The tasty cake “Three Chocolate” at home is classic, Mirel, from Andy Chef, from the grandmother of Emma, \u200b\u200bfrom Alex and Milan, with icing and without glaze, mousse: step recipes, photos, video, calorie content, reviews. How to decorate the Three Chocolate cake: tips

The tasty cake “Three Chocolate” at home is classic, Mirel, from Andy Chef, from the grandmother of Emma, \u200b\u200bfrom Alex and Milan, with icing and without glaze, mousse: step recipes, photos, video, calorie content, reviews. How to decorate the Three Chocolate cake: tips

If you think that it is difficult to cook the Three Chocolate cake, then you are mistaken. Look for recipes in the article, they will help make a real culinary masterpiece.

If you have a family holiday-the birthday of a husband or children, the anniversary of the wedding or some other, surprise your guests, and prepare a delicious three chocolate cake.

  • This dessert turns out to be delicate and juicy, so you will not have to wait until the cake is saturated. Immediately after cooking, it can be served to the table.
  • In this article you will find many different recipes for this delicacy, from famous people and confectioners.
  • This cake is simple and even a novice mistress can make it.

Delicious Three Chocolate Cake at home classic without glaze: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Three chocolate cake
Three chocolate cake

The basis of this cake is the chocolate biscuit. The upper layers are made with the addition of gelatin, so you can decorate the cake immediately after the cakes are hardened. Here is the recipe for the classic cake "Three Chocolate":

Products for the preparation of the Three Chocolate Cake
Products for the preparation of the Three Chocolate Cake

First prepare the biscuit:

  1. Put cocoa, baking powder, vanilla, sugar in sifted flour. Mix everything.
  2. Put one egg (yolk and protein) in a bowl for a mixer, pour milk and cold coffee. Then send sour cream and sugar to the same bowl. Now whisk with a mixer until smooth, so that the mixture turns out without lumps.
  3. Pour the prepared flour mixture, mix with a mixer at low speed and add vegetable oil - mix again.
  4. Now in the form (it is advisable to use the detachable shape, so that it is easier to get the biscuit later) bed parchment and pour the dough. Comers its surface with a spoon and set to bake in a warm-up oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  5. When the biscuit will be ready (check with a wooden toothpick - if after piercing the dough it is unsweetened, then the biscuit is ready), take it out of the oven, but do not pull out the biscuit, let it cool in shape. On top of it we will pour mousse.

Prepare the dark mousse:

Preparation of dark mousse
Preparation of dark mousse
  1. Pour gelatin with hot water so that it is swollen.
  2. Break the chocolate into pieces, put butter to it. Put these ingredients in a water bath. Remove from heat when the chocolate melts, do not hold longer so that the mixture does not overheat.
  3. Beat the cream with icing sugar to foam.
  4. Then enter the heated chocolate mass to the sweet cream, mix.
  5. Heat the gelatin over low heat and also pour it to the rest of the ingredients.
  6. Beat all the components together.
  7. Pour the mousse mass into the form with the biscuit.
  8. Put the shape in the refrigerator to cool.

At this time, prepare milk mousse:

Preparation of milk mousse
Preparation of milk mousse
  1. Swap gelatin again with hot water and let it swell.
  2. Combine the chocolate with butter and put in a water bath. Keep until the chocolate melts.
  3. Beat the cream with powdered sugar, add a chocolate mass and swollen gelatin (do not forget to warm it again). Beat well with a mixer.
  4. Remove the form with a biscuit with a dark mousse from the refrigerator and pour the next layer of milk chocolate into it. Take it in the refrigerator again.

Now the turn has come to make the white mousse:

Preparation of white mousse
Preparation of white mousse
  1. Mix white chocolate with butter and place in a water bath. This type of chocolate is melted for a long time, so stir and make sure that the mixture simply becomes liquid.
  2. Pour gelatin with water for 20 minutes, then heat.
  3. Beat the cream with powdered sugar.
  4. Now mix chocolate, cream and gelatin mixtures. Beat with a mixer.
  5. Put the white mousse over the rest of the layers in shape and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

When it passes for 2-3 hours, take out the shape with a cake from the refrigerator, remove the shape and parchment. Put the cake on the dish, decorate it as you wish: grated or scorched chocolate, cocoa or whipped cream.

Video: Mussian cake "Three Chocolate"

Tasty Two Chocolate Cake Mirel at home: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Three Chocolate Cake
Three Chocolate Cake

Three Chocolate Cake Miroel can often be found on sale in confectionery cafes or restaurants around the world.

