The nature of your favorite alcoholic drink is a decoding for men and women

The nature of your favorite alcoholic drink is a decoding for men and women

In our article you will find information on how to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink.

Each person is unique in their own way, but still we all have character traits that unite us. We may not notice this at all, but this is true. And all because many factors influence us - the number, month, year of birth, patronymic and surname. All this lays certain personal qualities in our character. It is for this reason that people born on the same day of the week or month will be identical to behave in various life situations. And all that we do in life helps our environment to put an opinion on how much we are. And even what alcohol we consume can suggest what personal qualities of us have awarded us. So, now we will learn the character of your beloved alcoholic drink in men and women.

How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption

How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption

How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption:

  • Champagne is preferred by people who give positive to their environment

Men and women who adore this drink are very friendly by nature. They belong to the category of people with which it is impossible to quarrel. They will always find the right words so that the conflict comes to naught. Very often, in the end, their enemies become faithful friends for them. Lovers of champagne open personalities, always ready for everything new. They are very easy to climb, so if they suddenly want to see the ocean, then they literally buy tickets the next day and go on a fascinating journey. And at the same time, they will not be afraid of the condemnation of their environment, which can consider them too wasteful. Such people live exclusively for the sake of positive emotions and do everything so that they do not disappear from their lives. In general, they are very fond of arranging holidays for any reason, the main thing is that in the end everyone who surrounds them is as happy as possible. When they see that they made happy those whom they love, they begin to strive to bring even more positively to this life. It is also worth noting their good disposition. People who love champagne are able to forgive, even if they understand that they were offended groundlessly. They believe that inner resentment is able to destroy a person, making his life problematic and complex. Therefore, they prefer to forgive the enemy and live with a calm soul, without looking back at troubles and quarrels. But it is also worth considering that such personalities are very fond of attention to their person. It is vital for them that they are constantly praised, protected, and small surprises are made to them. For them, this is a kind of return of duty after they spent their strength and time to create a holiday for other people. Therefore, relatives should not forget to regularly tell such personalities about love for them, or at least hug.

  • Vodka - an alcoholic drink of people with a solid and strong -willed character

Vodka is a strong drink, which not everyone likes, but all because they greatly fogs the mind. But lovers of this drink differ from other personalities in that their mind always helps them to leave the winners from difficult life situations. Why? They never give up when it becomes hard. If life set up a bandwagon to them, then they will try to quickly get up, and return life to the usual direction. You will not hear complaints and requests for help from them. People who prefer vodka are used to relying in life exclusively on their own strength. They believe that only in this case they will be able to control everything, and solve problems almost with lightning speed. They always clearly understand where they need to move on, so if they have a good chance to improve their lives, then they have no doubt whether they need to do this at the moment. Such personalities are trying to grab the slightest chance that will help them climb to the top of Olympus. And they succeed. Their assertiveness, determination, hardworking and strong -willed character helps to achieve high indicators in any endeavor. Perhaps the only minus of their character is excessive impulsiveness and emotionality. They do not know how to keep their mouths, if they don't like something. For this reason, if one of their entourage begins to behave not in the most appropriate way, they immediately say this to a person in the face. And at the same time, they are ready for the opponent’s negative reaction and try to bring the arguments of their innocence. They generally know how to properly conduct “serious conversations” if the situation requires this. For this reason, such personalities are often chosen as negotiators who can solve a difficult situation.

