mandarin lemonade or cold orange punch with cinnamon is also suitable.

What alcoholic drinks can be drunk for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

For the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat) you can drink your own wine
For the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat) you can drink your own wine

A symbol of the advancing 2023 It is a water rabbit. This is a hardworking, purposeful animal with good intuition. The main values \u200b\u200bper year of rabbit are:

  • Fertility
  • Kindness

What alcoholic drinks can be drunk for the new 2023 year of rabbit (cat)?

  • The rabbit is not like large parties using alcohol (brandy, gin, whiskey), so you need to make a choice in favor of non -alcoholic cocktails, juices, fruit drinks, compotes.
  • From extraordinary and exquisite non -alcoholic cocktails, all those present will be delighted.
  • Also, the table can be decorated with different wines or pouring your own production.
  • Under the battle of chimes, according to the established tradition, open a bottle of champagne.

What if you can’t imagine the New Year without alcohol?

  • In this case, buy a drink, but the main thing is high -quality.
  • Lovers of alcohol stronger can drink good whiskey or cognac, and those who prefer alcohol below can buy quiet wines, sherry (sherry), vermouth.

You can also cook winter warming alcoholic beverages:

  • Mulled wine (from red semi -sweet wine) - Recipes of cooking are above the link above.
  • Punch (based on apple cider) - for the recipe you will need 2 bottles of cider, 3 cups - orange juice, 2 cups - cranberry juice and vodka as desired. Mix and finished. Decorate with slices of oranges.
  • Glogg - Scandinavian version of German mulled wine with the addition of honey and raisins.
  • Warm EGG-NOG (Based on Roma and Bourbon). This is the same Gogol-Mogol. Take 6 fresh chicken eggs, 180 g of sugar, 950 ml of whole milk, 480 ml of fat cream, 240 ml of bourbon, 120 ml of spicy rum, nutmeg (to taste). Beat the yolks and half sugar to Bela separately. Then add milk, cream, bourbon and spicy rum - mix. Beat the proteins with the remaining sah in another container. sand. Combine both mixtures and serve.

In the New Year, the rabbit also advises to offer your family and guests hot soft drinks. To make the night more comfortable, you can brew delicious fragrant coffee, herbal tea or cocoa with the addition of cinnamon or marshmallows. Instead of sweet carbonated drinks on the table, it is better to put apple, currant or cherry compote, fruit drinks or peach, orange freesh. These drinks are delicious and healthy. You can cook not only fruit, but also vegetable juices.

What drink do you choose as the main one for the New Year holidays in the year of the rabbit, it is up to you to decide. Do not forget about the existence of non -alcoholic hot and cold drinks. Drink and feel free to walk in the new 2023 year.

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