  • This is a very tasty cake that is popular.
  • Such a cake differs from the usual classic dessert “Three Chocolate” in that the cake is watered with a cream cream on top.
  • Often the cake of the world is made only from the biscuit base, milk-chocolate, white mousse and cream cream, that is, dark mousse is passed.
  • We will make such a dessert today. We will make the cream very tasty, called the "seal". Confectioners are often used for impregnation and decoration of cakes.

Here is a dessert recipe:

Products for the Three Chocolate Cake
Products for the Three Chocolate Cake

First prepare the biscuit:

  1. Put cocoa, baking powder, vanilla, sugar in sifted flour. Mix everything.
  2. Put one egg (yolk and protein) in a bowl for a mixer, pour milk and cold coffee. Then send sour cream and sugar to the same bowl. Now whisk with a mixer until smooth, so that the mixture turns out without lumps.
  3. Pour the prepared flour mixture, mix with a mixer at low speed and add vegetable oil - mix again.
  4. Now in the form (it is advisable to use the detachable shape, so that it is easier to get the biscuit later) bed parchment and pour the dough. Comers its surface with a spoon and set to bake in a warm-up oven at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
  5. When the biscuit will be ready (check with a wooden toothpick - if after piercing the dough it is unsweetened, then the biscuit is ready), take it out of the oven, but do not pull out the biscuit, let it cool in shape. On top of it we will pour mousse.

Now make milk-chocolate mousse:

  1. Swap gelatin again with hot water and let it swell.
  2. Combine the chocolate with butter and put in a water bath. Keep until the chocolate melts.
  3. Beat the cream with powdered sugar, add a chocolate mass and swollen gelatin (do not forget to warm it again). Beat well with a mixer.
  4. Pour a mousse layer of milk chocolate into a biscuit shape with a biscuit. Take into the refrigerator.

White mousse prepare like this:

  1. Mix white chocolate with butter and place in a water bath. This type of chocolate is melted for a long time, so stir and make sure that the mixture simply becomes liquid.
  2. Pour gelatin with water for 20 minutes, then heat.
  3. Beat the cream with powdered sugar.
  4. Now mix chocolate, cream and gelatin mixtures. Beat with a mixer.
  5. Put the white mousse over the rest of the layers in shape and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

At this time, prepare the filling cream on the cream:

Cream Pimbir
Cream Pimbir
  1. Pour milk into a bowl, put flour, starch and granulated.
  2. Put on a small fire and at the same time cook and beat until the mass becomes thick. Remove from heat so that the mixture does not make it possible. This mass should cool.
  3. Beat cream and oil in a separate bowl.
  4. Now combine the cooled custard and whipped cream with butter together. Beat at low speed.

Remove the form with the biscuit and layers of the mousse from the refrigerator (at least 2 hours should pass so that all the layers are frozen), and pour the cake with a cooled filling cream. Decorate the dessert as you wish and serve.

Video: Three Chocolate Cake. Delicate mousse chocolate cake. Detailed video recipe.

Delicious Three Chocolate Cake with glazing from Andy Chef at home: step -by -step recipe, photo

Three chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
Three chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef

Andy chef “This is a French chef, culinary culinary.” He loves to cook and always comes up with his recipes, which then are very popular.

  • In each recipe, the chef wants to bring something of his own in order to make the dish more tender and pleasant to taste. The same thing happened with the three chocolate cake recipe.
  • Try to make this dessert on Andy's boss recipe, and you will be surprised at the excellent taste of the cake.
  • To make a cake, as in the picture above, you will need a special shape and dexterity.
  • If you do not have this form, then you can use the usual round, the taste of the cake will not change from this.

Here is the prescription:

Products for the preparation of the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
Products for the preparation of the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef

 Do the biscuit like this:

Biscuit for the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
Biscuit for the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
  1. First beat the protein with powdered sugar in a persistent foam.
  2. Then beat the yolks, eggs and the rest of the powder, again to the persistent foam.
  3. In the egg-yellow mass, add a cocoa powder and flour. Stir with a spatula.
  4. Then send whipped proteins to the rest of the ingredients. Mix again gently.
  5. When all the components are mixed in a homogeneous mixture, prepare the shape - bed on the bottom of the parchment.
  6. Pour the dough (it should fill the form by 7-8 cm-no more). Bake it at a temperature of 160 degrees for 12-17 minutes. When the cake is ready, take it out of the oven, but do not get it out of the form. Cover with cling film so that moisture does not evaporate during cooling.

