Cocoa with marshmallows marshmallows at home: a delicious recipe with chocolate, cinnamon, whipped cream, Nutella. How to cook cocoa with cocoa with marshmallow: Best recipe

Cocoa with marshmallows marshmallows at home: a delicious recipe with chocolate, cinnamon, whipped cream, Nutella. How to cook cocoa with cocoa with marshmallow: Best recipe

The recipe for cocoa with marshmallow is simple. But it can be diversified so that the drink becomes more fragrant and tasty. Look for new recipes in this article.

Marshmallow is a sweet treat, reminiscent of pastille. This overseas dessert is often called marshmallows, but this is not entirely true. Chicken eggs and apple mashed potatoes, the main ingredients of marshmallows, are not included in the marshmallow. Passing in the mouth is obtained from a gelatin whipped with corn syrup.

This delicious treat is used in different cooking recipes. For example, cocoa with marshmallo It turns out very tender, delicious, fragrant and pleasant to taste. Below you will find several recipes for this hearty drink, which can be prepared for a holiday or a simple cold winter evening. Read further.

Cocoa with marshmallow: description of the drink, calorie content

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

Marshmallow can be sent in the mouth directly from the package, as this is already a finished product. But there are other options for its use. In the USA, marshmallows marshmallows are lowered to cocoa. Without them, the drink is considered inferior. Puffy lumps melt in a burning liquid, turning into a cream cloud - it looks very appetizing. Combining Marshmallow with cocoa is an American tradition. Tiny loafers adorn the dessert and look very nice.

The cocoa cup, dripping at breakfast, charges with vigor for the whole day. The aroma of this drink in an instant fills the space and inspires people with a premonition of joy and pleasure. The drink is regularly included in the menu of children's institutions, thanks to its useful qualities. It is a valuable product for the body. Here is the description and characteristic of the drink:

  • Restores strength after hard work.
  • It provides material for the production of endorphin - mediator of joy and good mood.
  • Contains epicatechin - a substance that prevents the development of many dangerous ailments.
  • Procianidine component takes care of preserving the youth of the skin.

Cocoa with Marshmallow has the same value as described above. Glucose, which is contained in marshmallows is nutrition for brain cells. Such a favorite treat of adults and children not only pleases with an excellent taste, but also heals the body.

Interesting: The traditional dish is easy to turn into dessert, adding several marshmallow balls to a cup with hot liquid. A familiar treat will sparkle with new colors, and will cause a desire to try another portion.

It is worth remembering the high calorie content of the product:

  • In glass cocoa with marshmallow 200 ml Contained 355 kcal.

This is quite a lot for those who monitor their diet and seriously treated food. In particular, such a drink is contraindicated to those people who want to lose weight. However, sometimes you can still pamper yourself with such a fragrant cocoa. Especially, children will like it. Therefore, prepare and please your household and guests with this unique taste. Look for recipes below, read on.

How to cook cocoa with marshmallows marshmallows: the easiest and most delicious recipe at home

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

The recipe for a drink that can be submitted to the marshmallows marshmallows is not particularly difficult. The ingredients will probably be found in any kitchen. And although it takes only a few minutes to make dessert - the result is impressive with a rich taste. How to cook cocoa with a marshmallow marshmallow? Here is the easiest and most delicious recipe for cooking at home:

  • Pour dry cocoa powder into a pan - based 1 teaspoon on a portion.
  • Assume to him 2 teaspoons sugar (per person) and stir dry ingredients.
  • Pour a small amount of boiling water or heated milk into the prepared mixture and turn into a homogeneous mass, stirring vigorously until lumps disappear.
  • Add hot milk ( 200 g per serving) and bring to a boil, without ceasing to stir.
  • Pour into glasses.

Before serving the drink, decorate with marshmallows - you will need at least 20 grams On a cup. They are scattered over the surface and sprinkled with chopped chocolate - this will enrich the taste of the drink with a bright aroma.

A cup of delicious hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallow - how to make: the best recipe at home, photo

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

This exquisite dessert will delight the sweet tooth. True, for its preparation, it will be necessary to make some efforts to make a cup of delicious hot cocoa with whipped cream and marshmallow look appetizing. How to make this drink? Here is a recipe at home:

  • Cool the glass tank for whipping well.
  • Pour thick cream into it - 1 cupand whisk with a mixer until a stable foam appears.
  • Add sugar powder - 3 tbsp. tablespoonsAnd mix.

Now make cocoa immediately, otherwise the mass will grow up and become tasteless:

  • Separately weld cocoa: 3 teaspoons Pour dry powder with hot milk - 600 mlAdd sugar - 60 grams And bring to a boil.
  • Pour the finished liquid into four cups, filling them on 3/4 volume.
  • Fill the free space that remains on top with cream whipped with sugar, and decorate all with cubes of marshmallow.