How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
  • Wine is loved by sophisticated personalities striving for harmony in all areas of life

Fans of wine may initially seem to you a few strange personalities who are too fixed on themselves. Yes, we can safely say that they love themselves more than anyone else. Therefore, they try to make their life as comfortable as possible. They love that in everyday life they are surrounded by things that facilitate everyday existence. Their house will always be the best household appliances that will help them spend a minimum of time on everyday work. And do not think that in this way they try to show their superiority to the environment. Everything is much simpler. They do not like all these household chores, but at the same time they like to live comfortably, therefore they strive to buy everything that will help them live the way they want. Fans of wine belong to the category of people who love constant development. They are ready to devote all their free time to self -education, the knowledge of everything new and unknown. Sometimes this area of \u200b\u200blife absorbs them so much that they do not come to contact with their relatives and friends for a long time. In such periods of life, it is important that someone can pull them out of this shell in time and force them to return to reality. If this is not done, it is likely that a person is very moving away from his friends. And for such personalities, this situation is unacceptable. They love harmony in everything. And it is important for them that people who understand and support them are present in their lives. Separately, I want to say about the personal life of personalities who love wine. They do not dare to build relationships with the opposite sex for a long time, since in every partner they find flaws. And only over time they understand that there are no ideal people, and marry. But even in marriage, they do not stop and try to improve their chosen one in such a way that his habits and character are as acceptable as possible. Therefore, connecting yourself to the bonds with such a person, you must be prepared for the fact that you have to adapt and change a bit.

  • Cognac - a drink of realists who know their price

People who prefer this noble drink are kind and open personalities by nature. They love communication with people, and try to always find surrounded by those who think the same as they are. They can also be safely called realists who see the world without pink glasses. They, unlike other personalities, will not embellish what is happening if they see that the situation is not the most favorable. It is easier for them to immediately perceive the situation correctly, and not try to isolate from it with some empty excuses. This is probably why there are practically no problems in their life. More precisely, they periodically appear, but such personalities immediately decide everything, and live calmly. They do not like to put off in a long box what needs to be done here and now. We can say that cognac lovers are ideal personalities who are not afraid to take responsibility for their actions. Since they are ordinary people, then, like everyone else, periodically make stupid mistakes. And if this happens, then they do not make excuses, and do not try to look better in the eyes of the one who was offended. It is easier for them to immediately recognize the misconduct, and try to solve the problem so as not to make an enemy. In personal life, they are also constant. They try not to exchange for temporary relations with the opposite sex, as a rule, they pay attention to the person if he is really pretty, and also shows sympathy for them. Ludy, who love cognac, check their soul mate in different life situations for a very long time, and only if they like her behavior, they decide on official marriage. Choosing a companion, or a companion, life, they always pay her a lot of attention, surround her care and love. They consider their soulmate almost a deity, and constantly tell about this to their close circle. But the most important love of their life are children. In them they invest the maximum amount of time and effort. They strive to make their descendants grow even more smartly comprehensively developed than they are.

How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
  • Beer is loved by men and women who are distinguished by hard work and high emotionality

Beer lovers are usually very working. They cannot sit without work for a long time, such a situation oppresses them very much, and they begin to feel worthless and unable to anything. Therefore, they strive for their life to be always filled with work. The most interesting thing is that they do not care who they work, the main thing is that their work is well paid. They easily learn new professions, and become indispensable professionals. For this reason, employers value such personalities, they try to do everything so that such a valuable worker does not leave them. But still, like all people on our planet, beer lovers have their own disadvantages. They are too quick -tempered and emotional. If they don’t like something, or something does not suit them, they can become rude and evil. Often, in a fit of emotions, they say words that injure their environment. Moreover, they do this exclusively in order to hurt and hurt. Although in fact they may not think about a person. But do not perceive them as evil and despotic personalities, in fact they are very kind and wasteful. It’s just that their emotionality sometimes does not allow them to adequately respond to what is happening. But when they calm down, they will surely apologize and try to make amends - you will be surrounded by attention and care. Beer lovers are very companionable people, so they easily find a common language with a variety of people. They attract attention to their openness, smiling, non -conflict. Even strangers are pleased to communicate with them, since there is always a certain ease near them. But despite this, there are not so many real friends in their life. And all because they are ready to communicate with many, and only some are allowed into their life and personal space. But they love and respect real friends, and are always happy to see them in their house.