Then prepare the white cream:

Products for the preparation of the white cream for the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
Products for the preparation of the white cream for the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
  • Soak the gelatin leaf in ice water.
  • Combine the yolks, sugar - mix with a whisk.
  • Heat the milk until the first pair appears. Then pour a sweet yellow mixture into it, and cook until thickened. Be sure to stir so that there are no lumps.
  • Remove the finished cream from the heat and add gelatin. Mix well and set aside the cream to cool.

Now you can collect the cake. To do this, prepare three types of mousse from three types of chocolate - white, milk and dark:

Products for the preparation of mousse for the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
Products for the preparation of mousse for the Three Chocolate cake with glaze from Andy Chef
  • Beat the cream to a density.
  • Get their refrigerator in advance cottage cheese so that it becomes warm. Then put it to the cream, and beat the mass to airiness.
  • Melt the dark chocolate, add the cream (200 grams) and mousse (300 grams). Mix all the ingredients.
  • Now, pour this mass that you have and put in the refrigerator for solidification in the form to the biscuit.
  • Melt milk chocolate and combine with a portion of Angles cream (110 grams). Mix the spatula until smooth.
  • Add mousse (200 grams), mix again.
  • Pour the resulting mass onto the dark layer and take it into the refrigerator.
  • Now connect the white chocolate with the Anglez cream prepared in advance (100 grams). Heat so that the mass becomes homogeneous.
  • Add mousse (200 grams) and mix again.
  • Pour this mass to the rest of the layers and take it into the refrigerator.

At this time, prepare the glaze:

Chocolate glaze
Chocolate glaze
  1. Soak the gelatin leaf in ice water.
  2. Pour cream into a bowl, put sugar and cocoa. Put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes, stirring. The glaze should boil slightly, but in no case to burn!
  3. Then remove the bowl of glaze from the stove and add gelatin. Dissolve it and strain the mass through a sieve to remove lumps that may appear when cooking.
  4. Remove the cake from the refrigerator and pour chilled glaze.

Decorate the cake with waffle tubes and any chocolate products. You can serve the cake to the table.

Delicious Three Chocolate Cake from Emma's grandmother at home: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Delicious Three Chocolate Cake from Emma's grandmother
Delicious Three Chocolate Cake from Emma's grandmother

Many housewives of our country prepare magnificent dishes according to the recipe for the grandmother of Emma. She even releases culinary books on which it is a pleasure to prepare. This cute woman with “golden hands” will make any dish in her own amazing and unique. Here is a step -by -step recipe with a photo and video on the preparation of the Three Chocolate cake:

Products for the preparation of the Three Chocolate cake from the grandmother of Emma
Products for the preparation of the Three Chocolate cake from the grandmother of Emma

This cake in Emma’s grandmother from recipes invented by other confectioners differs only in the composition of the ingredients. The cooking process itself is the same for everyone:

  1. First prepare the biscuit. Beat all the ingredients to airiness and send to bake in the oven. When the cake is ready, take it out of the oven and put it on the table for cooling. Do not get out of the form.
  2. Now prepare mousse from dark chocolate: Soak gelatin in hot water for 20 minutes, beat all the other ingredients and then pour the swollen gelatin. Beat everything with a mixer to airiness. Pour mousse into the shape of the biscuit and take it into the refrigerator for solidification.
  3. Mousse from milk chocolate: Soak gelatin, beat all the ingredients and add swollen gelatin. Beat the mass with a mixer and pour into a form on a layer of dark mousse. Remove the shape into the refrigerator again.
  4. Mousse from white chocolate: Do the same as when preparing the previous layers. Remove the form with the cake in the refrigerator.

After 2 hours, remove the shape from the refrigerator and from the mold. Put the confectionery on the dish and decorate to your liking. Read more the cooking process, see the video below.

