Card alcohol games: which one to play with friends, at the party?

Card alcohol games: which one to play with friends, at the party?

It is more fun to spend time with alcoholic card games at a party or just with friends. In the article you will find many of their options with rules and description.

Games related to alcohol are able to liberate any, even the most closed person, and fill the dull party with fun. The most popular among alcohol entertainment are those for the game in which cards are required.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Alcohol games for a fun company, for parties, banquet". You will find rules, as well as questions and tasks for alcoholic games.

This article will describe several popular card games associated with alcohol. Read further.

What alcoholic game to play with friends: "Alcopard"

Alcoholic card game
Alcoholic card game

Sitting and just drinking boring. All those present at such a celebration in a couple of hours will get tired so much, and they can simply disperse. However, alcoholic games will be able to make the evening fun. Which one to play with friends? Try it Alcohol.

  • You need to shift the cards.
  • Next, it is necessary to stretch and put the highest card on the deck, “face” up.
  • The participants in the game take turns pulling out the map of the card and put them on the previous ones.
  • If the card extended by the player coincides with the suit of the previous one, then he will have to drink the penalty.

In addition, you can assign each card its own drink and the number of penalties.

"Four Kings": Russian card alcohol game

For this Russian card alcohol game "Four Kings" A deck of cards is taken. Participants begin to stretch the cards after another, until someone gets king. The player who got it first calls the drink, the second - a snack, the third buys or cooks a drink, drinks the fourth. The peculiarity of the game is that with a certain share of luck, all kings can go to one player.

"Ring of Fire": Alcohol Party Game

Participants in this alcoholic game "Ring of Fire" They sit at the table on which a beer glass is placed in advance. Next, it is necessary to lay out the cards around the glass, shirts up (a ring of fire). Now players will have to take cards from the Ring of Fire and complete tasks, each of which corresponds to a certain card.

List of tasks for the game for the party:

  • Black ace: It is necessary to force the penalty of another player.
  • Red ace: You need to drink the penalty.
  • 2, 3, 4: You need to drink a penalty at two, three or four fingers.
  • 5: The participant who got the card raises his hand, the rest of the players do the same. Anyone who raises his hand later than the rest must drink the penalty.
  • 6: a participant who got this card puts a thumb on the table, the rest of the players follow his example. The one who performs the last will be obliged to drink the penalty.
  • 7: a participant who is left from who has pulled this card drinks the penalty area.
  • 8: The penalty will go to the player who sits on the right.
  • 9: The player who extended this card should name some word, and the rest of the game participants-choose a rhyme. The one who is mistaken will be punished by a penalty glass.
  • 10: One of the players, except for the card, drinks the penalty area.
  • Valet: The player to whom this card has fallen must devastate his glass, completely.
  • Lady: Participants drink for the ladies.
  • King: The player who got this card pours the contents of his glass in a glass on the table, completely.

The participant who took the last king from the deck, you need to pour his drink into the glass, then climb onto the table, shout: "I am the king of the world" - And devastate the glass.

"Managed": Alcohol game

Participants in the alcoholic game "Managed" Assign dealer. The player appointed by the other participants by the dealer begins to pull the cards from the deck, one at the same time, while calling the meaning of each of them. If the dealer pulls out two identical cards, the rest of the players will need to put their hands on the cards and shout "Managed". The participant who did this before the rest gets the opportunity to assign a penal glass to any of those present.

Game "Horse Running"

In Game "Horse Running" Acers are removed from the deck. Then from 5-10 cards The "path" is laid out, the front side down. Next, you need to lay out the aces, from the side of the first track map, so that the whole design becomes a broken the letter L.

Then the participants in the game choose a “horse” (ace). Stations are made. The dealer takes the top card from the deck. “Horse” - the same suit as the card taken by the dealer, moves forward to one card. The game continues until one of the "horses" reaches the finish line. The winner receives the right to appoint a penalty to one of the losers.