  • Sweet liquors prefer men and women who most in life love comfort and comfort

If you meet a lover of a liquor, you know, you have a real homebody, for which home comfort and comfort is most important. For such personalities, there is nothing better than spending time in silence alone with you. Loneliness does not bother them, moreover, they love this state, it is it that gives them strength for further life. Such personalities are chosen occasionally, and only in order not to lose contacts with the right people. But at noisy parties, they feel not at ease, so they almost never remain on them until the very end. For this reason, they choose the work not the most standard. They make good freelancers who work from home. Native walls, silence and comfort help them work productively and receive high income that helps live comfortably. But do not think that lovers of the liquor are too closed. In their lives there is a circle of people with whom they are happy and communicate a lot. For such people, they love to periodically arrange holidays and parties, though in the walls of their home. And now about the minuses of this nature. The desire of such people for loneliness and silence prevents them from building relationships with the opposite sex. Since it is difficult for them to let new people into personal space, love in their life appears quite late. As a rule, they marry when their peers already have school children. As a second half, they choose a person with similar views on life - this is very important for them. If it happens that they connect themselves to the bonds with more socialized personalities, then such a union breaks up quickly enough. The reason for the rupture of the relationship is the traction of a partner for regular noisy parties and events at which liqueur lovers feel superfluous.

How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
How to find out the nature of your favorite alcoholic drink in men and women - decryption
  • Martini is a favorite drink of real dreamers who sometimes lose touch with reality

Martini lovers can be safely called big children. And all because they try to remain small and defenseless as long as possible. Having entered the period of maturity, they are in no hurry to leave their father’s house, they are quite comfortable living with their parents and not to take care of everything in life is fine. They love the care of parents and take it for granted, and sometimes even require that they pay more attention. Most parents are carried out for this manipulation and this leads to the fact that such personalities are in no hurry to start leading an adult life. Martini lovers prefer to receive everything as quickly as possible, and if this does not happen, they begin to behave inappropriately - they try to achieve the desired tantrums and tears, it is difficult for adults to communicate with them, since they categorically do not perceive refusals. People who love Martini more than other alcoholic beverages are very passive by nature. They do not like to act quickly and be obtained what they want. It is preferable for them to get what they want with the help of another person. For this reason, they often simply dream of wealth and glory, but at the same time they do not even perform the slightest actions to get it. And if a native person tries to indicate Martini to his mistakes, he will only receive a large amount of negativity in his address. But at the same time, the opponent will not try to understand him, and certainly will not begin to act. But with all this negative, Martini lovers have positive character traits - they are cheerful, charismatic and erudite. Provided that they really liked the person, they will do everything so that he has the best opinion about them. Sometimes such a alliance gives them real friends who are trying not to notice all the negative features of their character. They value such a person, and try to do everything so that he remains as far as possible as their ally and assistant.

  • Tequila - a drink of extravagant men and women

Fans of this strong alcoholic drink are characterized by a moody and unstable character. Sometimes their environment may seem that they themselves do not know what they do not really want at the moment most. And indeed it is. In one minute they will love, and hate, and such duality will enjoy not only their environment, but also themselves. Also, such personalities are very moody. They put a certain bar for themselves, which they strive for - they want their life to be fabulous and rich, so that people envy them. And when they do not receive all this, they begin to be capricious, and demand assistance in achieving their grandiose goals. The most interesting thing is that at the same time they do not strive to show the initiative themselves. All the time they need a magic foam that will force them to move on. Separately, I want to say about their extravagance. People who love tequila love to surprise people. They like attention to their person, regardless of whether it is negative or positive. They can easily wear a bright and colorful outfit, build a bizarre hairstyle, and go to visit in this form. In the same extravagant way, they can equip their apartment, it is such an environment that helps them feel completely happy. At the same time, the opinion of the environment is of little interest to them, and if one of his relatives or friends tries to point out excessive extravagance, he immediately receives a tough rebuff. Such personalities are very fond of adventure, a constant change of picture gives them lightness and satisfaction, so they always start something interesting and cheerful so that their life plays with rainbow colors.

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