Video: Three Chocolate Cake - Emma's grandmother recipe

Delicious Mousse Cake "Three Chocolate" from Alex and Milan at home: step -by -step recipe, photo, video

Delicious Mousse Cake
Delicious Mousse Cake "Three Chocolate" from Alex and Milana

Alex and Milan are an ordinary girl with a guy who love to cook and shoot this process in the video. Thanks to their video recipes, you can learn to cook deliciously. Explanations on the recipe are simple and affordable. Try to prepare the Three Chocolate cake, like Milana. Here is the prescription:

Products for the preparation of musser cake
Products for the preparation of musser cake "Three Chocolate" from Alex and Milan

Cook the cake like this:

  1. First prepare the biscuit. Beat all the ingredients with a mixer, add flour to get a liquid dough and put it in a shake at a temperature of 180 degrees for 15 minutes. Remove the cake from the oven and leave to cool on the table.
  2. Then prepare 3 different mousses from milk, dark and white chocolate. Divide all products into 3 parts, beat and add chocolate. Beat again and pour all the layers alternately, as prepared. After each layer, put in the refrigerator.
  3. When all the layers are frozenRemove the cake from the mold and decorate it to your liking.

As mentioned above, the process of preparing a mousse cake is the same according to any of the recipes. Only ingredients can differ. You can add something of your own by making the recipe unique. Watch in detail in the video how Alex and Milan prepare the Three Chocolate cake.

Video: Mussian cake "Three Chocolate" Tili-Tele-Test

Three chocolate cake: calorie content

Any dessert with sugar content is very high -calorie. The calorie content of the Three Chocolate cake is 365 kcal. This product contains a lot of fats with increased calorie content. Therefore, people who monitor the figure, from the use of such a cake, is better to refrain.

How to decorate the Three Chocolate cake: tips

The whole charm of preparing the Three Chocolate cake is that it does not require too complicated decoration. You can simply grate the chocolate tile and make a scattering over the cake. It will turn out simply, but original.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

Another simple, but very beautiful decoration is berries over chocolate glaze.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

Berries and icing again. Put a couple of cookies and sprinkle with coconut. Such a dessert will perfectly decorate not only the birthday, but also the New Year's table.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

On this cake, a scattering of chocolate chips and flowers from different types of chocolate. These flowers can be bought in a confectionery store.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

If you have a minimum culinary experience, then you can make casting from chocolate. Such a decoration will look original on any cake.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

If your kitchen arsenal has a confectionery syringe, then you can make such a decoration of cream. You can cook the filling cream as described above and add cocoa to it. It will turn out a very tasty and interesting decoration.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

Cream "Pimbir" can be coated with the entire cake and put chocolate sweets on top - the original decoration is ready!

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

Nuts, chocolate shavings and frozen confectionery glaze - all this is an interesting decoration for the cake of three chocolate.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

The form in the form of a heart and you do not need to come up with a decoration. Write the first letter of the name of the culprit of the celebration, decorate it with sprinkling it - such a cake presented as a gift will touched to the core.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

Make the leaves from melted chocolate and decorate the cake with them - original and interesting.

Jewelry for the Cake
Jewelry for the Cake "Three Chocolate"

Now you can make a delicious and beautiful three chocolate cake. Prepare a surprise for your loved ones or friends, there will be no limit to their delight. Such a beautiful and delicious dessert will appeal to everyone without exception.

Three chocolate cake: reviews

Three chocolate cake
Three chocolate cake

This dessert is considered difficult to cook. But even novice housewives prepare it with ease. The main thing is to follow the recipe, carefully watch the video and do everything on a video recept. Here are the reviews of professional and ordinary people who have ever prepared this cake:

Arseny, 35 years old

I am a professional confectioner. Three chocolate cake I like to cook, and its recipe is simple compared to the recipes of some other cakes. It is important to use good and proven gelatin so that the mousse quickly grasps. If the mousse is not dense enough, then the cake can fall apart when serving or cut into pieces, and this is unpleasant. Otherwise, no incidents should arise.

Anna, 23 years old

I like to bake cakes since childhood. But she always made simple desserts, and only now she decided to prepare the “three chocolate” cake. In the process of preparation, I realized that the shape should be detachable, since it could be difficult to get the finished cake from a whole form, and once it even broke into 2 parts. Fortunately, I prepared dessert for my relatives and took it all normal. But the taste of the cake really liked, so now I often cook it.

Sofya, 30 years old

I make cakes to order. But for some reason, it is precisely such a cake that is not popular for me, more biscuit orders. I think that I just can't do it. You need to practice, watch the video. My friend is also a confectioner, lives in another city. She bakes such a cake with success. He leaves her "with a bang." There are even their customers who order only this dessert. I want to go to visit her to gain experience, because the cake is very tasty and is preparing quickly.

Video: Three Chocolate Cake from Emma's grandmother


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