Serve until the cocoa has cooled down. Here is a photo of such a tasty and beautiful drink:

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

How to cook New Year's cocoa with a marshmallow at home: recipe, photo for New Year, Christmas

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

Cocoa is as if created in order to become an ideal Christmas dish. Its rich chocolate aroma reminds of childhood and magic. This drink unites friends, because it is drunk at the Christmas tree under flashing lights. And around a smile, happy faces are real winter romance. To prepare two servings of the New Year's cocoa with marshmallow, you will need:

  • 400 ml of milk
  • 2 teaspoons of cocoa powder
  • 20 g of marshmallows loafers
  • 2 chocolate cubes


  • Heat the oven to 230 degrees.
  • While it heats up, prepare the drink: put the pot of milk on the fire, paste cocoa with a small amount of hot milk and pour into the pan, add the chocolate, boil everything together.
  • Pour the finished drink into ceramic cups, decorate with marshmallows on top.
  • Remove the cups in the oven and keep them there until Marshmallow is covered with ruddy crust.

Here is a photo of a drink that can be served for the New Year or Christmas.

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

If you have a special fire fluent, then marshmallows can be burned with this device when they are already laid on a cup of cocoa.

How to cook delicious cocoa with cinnamon and marshmallows: recipe

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

In the cold season, such a drink will come in handy. It tastes sweet, but in moderation, not to cloying. The cinnamon shakes the cocoa with a delightful nutty flavor. Let the window rage outside the window, a hot drink will warm and cheerful. A layer from Marshmallow forms a delicate foam on the surface, which is ideal for this dessert. Here is a recipe how to cook delicious cocoa with cinnamon and marshmallows:

For one portion:

  • 1 teaspoon Mix dry cocoa with sugar - 2 teaspoons.
  • Pour a small amount of boiling water, stir until a homogeneous state.
  • Heat in a separate circle 200 ml of milk.
  • Pour chocolate suspension into hot milk, boil.
  • Beat a hot drink with a whisk right in the mug, pour into a cup designed for serving.
  • Sprinkle with cinnamon on top - 1/3 teaspoon and decorate with pastilles - 10 grams.

If you have a whole strip of cinnamon, then you can simply put it in a drink. It will give an interesting aroma and add appetizers.

How to make delicious cocoa with marshmallo and chocolate: recipe

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

This dessert contains black chocolate, so in consistency it is thick and viscous. You need to carefully add sugar to the drink, as the chocolate gives the cocktail additional sweetness. At the same time, melting marshmallows increase the concentration of sugar even more. How to make a delicious cocoa with marshmallow and chocolate? Here is the prescription:

For 2 portions:

  • 100 g Melt chocolate in the microwave oven or in a water bath.
  • 2 glasses Heat milk well and pour to chocolate.
  • Add 4 teaspoons cocoa powder and 2 teaspoons Sach. Sand.
  • Heat the drink, stirring intensively until lumps disappear.
  • Pour into a portioned dish and serve immediately.
  • Add a handful of marshmallow to each cup.

For beauty, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate on top. If you do not like the taste of dark chocolate treats, then use milk. In this case, sugar is definitely not needed.

Tasty cocoa with Nutella and Marshmallow: Recipe

At the heart of this paste drink NutellaThis means that the finished dish will acquire an intense nutty taste. This recipe is very simple. After 10 minutes, you can savor the viscous warm chocolate and taste molten marshmalllow. Here is a recipe for delicious cocoa with tutella and marshmallows:

  • 2 tbsp. milk Heat almost to a boil in a bowl with a thick bottom.
  • Add one tablespoon of sugar and dry cocoa to hot milk, mix until lumps dissolve.
  • Heat to a boil, add 1 tbsp. spoon NutellaStir and heat again.
  • The drink is ready. Pour it into two cups and sprinkle it with pastilles.

Such cocoa is very high -calorie, since the Nutella has 530 kcal. But you can not add a paste, and instead use a couple of drops of a food scenter with a flash -taste of a hazelnut.

Tasty cocoa "Cocoa with marshmallow": Recipe

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

Surprisingly delicate, juicy and aromatic cake can be prepared from simple ingredients. An ordinary chocolate biscuit based on cocoa - a dish for every day. However, the same cake, crowned by the air cloud of Marshmelow and poured out by the most tender chocolate ganash, turns into an exquisite dessert worthy of becoming an adornment of any holiday.

Cooking order:

  • 2 eggs Beat with 1 tbsp. SaharaAdd 100 g of sour cream and 60 g of kefir.
  • Dissolve in a separate bowl 80 g of oil With the same amount of chocolate, pour boiling water - 60 mlMix.
  • Pour chocolate mass into a container with eggs and sour cream, beat.
  • In portions, introduce flour, soda, continuing to whisk until the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Put the dough for the biscuit in the form diameter 22 cm And send a bake.
  • The oven should be heated in advance to the middle heat. Baking time is 25 minutes.
  • The cake is ready when a hard crust appears on its surface, and raw dough will disappear inside.
  • At the same time, it is important not to overexpose the biscuit in the oven so that it does not become too dry. Therefore, already through 20 minutes It is worth piercing the middle of the cake with a toothpick and if it turns out to be dry, the base for the cake is ready.