Alcohol game at the party "Through the bridge"

Penptions for the game
Penptions for the game "across the bridge"

First, participants in this alcohol game, which is called "Over the bridge", put ten cards on the table, face down. It is necessary to put the cards so that they contact the wide sides. These cards will become a bridge. Further, the participants will need to open the cards. If the card has a number, then the player is safe and the right to move will go to another.

In a situation where an inverted card is a ace, a walet, a king or a lady, the one to whom she got, falls from the bridge. He will have to drink the penalty.

The number of penalties:

  • Valet: one penalty area, one card
  • Lady: two penalties, two cards
  • King: three penalties, three cards
  • Ace: four penalties, four cards

The game ends after all the cards from which the bridge is laid out, or the deck is over, turn out to be turned upside down. Great for a party with a lot of people.

"Spoons": card alcohol game

Players sit down at the table, and lay out a circle of spoons on it, with handles to themselves. Participants take four cards. The purpose of this card alcohol game "Spoons" It consists in getting four cards with one denomination, before others.

Players check their cards, put unnecessary on the left, shirts up and take the desired player on the right. The game stops when one of the participants collects four necessary cards. This player takes one of the spoons from the table, after which the game resumes.

The participant who remained at the end of the game without a spoon is considered a loser. He will have to drink his glass to the bottom and leave the game, along with his set of cards. Further, the game will continue without the cards of the retired participant and one spoon. In the end there should be only one player who will become the winner.

"Drunk mafia": alcohol game for adults

First, you need to select from the full deck the number of cards corresponding to the number of players, the extra must be removed from the table. Next, players choose two key cards. One will become a mafia, the other - an accomplice.

Next, you need to distribute the cards. Now an alcohol game for adults "Drunk mafia" It begins. Now the participants have to calculate which of them is the “mafia” and the accomplice. With every wrong answer, the player who was mistakenly accepted for the “mafia” leaves the game, while all those present drink penalties. If the participants in the game manage to calculate the mafia and his accomplice, then the last two drink a glass of alcoholic drink, after which the game begins again.

Game "Seven"

Participants in the game "Seven" It is forbidden to leave from the table, until the cards end in the deck, including the toilet. In the beginning, participants throw lots to appoint a bartender. Next, players are pulled from the map deck - one thing. The actions of the participants that they perform during the game will depend on the card taken out.

  • Ace: A player who stretched this card will be appointed a drinking man.
  • King: Drinks a participant who got a card.
  • Lady: Players raise their hands up. Raising his hands last, punished with a penalty.
  • Valet: A participant who gets this card calls the word and receives the right to ask other players any questions, until the jack falls out to someone else, or until the end of the game. Then, before the answer to the player with the “Walt”, the remaining participants will have to pronounce the keyword. A player who refuses to pronounce a keyword will be punished with a penalty.
  • 10: The participant sets some action, saying, when it needs to be done-before a drink or after. Further, in the course of the game, the remaining participants will have to perform this action until the end of the party. The player who refused to perform the action, or committed it incorrectly, is punished with a penalty glass. A participant in the game, who forgot the action, will have to drink until he remembers.
  • 9: The player determines the topic of the conversation. Other participants in the game will have to call words and objects related to a given topic. The participant who does not manage to continue the chain drinks.
  • 8: The player who has stretched this card is allowed to go out once from the table.
  • 7: Drinks a bartender.
  • 6: The participant begins to count from 1, the rest continue. At the same time, players must skip numbers in which there is a number 7.

A participant who is ever mistaken drinks a penalty.

"Ruff" with a deck of cards: a game for two and not only

"Ruff" with a deck of cards

For playing "Ruff" A playing deck is taken. Each card is assigned some action. Then the players pull out the cards and perform the task that fall. Anyone who refuses to do this, or makes an error, is punishable by a penal portion of alcohol. During the game, those present, it is forbidden to get up from the table and leave. This game is great for two and not only. You can play it with a whole company.

Game "Circle of Death"

Players lay out cards around an empty glass, face down. Then the participants in the game will have to pull out cards from the circle that will indicate some action. For example, if a person got a three, he must drink. The player who received the five makes everyone present. After someone gets out of the circle of the last king, the game will end.

