How to get rid of expanded pores on your face? Masks and means for narrowing pores

How to get rid of expanded pores on your face? Masks and means for narrowing pores

How to care for skin with advanced pores? Tips and recommendations.

We all know very well the proverb that they are "meeting on clothes." In addition, it has long been known that the most important impression of a person makes another in the first four minutes of acquaintance.

That is why it is important to always look beautiful and well -groomed. Beauty is first of all well -groomed hands, healthy complexion, neatness and of course clean skin. But what if there are problems with the skin?

The reasons for the appearance of expanded pores

Expanded pores appear mainly in the zone nose, sinuses, chin and forehead. Most often, this indicates that the skin is fat or combined. There are a lot of reasons for extended pores, the main of which are:

  1. Genetic predisposition
  2. Hormonal disbalance
  3. Use of poor quality decorative cosmetics
  4. Wrong skin care
  5. Irregular cleansing of the skin

How to care for skin with advanced pores

  • Attention should be paid to what reasons they relate and comprehensively fight them. Use only proven cosmetics For the skin, remember that the skin is that you cannot re-"grow". It is necessary to protect it and care for gentle means. Any are contraindicated stress and experiences. Our skin reacts very violently to them

Remember that if your pores are expanded, you regularly need to clean it. It is not necessary to buy a lotion in the store. You can make a solution from funds purchased in a pharmacy.

For example, the lotion can consist of ordinary distilled water and a pair of drops of calendula. Calendula has an antimicrobial, calming effect on the skin, which will not only reduce the presence of black dots, but also relieve redness if they are available

  • You can also make washing from chamomile decoction. It is advisable to brew a “home” chamomile purchased from grandmothers, collected somewhere in the meadow. Then the herbs have a stronger effect
  • In addition, ice cubes applied to problem areas help well. Freeze green tea in cubes and drive a cube in the problem area. Just do not keep the ice at the sinuses for a long time so as not to get sinusitis. Such cubes will narrow the pores, which means they will deprive black dots Opportunities will reappear on your face

Sensitive skin with advanced pores

  • FROM sensitive skin You have to be extremely neat. First of all, do not use the funds that can be allergy, for example honeycheap cosmetics and lotions
  • In no case do not use expired cosmetics. Always check the expiration date. This applies not only to sensitive code, but also to any other. Choose a remedy for you
  • You can wash sensitive skin with thermal water. Then you can protect the skin from various contaminants and dryness
  • An excellent tool is sea salt dissolved in water, which also narrows the expanded pores and cleanses the skin. This method is suitable for oily skinwith advanced pores
  • Extended pores on the cheeks, nose, under the eyes must be treated daily with the above masks (one of your choice). Then the skin will become more elastic, wide pores will close and it will be easier for you to control the condition of the skin

Bold skin with advanced pores. Expanded pores after acne

The hardest things are with advanced pores after acne On oily skin. Usually they are cavities in which pus previously accumulated, and which still has not narrowed, so that microbes constantly multiply in it, which negatively affects healing.

In some cases, there are big scarswho do not pass for a very long time. Each pimple must be lubricated with a cotton swab moistened with acetylsalicylic or boric acid. This will disinfect the cavity, contribute to the regeneration of the skin in the area.

How to deal with advanced pores at home

Skin care procedures can and should be done at home. Therefore, if your skin is not launched, it is very possible to deal with advanced pores at home, observing the rules indicated above.

Extended pore cleaning at home

The video below presents skin care and pore cleaning at home with available means.

Video: Expanded pores on the face. Beauty secrets

In addition to struggle at home, you can always consult a doctor about the extended skin of the skin. A qualified specialist will tell you what means can be bought in stores or pharmacies to overcome this feature of the skin. These funds may relate to:

    1. Skin masks with advanced pores, most often contain extracts and essential oils of all the same herbs
    2. Ointment from advanced pores. Usually applied locally and has a stronger effect on the skin
    3. Cream from advanced pores, which is positioned as a cream for young skin
    4. Powder from advanced pores, which will hide skin disadvantages
      5. Clay from extended pores, which can be used once a week, with "global cleaning" of the skin.

Do not forget that everything about the skin should be done anxiously and carefully. If we are talking about the nose, chin, here you have to be extremely careful. In no case should you press the "black dots" with your hands. You can bring an infection and get blood infection.

You need to select a skin cleaning specialist very carefully. If you decide to professional cleaning the expanded pores.

Professional cleaning of extended pores: tips and reviews

The main advice on choosing professional cleaning is:

  1. Checking all licenses and certificates at the cabin that performs such procedures
  2. Mandatory presence of medical education in a person who is cleaning the skin
  3. The presence of only positive reviews about skin cleaning precisely in this salon and this specialist

Only in this case it is worth contacting a specialist. In everyone else, it is better to do with home recipes for narrowing pores, up to the use of a pair of drops of lemon in warm water as a lotion for the face and neck from extended pores.

To date, there are many recipes from advanced pores that can be performed at home. The following are some of them:

Scrub for advanced pores

Mix 2 tablespoons honey, an interpreted egg shell -1 tablespoon, add a pinch of sea salt. Apply the composition to the skin for a couple of minutes, rubbing, rinse abundantly with water.

Tonic from advanced pores

Many praise the matting tonic for the face from advanced pores and black dots, Green Mama. However, it is more suitable for oily skin, since along with the fight against advanced pores, the skin dries a little.

Salicylic acid for advanced pores

Salicylic and other acids, such as boron, must be used pointwise. Apply salicylic acid moistened with a cotton wool with a pimple, and the skin in this place will be disinfected.
Skin masks with advanced pores

Masks from extended pores are based on egg protein, which can be added:

        1. a small amount of juice lemon
        2. a couple of drops of boric acid
        3. tea spoon honey
        4. a teaspoon of sorrel leaves, finely chopped

In addition to homemade masks, you can buy in a pharmacy ointment from advanced pores or cream from advanced pores. In a series with them, as a therapeutic agent, you can also learn about clay for advanced pores. Remember only that the mask made of natural products always affects the skin better

Powder from advanced pores

In order to hide obvious skin imperfections: too distinguished black dots, redness, you can get a matting powder. Here you must determine the type of your skin and choose such a product strictly individually. But remember that the frequent use of “masking agents” lead to pore pollution, which means they need more frequent and intensive cleaning.

Lemon from expanded pores

The fastest way to cleanse and improve the skin is add a few drops lemon In clean water, and rinse your face with such a solution. This narrows the pores and cleanses the skin of bacteria.

Be healthy! Take care of yourself and your skin and take care of yourself. Your skin will always answer you with gratitude.

Video: how to remove advanced pores

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