Next, the cake should be transferred to the dish, and turn off the oven. The next step:

  • Cover the top of the biscuit with a layer of marshmallow and put the dish in the cooling oven.
  • Through 5 minutes The loafers will melt and acquire the desired consistency.
  • The final stroke remains - to remove the cake and pour it with chocolate icing.

For its preparation:

  • 100 g of cream heat to a boil.
  • Add 40 g of chocolate, stir.
  • Pour the cake with a warm sauce.

You can store the dessert in the refrigerator, but before serving it must be held in warmth to return the original softness.

How to drink cocoa with marshmallo?

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

Cocoa with Marshmallow is not yet the most popular dessert, so many housewives do not know how to serve a drink so as not to violate the requirements of etiquette, and how to drink it correctly. Here are a few nuances:

  • Cocoa is poured into ordinary tea cups, which, according to tradition, are placed on saucers.
  • A spoon is placed on the right side of the device.
  • While the drink is hot, it is drank from a spoon in small portions, and when the temperature drops enough, they drink over the edge, like ordinary tea.

Cocoa with whipped cream:

  • Pour into a high glass with a thick bottom, which is placed on a plate.
  • An additional decoration is a napkin that is placed under a glass.
  • A teaspoon and straw are supposed to be treated.
  • Until the chilled cream did not melt in the liquid, they are eaten with a spoon, gradually stirring the drink.
  • When the foam hat settles, the spoon is laid aside and take the straw.
  • The drink remaining in a glass is sipped through a tube like any cocktail.

You can serve any cookies, a strip of cinnamon, a piece of cake, cake or other biscuit dessert.

Where to buy marshmallow for cocoa?

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

Although marshmallows marshmallows are not yet a popular treat, buying them for cocoa is quite simple. Today, chewing pads are in the assortment of many large stores. If you set the goal, you can even find a classic product made using traditional American technology. Numerous Internet markets offer a large selection of sweet pastilles.

TU for cocoa Nesvik with marshmallo: how to cook on a technological map?

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

There are technological cards for the preparation of cocoa with marshmallo. They are usually used by catering enterprises: coffee houses, cafes, restaurants and others. Here is the recipe:

Cocoa with marshmallow: recipe
Cocoa with marshmallow: recipe

Technological process:

Cocoa with marshmallow: Technological process
Cocoa with marshmallow: Technological process

Instead of cocoa and sugar, in such a drink you can use Nesvik. You will get a drink with a vanilla aroma and a more saturated taste. One portion used 1 bag of dry Nesvika. Such a recipe is often used by children's cafes, if there is no dry cocoa powder. There is information about TO, quality and other on a pack of Nesvik, which is very important for a catering company.

Cocoa with marshmallo: reviews about recipes and cocoa-drunk

Cocoa with marshmallo
Cocoa with marshmallo

If you have never prepared such a drink, but you really want to surprise your loved ones with an unusually aromatic drink, read the reviews of other housewives about recipes and drink.

Elena, 25 years old

For the first time I met this delicacy while walking in the park. I went to the cafe to eat and saw a cocoa with Marshmello on the counter. I bought and taste. Large puffs swam on the surface, similar to marshmallows. I liked the idea to add these sweets to cocoa. Now I always keep a bag of marshmallow at hand. I often cook cocoa at home and add sweet pads to it instead of sugar. With them it turns out more fun and tastier. You can find Marshmallow and another application - add to coffee. The product is consumed economically: one package is enough for a long time. Funny sweets improve mood, remind of children's years. You can use them with hot drinks, coffee or cocoa, which you like better.

Anna, 27 years old

I was addicted to Marshmallo this year. I don’t use cocoa and coffee anymore without them. These light and airy sweets are like marshmallows, stretch slightly, but do not stick to their teeth. You can find them in almost every store. In cocoa, Marshmallow gradually dissolves and turn into a spectacular foam. I love when there is a foam on the surface of a hot drink, so Marshmallo is exactly what you need. There is no pronounced taste and excess sweetness in these sweets. They shade the taste of cocoa, but do not drown it out with their aroma. In general, marshmallow can be added to any dessert, not necessarily hot. I recommend to everyone.

Ekaterina, 35 years old

I decided to save money and, on the advice of friends, acquired Marshmello to make a mastic for a cake from them with my own hands. I am not a lover of sweets, but these sweets belong to the category of monotonous sweets. Yes, this was a treat for many people in favor, but I do not feel emotion at the sight of such a treat. Marshmallow leave the sugar desert in their mouth. There are no sweets in its pure form. But I like to watch these sweets transform into cocoa. There they absorb moisture, grow and form a porous cloud crawling out of the cup. Real air pleasure for sweet tooths. I myself can’t use more than three balls at a time, but I recommend this dessert to those who know a lot about sweets.

Video: mint cocoa with marshmallo

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