Full rules of the game "Circle of death":

  • This game has a specific set of rules.
  • At each stage, a certain player takes out a card that implies the performance of some actions for one or more present.
  • The rules can be changed and remade of your own free will.

However, the list of existing tasks remains unchanged:

  • 2 - "You" - The player who fell out the deuce calls the participant who will have to drink. The time during which the named participant should drink is stipulated at the beginning of the game.
  • 3 - "Me". Drinks a participant in the game who pulled out the card.
  • 4 - "Paul". If someone draws this card, then those present need to bend and touch the floor with their hands. The player who did this later is punished by a penalty of alcohol.
  • 5 - "Guys". When someone takes out this card, the guys at the table drink.
  • 6 - "Girls". When one of the players pulls a six from the deck, the girls drink.
  • 7 - "sky". When the seven goes from the deck, everyone who takes part in the game raises their hands. The one who lifts the hands later the rest is punished with a penalty glass.
  • 8 - "friend". The player who has taken the eight calls the person with whom he wants to drink. Further, these two will have to drink until someone else gets an eight. If any of the “friends” forgets to drink, then both are punished with additional penalties.
  • 9 - "Rhyme". A participant in the game, who falls nine, has to choose and name the keyword. Then each of the players will have to choose a rhyme with a named word in a few seconds. This will continue until someone has time to come up with a word at a given time. This player will be punished with a penalty.
  • 10 - "I never". When someone pulls the top ten, all players will need to bend three fingers each. The player who gets the card will have to say “I never” and continue the phrase. The participant who performed the action, which the first player said, extends his finger. Then the phrase says the next player. The player drinks who had ended with bent fingers before.
  • Valet - "Room". A participant who has stretched this card is awarded the right to come up with his own rule, which will work until the very end of the game. Anyone who violated the rule will be punished with a “penalty area”.
  • Lady - "question". Having got this card, he gets the opportunity to ask questions to the other players until someone else pulls out this card. The questions of this player, the other present will have to answer their own question. If a person answers in the affirmative, he drinks.
  • King - "Cup". If someone pulls out this card, then all those present pour alcohol from their own glasses into the “cup” (empty glass). The person who gets the last king drinks the contents of the “Cup”. Then, as someone drinks from the Cup, the game will end.
  • Ace - "Waterfall". When the player pulls the ace, everyone present at the event is drunk. At the same time, each of the participants is allowed to drink only when the participant sitting on the right begins to drink and stop after he stops drinking.

Despite its name, such a game helps to have an interesting time.

"Red or black": funny alcohol game

"Red or black": funny alcohol game

The lightest of the card games is "Red and black", Such an alcohol game, despite simplicity, is funny and will help to have a great time.

The deck is mowed. Players disassemble glasses with alcohol. The first participant stretches to the deck, pulls out the card and pronounces "Red" or "Black". If a person manages to guess the color of the card, then another participant goes the right to move. In this case, if the guesser is mistaken, he is punished with a penalty portion of a drink, but the move still goes to another participant in the game. The rules can be modified at will. For example, a person who guessed the color of the card himself appoints someone who walks after it.

"Daifugo": Card alcohol game

Card alcohol game "Daifugo" Originally from Japan. The essence of this entertainment is to get rid of cards before other people. The first person who is without them receives the title "Daifugo" (rich), last - DAI Hin Min (beggar). Cards always melt and distributes "DAI Hin Min". Functions and attitude from other players, this person resembles a slave. To determine which of the participants will get this title, people take turns pulling out cards. The one who fell out the smallest card and will become "DAI Hin Min".

How the game is going on - more:

  • A person located to the left of the distributor puts his card. The subsequent participating person must put a map of the same or higher dignity. If there are no suitable options, then this person passes the course and is punished with a penalty portion of the drink.
  • It is forbidden to lay a double on one card (two identical cards).
  • The oldest card will be a deuce. It is covered with an ace, after which the Dai Hin Min removes the cards from the middle of the table, and “Daifugo” lays a new one. In the first round, the title of “rich” is received by the person who is to the left of the “beggar”.
  • If 4 identical cards in a row fall in the game, then everyone begins to drink.

Titles and rights:

  • "Daifugo" - This is a person who was the first to get rid of his cards in the last round. He gets the opportunity to set a rule that will work before the appearance of a new “rich”, as well as order other players to drink.
  • "Fugo" - A player in second place. This participant in the game can force everyone who is lower than him by rank.
  • "Heimin" - Third place in the previous round.
  • "DAI Hin Min" - A participant who could not get rid of the cards. He is a common slave, which should be shuffled by the deck, fill the glasses, as well as remove the card from the table, when the deuce appears. The “beggar” is obliged to drink whenever the rest of the players order him.

At the end of the circle, the players change places. Only “Daifugo” remains in its place, and “Dai Hin Min” sits on the right side of the “rich”, “Heimin” is located on the left.

"Indian poker": alcohol game

At the very beginning of the alcoholic game "Indian poker"Those present are taken out of the deck on one card. A person who falls the smallest becomes a surrender.

He mixes the deck and distributes cards one at one, other participants. Then the players mold a card on their forehead. Each player sees the maps of the rest, but not his own, and makes a decision, play the current circle or pass. The person who has an older card among the games wins.

Who should drink? Here's an explanation:

  • A person remaining in the game, but having not the oldest card.
  • A man who quit a card, which eventually turned out to be older than the winner’s card. He will have to drink as much as his card costs.

A simple, but very interesting and cheerful game. Below a couple of similar options. Read further.

Game "Pyramid"

Game "Pyramid"

During the game "Pyramid" A card pyramid is laid out on the surface, shirts up. Further, people are distributed 4 cards - shirts up.

  • People get a few seconds to see which cards they got. Then the participants put the cards on the surface of the table with shirts up, in the desired order. Looking at the cards is no longer allowed.
  • Participants turn the first card in the lower line.
  • A person with a card with the same meaning has the right to put his card on the open. In this case, the rest of the participants drink. A person takes a new card from the deck instead of the laid out.
  • The participant has the right to say that he has the necessary card, but at the same time not to lay it out on the surface. In this case, the players who believe will have to drink.
  • If one of the people does not believe, then the bluffing will be obliged to put the card on the surface, or drink two penalties. If he lay out the card, then the player will have to drink who did not believe.

The game lasts until all the cards in the pyramid open. The end of the game.

An additional stage, which is optional:

  • Players get the opportunity to name and show in order all their cards. Anyone who is mistaken is drinking.

This game does not have any rules and instructions on the size of the pyramid created, as well as on the number of cards distributed between people. In a word, improvisation is possible. The main thing is fun.

Card alcohol game "I do not believe"

This is an alcohol version of the famous card game, the essence of which is to get rid of your cards before others. In an alcoholic game "I do not believe" You need to play like this:

  • The deck is completely in the distribution between the players.
  • The right of the first move is received by the participant who handed over the cards.
  • The player making a move, puts any number of his cards on the surface, shirts up and calls their dignity. For example, "six". Thus, he says that all the cards he laid out are “sixes”.

The next participant has several options for:

  • Put several cards on the table and also call them six.
  • Say "believe."
  • Say "I do not believe."

In the event that a person decided to add cards, the next participant goes the right to move.

  • If a person pronounced or do not believe and guessed, then all the maps lying on the surface are removed. The game continues.
  • In the event that a person does not guess, he removes all the cards from the surface and puts it near him and drinks a penalty glass.

The game lasts until all players, except for one, get rid of the cards. A person who has not managed to get rid of becomes a loser.

All over the world, card games are considered to be very serious entertainment, which can endow one person with a whole condition, and leave the other without a penny. And how many players did they cost their lives? But the card games that were listed in this article do not even claim to be seriousness. All of them are intended only for friendly companies that have gathered fun to spend their free time and use a certain amount of alcoholic beverages. This is in any case more fun than clinking, sitting at the table just like that. Good luck!

Video: Top 5 Alcoholic Games for the Company. Alco-Games

Video: Top 5 Games with Alcohol for Adult Company at the table


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